Politehnica University Timisoara

UPT results at the Traian Vuia Invention Salon

UPT results at the Traian Vuia Invention Salon

34 medals, 8 special awards, and 11 diplomas of excellence

16 October 2020






The members of Politehnica University Timișoara team, coordinated by Corneliu Birtok Băneasă, professor at the Faculty of Engineering in Hunedoara of UPT and a constant presence at most invention salons in the country and abroad, presented the latest 34 inventions, research projects, stands didactic and even weekend inventions at the International Salon Traian Vuia 2020, an event organized by the Society of Inventors of Banat in partnership with SC REMIR SRL, reached its sixth edition, which took place online from 13 to 15 October 2020.

After the deliberation of the specialized jury, the team of Politehnica University Timișoara was rewarded with 20 gold medals, 7 silver medals, 7 bronze medals, 8 special awards, and 11 diplomas of excellence, as follows:

  • Gold Medal, CNMN-UP Special Award - Device for reducing the microbiological load of expired air by mechanically ventilated patients (authors: Ordodi Laurențiu Valentin, Dumitrel Gabriela Alina, Pană Ana-Maria, Todea Anamaria, Mâțiu-Iovan Liliana, Ionel Raul Ciprian, Săndesc Dorel, Bedreag Ovidiu Horea, Păpurică Marius, Rogobete Alexandru Florin, Simion Ion, Motica Alin, Groapă Dan Sergiu, Păunescu Virgil, Bojin Maria Florina, Gavriliuc Oana Isabela), which allows the reduction of the microbiological load of expired air by ventilated patients before it reaches the atmosphere of the intensive care unit.
  • Gold Medal - Cylindrical multi-hollow briquette produced of ferrous pulverous waste (Hepuț Teodor, Crișan Eugen, Ardelean Erika, Socalici Ana, Ardelean Marius);
  • Gold Medal - Electrical installation for disinfecting the air and surfaces of public transport (authors: Pavel Ştefan, Ungureanu Daniel-Viorel, Bînzar Alexandru, Tutelcă Ancuţa Letiţia, Suciu Siviu Cristian, Popoiu Călin Marius);
  • Gold Medal - Installation for remote monitoring of soil corrosion of metal constructions covered and not covered with zinc (authors: Pavel Ştefan, Ungureanu Daniel-Viorel, Bînzar Alexandru, Moldovan Aurel);
  • Gold Medal, Diploma of Excellence Continental - Control method for an automatic capacitive compensator designed to improve the power factor and load balancing in three-phase electrical networks with four conductors (author: Pană Adrian);
  • Gold Medal - Self-Adaptive Mechanical Reducer with Variable Gear Ratio (authors: Romeo Cătălinoiu; Sorin Aurel Rațiu; Imre Zsolt Miklos);
  • Gold Medal - Economic system for automatic adjustment of the power factor, with capacitor banks, in three-phase low-voltage installations (authors: Popa Gabriel Nicolae, Diniș Corina Maria, Popa Iosif);
  • Gold Medal - Device for measuring the large inner or outer diameters (authors: Popa Gabriel Nicolae, Diniș Corina Maria, Popa Iosif);
  • Gold Medal - Automatic siphon installation (authors: Popa Gabriel Nicolae, Popa Iosif);
  • Gold Medal - The inverted super absorbing filter (author: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Gold Medal, Special Prize INMA - W super absorbing air filter (author: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Gold Medal, Justin Capră Special Award - Drift super-aspirating air filter (author: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Gold Medal, Special SciEdTEch Award - “Dexter's Laboratory” educational program (authors: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă, Adina Berghian Budiul, Diana Stoica, Oana Găianu);
  • Gold Medal, Diploma of Excellence Justin Capră - Intelligent control system for continuous casting based on water flow control in the secondary cooling (author: Gelu-Ovidiu Tirian);
  • Gold Medal, CNMN-UP Special Award - SeptoBirCor (author: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă), a hand sanitizer based on natural ingredients (alcohol, bee products, antiseptic oils). SeptoBirCor has a double effect: disinfecting and also hydrating the hands, eliminating side effects such as dehydration, irritation, and skin cracks;
