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Democratia-Aqua-Technica Conferences Conferințe online Germania/ Serbia

In September (23.09.2021 - 24.09.2021) and October (07.10.2021 - 08.10.2021) SRH Hochschule Heidelberg and the University of Novi Sad will organise two conferences within the DAAD project Democratia-Aqua-Technica.

We invite further universities to participate: https://democratia-aqua.org/conferences-2021/, namely colleagues from Environmental Engineering who might present their university, region etc. at the conference and join the project Democratia-Aqua-Technica.

IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies Conferință Africa de Sud IEEE - International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Energy Technologies (ICECET) will take place in Cape Town, South Africa on 09-10 December, 2021. The conference will provide an excellent international forum for dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices of the academics, researchers, engineers and also industry professionals.

All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication.

Due to the COVID pandemic, ICECET will be held both face-to-face and online. Participants can make their presentations online.

Please visit the conference web page for more details: http://www.icecet.com

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

•  Antennas and Propagation
•  Applied Computer Science
•  Artificial Intelligence
•  Cloud Computing
•  Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
•  Computer Based Learning
•  Electronic Engineering
•  Energy Saving Technologies
•  Energy Storage Technologies and Devices
•  Energy Transmission and Distribution
•  High Voltage Engineering
•  Human-Computer Interaction
•  Internet of Things and Big Data
•  Networks and Security
•  Photovoltaic Systems and Solar Energy
•  Power Electronics Applications
•  Power Systems and Automation
•  Renewable Energy Systems
•  RF and Microwave Circuits
•  Signal and Image Processing
•  Software Engineering
•  VLSI and MEMS Design
•  Cyber Physical Systems Engineering
Apel la candidaturi: workshop "Virtual International Collaborations" organizat de Universidad Veracruzana (Mexic) Workshop online Online Universidad Veracruzana (Mexic) lansează un apel la candidaturi pentru workshop-ul „Colaborare internațională virtuală”. Cursul se adresează cadrelor didactice, se va derula în perioada septembrie-decembrie 2021 și va avea durata de 30 de ore. În anexă găsiți atașate informațiile despre curs (în limbile spaniolăengleză și franceză), iar mai jos un link către site-ul oficial:


Participarea la program este gratuită. Numărul participanților este limitat.
International Conference on Industry Science and Computer Sciences Innovation – Fostering Productivity and Sustainable Growth
Conferință Portugalia

The conference organizers cordially invite you to submit your scientific work to iSCSi – International Conference on Industry Sciences and Computers Sciences Innovation – Fostering Productivity and Sustainable Growth to be held in Gaia, Portugal, next December 1-3.

iSCSi intends to bring together leading international experts on production systems technologies, logistics and cutting-edge information systems and technologies, from academia and industry to discuss ground-breaking issues and trends in computer technologies that enable manufacturing, supply chain management, Industry 4.0 and sustainable growth and advances in computer sciences that support the industry sector.

iSCSi aims to attract original and relevant contributions on the emergent panorama of modern societies that fully embrace scientific methods to overcome technological challenges within of Industry Sciences Innovation and Computer Sciences Innovation.

The conference will be held physically in Gaia/Porto in the ISLA – Polytechnic Institute of Management and Technology modern facilities with internal and direct access to Hotel HolidayInn Gaia/Porto, and virtually using synchronous videoconferencing system Zoom.

Please take note of these important dates:
 - Deadline for paper submission: September 15, 2021
 - Notification of acceptance/rejection: October 15, 2021
 - Revised Version / Camera Ready: November 5, 2021
 - Conference: December 1, 2 and 3, 2021

The proceedings of the conference will be published OpenAccess in the Elsevier Procedia Compute Science (indexed by Clarivate Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus and INSPEC) and available on Sciverse ScienceDirect.

More details here.

International Workshop on Social Mediation as a Way to Strengthen Awareness of Human Rights and Civil Struggle Against Violence Workshop Turcia We are glad to announce that, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, and HEGEM (Struggle Against Violence Foundation), Karadeniz Technical University is organizing an International Workshop on Social Mediation as a Way to Strengthen Awareness of Human Rights and Civil Struggle Against Violence on 6-7-8 October 2021 in Trabzon, Turkey.
We cordially invite those who work and are interested in the subject to participate in the workshop.
More details: here
Sustainable Development Goals Generation Festival Workshopuri online Online Windesheim SDG Generation Festival - 11-13 oktober

The Windesheim Sustainable Development Generation Festival will be organised this year focusing on the theme of 'Education for a Sustainable Future'. Every day has its own programme, of which the Monday and Wednesday are entirely online and in English. As a partner of Windesheim it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this event!

