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DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience Finanțare mobilitate de cercetare Germania

Finanțare pentru o mobilitate de cercetare de 18 luni, dintre care 12 luni în instituții din afara Germaniei și 6 luni la o universitate germană. Programul se adresează cadrelor didactice care intenționează să își continue cariera în Germania.

Informații detaliate aici.

Senior Applied Fellowship Programme at CERN Stagii de cercetare cu durata de 6-36 luni pentru absolvenți de masterat sau doctorat cu 4-10 ani experiență profesională Elveția

This Programme is aimed at graduates from universities or higher technical institutes in a wide range of applied sciences, computing and engineering with between 4 and 10 years’ experience. Senior Fellowships are intended for MSc or PhD graduates looking to work in a research group.

More details here.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships Proiecte de mobilitate de cercetare -

The goal of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers, wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition through advanced training, international and inter-sectoral mobility. There are options to research and contribute to innovation in a European context and reintegrate researchers that have worked in Europe before.  Fellowships last 18-24 months and some require a mandatory return to a European host country of 12 months after research is conducted.

More information here.

Virtual International Collaborations Course-workshop at Universidad Veracruzana Proiect pentru pregătirea unor cursuri online în tandem cu cadre didactice de la universitatea parteneră Online

Proiectul include:
- Un workshop cu durata de 30 de ore, online, în perioada 28 septembrie - 11 decembrie 2020. Workshopul include aspecte precum pregătirea programei pentru un viitor curs, stabilirea obiectivelor, folosirea unor instrumente online, evaluarea studenților, etc. 
- Competențele dobândite de participanți vor fi valorificate în perioada februarie - iulie 2021 când participanții vor preda online cursul creat în urma workshopului. 

Profilul participantului la workshop:
- Să propună cel puțin un curs pentru a fi dezvoltat și predat în partea a doua a proiectului;
- Minim nivelul A2 în limba engleză;
- Abilități de lucru pe calculator;
- Persoană cu deschidere față de munca în tandem și interdisciplinară;
- Persoană cu bune abilități de gestionare a timpului;

Participarea la proiect este gratuită. 

Film de prezentare a proiectului: aici

Înregistrarea se face online: https://goo.gl/forms/JAJy18MOZJtmjbEx1

FIAS fellowship programme - Call for applications 2021/2022 Stagii de cercetare cu durata de 10 luni Franța

The French Institutes for Advanced Study Fellowship Programme offers 10- month fellowships in the four Institutes of Paris, Lyon, Montpellier and Marseille. It welcomes applications from high-level international scholars and scientists primarily in the fields of the social sciences and the humanities (SSH).

For the 2021-2022 academic year, FIAS offers 31 fellowship positions: 17 in Paris, 5 in Lyon, 6 in Marseille and 3 in Montpellier.

The call is open to all disciplines in the SSH and all research fields. Research projects from other sciences that propose a transversal dialogue with SSH are also eligible. Some of the four IAS have scientific priorities they will focus on more specifically.

All IAS have agreed on common standards, including the provision of a living allowance (min. NET 2,700€ per month), social security coverage, accommodation, a research budget, plus coverage of travel expenses.

FIAS Fellowship Programme grants 10-month fellowships exclusively.

More details here.

Global Young Academy membership call for  2021 in Japan Program pentru tineri cercetători (vârsta 30-40 ani) Japonia Informații detaliate aici. 15.09.2020
Mobilități SEE de predare în universități din Norvegia și Islanda Granturi pentru mobilități de predare cu durata de 2-5 zile Islanda, Norvegia

Bursa include:

  • grant de 250 EUR/zi (1250 EUR/săptămână)
  • durată minimă 2 zile
  • durată maximă 5 zile
  • pot fi alocate suplimentar granturi de subzistenţă pentru maximum 2 zile de transport (una înainte şi alta după finalizarea vizitei).
  • contribuție pentru costurile de transport internațional 275 - 530 EUR în funcție de distanța dintre UPT și universitatea gazdă.

Locuri disponibile:

  • Reykjavik University, domeniu 0713 Electricity and energy, 1 mobilitate;
  • Reykjavik University, domeniu 0715 Mechanics and metal trades (Mechatronics), 1 mobilitate;
  • Reykjavik University, domenii 0521/ 0788/ 0712 Environmental Sciences/ Renewable energy/ Environmental protection technology, 3 mobilități;
  • Norwegian University College of Agriculture and Rural Development, domenii 0521/ 0788/ 081 Environmental Sciences/ Rural development/ Agriculture, 3 mobilități;
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway, domeniu 0716 Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft, 1 mobilitate;
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway, domeniu 0713 Electricity and energy, 1 mobilitate;
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, domeniu 0715 Mechanics and metal trades, 2 mobilități;
  • Norwegian University of Science andTechnology, domeniu 0732 Building and civil engineering, 2 mobilități;
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, domeniu 061Information and communication technologies, 2 mobilități.

Mai multe detalii aici.

Mobilități SEE de formare în universități din Norvegia și Islanda Granturi pentru mobilități de formare cu durata de 2-5 zile Islanda, Norvegia

Bursa include:

  • grant de 250 EUR/zi (1250 EUR/săptămână)
  • durată minimă 2 zile
  • durată maximă 5 zile
  • pot fi alocate suplimentar granturi de subzistenţă pentru maximum 2 zile de transport (una înainte şi alta după finalizarea vizitei).
  • contribuție pentru costurile de transport internațional 275 - 530 EUR în funcție de distanța dintre UPT și universitatea gazdă.

Locuri disponibile:

  • Molde University College -Specialized University in Logistics, 1 mobilitate;
  • Norwegian University College of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3 mobilități;
  • UiT The Arctic University of Norway, 2 mobilități;
  • Norwegian University of Science andTechnology, 5 mobilități.

Pentru aceste burse pot candida cadre didactice, cercetători, personal administrativ.

Mai multe detalii aici.

Stockholm Water Prize Premiu - Informații detaliate aici. 30.09.2020
Senior and Junior Fellowship Programme 2021 at the University of Bayreuth Granturi de cercetare Germania

The University of Bayreuth Centre of International Excellence “Alexander von Humboldt” promotes excellent research at the University of Bayreuth (UBT) and advances the internationalisation of research and networking with the best universities worldwide.

