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International Scientific Conference On It, Tourism, Economics, Management And Agriculture - ITEMA 2017

Conferinţă Ungaria

Conference proceedings: All accepted papers/abstracts will be published in the "Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference - ITEMA 2017" after the conference or in partner journals, and their publication in proceedings does not require presentation at the conference venue.
Also, conference proceedings will be submitted to indexation and / or publication and / or the listing at the Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science (WOS) Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EBSCO, CiteSeerX, SCOPUS, ERA, ProQuest, Google Books, Google Scholar database and so on.

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: October 10, 2017
  • Final Paper Submission Deadline: November 20, 2017
  • Publication Release: December 30, 2017
The official language of the conference is English. Papers may be written and presented in English. Learn more here.
10 octombrie 2017
Fulbright Senior Award for Visiting Scholars Grant pentru cercetare sau predare la o universitatea americană, pe orice disciplină (cu excepţia medicinei sau psihologiei clinice), în anul academic 2018-2019 Statele Unite ale Americii

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission announces the annual competition for Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral Awards for Romanian professors, researchers and professionals who have a doctoral degree or equivalent (certified). Grants are available for conducting research and/or lecturing in the U.S. universities.

The Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral program provides international travel, accident/sickness insurance and a monthly stipend covering accommodation and living expenses.

Learn more here.

16 octombrie 2017
Fulbright RAF Scholar Award Bursă pentru pregătire academică/şi cercetare în domeniul Antreprenoriatului, la University of Rochester, în primul semestru al anului academic 2018-2019 Statele Unite ale Americii

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission announces the Fulbright-RAF (Romanian-American Foundation) Scholar Award, dedicated to Romanian academics from technical universities who wish to carry out a semester-long fellowship in residence at the University of Rochester – AIN Center for Entrepreneurship, for study and independent research, curriculum development, classroom observation and participation in community-based entrepreneurial activities.

The program starts in August 2018 and will provide the Romanian fellows with valuable experience enabling them to develop high-quality entrepreneurship education opportunities for university students throughout Romania.

Eligible Fields: Entrepreneurship & Product Development

Learn more here.

24 octombrie 2017
Appel AUF "Mobilités des chercheurs de l'ECO en 2017" Grant pentru participarea la manifestări ştiinţifice -

L'objectif de l'appel est de soutenir la mobilité des universitaires de la région Europe centrale et orientale (enseignants, chercheurs, doctorants), qui présenteront une contribution scientifique à l’occasion de manifestations scientifiques francophones (congrès, colloques, journées scientifiques, etc.), en valorisant et en renforçant de cette manière la science en français.

Le soutien à la participation aux manifestations scientifiques est par principe de courte durée (l'allocation forfaitaire sera de maximum 300 €, le montant total de la subvention accordée ne dépassera pas 1000 €).

Detalii aici.

Cu cel puţin 6 săptămâni înainte de manifestarea ştiinţifică

Economics and Management - How to Cope With Disrupted Times

The conference theme will be discussed in following sections:
1. Banking in digital environment
2. Foreign direct investment, Foreign divestment
3. Global methods of e-business
4. Hypermodernity with facts and information (fake news, alternative facts) and public relations
5. Logistics and supply chains in disruptive times
6. Marketing in disruptive times
7. Networks of ideas, inclusion of new human resources
8. New technologies, robotisation, labour market and social net
9. New methods of leadership, management and innovation
10. Smart cities and places, relation between urban and rural
11. Making business in environment of fast changing technologies
12. Business laws and ethics
13. Accounting and accounting standards
14. Strategic management and management tools in disruptive times
15. The support of international integrations and institutions
16. Transport and tourism in the times of economic growth and new technologies
17. Immobility market
18. The role of the government in disruptive times
19. Energy and raw materials markets
20. IT's role in disruptive times
21. Sustainability, circular economy and sharing economy
22. Education and higher education in disruptive times
23. Protectionism: causes and consequences
24. Global and regional inequalities
25. Cryptocurrencies: change of the financial landscape
26. Challenges of digital economy

Propositions regarding papers/proceedings:
Maximum volume of the text is 15,000 characters with spaces (the limit does not include figures, tables, references and appendices) and the number of co-authors per paper is limited to three.

All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the reviewers drawn from the scientific committee or external reviewers depending on the topic, title and the subject matter of the paper.
Selection of papers which will be presented at the conference venue will be based upon quality, originality, and relevance.

All accepted papers will be published in the "Proceedings of International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management - EMAN 2018" or in partner journals after the conference, and their publication in proceedings does not require presentation at the conference venue.

Proceedings will be indexed with ISBN, CIP, Cobiss.SR number in National Library of Republic of Serbia. Also, conference proceedings will be submitted to indexation and / or publication and / or the listing at the Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Science (WOS) Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EBSCO, CiteSeerX, SCOPUS, ERA, ProQuest, Google Books, Google Scholar database and so on.

Papers published in the proceedings will be classified as M33 category according to the regulations on scientific research results within the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia.

The official languages of the conference are Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Slovenian, Macedonian, Russian and English. Papers may be written and presented in one of these languages.

For more information about the EMAN 2018 international scientific conference, please visit our website.

1 martie 2018
Newton International Fellowship scheme Fellowship Marea Britanie

The Newton International Fellowship scheme will select the very best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world, and offer support for two years at UK research institutions.

The long-term aim of the scheme is to build a global pool of research leaders and encourage long-term international collaboration with the UK.

The Newton International Fellowships scheme is run by the British Academy, The Royal Society and The Academy of Medical Sciences.

They provide grants of £24,000 per annum to cover subsistence (tax exempt) and up to £8,000 per annum to cover research expenses, plus a one-off relocation allowance of up to £2,000.

