Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Awarding date: 28.05.2021
- Professor Jan AWREJCEWICZ was born on August 26, 1952 in Telesze, Poland. He graduated the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics specialization, within the Lodz University of Technology, where he received his Engineer’s Degree in 1977. After that, he enrolled in a PhD program at the Lodz University of Technology, and in 1981 he defended his PhD thesis in the field of Mechanics.
- He started his career at Lodz University of Technology, where in 1994 he became professor. Between 1998 and 2012, he was the Head of the Department of Automation and Biomechanics and starting from 2012 he is the Head of Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics, which is founded by Professor Awrejcewicz.
- As recognition of his scientific results, in 2005 he was appointed Member of The Academy of Engineering in Poland and in 2016 he was appointed Correspondent Member of Polish Academy of Sciences. He received the Doctor Honoris Causa Award from 6 European universities. Professor Jan AWREJCEWICZ is a top-class researcher in the field of mechanics and dynamical systems.
- The entire scientific activity of Prof. Dr. Jan AWREJCEWICZ was mainly targeted at the field of mechanical engineering, with significant theoretical contributions in Mechanics, Biomechanics, Mechatronics, Dynamical Systems, and Control. His remarkable results obtained in research and innovation, respectively in research management, include numerous significant Polish and European project to which is added a registered patent in the field of biomechanics.
- As a good friend of the Politehnica University of Timişoara, Prof. Dr. Jan AWREJCEWICZ was – over the years – in permanent contact with Timişoara and with Politehnica University. He participated in many scientific conferences held in UPT; he was invited and accepted unreservedly the position of Keynote Speaker for conferences organized in Timisoara. The lectures were given at a very high scientific and technical level. Professor Jan AWREJCEWICZ is also an outstanding member of the Scientific Committee and an active reviewer for the series of conferences AVMS organized by Politehnica University of Timişoara and published by Springer Verlag. Professor Jan AWREJCEWICZ promoted and collaborated with the Politehnica University, by facilitating visits of UPT faculty members to the prestigious research and education institution in Poland.
Technical University of Hamburg
Awarded on: 12.11.2020
- Hermann Rohling was born on December 5, 1946 in Melle, Germany.
- Professor Hermann Rohling is a renowned specialist in the field of telecommunications, especially in the field of signal processing and estimation and decision theory, being a personality known and recognized worldwide for his contributions in these fields.
- Professor Rohling is the co-founder of the SMS Smart Microwave Sensors GmbH and is involved in over 30 patents.
- There is a long-term collaboration between UPT and TUHH both in the field of education, through various Erasmus-Socrates programs and in the field of research. Between the Communications departments of the two technical universities there is a close relationship of collaboration materialized by: mutual support of scientific events, student exchanges, collaboration on international research contracts. This collaboration began after the 1990s and materialized through a program Tempus. The collaboration continued through the careful selection of valuable students from the Communications department of UPT in order to prepare the diploma projects and doctoral theses at TUHH. After several years of working in Professor Rohling's research team, these former students were hired by international companies based in Germany or Romania and came to lead teams of highly regarded experts in the leading fields of the electronics industry and telecommunications, some of them operating even in Timisoara. The collaboration continued through an FP 7 grant, entitled "ARTRAC Advanced Radar Tracking and Classification for Enhanced Road Safety" number 284740 FP7, carried out in 2011-2014, led by Professor Hermann Rohling. On the occasion of this grant, Professor Rohling visited UPT again, giving lectures on the use of radar sensors in cars. Also, Professor Rohling was actively involved in organizing the 2014 edition of the International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETc) being one of the plenary speakers of the conference.
Technical University of München
Awarded on: 03.10.2019
- Ewald A. Werner was born in Austria in 1956. He graduated from Kennett High School (Kennnett Square, PA, USA) in 1973 and from Leoben High School (Leoben, Austria) in 1974, and he is Professor and Chair of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials from TU Munchen, Head of State Laboratory for Material Testing in Mechanical Engineering, Germany.
- Throughout his career the researches were focused on the development, processing and testing of new materials such as low alloyed TRIP-, interstitial free-, bake hardening-, ferritic-martensitic-, ferritic-bainitic- and ferritic-austenitic-duplex-steels, metal matrix, composites, aluminum, nickel, titanium and high-entropy alloys for automotive, aeronautical, electronic and biomedical applications.