  • Gold Medal, Diploma of Excellence Continental - Development of Experimental Laboratory of Applied Ergonomics (authors: Popa Mihaela, Topor Marcel, Dascăl Amalia);
  • Gold Medal, USAMV Bucharest Special Award - Air by Corneliu - Weekend inventions (author: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Gold Medal, CNMN-UPB Special Award, Diploma of Excellence Continental - Antik “Energy Tree” charging station (authors: students Sapta Doru Ioan, Marinuț Gabriel Paul, Chira Sorina Mihaiela, Mândru Gabriel Daniel) is a multifunctional device based on renewable energy, in order to solve the problem of the modern citizen who often when in public, ends up having to charge his mobile device, but does not have access to a power source. It is made of durable materials regardless of weather conditions, with various modern technologies to provide its user with a pleasant experience. Antik Energy Tree aims to increase the autonomy of mobile devices, in an Eco-Friendly design.
  • Gold Medal - Research stand designed to measure the force parameters and the length of the contact arc for symmetrical and asymmetrical longitudinal lamination (author: Vasile Alexa);
  • Gold Medal - Application for generating the 3D models of linear hydraulic motors (authors: Bogdan-Dorel Cioroagă, Vasile George Cioată, Vasile Alexa);
  • Traian Vuia Special Award, Traian Vuia Diploma of Excellence - for his contribution to the development of Romanian invention - Corneliu Birtok Băneasă;
  • Silver Medal - Experimental plant for resistance to thermal fatigue (author: Camelia Pinca Bretotean);
  • Silver Medal, Diploma of Excellence Continental - Metal gland for large diameter electrical cables (authors: Ciortea Dan, Popa Gabriel Nicolae);
  • Silver Medal - Integrated heat deflector (author: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Silver Medal - The attempt to traction the insulation of the cable lay-ups from cars (authors: Teodor Vasiu, Adina Budiul Berghian, Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Silver Medal, Diploma of Excellence Justin Capră - CFD-assisted analysis and optimization of filtration module from an internal combustion engine (author: Robert Bucevschi);
  • Silver Medal, Diploma of Excellence Justin Capră - High quality cast iron used in rolling stock braking systems (authors: Bucur Flavius, Socalici Ana, Putan Vasile, Josan Ana);
  • Silver Medal, Diploma of Excellence Continental - CP4 experimental stand - Dexter's Laboratory (authors: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă, Tudor Dinu Ioniță, Adina Budiul Berghian, Gabriel Daniel Iordachi);
  • Bronze Medal - Experimental didactic stand for the study of road vehicle transmissions (author: Amalia Ana Dascăl);
  • Bronze Medal, Diploma of Excellence Justin Capră - Autonomous Compressor Grinder - ACG (authors: Iulian Marian Tomesc, Adina Budiul Berghian, Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Bronze Medal - Experimental stand for the study of mandrels with bilateral chuck collets (authors: Vasile George Cioată, Vasile Alexa, Lidia Simona Dece);
  • Bronze Medal - Bar rolling device (authors: Bogdan-Dorel Cioroagă, Vasile George Cioată, Vasile Alexa);
  • Bronze Medal - Dynamic device for air transfer (author: Corneliu Birtok Băneasă);
  • Bronze Medal - Dry cylindrical type electrostatic precipitator with parallelepiped housing (author: Popa Gabriel Nicolae);
  • Bronze Medal, Diploma of Excellence Justin Capră - Semi-automatic stand for determining the defects in the assembly phase of the seat belt socket element (Vasile Alexa, Vasile George Cioată, Ioan Daniel Buta).
Bilanțul UPT la Salonul de Inventică Traian Vuia
Bilanțul UPT la Salonul de Inventică Traian Vuia
Bilanțul UPT la Salonul de Inventică Traian Vuia
Bilanțul UPT la Salonul de Inventică Traian Vuia
Bilanțul UPT la Salonul de Inventică Traian Vuia
Bilanțul UPT la Salonul de Inventică Traian Vuia
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