Sign up for one or more (online) activities or attend an online presentation of the keynote speakers. The entire programme is available here, where the registration form can also be found.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar

Stagii de cercetare

Stagii de predare

Stagii combinate de predare și cercetare

Statele Unite ale Americii

A fost lansat programul Fulbright Visiting Scholar,  prin care se oferă burse in anul academic 2022-2023 cadrelor didactice și cercetătorilor din universități, centre și institute de cercetare, care intenționează să predea sau să realizeze studii și cercetări în mediul academic american.

Data limită de înscriere pentru acest program este 21 octombrie 2021. Candidații sunt invitati sa aplice pentru stagii de cercetare, de predare sau cu proiecte combinate (cercetare și predare), în orice domeniu, cu excepția medicinei clinice sau psihologiei clinice.
Mai multe informații despre programul Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award sunt disponibile aici: https://fulbright.ro/competition/2022-2023-visiting-scholar-program/

Burse de cercetare şi formare postuniversitară şi postdoctorală “Vasile Pârvan” la Accademia di Romania din Roma şi “Nicolae Iorga” la Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica din Veneţia Burse de cercetare, burse de formare postuniversitară Italia Detalii aici. 03.11.2021
Granturi DAAD pentru stagii de cercetare Granturi de cercetare Germania Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 1-3 luni, în cadrul unei universități sau institut de cercetare din Germania
Pot candida: profesori universitari, cercetători
Termene limită: 15.11.2021, 02.05.2022
Detalii: aici
Granturi DAAD pentru stagii de lucru Granturi pentru vizite de studii Germania Granturi pentru stagii de lucru cu durata de 1-3 luni în cadrul unei instituții pentru cooperare artistică din Germania
Pot candida: profesori universitari din domeniile artă, arhitectură, design
Termene limită: 15.11.2021, 02.05.2022
Detalii: aici
Defending academic freedom by supporting students at risk. Towards a European approach? Eveniment online Online The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), and the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) have great pleasure to invite you the joint event “Defending academic freedom by supporting students at risk. Towards a European approach?” online on 16 November 2021 from 10:00am-12:45pm CET.

The event will
•    inform about national programmes in Germany, Norway and Poland, which are protecting students at risk;
•    give a voice to students, who have benefitted from these existing programmes;
•    explore possibilities to complement, coordinate and expand the support for students at risk at European level.

For more information and event registration please visit our event page.

We are looking forward to your participation!
The 5th Norwegian Circular Economy Conference Conferință Online The conference is a hybrid event streamed live from the new Deichman Library in Oslo. Online participation is open and free of charge. Sign up via the link here.

If you are interested in networks and cooperation on green projects, this is the event to join. The conference will address the following topics

  • State of the Nation
  • Global Voices of Experience
  • Voices from the Industry
  • Funding Opportunities: EEA and Norway Grants, Horizon Europe and Others
  • Online Matchmaking
16th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference Conferință Spania sau online You are invited to join the 16th edition of INTED, one of the largest international conferences for lecturers, educational researchers and technologists.
For the last 15 years, INTED conferences have been held as both in-person and virtual events, welcoming more than 700 participants in the field of education. Last March 2021, due to the COVID outbreak, INTED2021 was successfully held as a virtual conference.
This year 2022, if the health conditions and travelling restrictions do not allow INTED2022 to be held in-person, the conference will be moved to a fully virtual format. Please, find more information here.



Visiting Professors @ISIT program 2021-22 Stagiu de predare de scurtă durată (1 săptămână - 2 luni) Franța

The aim of the ‘Visiting Professors @ISIT’ program is to welcome two visiting faculty members to the school each year, specializing in ISIT’s fields of research and expertise. Ideally, the two visitors should come from two different continents and two different disciplinary spheres, in keeping with ISIT’s outward-looking and multidisciplinary ethos.