Effective immediately, the Centre is offering up to six fellowships for the year 2021

 - open to all disciplines -

Senior Fellowships: Award sum: 50,000 €.
(more than six years of post-doctoral experience)

Junior Fellowships: Award sum: 30,000 €.
(up to six years of post-doctoral experience)

All Fellows will have the awarded sum at their disposal for covering all costs of project realisation.

More details here.

Lexus Design Award 2021 Concurs internațional de design -

Submissions span across the categories of Industrial Design, Architecture, Technology/Engineering, Interior Design, and Fashion Design.

Applicants will need to develop innovative designs and bring fresh imaginative solutions that highlight the creative interplay between design and technology. At the same time, their ideas and designs should be captivating and engaging to the audience and the esteemed judging panel.

Informații detaliate aici.

'Freigeist' Fellowships for young researchers
Finanțare pentru tineri cercetători (cel mult 4 ani de la susținerea doctoratului) Germania Volkswagen Foundation is offering fellowship for international young researchers in all disciplines. Ten to fifteen fellowships for researchers will be awarded per year.

The offer is aimed at excellent junior scientists who want to pursue exceptional, risky science between established research fields and pursue risky science.

Informații detaliate aici.
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program for Romanian professors and researchers Mobilitități de predare sau cercetare Statele Unite ale Americii Programul Fulbright Visiting Scholar pentru burse in anul academic 2021-2022 se adreseaza cadrelor didactice și cercetătorilor din universități, centre și institute de cercetare, care intenționează să predea sau să realizeze studii și cercetări în mediul academic american. Candidații sunt invitati sa aplice pentru stagii de cercetare, de predare sau cu proiecte combinate (cercetare și predare), în orice domeniu, cu excepția medicinei sau psihologiei clinice. Informații detaliate aici. 22.10.2020
Burse de cercetare şi formare postuniversitară şi postdoctorală “Vasile Pârvan” la Accademia di Romania din Roma şi “Nicolae Iorga” la Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica din Veneţia Finanțare pentru masteranzi, doctoranzi, doctori, cadre didactice sau cercetători Italia Bursele “Vasile Pârvan” şi “Nicolae Iorga” se acordă pentru următoarele domenii: istorie şi ştiinţe sociale, arheologie, arhivistică, biblioteconomie, filologie clasică şi modernă, istoria artei şi arhitectură, literatură şi studii literare, arte, ştiinţe economice şi ştiinţe exacte. Bursa se acordă pentru o perioadă de minimum două luni consecutive şi maximum doi ani universitari consecutivi. Informații detaliate aici. 23.10.2020
Vizite de studiu în SUA pentru cadre didactice de la universități care au (sau intenționează să înființeze) programe de securitate cibernetică Vizite de studiu Statele Unite ale Americii Informații detaliate sunt disponibile pe pagina programului.



Programul Naţional de Burse al Republicii Slovace Burse pentru cadre didactice și cercetători Slovacia

Sunt eligibili pentru acest program cadre didactice universitare și cercetători invitaţi pentru o sesiune de predare/cercetare de către o instituţie de cercetare sau dezvoltare eligibilă  (cu excepţia companiilor) care are sediul în Slovacia.

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1-10 luni .

Mai multe informaţii aici.

31.10.2020 - pentru semestrul al II-lea al anului univ. 2020-2021

DAAD - Study Visits by Groups of Foreign Students Vizite de studii pentru grupuri de max. 15 studenți la cel puțin 2 universități germane însoțiți de un cadru didactic Germania The objectives of a study trip are:
  • to establish and maintain contacts between German and foreign universities
  • to provide participants with a subject-specific knowledge by organising visits to at least two universities, subject-related tours and informative meetings
  • to promote meetings with German students and academics and scientists
  • to offer participants an insight into economic,political and cultural life in Germany

Who can apply?
University teachers from a foreign university are eligible to apply.

What is supported?
Study trips for groups of a maximum of 15 students accompanied by one university teacher. Individual doctoral candidates may also be funded after consultation with the DAAD. The groups visit at least two German universities where they participate in the academic programme. A cultural programme is to be organised in the evenings and at weekends.

Duration of funding
At least 7 days and a maximum of 12 days

A flat rate allowance of 50 euros per person per day is paid as a contribution towards travel and accommodation expenses. This applies to the following countries and regions: Groups from the EU states, Albania, Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Hong Kong, Iceland, Japan, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Serbia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine and USA. For groups from the "remaining countries", the DAAD pays in addition a mobility lump sum per person.

More details here.

Short Term Grants Programme 2021 at the University of Bayreuth Granturi de cercetare Germania

The University of Bayreuth Centre of International Excellence “Alexander von Humboldt” promotes excellent research at the University of Bayreuth (UBT) and advances the internationalisation of research and networking with the best universities worldwide.

Effective immediately, the Centre is offering up to five short Term Grants for the year 2021

- open to all disciplines -

Short Term grants exclusively include the reimbursement of travel expenses between the hometown and Bayreuth as well as accommodation costs in Bayreuth. The costs will be refunded up to a maximum of 3,500 €. Up to five Short Term Grants are available to researchers regardless of their field of research.

More details here.

Shuttleworth Foundation fellowships Finanțare pentru proiecte transdisciplinare care pot rezolva o problemă socială  - Informații detaliate aici. 03.11.2020
DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 1-3 luni Germania Who can apply?
University teachers and established academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country.

What can be funded?
Research stays at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany. A research stay can also take place at several host institutions. Lecture tours or visits to congresses are not funded.

Duration of the funding
One to three months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.

  • Monthly payments of 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers, 2,150 euros for professors
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
  • Health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. If you do not have a corresponding home health insurance, you will be insured by the DAAD. The costs will be deducted from the scholarship payment.

More details here.

16.11.2020 (stagii în perioada Iunie-Noiembrie 2021)
DAAD Study Visits for Academics - Artists and Architects Granturi pentru vizite de studii în domeniul arrtă și arhitectură Germania Who can apply?
University teachers from the following disciplines:
  • Architecture (Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning)
  • Fine Art, Film, Design, Visual Communication
  • Performing Arts (Drama, Direction, Musicals, Dance, Performance Studies, Choreography, etc.)
  • Music
What can be funded?
  • Study visits at state or state-recognised universities in Germany for artistic cooperations with a host institution. A study visit can also take place at several host institutions.
  • Funding may only be claimed once within three years.
Duration of the funding
One to three months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.

