Politehnica University Timisoara

UPT in support of disadvantaged communities from Serbia and România

UPT in support of disadvantaged communities from Serbia and România

The InclusiveArt project

13 February 2018






Politehnica University Timișoara, through the eLearning Center, is a partner, alongside the Intercultural Institute of Timișoara, in a project to support the disadvantaged communities from Serbia and România, a project funded through România-Serbia Interreg Cross-border Cooperation Program.

The InclusiveArt project aims to facilitate access to culture for disadvantaged children and young people from 12 communities from România (Timiş, Caraş-Severin, Mehedinţi) and Serbia (Severnobanatski, Srednjebanatski, Južnobanatski, Braničevski, Borski, Podunavski).

On this line, 40 people, young people under 35 years old with interests in the creative entrepreneurship area, who take part in a training course, organized between February 12 and 17, 2018, organized by the e-Learning Center of the Politehnica University Timișoara.

24 of these young people will be selected and will receive financial resources to initiate creative projects in deprived communities in those areas. The training will be complemented by a new course of cultural and educational animators, the 24 young people going to work with disadvantaged children, the target group being represented by young unemployed, disadvantaged groups from the rural area but also urban, young Gypsies, migrants or children with parents working abroad.

UPT în sprijinul comunităților defavorizate din Serbia și Romania
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