Two visiting professors per year
One week to two months spent working at ISIT
Applicants must be published university lecturers and researchers from a partner university outside of France, working in one of ISIT’s disciplinary fields
Teaching and research cooperation may take place in person or online

Administrative aspects
For in-person visits, your travel and accommodation costs will be paid by ISIT, up to a maximum of €3,000, upon submission of your receipts.

Applications for virtual visits are also welcome.

More details here.

15.12.2021 (sem. 1 - 2022-2023)
Conference EFYE - European First Year Experience Conference at TU Graz (Austria), April 20-22, 2022 Conferință Austria The EFYE conference will be hosted by Graz University of Technology from April 20-22, 2022. The conference will bring together higher education professionals from across Europe and beyond, welcoming all who wish to share ideas and their experience related to supporting first year students.

More details here.
Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Stagii de predare Portugalia The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) shares the vision for differentiation by promoting internationalization, pedagogical innovation and practice-based research. Reinforcing its unique internationalization project, the IPB opens the 22/23-S1 Call for the reception of visiting professors, with the conditions described in the attached document.
The interested professors should submit his/her application at http://www.ipb.pt/go/z318, before the deadline of 15/01/2022.
3rd International Conference: "International Perspectives in Education" (IPiE2022) Conferință Belgia On behalf of the Conference Committee, we warmly invite you to participate in our upcoming 3rd International Conference: "International Perspectives in Education" (IPiE2022) which will take place on 8-9 April, 2022 at ΚU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
The International Perspectives in Education 2022 focuses on the theme: Voices from the Classroom.
This year, the Conference will take place in a hybrid form, combining face-to-face and online participation.
Details of the Conference can be found here:  https://ipieconference.org/  
The call for abstracts is now open, if you wish to participate you can submit your abstract for consideration by the Scientific Committee here:  https://ipieconference.org/submit-abstract/
We encourage submissions which are unique, innovative and diverse to contribute to a better understanding of improving educational outcomes.
Oportunitate de predare la Université de Bretagne Occidentale - IUT Quimper (Franța) Grant Erasmus+ de predare  

Săptămâna internațională este programată în perioada 6-8 aprilie 2022. Pot participa cadre didactice care predau în domeniile marketing, administrarea afacerilor, logistică și transporturi, biologie și industria alimentară. Cursul/cursurile (8 ore în total) vor fi predate studenților din anul I, în limba engleză, germană sau spaniolă. Există posibilitatea finanțării mobilității prin programul Erasmus+, cu condiția depunerii documentelor necesare din timp la DRI.

Înregistrare: aici

Informații privind mobilitățile Erasmus+ de predare: aici.

Fulbright-RAF Scholar Award Grant în domeniul educației antreprenoriale Statele Unite ale Americii Fulbright-RAF Scholar Award este un program destinat cadrelor universitare din universități și departamente tehnice care doresc să efectueze o mobilitate de un semestru la Universitatea din Rochester pentru studiu și cercetare independentă, dezvoltarea curriculumului și participarea la activități antreprenoriale.

Programul începe în ianuarie 2023 și le va oferi bursierilor români o experiență valoroasă, permițându-le să dezvolte oportunități de educație antreprenorială de înaltă calitate pentru studenții din România.

Domenii eligibile: Antreprenoriat și Studii antreprenoriale

Candidații trebuie să îndeplinească următoarele criterii:
- să dețină cetățenia română; posesorii de card verde și persoanele cu dublă cetățenie (română și americană) nu sunt eligibile;
- să dețină o diplomă de doctor și să îndeplinească responsabilități regulate de predare;
- să demonstreze interes și capacitatea de a participa pe deplin la progam, precum și de a implementa educația antreprenorială la întoarcere;
- să dorească să promoveze inovația prin dezvoltarea unei asociații naționale de educație antreprenorială;
- să fie susținut de universitatea de origine pentru a putea obține rezultate de mare impact pentru studenții români;
- să poată dovedi abilități în limba engleză corespunzătoare activităților cerute de acest tip de program.

Mai multe informații sunt disponibile aici.
2022 University Industry Innovation Network Conference Conferință Olanda Interested in presenting your work at the 10th UIIN conference? Join us to share your knowledge and experiences and gain recognition for personal or institutional achievements at the largest global event dedicated to university-industry interaction, entrepreneurial & engaged universities and the future of higher education. This year we welcome research-based abstracts, institutional and initiative-based good practice case studies, poster presentations and workshop proposals.

