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Denumire program (link)

Tip Ţară Descriere Termen limită
NOU! DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience Mobilități de cercetare Germania Informații detaliate aici. 31.08.2023
NOU! Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança - 23/24-S2 Call  Mobilități de predare  Portugalia The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) shares the vision for differentiation by promoting internationalization, pedagogical innovation and practice-based research. Reinforcing its unique internationalization project, the IPB opens the 23/24-S2 Call for the reception of visiting professors, with the conditions described in the attached document.
The interested professors should submit his/her application at http://ipb.pt/go/cz890, before the deadline of 08/09/2023.
NOU! Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award 2024-2025 Cercetare sau predare la o universitate americană Statele Unite ale Americii Informații detaliate aici. 16.10.2023




Denumire program (link)

Tip Ţară Descriere Termen limită
Virtual International Collaborations course-workshop Curs online pentru cadre didactice Online (Mexic) Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico), as part of its internationalization at home program, invites faculty abroad to register for the Course Workshop “Virtual International Collaborations” (VIC). It will be taught online on the EMINUS4 platform (our institutional educational platform) from September 26th to December 9th The course will be 30 hours long (27 asynchronous and 3 synchronous). The aim of the course is to guide participants in the development of an educational intervention with an international partner.

For this intervention partners will design a syllabus for a course. This syllabus will include international and intercultural student learning outcomes, tasks, e-Tools, an evaluation and a calendar. The syllabus is expected to be taught between February and July 2023.

Participant's profile:
  • A2 (preferably B1) English language proficiency level.
  • ICT skills
  • Openness to collaborative and interdisciplinary work.
  • Good time management skills.
  • Have at least a course to be taught between February and July 2023.
Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion. The course is free with limited availability. Register here
Workshop: Supporting Business English Students in Developing Good Research Habits Workshop pentru cadre didactice care predau limba engleză Online sau Germania

Workshop organizat de Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Villingen-Schwenningen.

Informații detaliate și înregistrare aici.

GO-DIJIP Virtual Staff Training Course Thinking Digital in Joint Programmes Program de formare pentru cadre didactice Online The GO-DIJIP are happy to announce the 2nd edition of the GO-DIJIP “Thinking Digital in Joint Programmes - Virtual Staff Training Course” for HEI staff active or interested in developing Joint Programmes and/or Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters.
Have a look to the video to find out more about GO-DIJIP and the Virtual Staff Training Course.

For this 2nd Edition of the course - November 7th to December 11th 2022 (5 weeks) - 50 places are available and registration is on a “first-come-first-served” basis. Please make sure to register here by October 10th! Participants who will attend all the course modules will be invited to the GO-DIJIP Final Dissemination Event in Brussels on March 17th 2023 and free accommodation will be offered.

Detailed information on training programme, workload, trainers...is available here.
In addition, GO-DIJIP is looking for testimonies from JP and Erasmus Mundus coordinators and staff to enrich the AMPLIFIER Platform. Share with us your testimony and improve the visibility of your JP applying here by October 5th!
Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Mobilitate de predare cu durata de un semestru Portugalia The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) shares the vision for differentiation by promoting internationalization, pedagogical innovation and practice-based research. Reinforcing its unique internationalization project, the IPB opens the 22/23-S1 Call for the reception of visiting professors, with the conditions described in the attached document.
The interested professors should submit his/her application at http://www.ipb.pt/go/cz488, before the deadline of 15/10/2022.
Workshop-uri online pe teme legate de combaterea rasismului Workshop-uri online (90 minute fiecare) Online

Every other Wednesday, at 13h CET, from 7 September until 2 November. Check the Facebook event here!

7 September (13h CET) > ID Talks Everyday’ s Racism: For many young people, facing racism is a daily struggle, affecting their wellbeing and mental health. Explore with us how racism affects health, housing, education, employment, political representation and many other not so obvious aspects of daily life. What are the main challenges and why can youth work be the answer? Guest speaker: Mohammad Omar, Municipality of Sundsvall & Vision24, Sweden

21 September (13h CET) > ID Talks Combating Racism: Several EU policies and national instruments are in place to combat racism. But do you know about them? Come and discover how institutional and policy tools to combat racism can help your work at grass-root level. And is there space for personal stories in combating racism at policy level? Guest speaker: Cătălina Olteanu, Romanian National Council for Combating Discrimination, Romania

5 October (13h CET) > ID Talks Invisible Racism: Racism is often hidden behind closed doors. Hate speech, fake news, lack of critical thinking contribute to new forms of racism. How can youth work address this invisible racism? Learn about good practices from the field and join this important and urgent mission.Guest speaker: Balint Jósa, United against racism

