Politehnica University Timisoara

UPT celebrates one year since the beginning of the Together Online webinar series

UPT celebrates one year since the beginning of the Together Online webinar series

UPT celebrates one year since the beginning of the Together Online webinar series

19 April 2021






29 editions with over 10,000 attendees, along with 144 speakers, from over 30 partner institutions, in over 60 hours broadcast live on Zoom, Facebook and Youtube. Politehnica University Timisoara, via the e-Learning Center, celebrates one year since the beginning, of the series of practical webinars - #impreunaonline (together online), dedicated to education during the pandemic, on April 15, 2020.

In March 2020, the shutting of educational institutions accelerated both the transition to integrated use of online tools in education and the transition from traditional to online education. In a time of uncertainty, during the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face educational activities have been moved online, using applications, platforms and various tools and working methods for remote education. While the vast majority of education stakeholders have only worked in a traditional classroom, the pandemic has suddenly required them to adapt to online work and teaching, regroup quickly and prepare for a longer period of educational "social distancing".

#Impreunaonline community

To support everyone involved in the educational process, Politehnica University Timisoara, through the e-Learning Center, launched the series of national webinars Together Online. Beyond exchanging valuable information, resources and experiences, with the beginning of the series, the institution aims to build a strong community, in which teachers in universities and schools, students and pupils, people of culture and those involved in education, technology and innovation to find support and opportunities for collaboration. We want this community to keep growing and encourage collaborative work between institutions and individuals, teachers and students, but also those in the private or cultural sector, in the spirit of open education and free access to knowledge.

The Together Online webinars are organized in collaboration by IEEE Romania, the EDEN Association, the Romanian Alliance of Technical Universities and Politehnica University Timisoara, every week with guests from other universities, schools and institutions in Romania. They started on Wednesday, April 15, 2020, being scheduled weekly for the last year.

Over 10,000 participants from the university, pre-university and private environment

Within the 29 editions organized over the last year, the webinars had a total of over 10,000 participants, including teachers and stakeholders from structures in universities and schools, students, pupils, people of culture, but also those from the private sector, coming from dozens of localities in the country and abroad.

The Together online webinars aimed to respond to the challenges faced by those working in education, in the most practical way possible, in the spirit of open education and free access to knowledge. Each webinar was interactive, with Q&A sessions where participants could ask hundreds of questions to those in front of the screens. 144 speakers, together with 32 moderators, from over 30 partner institutions, joined the #impreunaonline movement, during over 60 hours of live broadcasts, simultaneously on Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.

Topics covered in the national webinars focused on:

• experiences of the transition from campus education to online education during the pandemic, among university and pre-university teachers, students, and pupils;

• challenges and opportunities for people in schools and universities during the pandemic, the use of open educational resources (OERs), online MOOCs, online learning platforms and new technologies in education, building digital education ecosystems;

• the impact of new technologies, AR & VR, and artificial intelligence in education, society and culture;

• innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship during the pandemic;

• promoting women in STEM.

9917 Digital Certificates Open Together Online

Access to the #impreunaonline webinars is free and is done by accessing the registration links provided each week on the official website of CeL - https://elearning.upt.ro, participation being recognized by an open digital certificate (Open Badge) "Together online". During the 29 editions, a total of 9917 open Certificates were issued, of which 9594 were of the Participant type, 144 of the Presenter type, and 32 of the Moderator type.

The recordings of the webinars, as well as some presentations of the attendees and details about each edition are available on: https://elearning.upt.ro/ro/impreuna-online/.

Dr. Diana Andone, Ph.D., the director of the UPT e-Learning Center, declared: “We kicked off these webinars at a critical time for national education, in a period when we felt we needed to join forces more than anything, out of the desire to connect people and institutions, and share resources and information in the spirit of open education and free access to knowledge, and, especially, to cooperate for a better world. The response to our call exceeded our expectations and I would like to thank everyone who answered our invitation and joined the #impreunaonline community, everyone who contributed with interesting presentations and valuable information, those who attended the 29 editions, interacted with us and supported us with thousands of messages encouraging us to continue, hope and promote collaboration between people and institutions as a means for building the education of the future. On behalf of the CeL team, we thank you for being #impreunaonline (together online) over the last year”

The webinar series continues in the same manner starting in May, every Wednesday, hosted by the e-Learning Center team. The webinars will feature guests from various institutions and backgrounds, hot, interesting topics that are relevant for those involved in education, innovation, culture and the #impreunaonline community.

UPT sărbătorește un an de la debutul seriei de webinarii Împreună Online
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