  • Monthly payments of 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers, 2,150 euros for professors
  • Travel allowance
  • Health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. If you do not have a corresponding home health insurance, you will be insured by the DAAD. The costs will be deducted from the scholarship payment.

More details here.

16.11.2020 (stagii în perioada Iunie-Noiembrie 2021)
DAAD Bilateral Exchange of Academics Schimb de cadre didactice cu durata de 14 zile - 3 luni    To improve international relations and bilateral research cooperations between German and foreign universities, the DAAD supports exchanges of scientists and academics from partner countries. The basis of these exchanges are cultural exchange programmes and bilateral agreements with foreign partner organisations.

Who can apply?
Foreign academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country.

What can be funded?
  • Research stays at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany.
  • Lecture tours or visits to congresses are not funded.
Please note: this programme supports exchanges between scientists and researchers from Germany and its partner countries. Funding is available when German researchers also apply for a research fellowship at the same time.

Duration of the funding
At least 14 days (for stays from applicants from EU countries as well as from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine: at least 7 days) up to a maximum of three months. The length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.

Monthly payments of:
  • 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers
  • 2,150 euros for professors

Unless otherwise regulated by bilateral agreements, the costs of the outward and return journey are borne by the respective sending country.

More details here.

16.11.2020 (stagii în perioada Iunie-Noiembrie 2021)
Understand the French Engineering School System Workshop Online Detalii aici. 17.11.2020
Prelegere online "Economie sociale et solidaire" Conferință Online Le Centre de Réussite Universitaire de l’Université Titu Maiorescu de Bucarest (Roumanie) vous invite a participer à la Conférence en ligne « Economie sociale et solidaire, économie circulaire, économie collaborative : de quoi parle-t-on ? » le 17 novembre 2020, à 15h de Bucarest (13h GMT).
Le conférencier, Monsieur Saïd YAHIAOUI, Maître de conférence retraité de l'université Lyon2, Fondateur et ancien responsable de la mention de master ESS, Fondateur et ancien Président de la chaire d'entrepreneuriat en ESS, va développer le concept d’économie sociale, en mettant en évidence ses enjeux, ses principes et ses valeurs et en soulignant les opportunités de développement, mais aussi les risques potentiels.
Inscriptions : avant le 15 novembre 2020, à l’adresse cru@univ.utm.ro
Discover the Collaborative Online International Learning Projects of Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (Mexic) Workshop Online Detalii aici. 18.11.2020
Research at IMT Mines Albi Webinar Online Detalii aici. 19.11.2020
Presentation of the Erasmus+ KA2 BADGE project Webinar Online Detalii aici. 19.11.2020
The Multidisciplinary Grid 2020 Virtual Conference Conferință Israel (online)

Online Conference organized by The Department of Multidisciplinary Studies, Holon Institute of Technology, Israel

For details click here.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships - Postdoctoral Scholarships 2021-2022 Stagii de cercetare postdoctorală cu durata minimă de 6 luni și maximă de 12 luni Elveția

Programul se adresează celor care au susținut doctoratul între 31.12.2017 și 31.07.2021. Aplicanții care au locuit în Elveția mai mult de un an înainte de începerea stagiului de bursă nu sunt eligibili. Aplicanții trebuie să prezinte o scrisoare de la un profesor universitar ( incluzând un C.V. al acestuia) de la universitatea elvețiană care atestă motivele pentru care acesta supervizează și sprijină cercetarea postdoctorală. Nu se acceptă supervizarea din partea foștilor profesori coordonatori ai tezei de doctorat dacă aceștia sunt de la o universitate elvețiană
(a se vedea documentul atașat și a se consulta site-ul oficial al Comisiei Federale pentru Burse https://www.sbfi.admin.ch). Aplicanții trebuie să vină cu o propunere de cercetare care să includă și un calendar. Aceasta  este elementul central al aplicației căruia candidații trebuie să își dedice întreaga atenție. Aplicanții trebuie să îndeplinească cerințele privind cunoașterea limbii necesare programului de studii/cercetare. Candidații care au mai beneficiat de o bursă de excelență oferită de Guvernul Elvețian nu sunt eligibili.

Valoarea lunară a bursei este de 3500 CHF. Informații detaliate aici

Apel AUF la contribuții pentru un volum privind impactul economic al pandemiei COVID-19 Publicare lucrări - L’Observatoire de la Francophonie économique de l’Université de Montréal lance un appel à propositions pour un ouvrage collectif intitulé : « Les pays francophones face à la COVID-19 : Impacts socioéconomiques, politiques de riposte et stratégies de sortie de crise et de résilience économique ».

L’ouvrage a pour objectif de brosser un portrait à jour de l’impact de la pandémie du coronavirus sur les économies de l’espace francophone, d’évaluer les mesures prises par les gouvernements pour soutenir leurs économies, et de proposer des stratégies favorisant la reprise et la résilience dans une perspective post-crise.

L’appel à propositions est ouvert aux chercheur.e.s universitaires et aux personnes des milieux privé, communautaire et gouvernemental, et de la sphère de la coopération régionale et internationale intéressés par la thématique de l’ouvrage.

Pour lire l’appel à propositions, cliquez ici (pdf)

Les personnes intéressées sont priées de soumettre leur texte en français avant le vendredi 4 décembre 2020  par courrier électronique aux adresses suivantes: brahim.boudarbat@umontreal.ca,

Pour obtenir des renseignements supplémentaires : ofe@umontreal.ca
International Conference Innovative Ideas in Science 2020 Conferință Bosnia și Herțegovina

Authors from universities and research institutes, as well as from the fields of industry, are invited to submit papers on the following suggested areas:
Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computer Engineering, Fundamental Sciences, Industrial Applications, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Sciences, Power Engineering.
•    04 December 2020 – submission of an abstract
•    07 December 2020 – notification of acceptance
•    28 December 2020 – submission of full papers
• Official languages of the conference: English.
• The abstracts will be sent via email to the workshop secretariat. The template of the abstract is on the workshop website.
• Paper submission details and the author kit are available on the conference web site: iis.cunbm.utcluj.ro  
• We will organize a Video-conference session for registered speakers who do not have the possibility to travel to the conference location.
• Following a review process, the papers accepted and presented in IIS2020 will be published in a BDI Journal.