To mark the 10th UIIN conference and our 10-year anniversary as an organisation, we will be celebrating and recognising our community and the great contributions you make to advancing the field of university-industry interaction with special UIIN Awards!

Explore the conference themes and award categories below, and make sure to submit your proposal before January 24, 2022.

Learn more
International Week - Institute of Technology - University of Angers Mobilitate de predare (în cadrul programului Erasmus+) Franța

The international week is made up of a series of rich
lectures and workshops. As for your lessons,
you should focus on an aspect of your
expertise (though not too technical) or, some
socio-cultural aspects of life in your home

More details here.

Notă: După obținerea scrisorii de accept de la partener, se va depune candidatura la UPT pentru bursa Erasmus+

Erasmus+ Staff Training Week in Sustainable Development at Université Catholique de Lille Mobilitate de formare (în cadrul programului Erasmus+) Franța (față-în-față)

This training week will mainly focus on Innovation in teaching-learnings & student experience as well as Sustainable Development, which are two major strategic research and action fields across the whole campus. Of course, internationalization during the time of Covid will also be on the agenda, as well as time for networking and meeting colleagues in Lille.

21 to 25 March 2022 (Possible arrival on March 20 & departure on March 26)

Colleagues from partner universities of Université Catholique de Lille, involved in sustainable development and/or innovation projects/student experience and internationalization at their home university. Participation might be limited to 1 or 2 representatives per university.

Université Catholique de Lille, Lille, France

What for?
•    Sustainable Development (presentation of UCLille’s project for a zero carbon campus; visit of eco-friendly buildings; presentation of interaction with local partners and student participation; integration of SDG’s in student programs
Innovation in teaching & learning  (visit of labs and facilities, presentation of innovative teaching techniques and specific trainings to foster innovation amongst students and professionals), innovation for internationalization.
•    Bilateral meetings with French colleagues
•    Cultural and linguistic immersion
•    Networking with an international group

How to apply?
Candidates are invited to send CV and/or description of their project and a motivation letter in link with sustainable development and/or innovation to their Erasmus coordinator (Lect. Dr. Claudia STOIAN, Head of the Erasmus+ Office at UPT).

European First Year Experience Conference 2022 at TU Graz Conferință Austria The EFYE conference will be hosted by Graz University of Technology from 20-22 April 2022. The conference will bring together higher education professionals and researchers from across Europe and beyond, welcoming all who wish to share ideas and experience related to supporting first year students. We have received many high quality submissions, which are going to offer plenty of space to exchange ideas around the core topics of the conference.

This year’s conference themes according to the motto "Next stop: University" are:
• Prospective Students - Road to University
• Beginners - Transition Station
• Teaching Staff - Learners Square

You will find all information about the topics of EFYE 2022 and the timetable on our website: https://efye.tugraz.at/.

27.02.2022 (early bird)


