Politehnica University Timisoara

UPT, the best university in Romania in the fields of informatics, computers, and electronics

UPT, the best university in Romania in the fields of informatics, computers, and electronics

Politehnica University Timisoara ranks 449th in the world ranking

27 August 2020






Politehnica University Timisoara was ranked as the best university in Romania in the Top 2020 of the best universities with study programs in the fields of informatics, computers, and electronics, published by Guide2Research, one of the top research portals in these areas. Politehnica University Timisoara ranks 449th in the world ranking.

The ranking, based on H-index and DBLP publications, was devised to provide the academic community more visibility and exposure to research contributions made by leading institutions in the field of computer science, computers, and electronics. The Hirsch Index (H-index) is an instrument for evaluating the scientific results of researchers and academic institutions and a criterion for quantifying their scientific impact by citations count. The DBLP is the largest database indexing scientific papers in the fields of computer science and electronics.

The position a university takes in the ranking is based on a sum of the H-index values ​​of all the top computer scientists affiliated with the institution. To be considered a top scientist, their Hirsch Index has to be at least 40, provided that most of their scientific work is in the field of informatics, computer science, and electronics and is indexed in the DBLP.

In the Guide2Research ranking, Politehnica University Timișoara is present with two prestigious researchers in the field, with a total value of the Hirsch index of 89 and a total of 254 DBLP publications:

  • Prof. eng. Radu-Emil Precup, Ph.D., corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computers;
  • Prof. eng. Ștefan Preitl, Ph.D., director of the Scientific Research Center in Automation and Computers within Politehnica University Timişoara during 2001-2011.

The ranking represents the H-index and DBLP values ​​collected until 25 August 2020 and is based on a detailed examination of more than 6000 profiles of engineers and computer scientists from Google Scholar and DBLP.

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