Student residences: 19C, 20C, 21C, 22C
Apartment type student residence with rooms for 5 persons (one apartment consists of 2 rooms, hallway, shower, toilet). Each level features a kitchen and a laundry room. Each student residence has at least two study halls. Room facilities: Internet, cable TV, furniture purchased in 2007, sink and refrigerator. Student residences are protected by video surveillance systems
Timisoara, UPT Campus, Aleea Sportivilor no. 19C – 22C
Access from Cluj Street or Aleea Sportivilor
Contact details of the administrators:
Student residences 19C: | Viorica BUMB | tel. 0256 - 404350 |
Student residences 20C: | Talica SOSDEAN | tel. 0256 - 404364 |
Student residences 21C: | Marcela TUDOR | tel. 0256 - 404365 |
Student residences 22C: | Zorca VLAD | tel. 0256 - 404371 |
Student residences: 1C, 2C, 4C, 7C
Timisoara, UPT Campus, Aleea Sportivilor no. 1C-7C
Acces from Aleea Sportivilor or Str.trada Cluj.
Contact administratori:
Student residences 1C: | Livia IAMNITCHI | tel. 0256 404330 |
Student residences 2C: | Vasile GOJA | tel. 0256 404333 |
Student residences 4C: | Angela BRATEANU | tel. 0256 404328 |
Student residences 7C: | Lucian LAZEA | tel. 0256 404335 |
Student residences: 1 MV and 2 MV
Bulevardul Mihai Viteazul, no. 1, Timisoara.
Căminele se află în vecinătatea facultăților de Mecanică și Construcții. Acces de pe Bulevardul Mihai Viteazul, Bulevardul Eroilor sau strada Traian Lalescu.
Contact administratori:
Student residences 1MV: | Lisy ILCA | tel 0256 - 404073 |
Student residences 2MV: | Olimpia LUNG | tel. 0256 - 404075 |