19 October (13h CET) > ID Talks Intersectionality & Racism: What if you don’t only have a minority ethnicity, but also a disability, a different religion or sexual orientation… Multiple discrimination makes it more challenging to defend your rights. We zoom in on the intersectionality between disability and race, and where you can find support and inspiration for activism. Ready to challenge discrimination and racism and its negative personal and professional impact? The talk will have international sign interpretation! Guest speaker: Lydia Gratis, Saved by the sign & EU Youth Deaf Association, Ireland

2 November (13h CET) > ID Talks Practising Anti-Racism: Find out how EU youth programmes provide opportunities and formats for anti-racism youth work. Come and learn from the existing experiences. We give you tips and tricks you can use in your youth work practice locally and internationally. Find out how you can make best use of youth work to promote and practise anti-racism. Guest speaker: Miriam Petra Ómarsdóttir Awad, Erasmus+: Youth in action National Agency, Iceland

Register here.

More details here.






Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award 2023-2024 Granturi de predare sau cercetare Statele Unite ale Americii Prin programul Fulbright Visiting Scholar (pentru cetățenii români) se oferă burse in anul academic 2023/2024 cadrelor didactice și cercetătorilor din universități, centre și institute de cercetare, care sunt interesate/interesați să predea sau să realizeze studii și cercetări în mediul academic american. Data limită de înscriere pentru acest program este 7 noiembrie 2022. Candidații sunt invitați să aplice pentru stagii de cercetare, de predare sau cu proiecte combinate (cercetare și predare), în orice domeniu, cu excepția medicinei clinice. De asemenea, este util de știut că invitația de la potențiala universitate gazdă din S.U.A. nu este obligatorie în acest stadiu al competiției, aceasta poate fi transmisă pe email și după deadline, recomandabil - până în prima  parte a lunii decembrie, 2022.
Mai multe informații despre programul Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award sunt disponibile la  https://fulbright.ro/competition/2023-2024-visiting-scholar-program/
17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) Apel la contribuții  Spania

You can contribute and submit your abstracts in any of the following formats:
- Oral and poster presentations
- Virtual presentations

The deadline for abstracts submission is 17th of November, 2022.

You can find the conference topics here.

Top 5 reasons to participate at INTED2023
- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education.
- Interact with international educators and technologists for future cooperation.
- Meet 700 participants from more than 80 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 70+ thematic sessions.
- Publish your paper in INTED2023 Proceedings.
- INTED2023 Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for their possible indexation in Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index).
- An individual DOI number will be assigned for each accepted paper.
- Also, INTED2023 Proceedings will be included in IATED Digital Library.

International Conference on Business, Digitalization, and Sustainability (India, format hibrid) Conferință India, hibrid

Detalii: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICBDS2023

Pagina conferinței: https://sites.google.com/view/upessobconference/home?authuser=0

Curs „La Pédagogie Entrepreneuriale, en quoi cela nous concerne tou.te.s ?” Curs pentru cadre didactice Online

Termen limită înscriere: 07.12.2022

Detalii: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-WMyCpBn-ARXCsKhFzJqb2aH_f1sEdbBftMcWl4CTIGn4bA/viewform

Burse DAAD pentru stagii de cercetare de scurtă durată Burse de cercetare Germania Serviciul German de Schimb Academic (DAAD) scoate la concurs burse de cercetare de scurtă durată în Germania pentru doctoranzi, tineri cercetători (postdoc) și cadre didactice din cadrul instituțiilor de învățământ superior și cercetare din România.

Sunt finanțate stagii de cercetare desfășurate în limba germană sau în limba engleză:
•    Stagii de cercetare de scurtă durată (1-6 luni): http://bit.ly/Stagii_1-6_luni
•    Stagii de cercetare pentru cadre didactice universitare și cercetători: http://bit.ly/Stagii_cadre_didactice_si_cercetatori
•    Stagii de lucru: profesori universitari din domeniile artă, muzică și arhitectură: http://bit.ly/Stagii_de_lucru_arta_muzica_arhitectura
•    Reinvitarea foștilor bursieri: http://bit.ly/Reinvitare_fosti_bursieri

Stagiile de cercetare se vor desfășura începând cu iunie 2023, iar termenul limită de depunere a candidaturilor este 16.01.2023.
Burse “Make Our Planet Great Again” Burse de cercetare Franța

Sunt disponibile 40 de burse (grant 2500 EUR/lună, primă de instalare 500 EUR) pentru stagii de cercetare în Franța cu durata de 12 luni. Pot candida tineri cercetători care și-au prezentat teza de doctorat între decembrie 2017 și ianuarie 2023, francofoni, care lucrează pe teme precum schimbarea climatică, sustenabilitatea, tranziția energetică, implicațiile sociale ale problemelor de mediu, interdependența dintre sănătatea umană, animală și a mediului, etc.