- Between Department of Mechanical Engineering from TU München and MRM and IMF from UPT, exists a close collaboration relationship materialized on: mutual support of scientific events (at AMS 2018 Conference organized by UP Timisoara a delegation from TU München participated, leaded by Prof. Werner), exchange of experienced researchers, exchange of experience of the management of UP Timisoara and TU München for identification of future collaboration directions, students exchange in the framework of Erasmus +. Also, Prof. Dr.-Eng. Ewald Werner will donate to the Library of UPT the collection of international journal Materials Science and Engineering: A Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, whose publisher he is.
Copenhagen Business School, Danemarca
Awarded on: 15.11.2018
- Gyde HANSEN is Professor Emerita of the Business Communication Department at the prestigious Copenhagen Business School (CBS), ranked 201-250 according to World University Rankings 2018.
- She is an ad vitam member of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST) and former vice-president of the Society for two mandates in the period 2004-2010.
- Gyde Hansen's publications are in the areas of comparative linguistics, textual analysis, textual stylistics, and translation studies. In the field of translation, her publications focus on empirical studies on translation processes, studies on the revision of translated texts and quality assessment of translations, as well as studies on the training of translators.
- The collaboration between Gyde Hansen and Politehnica University of Timişoara, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Department of Communication and Foreign Languages started in 2008.
Dr. Phys.
Attila Michael BILGIC
Managing Director of Ludwing KROHNE Gmbh & Co KG.
Awarded on: 17.05.2018
- The areas he focuses on are: integrated system architecture for multi-standards wireless communications, architecture for software and integrated systems, hardware-software co-design, measuring systems, intelligent sensors, sensors networks. His research and his published results are based on thorough knowledge of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics, creatively applied and capitalized knowledge especially in the areas of industrial applications, and not least with a special value related to research activity and industrial needs in the IT area.
- Dr. Bilgic has a long and fruitful cooperation with Politehnica University of Timișoara, which started in 2007 (he participated in a FP7 project, he lectured several time at UPT and he supported the creation of a framework agreement for Research-Development and Consultancy between UPT and KROHNE subsidiary from Romania.
Iwate Prefectural University, Japonia
Awarded on: 17.05.2018
- He is professor at Iwate Prefectural University (IPU), Iwate, Japan, and Director of the Information Systems Institute, directing 2 IPU labs: Intelligent Software Systems Laboratory and the Cognitive Systems Laboratory.
- He has directed and led many project on new software methodologies and intelligent systems, and he has published more than 100 papers in journals with high impact factors. He contributed in software related inventions and got several international industrial Patents on new software methods on tableau related development.
- Professor Hamido Fujita has a good cooperation with Politehnica University of Timișoara, he supports the organization of the IEEE International Symposia on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI) and he has published a paper in the Scientific Bulletin Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science.
Universitatea York din Toronto, Canada
Awarded on: 09.01.2017
- He was born on 23 December 1932 in the town of Nasaud, in Northern Transylvania, and he is one of the world's top specialists who revolutionized the training methods of athletes around the world. During his junior years, he was part of the national athletics team, and won several silver and bronze medals at the National Championships, in the pentathlon, javelin and discus competitions.
- Between 1960 and 1970, he served as Director of the Central Army House Sports Club, as university assistant professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara and the University of Bucharest, and as Athletic Director at Politehnica Timișoara Sports Club. Starting in 1960, he laid the foundations of new training methods for performance athletes, which were first published in the journal “Studies and Research” Politehnica Timişoara, T. BOMPA being part of the editorial board.
- As a coach, Bompa trained 11 medalists in various Olympics (2 gold medals) and World championships in two sport disciplines: track and field and rowing
Aalborg University Danemarca
Awarded on: 09.01.2017
- Dr. Eng. in Power electronics, IEEE Distinguished Lecturer at two societies (PELS and IAS)
- Activity: Power electronics, 1000 articles, 4 books, over 500 technical speeches delivered nationally and internationally, over 14500 citations in Web of science, supervised 70 doctoral theses, director of the International Doctoral School at Aalborg University, 20 years of collaboration with PUT,
- 17 IEEE awards.
München University
Awarded on: 31.03.2016
- Dr. eng. in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology;
- Activity: aeronautics, research of extraterrestrial space, green technologies for energy supply and use in communications, transport and security systems, director of MRI and DLR - German Aerospace Center, member in prestigious professional structures;
- IEEE Fellow for contributions to light and compliant robots.
