Politehnica University Timisoara

UPT strengthens its position in international rankings

UPT strengthens its position in international rankings

UPT strengthens its position in international rankings

24 October 2019






Near the entry in the year 100 of its existence, Politehnica University Timisoara consolidates its presence in the international rankings, thus confirming, once again, the tradition and prestige enjoyed at national and international level, the status of an institution of education and research excellence, but and the university with a high degree of confidence.

In the Times Higher Education ranking for the year 2020, recently published, Politehnica University Timisoara is included for the first time, among the 1396 world-class universities, which met the minimum criteria for listing, of the approximately 30,000 existing universities. Only nine universities in Romania met the minimum criteria for inclusion in the Times Higher Education classification.

The Times Higher Education classification for the field of Engineering and Technology includes 1008 institutions worldwide (out of about 9,000, comprising engineering and technology structures), while Politehnica University Timisoara ranks 601-800 worldwide. According to this classification, UPT is in the second place among the Romanian universities and in the first place among the technical universities.

The criteria that underpinned the Times Higher Education ranking are the quality of the educational process and the learning environment, the quality of the research, reflected in volume, revenue and reputation indicators, and its impact reflected in citations, the degree of internationalization of the university analyzed from the students' perspective, teachers and international partners and the transfer of knowledge to the socio- economic environment . The strengths, which were the basis of the position occupied by UPT, are the quality of scientific research, the revenues attracted from the research contracts (national, international grants and contracts with the economic / industrial environment) and the international visibility, expressed both through mobility and cooperation. international scientific.

Also recently, the US News classification in engineering was published.

The classification by domain considers, in the vision of US News, publications that use mathematics and science to realize the design, construction and use of structures, equipment and systems in fields such as aerospace, electrical, mechanical, construction, nuclear energy, artificial intelligence, robotics, etc. The indicators underlying the classification include the total number of engineering publications, the standardized impact of citations, the total number of citations, the number and percentage of publications that are among the 10% most cited, the number and percentage of publications made through international collaboration, the number and percentage publications that are among the 1% most cited, the reputation globally and regionally (both based on expert opinion polls).

The score based on these indicators places UPT on the 573th place in the world, out of the approximately 9000 universities that have engineering and research programs in the portfolio, an important contribution to this position having a regional reputation (Europe, place 33). In the same ranking, the scientific works in the engineering field of the UPT, which are in the Top 1% most quoted, place Politehnica University Timisoara in the 260th position worldwide.

UPT in clasamentele internationale
UPT in clasamentele internationale
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