Detalii: https://www.campusfrance.org/fr/mopga-2023

Networking meeting on the implementation of COIL projects Webinar Online
We would like to invite you to a networking meeting on the implementation of COIL projects , which will take place online on 20 February 2023 at 13.00 . During the meeting you can network with specific colleagues from foreign universities and propose your COIL project together .
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is a module that can appropriately complement your teaching and help develop your students ' language and IT competences , enhance their intercultural awareness and cooperation with students from abroad . COIL is very flexible and suitable for all types of courses and study programmes . It can be implemented in the context of teaching both Erasmus students and your local students .
In November 2022, two workshops were held at the Faculty of Economics, VŠB TUO, which focused on the preparation and implementation of COIL projects organized within the Erasmus project DO IT!
If you are interested in participating in the networking meeting, please register here
Webinare ECML dedicate educației lingvistice Webinare pentru cadre didactice din domeniul limbi străine  Online ECML (The European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe - Centrul European pentru Limbi Moderne al Consiliului Europei) promovează excelența în educația lingvistică având ca obiectiv strategic susținerea statelor membre în implementarea unor politici eficiente de predare/învățare a limbilor străine prin:
  • susținerea învățării și predării tuturor limbilor străine;
  • promovarea dialogului și a schimbului între profesioniștii activi în domeniul educației lingvistice;
  • instruirea multiplicatorilor;
  • sprijinirea rețelelor prin organizarea și finanțarea unor programe și proiecte de cercetare.

Mai multe informații privind webinarele aici.

Resurse educaționale gratuite aici.

Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Mobilități de predare cu durata de un semestru Portugalia Informații detaliate aici. 28.02.2023
16th International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics – COMECAP 2023 Conferință Grecia The conference will be held in the University of West Attica (Ancient Olive Grove Campus), Athens, Greece from 25 up to 29 September 2023.
The conference is organized by the Hellenic Meteorological Society (HMS), the University of West Attica (UNIWA) and the Institute of Prevention, Education and Research of Neurological Diseases. COMECAP 2023 is dedicated to the impact on Environment and Human Health due to Climate Change.
Established in 1992, the International Conference on Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Physics-COMECAP is a leading conference where top experts and scientists present state-of-the-art research on current and emerging issues concerning Meteorology, Climatology and Climate Change, Atmospheric Physics, Environment & Energy, Air Quality as well as the adverse health effects due to burdened environment, air pollution, extreme weather, etc.
COMECAP is a peer-reviewed International Conference. All the papers that will be selected for either oral or poster presentation, will undergo a review process.

An effort will be made by the organizing committee to publish all papers by an international scientific publisher (Indexing of the Proceedings).
Important Dates
Abstracts Submission: Up to 28th February 2023
Abstracts Acceptance Response: Up to 15th March 2023
Full paper Submission: Up to 15th May 2023
Full Paper Acceptance Response: Up to 15th June 2023
Final Paper Submission: Up to 15th July 2023
For more information, please, visit the official site of COMECAP 2023: https://www.comecap2023.gr/
3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering  (ICECCME 2023) Conferință Spania

The 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME 2023) will take place in Tenerife, Canary Islands, SPAIN on 19-20 July, 2023. The conference will provide an excellent international forum for dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices of the academics, researchers, engineers and also industry professionals. 

More details here.

Eaquals webinar series for teachers Webinare pentru cadre didactice Online (Marea Britanie)

EAQUALS (The Evaluation and Acreditation of Quality Language Services - Asociația pentru evaluarea și acreditarea serviciilor lingvistice de calitate) a fost fondată în 1991 și este o asociație non-profit înregistrată în Anglia și Țara Galilor. Webinarele și resursele acoperă o serie de teme relevante pentru profesori, formatori de profesori, manageri academici și directori de studii și furnizează studii de caz privind trecerea la livrarea online a cursurilor.

