Politehnica University Timisoara

UPT is involved in increasing the employment opportunities of young people

UPT is involved in increasing the employment opportunities of young people

UPT is involved in increasing the employment opportunities of young people

27 September 2019





Politehnica University Timisoara coordinates a cross-border project worth about 200,000 euros, financed in proportion of 85% of non-reimbursable European funds, in partnership with the " Nikola Tesla" High School in Vrsac, which aims to increase the employment opportunities of young people in the Romania-Serbia border area. More specifically, it is desired to strengthen the collaborative relationship in the educational institutions, both high schools and universities, and the economic environment in the border area between Romania and Serbia.

The project " Through knowledge to business and smart development of Banat", acronym Know to Develop, which launched on Friday, September 27, 2019, at the Conference Center of Politehnica University Timisoara, aims to create the organizational and institutional conditions for the cross-border improvement and in the network of education, knowledge and skills that will respond to the needs of the economy and the labor market.

The added value of the project is the creation of a multidisciplinary team (teacher, employer, young person), who will develop and implement each activity of the project through a personalized approach for each situation.

The project focuses on IT technologies and management systems, which will encourage and support innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and the knowledge-based economy of young people in the Romanian-Serbian border area.

The target group consists of:

• 70 young people (especially unemployed) from the cross-border area, aged between 16-24, who will be involved in workshops and trainings, with the purpose of increasing the degree of employability;

• 20 Romanian and Serbian teachers will benefit from trainings in the fields of IT, management and entrepreneurship;        

• 10 Romanian and Serbian employers will be involved in the TES program, in the training and counseling activities organized for the young people from the target group in order to help them develop the necessary skills in the labor market.        

Indirectly, as a result of the project results, it is anticipated that, along with the young people who represent the target group of the project, there will be a number of secondary beneficiaries, such as secondary school teachers, higher education institutions, economic agents, local public authorities and other stakeholders in the region's population.

The project is funded under the 2018 Interreg- IPA Cross- border Cooperation Program Romania-Serbia, 2014-2020, concluded between Romania and Serbia through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). The implementing authority is the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration. The total value of the project is 195168.75 Euro, out of which 85% represents the EU contribution (UPT value, 97 579.65 Euro, partner value 97 589.10 Euro).


UPT se implică în creșterea oportunităților de angajare a tinerilor
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