For more details click here.

Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança - 2020 and 2021 Calls Mobilități de predare cu durata de un semestru Portugalia

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) shares the vision for differentiation by promoting internationalization, pedagogical innovation and practice-based research. Reinforcing its unique internationalization project, the IPB opens the 2020 and 2021 Calls for the reception of visiting professors, with the conditions described in the attached document.
The interested professors should submit his/her application at http://www.ipb.pt/go/x098, before the deadline of 10/12/2020.

Apel AUF - Soutien à la participation aux manifestations scientifiques pour les jeunes chercheurs de l’ECO Granturi pentru participarea la manifestări științifice francofone a tinerilor cercetători -

Sprijinul financiar acordat de AUF este pentru acoperirea costurilor de transport: max. 400 EUR în Europa, respectiv max. 800 EUR în afara Europei.

Detalii aici.

Cu minim 6 săptămâni înainte de manifestarea științifică.
Apel AUF - Soutien à l'organisation de manifestations scientifiques Granturi pentru organizarea de manifestări științifice -

În cadrul acestui apel se oferă granturi pentru manifestări științifice (colocviu, seminar, școală de vară, etc.) care promovează:
- participarea specialiștilor din țările din Sud și din regiunea care aduce o contribuție la manifestare (comunicare în limba franceză) și care va duce la publicarea în Proceeding-urile maniferstării;
- difuzarea publicațiilor (în limba franceză)  manifestării științifice, de preferință pe suport numeric.

Toate solicitările de finanțare se vor depune cu două luni înainte de începerea manifestării.

Informații detaliate aici.

Cu 2 luni înainte de manifestarea științifică
Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD): Eastern Europe Programme Granturi pentru studenți, doctoranzi, cadre didactice de religie catolică sau recomandați de o organizație catolică Germania

The KAAD is the scholarship institution of the catholic Church in Germany. Applicants for this programme are from Central, Eastern and South-east Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and of catholic faith. In exceptional cases candidates may have differing denominations, if they are recommended by catholic partner organisations. Candidates must demonstrate good proficiency in German.

Eligibility criteria include

a) international junior researchers and post-graduates

  • who have completed their studies in their home countries and wish to spend a research stay or broaden their scientific knowledge in Germany or
  •  who wish to carry out post-graduate studies in Germany (including training for qualified physicians). Entire Master programmes will be sponsored only if they cannot be carried out in the candidates’ home countries

b) higher-education teaching staff invited to do short-term research stays of up to six months in Germany.
c) students carrying out a Master’s course in their home countries who are planning a regular research stay at a German higher-education institution of one semester. The stay in Germany should mainly aim at material gathering and interchange with German teaching staff within the context of the Magister/Master or Diploma thesis to be completed in the candidates’ home countries. Academic recognition of periods of study spent at the German higher-education institution in the country of origin should be ensured. Sponsorships are awarded to students from any subject area (with the exception of theology).

More details here.

DAAD - Study Visits by Groups of Foreign Students Vizite de studii pentru grupuri de max. 15 studenți la cel puțin 2 universități germane însoțiți de un cadru didactic Germania The objectives of a study trip are:
  • to establish and maintain contacts between German and foreign universities
  • to provide participants with a subject-specific knowledge by organising visits to at least two universities, subject-related tours and informative meetings
  • to promote meetings with German students and academics and scientists
  • to offer participants an insight into economic,political and cultural life in Germany

Who can apply?
University teachers from a foreign university are eligible to apply.

What is supported?
Study trips for groups of a maximum of 15 students accompanied by one university teacher. Individual doctoral candidates may also be funded after consultation with the DAAD. The groups visit at least two German universities where they participate in the academic programme. A cultural programme is to be organised in the evenings and at weekends.

Duration of funding
At least 7 days and a maximum of 12 days

A flat rate allowance of 50 euros per person per day is paid as a contribution towards travel and accommodation expenses. This applies to the following countries and regions: Groups from the EU states, Albania, Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Hong Kong, Iceland, Japan, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Serbia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine and USA. For groups from the "remaining countries", the DAAD pays in addition a mobility lump sum per person.

More details here.

Apel AUF la candidaturi pentru premiul Louis D’Hainaut Premiu pentru teze de doctorat francofone (susținute în ultimii 3 ani) -

L’université de Mons (Belgique) et l’AUF, à travers son Institut de la Francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance et la formation à distance (IFIC), s’associent pour décerner le Prix Louis D’Hainaut de la meilleure thèse de doctorat en technologie éducative.

Ce prix est annuel et sera délivré pour la huitième fois en 2021. Il est réservé à un docteur ressortissant d’un pays du Sud (hors Europe de l’Ouest – sauf Bulgarie et Roumanie – et Amérique du Nord) la thèse a été soutenue il y a trois ans au plus.

Le Prix a une vocation internationale et est ouvert à tout chercheur du Sud ayant obtenu une thèse de doctorat au sein d’un établissement membre du réseau de l’AUF (du Nord comme du Sud). Le sujet de cette thèse doit impérativement porter sur l’usage des technologies en éducation, indépendamment de la discipline d’appartenance, et doit constituer un apport à l’évolution des connaissances scientifiques dans le domaine.

Pour lire l’appel à candidatures, cliquez ici.

Kaunas University of Technology Virtual Global Faculty Week 2021 Săptămână internațională virtuală Lituania Kaunas University of Technology kindly invites colleagues from partner universities worldwide to its “Virtual Global Faculty Week 2021” to be held on 22-26 March 2021. The event is open for academic staff working in the fields of engineering, technological, physical, social sciences and humanities.
We would be happy to welcome you for one week to give online lectures, share experiences with our professors, find areas of cooperation and mutual interests. Besides, we have prepared a brief but comprehensive online programme with cultural presentations, networking events and workshops that will give the opportunity to gain new knowledge, start discussions and networking as well as help strengthen the existing and create new partnerships with colleagues from all over the world. We understand that physical mobility with all its benefits remains the priority but we will do our best to compensate for the lack of social and cultural interaction and make you feel welcome.
The application deadline is 15 February 2021.
Please do not hesitate to contact  us at erasmus@ktu.lt or visit our website for more information about the event and registration.
Burse de predare sau cercetare în Polonia oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru mobilități de predare, cercetare


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de aplicare a acordului între Guvernul României şi Guvernul Republicii Polone privind colaborarea în domeniile știinţei, învăţământului şi culturii, semnat la Varșovia în 20.12.2017 și a Adresei Ministerului Afacerilor Externe nr. E 1-1/2023, înregistrată la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 991/01.09.2020:
- schimbul de cadre didactice universitare, pentru stagii de cercetare, pe perioade de cel puțin o lună, în limita anuală de 10 (zece) luni de bursă.