Lista webinarelor oferite în perioada următoare poate să fie consultată aici

15th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) Conferință Spania Informații detaliate aici. 25.03.2023
"Microbial shelf life assessment under new societal challenges" workshop at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Workshop Portugalia The Workshop “Microbial shelf life assessment under new societal challenges” will be held on the 10-11 May 2023 at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (Portugal) as a proof-of-concept training event within the Erasmus+ Programme e-SafeFood project. The workshop is targeted to Master/PhD students, researchers and academic staff; and has as main objective to impart knowledge on the different approaches available to quantify the microbiological shelf life of food, including determination, validation and verification; as well as on the considerations to successfully execute durability and challenge test studies. The workshop is free-of-charge, but registration is required. For more information, visit: https://esa.ipb.pt/shelf-life/ 31.03.2023
STAR Scholars Global Conference Conferință Spania, online We invite you to participate in The STAR Global Conference-Uvigo UNESCO chair 2023. The Call for proposals is open now. All selected papers will be published in SPI books or indexed journals.
WEB: https://star-unesco23.uvigo.es/
This is an exciting opportunity to help shape the future of global learning and transform education in higher education. The conference will take place on October 9-10, 2023, in Vigo, Spain (in person and virtual).
Global Entrepreneurship Education Summit (GEES) Conferință Portugalia

The University of Porto invites you to join the event in collaboration with European Innovation Academy - Global Entrepreneurship Education Summit (GEES). GEES is a program that brings educators from top universities worldwide to listen, compare, and share innovative strategies and methods for teaching future entrepreneurs.
During the two days of GEES on July 26-27, 2023, you will learn:
•    why innovative approaches in teaching entrepreneurship are necessary,
•    what methods have been proven successful,
•    how to maximize the student learning experience, and
•    how to apply innovative techniques to entrepreneurship education in practice.

More details here.

Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Predare Portugalia The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (www.ipb.pt/en) shares the vision for differentiation by promoting internationalization and joint research. Reinforcing its unique internationalization and research outputs, the IPB opens the 23/24 Call for the reception of visiting researchers, with the conditions described in the attached document.
The interested researchers should submit his/her application here, before the deadline of 15/05/2023.
STAR Scholars Global Conference Conferință Spania, online We invite you to participate in The STAR Global Conference-Uvigo UNESCO chair 2023. The Call for proposals is open now. All selected papers will be published in SPI books or indexed journals.
WEB: https://star-unesco23.uvigo.es/
This is an exciting opportunity to help shape the future of global learning and transform education in higher education. The conference will take place on October 9-10, 2023, in Vigo, Spain (in person and virtual).
Burse în baza H.G. 118/2023 pentru stagii postdoctorale și de cercetare în străinătate Mobilități postdoctorale și de cercetare Orice țară Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii organizează concurs în vederea alocării a 200 de luni de bursă pentru stagii postdoctorale și de cercetare.

Detalii: aici.
Fulbright-RAF Scholar Award in the field of Entrepreneurship Pregătire academică și cercetare în domeniul Antreprenoriatului Statele Unite ale Americii Informații detaliate aici. 25.05.2023
European Student Affairs Conference 2023 Conferință Germania

The conference is the perfect event for management and leadership level in student affairs and services in Europe, particularly in student housing, dining services, health and counselling services, digitalization and technology, personnel and administration, and internationalisation.

More details here.

Future, Research and Expectations in Science, Knowledge, and Aspirations Conference Conferință Bosnia și Herțegovina

Independent University Banja Luka has the honor and pleasure to invite members of domestic and international scientific community and interested experts to submit scientific or expert papers and take part in scientific conference with international participation: “Future, research and expectations in science, knowledge, and aspirations”, under the topic ,,Limitations, scopes, and futures of social development and impact of global tax reforms”. The conference will take place in Banja Luka on the 16th of November 2023.

More details here.

16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) Conferință Spania You can present your projects and experiences on education and innovation in any of the following formats:
- Oral and poster presentations
- Virtual presentations
The deadline for submission of abstracts is the 13th of July 2023.
You can find here the conference topics.
International Conference on Business Psychology Transformation 2024 (INCOBPT). Conferință Germania The conference will take place from 1st to 3rd February 2024 at the Weiden Business School, located in Weiden, Germany. This event aims to bring together professionals, researchers, and students from various disciplines to explore the intersection of business and psychology and discuss the latest advancements in this dynamic field.
To provide you with more information, I would like to direct your attention to our conference website: https://www.oth-aw.de/hochschule/fakultaeten/weiden-business-school/international-conference-on-business-psychology-transformation-2024-incobpt/



   Mobilitati de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2018 - 30.09.2019.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2018.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2017.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2015 - 30.09.2016.
   Fara termen limita. Fundația acordă în fiecare an peste 700 de burse de cercetare și premii, menite să sprijine cercetători din străinătate să meargă în Germania pentru a lucra...
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