Best practices from the USA on R&D protection, to be applied by the business community, health care and academia Conferință în format hibrid România / online The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR), in cooperation with the Commercial Section of the US Embassy, has the pleasure to invite you to the conference BEST PRACTICES FROM THE USA ON R&D PROTECTION, TO BE APPLIED BY THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY, HEALTH CARE AND ACADEMIA, held on March 15, 2022, starting with 10 AM, in a hybrid format, with both physical and virtual presence, at the CCIR Business Center, Cuza Amphitheatre.
During the event, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) experts will discuss how U.S. academic institutions, law enforcement and intelligence agencies work together to protect academic research and development as well as private sector’s proprietary information from theft and misuse by foreign actors. Experts will also discuss similar considerations for healthcare providers and research institutions and offer insights and lessons learned from the U.S. Government.
The conference aims to provide valuable information to Romanian universities, private sector companies, and healthcare institutions that are considering how to mitigate risks posed by international partnerships and academic collaboration.
Attendance at this conference is free of charge. Please fill in and send the registration form to the email address cristina.ionescu@ccir.ro until March 14, 2022. The form is INDIVIDUAL & NON-TRANSFERABLE.
Access is only allowed to those who have registered and received confirmation of participation from the contact person. At the same time, access to the event will be allowed within the available seats in the conference room and in compliance with the regulations imposed by the authorities.
14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN) Conferință Spania You are invited to join the 14th edition of EDULEARN, one of the largest international conferences for lecturers, educational researchers and technologists.
For the last 12 years, EDULEARN conferences have been held in-person, welcoming more than 800 participants in the field of education, and the last two editions were held virtually due to the pandemic.
This year, we are looking forward to welcoming you all again in Palma. If the covid situation didn’t allow EDULEARN22 to be held in-person, the conference would be moved to a fully virtual format. Please, find more information here.
KTU Global Faculty Week 2022 Mobilitate de predare (în cadrul programului Erasmus+) Lituania Kaunas University of Technology kindly invites colleagues from partner universities worldwide to its “Global Faculty Week 2022” to be held on 25-29 April 2022. The purpose of the event is to integrate international and intercultural dimensions into the curriculum, strengthen the idea of internationalization at home, maintain and develop international cooperation. The event is open for academic staff working in the fields of engineering, technological, physical, social sciences and humanities.
The event will be held in a hybrid format. Colleagues, who are still hesitant about travelling or otherwise have no possibility to come to Kaunas for a physical visit, are very welcome to choose the possibility of virtual teaching.
In addition, we will prepare a week-long social programme with cultural presentations, networking events and workshops that will give the opportunity to gain new knowledge, start discussions and networking as well as help strengthen the existing and create new partnerships with colleagues from all over the world.
The application deadline is 25 March 2022. But we strongly encourage you to apply much in advance so that we have enough time to contact the faculties and find you a hosting programme.
Please do not hesitate to contact  us at erasmus@ktu.lt or visit our website for more information about the event and registration.
Making mobility programmes more inclusive Conferință Online

Ministerul Educației din Olanda, the Support Centre Inclusive Higher Education (SIHO) și partenerii implicați în proiectul PLAR-4-SIMP project vă invită să participați la conferința finală ”Making mobility programmes more inclusive”, în data de 5 aprilie 2022 (online).

Proiectul PLAR-4-SIMP project, derulat în ultimii 2 ani, este co-finanțat de programul Erasmus+ și are ca scop sprijinirea implementării reformelor în cadrul European Higher Education Area.
În timpul conferinței, un panel de discuții va fi dedicat subiectului Inclusive Mobility.
Vă puteți înregistra la eveniment accesând acest link (termen limită pentru înscriere 01 aprilie 2022, ora 13:00).

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships la University of Angers Stagii de cercetare Franța

The MSCA fellowships provide funding for researchers. The grant usually covers up to two years’ salary, a mobility allowance, research costs and overheads for the host institution. Post-doc researchers submit proposals for funding together with their planned host organisation. Proposals are evaluated on research quality, the researcher’s future career prospects, and the support offered by the host organisation.

More details here.

Conference on the European Digital Student Service Infrastructure Conferință online Grecia

The conference is going to take place on May 18th, 2022. Organised by the EDSSI consortium, the conference will be held in Thessaloniki (Greece) and will offer participating stakeholders the opportunity to explore more in-depth the EDSSI interoperable infrastructure, its impact and its applicable solutions into their everyday life.

More details here.