Queensland Eye Institute, Brisbane, Australia
Awarded on: 01.10.2015
- Dr. Eng. in Chemistry, inventor of artificial cornea AlphaCor™ and orbital implant AlphaSphere™;
- Activity: the science of polymers, hydrogels, ophthalmic biomaterials, ophthalmic tissue engineering and regenerative ophthalmic medicine, supramolecular polymers, controlled release of bioactive agents and the history of science, investigated and reported for the first time the use of silk proteins as biomaterials in ophthalmic tissue engineering
- Emeritus member of the Politehnica Foundation Timisoara.
Peter George Oliver FREUND
Chicago University
Awarded on:
16 octombrie 2014
- Eng. in Electrotechnics (Politehnic Institute of Timișoara) and Dr. in Physics (University of Vienna);
- Activity: string theory (Freund-Harari hypothesis), physical phenomena in multi-dimensional spaces
Burkhard Joachim CORVES
Awarded on:
08 noiembrie 2013
- Dr. Eng. in Mechanical engineering;
- Activity: Research and development at Emmart Glass GmbH, Neuss (Germany) and Cham (Switzerland), Director of Mechanism Theory and Machine Dynamics Department at RWTH Aachen, President of IFToMM (Germany), Member of the Scientific Council of ZA Technology and Research Center Julich
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Hubert Josef ROTH
Siegen University, Germany
Awarded on:
10 octombrie 2013
- Dr. Eng. in regulation technique;
- Activity: regulation and telematics engineering, ROSAD satellite positioning and motion control with X-ray telescope, promotion of international university institutional relations (Germany with 14 other countries)
Professor Gheorghiţa JINESCU
Politehnica University, Bucharest
Awarded on:
- Dr. Eng. In Chemical engineering, member of ASTR;
- Activity: the first Romanian professor in Chemical Engineering, 600 works in the field of process engineering
- Awards and excellence diplomas in chemistry.

Professor Branislav TODOROVIC
Awarded on:
- Activity: HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning), professor at Belgrade University and South-East University in Nanjing, editor of Energy & Buildings journals (Elsevier), Serbian HVAC;
- Prizes and medals of the Yugoslav government, of the Fulbright Foundation, ASHRAE, HERVA, AHR Timisoara.
His Majesty
Awarded on: 27.12.2010
- PUT awarded the title as a sign of gratitude for the outstanding human, intellectual and political qualities demonstrated during the period when He ruled - that is, in the most difficult decade of Romania's modern existence - as well as in the years when He was the main reference of thought and genuine political actions of exile, a symbol of moral resistance to the aggression and domination of communist totalitarianism, but also during the post-communist years.
”Obuda” University Budapest
Awarded on:
- Degree and doctorate in Mathematics-operational research, Associate Professor (D.Sc.) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Activity: Vice-rector in charge with research and strategic development, mathematics, information technology, soft-computing and artificial intelligence, 2 monographs, 6 volumes, 27 book chapters, 60 articles and over 140 papers at conferences and symposia;
- Prizes, awards, nominations in national and international professional committees.

Romanian Academy
Awarded on:
- Member of the Romanian Academy and Academy of Sciences of Moldova, member of SiE (Simulation Europe), ATIC, PITCH
- Activity: industrial computer systems, analysis and design of discrete automatic systems, 6 monographs, 11 volumes, over 70 papers;
- Prizes: "Grigore Moisil", "Person of the Year 1999" (INFOREC), DHC of "Lucian Blaga" University (Sibiu), the National Order "Faithful Service" in rank of "Great Cross".
French Institute of Advanced Mechanics in Clermont-Ferrand
Awarded on: 09.10.2008
- Dr. Eng. In Mechanical Engineering, dr. Eng. in Robotics, degree in Wood Industry, degree in International Economic Relations;
- Activity: Mechanisms, machines and robots, 5 books, over 180 articles, 8 international patents and 23 national patents, professor at I.F.M.A.

POLITEHNICA University, Bucharest
Awarded on: 17.01.2008
- Dr. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, Member of ASTR - president of "Mechanical Engineering" chair
- Activity: process and technological equipment, applications in engineering sciences, physics and medicine, 22 volumes, 187 scientific papers, 4 invention patents;
- Awards: "Aurel Vlaicu" (Romanian Academy), "Opera Omnia" (CNCSIS), AGIR diploma.

AII România
Awarded on: 24.05.2007
- Dr. Eng. in constructions, member of the Central European Academy of Sciences and Arts;
- Activity: construction installations and equipment, management at government and university level (Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest); over 250 scientific papers.
