Politehnica University Timisoara

Use of geothermal energy, promoted at UPT

Use of geothermal energy, promoted at UPT

Use of geothermal energy, promoted at UPT

19 September 2019






Renewable energies, sustainable development, are terms, but also values ​​that are becoming more and more imposed in today's society. Not accidentally, these are values ​​assumed by Politehnica University Timisoara through its own mission, both in terms of the educational component and the research component.

This line also includes the German-Romanian Business Forum for financing projects in the field of geothermal energy in Timisoara and Timis County, event that took place on Thursday, September 19, 2019, at the UPT Library, in the organization of Politehnica University Timisoara and of the Association of Engineers. Installations in Romania, the Banat-Timișoara branch.

The event brought together renowned specialists in the field of research, financing and implementation of projects aimed at harnessing geothermal energy, within the City Hall of Timisoara, the Association of Inter-Community Development Timisoara Growth Pole, the Regional Development Agency ADR West, the Steinbeis Foundation, the Association of Installations Engineers in Romania.

Within the forum were presented the development programs of the city of Timișoara and the county of Timiș, the projects realized in the field of energy efficiency in the county of Timiș, the researches in the field of renewable energies developed within Politehnica University Timisoara, the objectives of the Steinbeis Foundation, the possibilities of exploiting the geothermal energy and especially in the western part of the country. At the same time, the possibilities for future cooperation were established.

A number of associations and bodies operating in the field of geothermal energy have recently launched a campaign in European Union countries aimed at increasing the use of geothermal energy, which is renewable, free and available in any location.

Utilizarea energiei geotermale, promovată la UPT
Utilizarea energiei geotermale, promovată la UPT
Utilizarea energiei geotermale, promovată la UPT
Utilizarea energiei geotermale, promovată la UPT
Utilizarea energiei geotermale, promovată la UPT
Utilizarea energiei geotermale, promovată la UPT
Utilizarea energiei geotermale, promovată la UPT
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