ECOLAH Project - Complexity Oriented Learning in Health Workshop Workshop Online ECOLAH Project - Complexity Oriented Learning in Health will have its first workshop: from Framing to Educating, on Glamping Hills, organized by Instituto Politécnico de Bragança - Portugal, on the 26th April 2022.
Attached to this e-mail you can find the invitation, we kindly ask you to disseminate it in your insttitution.
We believe that his event will be a moment of reflexion for higher education teachers and health professionals that have an active role in the capacity building of health students, we hope that you do accept our invitation and join us for the discussion. The event will have the participation of Professor Paul Beenen, from Hanze University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands and Professor Toini Harra, from Metropolia University of Applied Sciences from Finland.
The event will be bilingual Portuguese and English and Blended, with participants face to face (limit of 20 participants) and online (limit of 50 participants).
The registration is free, but mandatory. Please, click here  for registration.
24th International Conference on Materials, Methods and Technologies Conferință Bulgaria We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 24th International Conference on Materials, Methods and Technologies, to be held between 19- 22 August 2022 in Burgas, Bulgaria. Learn more and register.
The event is organized jointly by Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Science and Education Foundation and partners.
We will be as flexible as we can to allow delegates to switch registration types between "on-site" and "online," depending on their circumstances, up to 30 days before the conference.
The papers presented will be published in open-access journals International Scientific Publications.
If you need additional information about the conferences we will hold in 2022, visit the site.
We monitor the ever-changing COVID situation and make decisions based on the latest guidelines given by countries & health agencies.
Granturi DAAD pentru stagii de cercetare Granturi de cercetare Germania Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 1-3 luni, în cadrul unei universități sau institut de cercetare din Germania
Pot candida: profesori universitari, cercetători
Termen limită: 02.05.2022
Detalii: aici
Granturi DAAD pentru stagii de lucru Granturi pentru vizite de studii Germania Granturi pentru stagii de lucru cu durata de 1-3 luni în cadrul unei instituții pentru cooperare artistică din Germania
Pot candida: profesori universitari din domeniile artă, arhitectură, design
Termen limită: 02.05.2022
Detalii: aici
Erasmus+ Information Day 2022 – Erasmus+ Teacher Academies Workshop Eveniment online Erasmus+ Teacher Academies este una dintre actiunile strategice ale Spatiului Educational European, finantata drin Parteneriatele pentru Excelenta, Acțiunea Cheie 2 a Programului Erasmus+ 2021-2027. Obiectivul general al acestei actiuni este de a crea parteneriate europene intre furnizorii de invatamant pedagogic pentru a infiinta academii Erasmus+ pentru cadrele didactice care sa dezvolte o perspectiva europeana si internationala in invatamantul pedagogic. Pe 21 februarie 2022, a avut loc evenimentul de lansare a Erasmus+ Teacher Academies cu participarea Mariyei Gabriel, comisarul UE pentru inovare, cercetare, cultură, educație și tineret.
In contextul promovarii Apelului 2022 pentru depunerea candidaturilor ce vizeaza acest tip de proiect, ANPCDEFP organizeaza un eveniment Erasmus+ Information Day 2022 in format online dedicat organizatiilor care pot coordona sau participa in calitate de partener sau partener asociat in cadrul unei academii Erasmus+ pentru cadrele didactice. Contextul politicilor si principalele caracteristici ale aceastei actiuni vor fi prezentate in cadrul evenimentului de catre un reprezentant al Directiei Generale pentru Educatie si Cultura (DG EAC) din cadrul Comisiei Europene. Atasata la acest e-mail, puteti gasi agenda evenimentului si va incurajam sa consultati si brosura informativa publicata de CE.
Invitatia de a participa la aceasta sesiune de informare este destinata institutiilor de invatamant superior care ofera formare initiala a cadrelor didactice si/sau dezvoltare profesionala continua) pentru cadrele didactice de la nivelurile ISCED 1-3, inclusiv cadrele didactice din domeniul VET. Rugam colegii din Birourile Erasmus+ sa transmita invitatia mai departe catre reprezentantii facultatilor, departamentelor sau programelor de studii cu profil psihopedagogic din cadrul propriei institutii care pot beneficia si valorifica informatiile prezentate.
Erasmus+ Information Day 2022 – Erasmus+ Teacher Academies se va desfasura in data de 4 mai 2022 incepand cu ora 11:00. Aceasta sesiune va avea loc in format online prin intermediul platformei Zoom si se va desfasura in limba engleza (nu va fi asigurata interpretare in limba romana).
Este necesara inregistrarea in prealabil prin accesarea acestui link. Va rugam sa aveti in vedere ca este necesar sa folositi pentru inregistrare o adresa de e-mail valida intrucat datele de conectare pentru sesiune vor fi trimise automat pe acea adresa. Termenul limita pentru inregistrare este 2 mai 2022.
Language Training Week: French Courses la University of Rouen Normandy Curs de limba franceză Franța The University of Rouen Normandy (URN) is pleased to announce its Language Training Week: French Courses from Monday 10 October to Friday 14 October 2022 in Rouen.
This week is designed for Academic and Administrative staff and any other staff interested in learning the French language.
You'll find attached a draft version of our programme with other useful information.
You can pre-register for the event before Monday 9 May 2022 here: https://enquetes.univ-rouen.fr/446927?lang=en
Please note that the number of participants must be between 18 and 30 people. This event will be cancelled if the minimum number of participants is not reached.
Cursuri de limba spaniolă/engleză Cursuri de limba spaniolă / engleză Spania Detalii: hola@spainbcn.com
Perioade cursuri:
- Engleză: 09-13.05.2022, 13-17.06.2022, 20-24.06.2022, 04-08.07.2022, 11-15.07.2022;
- Spaniolă: 16-20.05.2022, 06-10.06.2022, 04-08.07.2022, 11-15.07.2022, 18-22.07.2022;
Participarea la aceste cursuri poate să fie finanțată prin programul Erasmus+. Detalii privind programul Erasmus+ la UPT: http://upt.ro/international/Mobilitati-Si-Cooperari-Internationale_Mobilitati-de-predare-si-formare-2021-2022_162_ro.html
Visiting Professors @ISIT program 2021-22 Stagiu de predare de scurtă durată (1 săptămână - 2 luni) Franța