Academician JOZSEF BOKOR
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Awarded on: 17.05.2007
- Member of the Sciences Academy of Hungary
- Activity: Automation, system and robust systems theory, director of the Department of Automation of Transport Systems, scientific director of the Research Institute for Automation and Computer Science, over 300 papers;
- Otto Benedikt Medal for Contribution to Science and Education, Szechenyi Prize, promotes Budapest Tech-PUT collaboration.
Technical University Graz
Awarded on: 15.05.2007
- Dr. Eng. in Construction economy,
- Activity: hydraulic infrastructure, treatment and purification of waste water and environmental protection, dean, chair of the international research project "Network of Competences - Water", 3 books, 72 scientific papers, 48 lectures and conferences.
E.N.S.T. of Bretagne
Awarded on: 01.02.2007
- Electronic engineer;
- Activity: electronics and telecommunication, initiator of the "Algorithm-Silicon Interaction” research field, director of TAMCIC laboratory of CNRS; Founder of the NEWCOM Network of Excellence; 59 articles in highly prestigious journals and books, initiator of the agreement of double engineer diploma of ENST-B and UPT;
- Awards: "Best Work Published in IEEE Transactions on Communications (1997), Ampere Medal, Montgolfier Award, France Telecom's Innovation Award, IEEE Hamming Medal, Marconi Prize and Chaptal Award, Knight's Legion of Honor (Higher Education and Research France).
“Pierre et Marie Curie University” from Paris, France
Awarded on: 09.06.2005
- Dr. in Physics, a physical engineer;
- Activity: ESR spin resonance, quantum electronics, director of the Department of Continuing Education, promotes the concept of Continuing Education;
- Prizes: MELSENS Award of the French National Industry Incentive Society, Knight of the National Merit Order, MELSENS 'Great Medal for Teaching, Palmes Academique Medalist.
Applied Sciences University “Budapest Tech”
Awarded on: 12.05.2005
- Dr. in robotics, degree in IT and Information Technology, IEEE Fellow; IFAC Committee, the Hungarian Robotics Association
- Activity: Director of the Department of Information Technology, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Budapest, 280 scientific papers under the aegis of IFAC, IEEE, IFSA, ECC, HFA.
- President of the Hungarian Fuzzy Association, Vice President of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, promoter of the PUT - Budapest Tech collaboration.

Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Awarded on: 08.04.2005
- Doctor of Engineering in Construction Engineering;
- Activity: microclimate and construction facilities, over 440 scientific publications in 11 languages, 24 books / treatises;
- Distinctions and medals: "Alpar Ignac" Medal, "Macskasy" Medal, ETE Award, Szechenyi Prize
Technical University of Munich
Awarded on: 24.02.2005
- Dr. Eng. in Chemistry;
- Activity: inorganic chemistry, organometallic chemistry and catalytic processes (universities of Munich, Regensburg and Frankfurt), president of the Technical University of Munich; over 650 articles, 50 patents, 40 chapters in books and monographs
- Awards granted by international scientific forums.
Academician IONEL HAIDUC
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
Awarded on: 09.11.2004
- Member of the Romanian Academy, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova and of the Europea Academy, London, Dr. in Chemistry
- Activity: coordinative and organometallic chemistry, rector of "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, 330 articles published in specialized journals, 8 published books.
President of Fraunhofer Germany
Awarded on: 20.05.2004
- Dr. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering;
- Activity: work science, industrial organization, technology management, man - machine interaction, service engineering, director of the Fraunhofer Stuttgart Manufacturing and Automation Institute; Professor at Stuttgart University, over 1,000 specialist articles, books;
- Orders of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Awarded on: 17.03.2004
- Dr. Eng. in Chemical Engineering, member of AOSR, SCR, SRC and SIC, respectively of the European Ceramic Society;
- Activity: Oxidic materials science, leader positions at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the Romanian Government and the Romanian Parliament, over 150 published scientific papers, 1 invention, 3 books.
POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Awarded on: 22.05.2003
- Member of the Romanian Academy and the Francophone Academy of Engineers, IEEE member, dr. in Theoretical Electrotechnics,
- Activity: electrotechnics, professor at PUB, more than 90 published scientific articles, 10 encyclopaedic works, books and manuals, a patent for invention, coordinator of the English-Romanian, Romanian-English Standardized Electro-technical Terminology Dictionary;
- Distinctions of the Scientific Council of the Association of partly or completely French language Universities and the University of French Expression Networks.