Informații detaliate aici.

Burse de specializare în Slovacia oferite prin ACBS


Burse pentru stagii de specializare pentru cadre didactice


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de cooperare in domeniul Educaţiei între Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale din România şi Ministerul Educaţiei, Ştiinţei, Cercetării şi Sportului din Republica Slovacă pentru perioada 2018-2022:
- până la 20 de luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare şi studii, adresate doctoranzilor şi cadrelor didactice universitare (cercetători şi pedagogi). Acestea pot fi împărţite în perioade de 3 până la 10 luni. Primirea la studii este condiţionată de cunoaşterea limbii Părţii primitoare sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională acceptată de instituția gazdă.

Informații detaliate aici.

Apel la contribuții: Forum Innovation 2021 : Enseignement Supérieur et Recherche : Vecteur d’innovations responsables Apel la contribuții

Online sau Franța (dacă situația va permite)

Le Réseau de Recherche sur l'Innovation (RRI) lance un appel à communications dans le cadre du Forum Innovation 2021 qui se déroulera le 1er et 2 juin 2021 sur le thème "Enseignement Supérieur, Recherche et innovations Responsables". La date limite de transmission des communications est fixée au 15 mars 2021.

Mai multe informații aici.

You are invited to submit your abstracts and participate in EDULEARN21.
Your contributions can be presented in two formats:

- Virtual presentations
- Oral and poster presentations
The deadline for abstracts submission is 18th of March, 2021.

You can find the conference topics here.
Consultare privind micro-acreditările Workshop Online Rolul micro-acreditărilor este de a oferi oportunități de învățare modulare și flexibile, care conduc la o certificare a competențelor. Inițiativa va contribui la dezvoltarea Spațiului european al educației, încurajând mobilitatea de studii și cea profesională în întreaga UE și implicând, în calitate de modele, alianțele Universităților europene și Centrelor de excelență profesională. În perspectiva prezentării unei propuneri de Recomandare a Consiliului privind o abordare europeană în materie de micro-acreditări, Comisia Europeană organizează o consultare publică, disponibilă aici. 19.03.2021
E³UDRES² Online Opening Conference Conferință deschidere proiect Online

Program și înscriere: aici.

Consultare privind modelul monedei EURO pentru aniversarea a 35 de ani de program Erasmus Consultare Online In 2022, se vor împlini 35 de ani de la instituirea programului Erasmus. În acest context, Comisia Europeană organizează o consultare publică, invitând persoanele interesate să selecteze unul dintre cele șase modele de monedă, disponibile aici. 31.03.2021
What place is given to sport in engineering studies at INSA Lyon

The National Institute of Science and Technology of Lyon invites you to a webinar Friday, April 2nd - 4pm-5pm (UTC+1), What place is given to sport in engineering studies at INSA Lyon ?

For several years now, the institution has positioned itself in favour of the practice of sport, at all levels. We have been carrying out various reflections that we would like to share with you, aswell as our sports facilities we can offer your students.
How can we better support our athlete students in their international mobility?
INSA Lyon embarked on an Erasmus+ Sport adventure to make progress on this issue which concerns many students, either high level athletes or enthusiasts looking for the best way to to combine sport, studies and international mobility. Join us to discover our ambitions for this project!
4.30 PM - Let's play and move together around the world!
In teams of 5, INSA Lyon challenges you to walk every day to win a global online race!
Don't miss the top start with us for 21 days of fun, all together from a distance.


This webinar is primarily intended for partners in charge of international mobility and those in charge of sport for Engineering students: sports teachers or administrative staff linked to sport.

Săptămâna internațională virtuală a Universității ITMO (St. Petersburg, Rusia) Workshopuri Online

We are glad to invite you to the annual ITMO University International Days. This year on April 12-16 you will have a chance to join the digital hop-on hop-off ITMO bus packed with numerous discussion sessions and workshops. The agenda was designed to be flexible, so you can easily pick up the sessions of your choice and join us whenever it’s convenient.


Burse de specializare în Turkmenistan oferite prin ACBS Burse pentru stagii de specializare pentru cadre didactice Turkmenistan

Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de colaborare între Ministerul Educației Naționale din România și Ministerul Învățământului din Turkmenistan în domeniul educației pentru perioada 2017-2022:
- 3 burse pentru stagii de specializare pentru profesori cu durata de până la o lună fiecare; persoanele care doresc să urmeze un stagiu de specializare trebuie să cunoască limba Statului Primitor sau o limba de circulație internațională;

Informații detaliate aici.

Săptămâna internațională virtuală organizată de Salzburg University of Applied Sciences  Workshopuri Online

FH Salzburg / Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is organising a virtual international week from Mai 3rd-7th, 2021.

During this week international speakers will deliver workshops on diversity & inclusion, teaching though the medium of English, English for the workplace and teaching & learning challenges of multicultural classrooms.

FH Salzburg's International Staff Training Week provides opportunities to discuss new collaboration opportunities in education as well as online teaching possibilities.

Detalii: aici

Study on support services for international researchers and PhD students in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe Studiu Online

Mai jos aveti o invitatie pentru un studiu care are loc la nivel european si care are ca grup tinta profesori, cercetatori internationali si studenti din cadrul ciclului de studii universitare de doctorat, care fie sunt angajati, predau, invata sau se afla intr-o mobilitate la o institutie de invatamant superior intr-una din urmatoarele tari: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cehia, Ungaria, Macedonia de Nord, Polonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia sau Slovacia.