The aim of the ‘Visiting Professors @ISIT’ program is to welcome two visiting faculty members to the school each year, specializing in ISIT’s fields of research and expertise. Ideally, the two visitors should come from two different continents and two different disciplinary spheres, in keeping with ISIT’s outward-looking and multidisciplinary ethos.

Two visiting professors per year
One week to two months spent working at ISIT
Applicants must be published university lecturers and researchers from a partner university outside of France, working in one of ISIT’s disciplinary fields
Teaching and research cooperation may take place in person or online

Administrative aspects
For in-person visits, your travel and accommodation costs will be paid by ISIT, up to a maximum of €3,000, upon submission of your receipts.

Applications for virtual visits are also welcome.

More details here.

15.06.2022 (sem. 2 - 2022-2023)
Striving for a Strong and Global Europe in Challenging Times: The Role of International Cooperation in Research, Innovation and Higher Education Eveniment hibrid Bruxelles/ Online The Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU and the Brussels Office of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) have great pleasure to invite you to the hybrid event: Striving for a Strong and Global Europe in Challenging Times: The Role of International Cooperation in Research, Innovation and Higher Education at the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the EU,
Rue Jacques de Lalaing 8-14, 1040 Brussels / online on 21 June 2022 from 01:00pm-07:00pm CEST, preceded by a lunch at noon and followed by a networking reception.

The event will
  • Engage in a global dialogue about the role of collaboration in research, innovation and higher education in fostering a “Global Europe”
  • Deepen the transatlantic dialogue on research and higher education collaboration
  • Explore the relationship between “Science Diplomacy” and tackling “Foreign Interference”/“Knowledge Security”
  • Discuss practices and approaches from various national and regional perspectives
  • Empower stakeholders to become active and more informed players in “Science Diplomacy”, thereby striving for “smarter” international cooperation
For more information and event registration please visit our event page.
6th Annual Association of European Border Regions Cross-Border School Conferință Ungaria

The Cross-Border School of AEBR will be organised in Szeged on 28th September 2022 in the collaboration of the University of Victoria (Canada), Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) and DKMT.

Call for Papers were launched for scholars, early career academics and doctoral students in three different topics in relation with CB and border topics. Successful applicants will be eligible for travel grants covering transportation to Hungary, accommodations for up to 3 nights, conference fees, and a stipend for meals.

You can find a link below which contains the details of the Call for Papers:

6th Conference on “Intelligent Packaging: Prospects and Challenges” Conferință Grecia We are pleased to invite you to the 6th Conference on “Intelligent Packaging: Prospects and Challenges”, which will be held in the town of Athens, between 30th September to 3 October 2022. You may participate in Syskevasia22 Conference with physical presence in the Conference room of the METROPOLITAN EXPO EXHIBITION CENTER in the framework of the SYSKEVASIA22 Exhibition, https://syskevasia-expo.gr/.