President of Romania
Awarded on: 06.12.2002
- Eng. In Energy
- Professional activity: energy projections, National Water Council, Director of the Technical Publishing House, books, articles and professional and socio-political studies
- Political Activity: Minister for Youth Affairs, Vice-President of Timis County Council, President of Iasi County Council, founder of UASR, President of Romania.
Kathrein Werke KG,
Awarded on: 18.10.2002
- PhD in Industrial Organization, Licensed in Economics, Honorary Professor at the Rosenheim University and the ETC Faculty of UPT
- Activity: Manager, Chairman of the Foreign Trade Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bayern and Obermunchen), Vice President of the United Bavarian Economy;
- Orders and medals of international forums.
Awarded on: 19.09.2002
- Eng in Electronic Computers,
- Activity: Computers, ITC - Electronic Memory and Computing Technology Components Timisoara, General Manager at Datatim Timisoara, CEO at Alcatel Network System Romania;
- Awards and distinctions: "Knight of the Legion of Honor National Order" (France), International Data Group Romania Excellence Awards and Timişoara City Hall
Technical Construction University Bucharest
Awarded on : 18.04.2002
- Member of the Romanian Academy and "Scientiarum et Artium Europaea" Academy, member of ASTR, PhD in Thermotechnics, DrHc of several universities in the country;
- Activity: Thermotechnics, preparation of high purity water, of noble gas separation and cryogenics, Polytechnic Institute of Cluj, Babes Bolyai University of Cluj, Bucharest Institute of Constructions, Director of the "G" Plant in Râmnicu Vâlcea and the Institute of Cryogenics and Isotopic Separations, 6 books and manuals, over 80 papers, 30 patents.
Applied Sciences University Gelsekirchen
Awarded on: 14.02.2002
- Degree in Marketing, PhD in Political Sciences;
- Activity: Statistics, founding rector of the Gelsenkirchen University of Applied Sciences, member of the RFG Scientific Council, chairman of the Emscher Lippe Agency (ELA), government expert of the Baden Wurtenberg Land and Bayern Land.
Conegliano – Italia
Awarded on: 28.09.2001
- Dr. Eng. in Industrial Economy;
- Activity: Executive Chairman of the "Zoppas Industries" Group in Conegliano - Italy, Honorary Consul of Austria in Venice;
- Knight of Labor, decorated with the "Grand Cross" (Austria).
INSA Rennes-Franta
Awarded on: 17.09.2001
- Dr. Eng. Hydrodynamics, PhD in Physics;
- Activity: steel and composite steel-concrete constructions, professor at INSA Rennes, director of the Mechanics of Structures and Materials of the Rennes Research Group, responsible for the Rennes Mechanical University Association, 20 treatises, books and engineering design norms, 187 scientific papers.
Academician TOMA DORDEA
"Politehnica" University of Timişoara
Awarded on: 25.01.2001
- Member of the Romanian Academy, of the Francophone Academy of Engineers and ASTR, PhD in Electrical Engineering, DrHc of several universities in Romania;
- Activity: electric machines and apparatuses, expert of the Ministry of Electric Power, vice-rector of PUT, 8 books, over 80 papers, 4 patents.
Politehnica University of Bucharest
Awarded on: 12.10.2000
- Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, PhD Eng.in Electrical Systems Automation, degree in Power Engineering;
- Activity: automatics, adaptive systems and artificial intelligence, rector of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, over 170 works, 14 books, president of CNCSIS.
National School of Bridges and Roads Paris-France
Awarded on: 13.09.1999
- Master of Science in Construction, member of ASBE, of the International Association of Bridges and Roof Framework, correspondent member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences;
- Activity: constructions with steel and concrete structures, professor, vice president of the French Civil Society Association, president of CEN / TC 250 / SC3, 7 treatises or books, numerous scientific papers in periodicals, and conferences.
"Politehnica" University of Timişoara
Awarded on: 10.06.1999
- Member of the Romanian Academy, electromechanical engineer, associate professor of science, member of the New York Academy of Sciences;
- Activity: hydrodynamics of turbomachines, cavitation, magnetic fluids and related phenomena, rector of PUT, CNST member, CNCS, 5 monographs and treatises, over 230 articles, 6 inventions;
- Socii Ordinami in Academia Scientiarom et Artium Europaea.