This study is conducted in the framework of the Erasmus+ UniWelIS project, which brings together ACA, the Slovak Academic Exchange Agency (SAIA), the Polish Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), Sofia University, the University of Nis and Comenius University in Bratislava.  It will explore the needs of mobile researchers and PhD students in personalised assistance during their mobility (study, visit or employment) experience in one of these countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. This important research will support our work on a model welcome service framework and an open access training programme for higher education institutions, thereby contributing to quality support services for mobile researchers in Europe and to raising Europe’s attractiveness for international talent.
This study is performed by means of an online survey for international researchers and PhD students who currently work or study at a higher education institution in the target region or who studied or worked there in the past five years (with a minimum length of stay being 3 months).
As part of our study, we expect to get some feedback from international/European researchers and PhD students with some mobility experience at a higher education institution in Romania, and we are using our general mailing lists to reach out to our contacts there. At the same time, we believe more focused advertising is key for the effective outreach to our target audience. In this context, we would like to ask you whether it would be possible for ANPNDEFP to disseminate the information about our survey among your grantees and across your networks in Romania. We are looking at both current and past mobility experiences (which took place in the last five years) with a minimum duration of 3 months.

Conferința virtuală "AI2 – Artificial Intelligence: Academy & Industry" organizată de Holon Institute of Technology Conferință Online

Termen limită pentru propuneri de prezentări: 24.04.2021

Detalii: https://design.hit.ac.il/ai2/

Sesiune de informare privind Centrele de Excelență Profesională (CoVEs, Centres of Vocational Excellence) Webinar Online

Data: 30.04.2021, 10:30 – 13:30

Detalii: aici.

DAAD Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 1-3 luni Germania Who can apply?
University teachers and established academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country.

What can be funded?
Research stays at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany. A research stay can also take place at several host institutions. Lecture tours or visits to congresses are not funded.

Duration of the funding
One to three months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.

  • Monthly payments of 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers, 2,150 euros for professors
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
  • Health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. If you do not have a corresponding home health insurance, you will be insured by the DAAD. The costs will be deducted from the scholarship payment.

More details here.

30.04.2021 (stagii în perioada Decembrie 2021-Mai 2022)
DAAD Study Visits for Academics - Artists and Architects Granturi pentru vizite de studii în domeniul artă și arhitectură Germania Who can apply?
University teachers from the following disciplines:
  • Architecture (Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning)
  • Fine Art, Film, Design, Visual Communication
  • Performing Arts (Drama, Direction, Musicals, Dance, Performance Studies, Choreography, etc.)
  • Music
What can be funded?
  • Study visits at state or state-recognised universities in Germany for artistic cooperations with a host institution. A study visit can also take place at several host institutions.
  • Funding may only be claimed once within three years.
Duration of the funding
One to three months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.

  • Monthly payments of 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers, 2,150 euros for professors
  • Travel allowance
  • Health insurance coverage is mandatory in Germany. If you do not have a corresponding home health insurance, you will be insured by the DAAD. The costs will be deducted from the scholarship payment.

More details here.

30.04.2021 (stagii în perioada Decembrie 2021-Mai 2022)
DAAD Bilateral Exchange of Academics Schimb de cadre didactice cu durata de 14 zile - 3 luni    To improve international relations and bilateral research cooperations between German and foreign universities, the DAAD supports exchanges of scientists and academics from partner countries. The basis of these exchanges are cultural exchange programmes and bilateral agreements with foreign partner organisations.

Who can apply?
Foreign academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country.

What can be funded?
  • Research stays at state or state-recognised institutions of higher education or non-university research institutes in Germany.
  • Lecture tours or visits to congresses are not funded.
Please note: this programme supports exchanges between scientists and researchers from Germany and its partner countries. Funding is available when German researchers also apply for a research fellowship at the same time.

Duration of the funding
At least 14 days (for stays from applicants from EU countries as well as from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine: at least 7 days) up to a maximum of three months. The length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.

Monthly payments of:
  • 2,000 euros for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers
  • 2,150 euros for professors

Unless otherwise regulated by bilateral agreements, the costs of the outward and return journey are borne by the respective sending country.

More details here.

30.04.2021 (stagii în perioada Decembrie 2021-Mai 2022)
Stagiu postdoc “Architecture of a Deported Microwave Photonic Tunable Delay System for Antenna Arrays up to THz” la École Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest Stagiu postdoc Franța

Detalii: aici

Programul Naţional de Burse al Republicii Slovace Burse pentru cadre didactice și cercetători Slovacia

Sunt eligibili pentru acest program cadre didactice universitare sau cercetători invitaţi pentru o sesiune de predare/cercetare de către o instituţie de cercetare sau dezvoltare eligibilă  (cu excepţia companiilor) care are sediul în Slovacia.

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1-10 luni .

Mai multe informaţii aici.

30.04.2021 - pentru anul univ. 2021-20222

DAAD - Study Visits by Groups of Foreign Students Vizite de studii pentru grupuri de max. 15 studenți la cel puțin 2 universități germane însoțiți de un cadru didactic Germania The objectives of a study trip are:
  • to establish and maintain contacts between German and foreign universities
  • to provide participants with a subject-specific knowledge by organising visits to at least two universities, subject-related tours and informative meetings
  • to promote meetings with German students and academics and scientists
  • to offer participants an insight into economic,political and cultural life in Germany

Who can apply?
University teachers from a foreign university are eligible to apply.

What is supported?
Study trips for groups of a maximum of 15 students accompanied by one university teacher. Individual doctoral candidates may also be funded after consultation with the DAAD. The groups visit at least two German universities where they participate in the academic programme. A cultural programme is to be organised in the evenings and at weekends.

Duration of funding
At least 7 days and a maximum of 12 days

A flat rate allowance of 50 euros per person per day is paid as a contribution towards travel and accommodation expenses. This applies to the following countries and regions: Groups from the EU states, Albania, Australia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Canada, Hong Kong, Iceland, Japan, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, New Zealand, Norway, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, Serbia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine and USA. For groups from the "remaining countries", the DAAD pays in addition a mobility lump sum per person.

More details here.

Conferința AI2 – Artificial Intelligence: Academy & Industry Conferință Online

În colaborare cu conferința internațională despre inteligența artificială și design, această conferință va servi drept platformă pentru prezentarea lumii inteligenței artificiale și a învățării automate, cu accent pe punctele de întâlnire dintre mediul academic și industrie. Acesta va include prelegeri în plen și sesiuni de postere.

Program: aici
Înscriere: aici

Conferința DesAIgn – the impact of AI on Contemporary Design Conferință Online

Conferință internațională despre impactul inteligenței artificiale asupra designului contemporan organizată de Facultatea de Design a Holon Institute of Technology și de Institutul de Artă, Design și Tehnologii Avansate, Facultatea de Design și Artă Ladislava Sutnar, Universitatea din Boemia de Vest.