In addition, Newton International Fellows may be eligible for follow-up funding of up to £6,000 per annum for up to 5 years following the completion of the Fellowship.

The Newton International Fellowships Scheme covers researchers in the following disciplines: physical sciences, natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The scheme also covers clinical and patient orientated research, for applicants from China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and Turkey during the current round.

Learn more here.

27 martie 2018
Burse  postdoctorale pentru cercetători români francofoni Burse postdoctorale Franţa Dans le but d’initier ou de renforcer des coopérations scientifiques de haut-niveau, l’Institut français de Roumanie (IFR) propose des bourses de recherche postdoctorale d’un mois pour des chercheurs roumains à haut potentiel dans les domaines suivants :
  • Santé
  • Pharmacie
  • Aménagement du territoire
  • Agriculture, agroalimentaire, agronomie, sciences vétérinaires
Ces bourses s’adressent à des chercheurs ayant soutenu leur thèse de doctorat au plus tard 6 ans auparavant. Chaque boursier s’engage à soumettre à l’Institut Français de Roumanie le résultat de ses recherches sous forme d’un rapport (en français ou en anglais) au maximum 3 mois après la fin de sa bourse.

  • 1 100 € par mois pour les frais de la vie quotidienne
  • Hébergement
  • Couverture sociale/médicale
  • Transfert gratuit aéroport-ville d’étude
  • Être chercheur de nationalité roumaine (jusqu’à six ans après la soutenance de la thèse)
  • Ne jamais avoir bénéficié d’une bourse de l’Ambassade de France de type postdoctorale
  • Être disponible pour un séjour en France entre le 1er juin 2018 et le 31 décembre 2018

Du 19 février au 31 mars 2018

Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur le site internet de l’Institut Français à l’adresse suivante : http://institutfrancais.ro/Bucuresti/text/89/NIVEAU_POSTDOCTORAT/133 

31 martie 2018
Call for proposals / Research at University of Bordeaux Fellowship Franţa Within the framwork of its future Institute of Advanced Studies, the University of Bordeaux has launched a Call for Proposals to host one or more international researchers.
The primary aim of this Institute will be to promote opportunities for experimenting with new, unusual and innovative practices that, thanks to their break from the norm, encourage excellence in research and originality in careers.
•    When: academic year 2018/2019
•    Duration: 4 - 12 months
•    Profile: academics from all research backgrounds
•    Deadline for application: 1st April 2018
For more information on the plans for an Institute of Advanced Studies and the application process, please consult this webpage and/or contact this email.
We thank you in advance for communicating this opportunity to those who may be interested.
1 aprilie 2018
Burse DAAD pentru stagii de cercetare Burse de cercetare Germania

Prezentare generală

  • Bursele DAAD oferă cercetătorilor străini posibilitatea unui stagiu de cercetare sau de perfecționare în Germania. Oferta de finanțare se adresează diferitelor etape de calificare sau trepte din carieră.
  • Obiectivul principal al acestui program este sprijinirea stagiilor de cercetare de scurtă durată în vederea schimbului de experiență între colegi și a formării de rețele profesionale de specialitate.

Cine poate aplica?

  • Își pot depune candidatura cadre didactice universitare sau cercetători recunoscuți, care, de regulă, ar trebui să dețină deja titlul de doctor și să fie angajați la o instituție de învățământ superior sau un institut de cercetare din România.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

01 mai 2018

15 noiembrie 2017

Burse individuale de cercetare Marie Skłodowska-Curie Granturi de cercetare  Diverse

Apelul la candidaturi:

12 septembrie 2018

1st International Conference on  “International Perspectives In Education“

Conferinţă Marea Britanie We would like to invite you to the 1st edition of the Conference “International Perspectives in Education” which takes place at the University of Derby, Buxton Campus, Derbyshire, (United Kingdom) on 12 – 13 October 2018.
This year the conference theme is Education and Equality and we look forward to receiving proposals which reflect the diverse nature of education, including aspects such as: ethnicity, gender, class, disability, religion, culture.
The conference offers an international and clearly interdisciplinary stage for presenters and participants from all around the world. Within the large scope of the conference, we are hoping to host practitioners and researchers from diverse backgrounds and provide a space for debate, reflection and the exchange of experience and good practice in education through new developments, technologies and approaches.
Important dates
Abstract Submission: 24 September 2018
Announcement of Results: 28 September 2018
Early Bird Registration Open: 01 September 2018
Early Bird Registration Close: 20 September 2018
Registration Deadline: 30 September 2018
Full Paper Submission: 10 October 2018
Conference: 12-13 October 2018
Registration Process
You can also register online by registering and accessing the reserved area
For further information, please  visit http://ipie2018.org/.
24 septembrie 2018
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers Grant postdoc Germania

Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, completed your doctorate less than twelve years ago, already have your own research profile and are working at least at the level of Assistant Professor or Junior Research Group Leader or have a record of several years of independent academic work. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-18 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host. The fellowship is flexible and can be divided up into as many as three stays within three years.

Learn more here.

Fără termen limită fix.
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers Granturi postdoc Germania

Submit an application if you are a researcher from abroad with above average qualifications, at the beginning of your academic career and only completed your doctorate in the last four years. A Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers allows you to carry out long-term research (6-24 months) in Germany. Applicants choose their own topic of research and their academic host.

Scientists and scholars of all nationalities and disciplines may apply to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation online at any time. The Humboldt Foundation grants approximately 500 Humboldt Research Fellowships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers annually. Short-term study visits, participation in congresses and training courses cannot be financed.

Learn more here.

Fără termen limită fix.


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   Fara termen limita. Fundația acordă în fiecare an peste 700 de burse de cercetare și premii, menite să sprijine cercetători din străinătate să meargă în Germania pentru a lucra...
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