Ruhr Universitatea of Bochum
Awarded on: 13.10.1998
- Dr. Eng. in Chemistry; member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences in Kiev, Max Planck Society
- Activity: Inorganic Chemistry, Gmelin Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, 250 articles, author of 9 volumes from Gmelin-Handbuch der Anorganishen Chemie.
Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
Awarded on: 30.06.1998
- Dr. Eng. in Physics,
- Activity: Atmospheric radioactivity and aerosol physics, magnetism and magnetic materials, thermodynamics of magnetic fluids, professor at the universities of Bremen, Wuppertal, Stuttgart and Munich, 116 articles, Material Physics Treaty, Mechanics volume, government adviser in administration matters in higher education.
Technical University Braunschweig
Awarded on: 13.10.1998
- Dr. Eng. In Chemistry, member of the German Chemists' Society and the American Society of Chemistry;
- Activity: chemistry of phosphorus and fluorine compounds, professor at the Loughborough University of Technology in England, and the Technical University of Braunschweig, over 50 articles.
Technical University of Stuttgart
Awarded on: 23.01.1997
- Dr. Eng. in Manipulators and Robotics, member of 12 scientific organizations from Germany, England, Japan, United States, Israel and Sweden;
- Activity: construction of industrial robots, robotics technology and robots used in practice, IPA director- Stuttgart, president of the International Robotics Association, 20 volumes, 300 articles about robots.
Technology Institute of Kanawaga
Awarded on: 17.10.1996
- Member of several scientific societies in Japan
- Activity: material resistance, distortion speeds and shocks, professor emeritus at Tokyo University and Kanagawa Institute of Technology, over 100 scientific studies.
Romanian Academy
Awarded on: 25.01.1996
- Member of the Romanian Academy,
- Activity: Mathematical sciences, Social Sciences, Diplomacy, Minister in the Romanian Governments, co-founder of the European Cultural Center, President of the Black Sea University Foundation, mathematics and philosophy studies;
- Doctor Honoris Causa at Chebaksari University.
Politehnica University of Bucharest
Awarded on: 23.04.1996
- Member and president of the Romanian Academy,
- Actvity: applied mechanics, professor, author of numerous treatises and studies in the field of solid mechanics applied in engineering.
Romanian Academy
Awarded on: 07.03.1996
- Member and President of the Romanian Academy, member of the European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters and DrHc of the University of Poitiers;
- Activity: Lubrication, transsonic and supersonic energies, aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, collaborator at NASA and the American Atomic Energy Commission - Naval Research, over 200 articles and 18 treatises;
- Awards: "Aurel Vlaicu" Prize of the Romanian Academy, distinction of the French Honorary Legion.
”FedericoII” University Naples
Awarded on:
- Activity: metallic structures, aluminum structure theory and theory of seismic mechanics and engineering, professor, over 300 studies, 12 books, a metal construction treaty, 28 volumes of the ESDEP of the EU.
Politehnica University of Timisoara
Awarded on: 15.11.1996
- Member of the Romanian Academy
- Activity: metal constructions, founder of the metal building school from PUT; over 210 scientific studies and 18 specialized courses.
Technical University of Stuttgart
Awarded on: 2.11.1995
- Chairman of "Fraunhofer" society in Munich, VDI member, member of Mechanical Engineers Society of Romania;
- Activity: industrial production and automation based on the use of robots; professor, author of the concept of fractional production, 10 books and over 950 articles.
”Mihajlo Pupin” Inst Belgrade-Yugoslavia
Awarded on: 19.10.1995
- Member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Serbia;
- Activity: dynamics and sensitivity of robots, biomechanics of human functions, president of the "Mihailo Pupin" Institute in Belgrade, numerous books, the best known being those published by Springer Verlag.
Stuttgart University
Awarded on: 15.05.1995
- Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society of London, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of New York and of the Romanian Academy;
- Activity: computational mechanics, analysis of continuous environments and structures, chaos theory with applications in engineering problems, over 400 articles.
Liege University
Awarded on: 10.11.1994
- Member of 11 national and international associations;
- Activity: metallic structures, cold formed steel profiles.
Technical University of Munich
Awarded on: 17.10.1994
- Activity: History of Architecture, Architecture and Restoration of Historical Monuments, Rector of the Technical University of Munich;
- Laureate with multiple decorations: The German Merit Cross, Etoiles Noires Commander Cross of the French Honorary Legion, The Knight Cross of the Papal San Silvester Order.