The Library of Politehnica University Timișoara hosted on Friday, June 24, 2022, the international symposium "Der Wille zur Veränderung - das ist die Realität - 50 Jahre Aktionsgruppe Banat", organized on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of "Banat Action Group".
Politehnica University Timișoara, the Faculty of Communication Sciences and the UPT Library are partners of the international conference organized at the initiative of the Deutsches Kulturforum Östliches Europa in Germany (German Culture Forum for Central and Eastern Europe).
The famous event in Timișoara, held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of Banat Action Group, is a commendable initiative to remind the public of the group of German writers from Banat, a group founded in Timișoara in 1972.
In the welcome speech addressed to the participants by the rector of the Politehnica University Timișoara, associate professor Dr. Eng. Florin Dragan, Ph.D., he mentioned the Timisoara tradition of anti-communist resistance, which includes the establishment of the Banat Action Group, along with the multicultural tradition, the German ethnic group made a significant contribution to the development of Timisoara and Banat, both economically and culturally. And looking back at all these traditions, we have all the prerequisites to build in the future.
Also during the opening ceremony, the dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Prof. Dr. Daniel Dejica, Ph.D., underlined the tradition of excellence of Politehnica University of Timișoara both in terms of teaching and research, the anniversary event being a way for UPT to put this tradition into practice.
Politehnica University Timișoara also hosted, in 2019, a book launch - “The Whip of Contempt. The story of a stigmatized”, by Franz Xaver Kappus, a German writer and journalist born in Timișoara and famous all over the world primarily as a recipient of the letters of the great poet Rainer Maria Rilke (“Letters to a young poet”), published in 1929 -, event attended by two co-founding members of the Banat Action Group (Aktionsgruppe Banat), William Totok and Werner Kremm, who conducted the introductory study, respectively the German translation.
Former members of the Banat Action Group, such as Albert Bohn, Richard Wagner, Johann Lippet, Gerhard Ortinau, Anton Sterbling, William Totok, Ernest Wichner and Werner Kremm, attended the conference, along with academics and cultural figures, literary critics and historians, publicists and journalists.
This scientific event was attended by participants from Germany, Austria, Hungary and Romania, who celebrated 50 years since the establishment of this group which marks a culmination of German literature in Romania.