Detalii aici.

International Teaching Forum, 5th edition Conferință Franța / China (hibrid) The University of Clermont Auvergne and its partners, Shanghai Normal University (CHINA) and Utah Valley University (USA) are pleased to share with you the "call for papers" for the 5th edition of International Teaching Forum. This new edition, that will take place on 8, 9 and 10 December 2021, wil focus on the question of the evolution in internationalization of students in higher education in a context of a health crisis.
Please find hereafter the link for more information and if you would like to share an abstract for this conference : https://drive.uca.fr/f/feccaf2433a44087ac7a/?dl=1
Windesheim University of Applied Sciences - Virtual Windows to the World Webinare Online

February 4th, 15:00-16:00 (CET) ‘Game Changers in Education: How Business Simulation Games can be used in international collaboration’ - by Michiel Steeman
February 12th, 15:00-16:00 (CET) 'How International Business Case Projects with partner institutions can create intercultural learning among students (…and staff)?’ - by Dinand Warringa
March 31st, 09:00-10:00 (CET) 'How to create rich learning experiences with companies in project based education in covid times?' - by Sander Janssens
April 15th 2021, 11:00-12:00 (CET) 'International Internships in Nursing: lessons learned and lessons to learn' - by Erna Koekkoek and Sven Wierda
April 26th, 15:00-16:00 (CET) 'COIL: Resilience and Global Transformation in Social Work' - by Peter Smid
May 11th, 12:00-13:00 (CET) 'Open Your Mind to Creative and Critical thinking: The way out in this unstable world' - by Ayodele Odesola
June 9th, 10:00 - 12:00 (CET) 'Creative Confidence and Problem solving' - by Aditi Gupta

Webinare privind internaționalizarea oferite de Universidad Veracruzana (Mexic) Webinare Online

01.06.2021 - Aprendizaje mediado por technologias
03.06.2021 - Nuevas perspectivas, tendencias y retos de la movilidad universitaria
08.06.2021 - Acreditacion internacional
16.06.2021 - Competencias internacional para la proxima decada

Inregistrare si detalii aici.

1st Congress of the LatAm COIL Network "COIL in and with Latin America in times of change" Conferință Online The Latin American Network for Online International Collaborative Learning, LatAm COIL, invites professors, researchers, staff from international relations offices of higher education institutions and, in general, all those interested in the COIL methodology as a strategy for the integration of the international dimension in the teaching function of universities, to participate in the First Congress of the LatAm COIL Network "COIL in and with Latin America in times of change", which will be held fully online from June 14 to 18, 2021.

The State University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) will host the Congress, in coordination with the University of Monterrey (Mexico), the Metropolitan Technological Institute (Colombia) and the Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico). The program of the sessions, registration and registration fee is available here and here.

Burse de specializare în Serbia oferite prin ACBS Burse pentru specializare Serbia Detalii aici. 17.06.2021
Webinare pentru cadre didactice organizate de Athena European University și Hellenic Mediterranean University Webinare Online

28.04.2021, 16:00 CET – Digital Tools for Online Learning & Engagement
, 16:00 CET – The Flipped Classroom Approach
19.05.2021, 16:00 CET – How to Teach Academic Writing
26.05.2021, 16:00 CET – The European Student Card Initiative
02.06.2021, 16:00 CET – Scrum in Higher Education
09.06.2021, 16:00 CET – The Open Science Initiative
23.06.2021, 16:00 CET – Teaching Mathematics in the 21st Century
30.06.2021, 16:00 CET – Project Based Learning

Detalii: aici.

Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD): Eastern Europe Programme Granturi pentru studenți, doctoranzi, cadre didactice de religie catolică sau recomandați de o organizație catolică Germania

The KAAD is the scholarship institution of the catholic Church in Germany. Applicants for this programme are from Central, Eastern and South-east Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and of catholic faith. In exceptional cases candidates may have differing denominations, if they are recommended by catholic partner organisations. Candidates must demonstrate good proficiency in German.

Eligibility criteria include

a) international junior researchers and post-graduates

  • who have completed their studies in their home countries and wish to spend a research stay or broaden their scientific knowledge in Germany or
  •  who wish to carry out post-graduate studies in Germany (including training for qualified physicians). Entire Master programmes will be sponsored only if they cannot be carried out in the candidates’ home countries

b) higher-education teaching staff invited to do short-term research stays of up to six months in Germany.
c) students carrying out a Master’s course in their home countries who are planning a regular research stay at a German higher-education institution of one semester. The stay in Germany should mainly aim at material gathering and interchange with German teaching staff within the context of the Magister/Master or Diploma thesis to be completed in the candidates’ home countries. Academic recognition of periods of study spent at the German higher-education institution in the country of origin should be ensured. Sponsorships are awarded to students from any subject area (with the exception of theology).

More details here.

14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Conferință Spania sau online

- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education.
- Interact with international educators and technologists for future cooperation.
- Meet 800 participants from more than 80 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 80+ thematic sessions.
- Publish your paper in ICERI2021 Proceedings.

- ICERI2021 Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for their inclusion in Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Previous editions were already accepted.
- An individual DOI number will be assigned for each accepted paper.
- Also, ICERI2021 Proceedings will be included in IATED Digital Library.

This option will enable authors to submit their abstracts and papers for ICERI2021 Proceedings without attending the conference in-person.

Also, authors will be able to submit their virtual presentation files (slides, video or poster). These presentations will be uploaded onto the conference website and Technical Program.

Registered virtual authors will receive a virtual package (ICERI2021 Proceedings, participation/author certificate, and conference materials) that will be sent by courier after the conference dates.

In order to promote a maximum interaction, different thematic chats, private chats and other networking live activities will be offered for virtual participants.

More details here.

7th International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET 2021) Conferință Turcia

The Superior University Lahore, Pakistan and Altinbas University, Istanbul, Turkey are going to organize the “Seventh International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET 2021)” on 27-28 October 2021, in Istanbul, Turkey in collaboration with IEEE Turkey Section.

This two-day international conference will be held in Istanbul, Turkey’s historic, beautiful, and megacity. Experts will be invited to deliver their keynote talks, speeches, session talks, panel discussions, contributory lectures, and poster presentations related to the conference topics.