Please, visit the conference website for updates & call for papers : http://intelligentpackaging.uniwa.gr/news/6ο-επιστημονικό-συνέδριο-2022-ευφυής-συσκ/.
IEEE - International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME) Conferință Maldive (hibrid)

ICECCME will be held both face-to-face and online. Participants can make their presentations online.
Important Dates:

  • Paper Due :  30 July, 2022
  • Acceptance Notification :   20 August, 2022
  • Early Registration Deadline: 5 September, 2022
  • Camera Ready Due :  5 September, 2022
  • Conference Dates: 16-18 November, 2022
You can see all the details on the conference web page: http://www.iceccme.com.
17th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication Conferință Coreea de Sud (hibrid)

This conference will constitute a forum for the presentation and discussion of latest results in the fields of information management, communication technologies and their implications on social interaction. The aim of such a forum, as an international conference, is conducive for encouraging the exchange of ideas and information, providing research directions in cutting-edge domains, and fostering collaborations between academia and industry. In this context, the program committee will accept a limited number of papers that meet the criteria of originality and presentation quality.
Two main tracks for information processing management and communication technologies will be held, covering both research and applicability aspects. Each of these topic areas is expanded below but their sub-topics are not listed exhaustively.

For more information, kindly refer to the official IMCOM 2023 website at http://www.imcom.org.

Apel pentru evaluatori externi – proiecte finanțate de ANPCDEFP Evaluatori proiecte - Evaluatorii independenţi sunt experţi externi care asigură obiectivitatea procesului de selecţie a propunerilor de proiecte şi procesului de evaluare a rapoartelor, respectiv produselor  realizate în cadrul proiectelor implementate prin programele finanțate în cadrul ANPCDEFP. Aceştia sunt selectaţi în baza unui APEL pentru evaluatori externi care este deschis continuu în perioada 2021 - 2027 (unde găsiţi şi mai multe detalii legate de calitatea de evaluator). Totodată, pentru cei interesaţi există şi instrumente de suport precum Ghid al evaluatorilor (în limba engleză) care detaliază rolul şi aşteptările din partea evaluatorilor.Detalii: aici. Fără termen limită
Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare de lungă durată (6-18 luni) pentru cercetători cu experiență care au obținut titlul de doctor cu mai puțin de 12 ani în urmă Germania

Highly-qualified international scientists and scholars from all disciplines who completed their doctorates less than 12 years ago and wish to spend extended periods of research in Germany are invited to apply. Candidates can come from any nation and are expected to have their own, clearly defined research profile: they should typically be working at least at the level of assistant professor or junior research group leader or be able to document independent research work over a number of years.

The fellowship amounts to EUR 3,150, offering the candidates the opportunity to carry out their own long-term research projects (six to 18 months) in cooperation with academic hosts of their choice at research institutions in Germany. The sponsorship entails further benefits and may be flexibly divided into a maximum of three visits within a range of three years. Short-term visits for study and training purposes or for attending conferences are not eligible for sponsorship.

About 500 Fellowships are awarded each year to post-doctoral or experienced researchers.

Detalii: aici.

Candidaturile se analizează pe tot parcursul anului.

DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research Stagii de cercetare doctorală (36 luni), postdoctorală (6-24 luni) și pentru cercetători (1-3 luni) la institutele Centrului Aerospaţial German Germania

 'DLR – DAAD Research Fellowships’ is a programme implemented by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in Aeronautics, Space, Transportation and Energy is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany´s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility for the forward planning and the implementation of the German space program by the German federal government as well as for the international representation of German interests. Approximately 8,300 people plus approx. 400 visiting scientists are employed in DLR´s 40 institutes and facilities at 20 locations in Germany.

This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists from the fields of Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, and Energy. DLR-DAAD Fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of the DLR in Germany.

More details here.


Ludovika Scholarsh Guest Lecturer Program

Mobilități de predare Ungaria Programul Ludovika al Universitatii de Servicii Publice din Ungaria permite cadrelor didactice sa sustina, timp de o saptamana, in semestrul de toamna al anului academic 2022-2023, prelegeri publice, sa participe la ateliere si la discutii pe teme profesionale organizate de facultatile gazda sau de catre institutele sale de cercetare.

Informatii detaliate privind criteriile de participare pot fi gasite aici.

Termenul limita de depunere a candidaturilor este 31 august 2022.




   Mobilitati de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2018 - 30.09.2019.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2018.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2017.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2015 - 30.09.2016.
   Fara termen limita. Fundația acordă în fiecare an peste 700 de burse de cercetare și premii, menite să sprijine cercetători din străinătate să meargă în Germania pentru a lucra...
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