This conference will provide opportunities for academia representatives, researchers, students, industrialists, engineers, scientists, professionals, policymakers, investors, and other parties to review recent developments in the areas related to Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Communication Engineering and Technologies. The conference covers many topics under different fields such as power and energy, smart grids, industrial process control, intelligent bio-medical diagnostic systems, and wireless communications, signal and image processing, embedded systems, networks & security, internet of things & big data and software engineering & agile development.

The outcome of the lectures, expert discussions and presentations will help our societies in Asia and particularly in Turkey & Pakistan and will open new avenues in developing solutions to future smart systems and technologies.

More details here.

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research Stagii de cercetare doctorală (36 luni), postdoctorală (6-24 luni) și pentru cercetători (1-3 luni) la institutele Centrului Aerospaţial German Germania

 'DLR – DAAD Research Fellowships’ is a programme implemented by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in Aeronautics, Space, Transportation and Energy is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany´s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility for the forward planning and the implementation of the German space program by the German federal government as well as for the international representation of German interests. Approximately 8,300 people plus approx. 400 visiting scientists are employed in DLR´s 40 institutes and facilities at 20 locations in Germany.

This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists from the fields of Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, and Energy. DLR-DAAD Fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of the DLR in Germany.

More details here.

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare de lungă durată (6-18 luni) pentru cercetători cu experiență care au obținut titlul de doctor cu mai puțin de 12 ani în urmă Germania

Highly-qualified international scientists and scholars from all disciplines who completed their doctorates less than 12 years ago and wish to spend extended periods of research in Germany are invited to apply. Candidates can come from any nation and are expected to have their own, clearly defined research profile: they should typically be working at least at the level of assistant professor or junior research group leader or be able to document independent research work over a number of years.

The fellowship amounts to EUR 3,150, offering the candidates the opportunity to carry out their own long-term research projects (six to 18 months) in cooperation with academic hosts of their choice at research institutions in Germany. The sponsorship entails further benefits and may be flexibly divided into a maximum of three visits within a range of three years. Short-term visits for study and training purposes or for attending conferences are not eligible for sponsorship.

About 500 Fellowships are awarded each year to post-doctoral or experienced researchers.

Detalii: aici.

Candidaturile se analizează pe tot parcursul anului.

Apel pentru evaluatori externi – proiecte finanțate de ANPCDEFP Evaluatori proiecte - Evaluatorii independenţi sunt experţi externi care asigură obiectivitatea procesului de selecţie a propunerilor de proiecte şi procesului de evaluare a rapoartelor, respectiv produselor  realizate în cadrul proiectelor implementate prin programele finanțate în cadrul ANPCDEFP. Aceştia sunt selectaţi în baza unui APEL pentru evaluatori externi care este deschis continuu în perioada 2021 - 2027 (unde găsiţi şi mai multe detalii legate de calitatea de evaluator). Totodată, pentru cei interesaţi există şi instrumente de suport precum Ghid al evaluatorilor (în limba engleză) care detaliază rolul şi aşteptările din partea evaluatorilor.Detalii: aici. Fără termen limită
Democratia-Aqua-Technica Conferences Conferințe Germania/ Serbia

In September (23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021) and October (07.10.2021 - 08.10.2021) SRH Hochschule Heidelberg and the University of Novi Sad will organise two conferences within the DAAD project Democratia-Aqua-Technica.

We invite further universities to participate: https://democratia-aqua.org/conferences-2021/, namely colleagues from Environmental Engineering who might present their university, region etc. at the conference and join the project Democratia-Aqua-Technica.

Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança - 2022 Call
Visiting professor pentru un semestru Portugalia

The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança shares the vision for differentiation by promoting internationalization, practice-based research and pedagogical innovation. Reinforcing its unique internationalization project, the IPB opens the 2022 Call for the reception of visiting professors, with the following conditions:
1. Mobility period and work plan:
The visiting professor should stay at IPB during:
2nd semester 2021/2022, beginning 16/02/2022, ending 16/07/2022, for the following activities:
a) Lecturing one course unit of a IPB study program (roughly, 6 ECTS credits, 4 contact hours/week);
b) Developing a research work plan with one or more IPB researchers and at one IPB R&D unit;
c) Visiting professors can also take part of the pedagogic innovation projects of IPB, namely, Demola project and other innovative modules and master programmes, the Mentoring Academy programme, and volunteer initiatives.
2. IPB support:
IPB guarantees the visiting professor’s accommodation at the IPB International Teachers Residence and one round trip from-to the country of the visiting professor.
3. Application requirements:
The visiting professor should have a PhD diploma and a scientific curricula of international impact in
one of the areas indicated at point
4. The professor should submit his/her application at the web platform http://www.ipb.pt/go/z318, before the deadline of 31/08/2021. The professor should submit a PDF file (maximum of 2048 Kb) including a motivation letter (describing the area and work plan for the mobility period), followed by his/her curriculum vitae.
4. Areas:
Art and Design
Audiovisual Photography
Biomedical Laboratory Sciences
Dietetics and Nutrition
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Oenology and Viticulture
Portuguese Language and Portuguese Speaking Countries
Public Administration


Granturi de cercetare Merck Granturi de cercetare - Detalii aici. 31.08.2021
Virtual conference on “Universities of Tomorrow: Global, Interdisciplinary, Digitized, Sustainable” (UNITO) Conferință Online

Date: November 4th, 2021, 10 am – 7 pm (CEST)
Venue: HTWG Konstanz, Germany (virtual event)
Submission Deadline for abstracts: August 31st, 2021
Conference Chair: Prof. Dr. Thomas Birkhölzer, Vice President HTWG Konstanz
Contact: http://www.htwg-konstanz.de/unito

To actively participate, please submit an abstract (about 300 words) by August 31st, 2021 to unito@htwg-konstanz.de. All submissions will be reviewed. Accepted contributions are invited to hand in a short paper (two to four pages) as well by November 4th. The papers will be published.
The event will be hosted in English. Presentations will be recorded and be virtually available on the conference platform.




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   Mobilitati de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2018 - 30.09.2019.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2018.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2017.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2015 - 30.09.2016.
   Fara termen limita. Fundația acordă în fiecare an peste 700 de burse de cercetare și premii, menite să sprijine cercetători din străinătate să meargă în Germania pentru a lucra...
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