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Denumire program (link)

Tip Ţară Descriere Termen limită
DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships in the fields of Space, Aeronautics, Energy and Transportation Research Stagii de cercetare la institutele Centrului Aerospaţial German  Germania

 'DLR – DAAD Research Fellowships’ is a programme implemented by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

DLR is Germany´s national research center for aeronautics and space. Its extensive research and development work in Aeronautics, Space, Transportation and Energy is integrated into national and international cooperative ventures. As Germany´s space agency, DLR has been given responsibility for the forward planning and the implementation of the German space program by the German federal government as well as for the international representation of German interests. Approximately 8,300 people plus approx. 400 visiting scientists are employed in DLR´s 40 institutes and facilities at 20 locations in Germany.

This special programme is intended for highly-qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists from the fields of Aeronautics, Space, Transportation, and Energy. DLR-DAAD Fellowships offer outstanding scientists and researchers the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of the DLR in Germany.

The current offers are published under DLR-DAAD Fellowships - Current Offers.

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare de lungă durată (6-18 luni) pentru cercetători cu experiență care au obținut titlul de doctor cu mai puțin de 12 ani în urmă. Germania Detalii: aici.

Candidaturile se analizează pe tot parcursul anului.

Apel AUF - Soutien à la participation aux manifestations scientifiques pour les jeunes chercheurs de l’ECO Granturi pentru participarea la manifestări științifice francofone a tinerilor cercetători -

Sprijinul financiar acordat de AUF este pentru acoperirea costurilor de transport: max. 400 EUR în Europa, respectiv max. 800 EUR în afara Europei.

Detalii aici.

Cu minim 6 săptămâni înainte de manifestarea științifică.
Apel AUF - Soutien à l'organisation de manifestations scientifiques Granturi pentru organizarea de manifestări științifice -

În cadrul acestui apel se oferă granturi pentru manifestări științifice (colocviu, seminar, școală de vară, etc.) care promovează:
- participarea specialiștilor din țările din Sud și din regiunea care aduce o contribuție la manifestare (comunicare în limba franceză) și care va duce la publicarea în Proceeding-urile maniferstării;
- difuzarea publicațiilor (în limba franceză)  manifestării științifice, de preferință pe suport numeric.

Toate solicitările de finanțare se vor depune cu două luni înainte de începerea manifestării.

Informații detaliate aici.

Cu 2 luni înainte de manifestarea științifică



Denumire program (link)

Tip Ţară Descriere Termen limită
Workshop “Virtual International Collaborations” at Universidad Veracruzana Curs online pentru cadre didactice Online (Mexic)

Universidad Veracruzana, as part of its internationalization at home program, invites faculty abroad to register for the Course Workshop “Virtual International Collaborations” (VIC). It will be taught online on the EMINUS platform (our institutional educational platform) from September 30th, 2019 to January 30th, 2020. The course will be 30 hours long. Aim of the course: guide participants in the development of an educational intervention with an international partner.
For this intervention partners will design a syllabus for a course. This syllabus will include international and intercultural student learning outcomes, tasks, e-Tools, an evaluation and a calendar. The syllabus is expected to be taught between February and June 2020.
Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a certificate of completion.
Register at https://goo.gl/forms/JAJy18MOZJtmjbEx1
The course is free with limited availability.
More details here.

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Award Granturi de cercetare sau predare (3-6 luni) Statele Unite ale Americii

Granturi pentru cercetare sau predare la o universitatea americana, pe orice disciplina (cu exceptia medicinei sau psihologiei clinice), in anul academic 2020-2021. Informaţii detaliate aici.

Visiting professor program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança Mobilitate de predare cu durata de un semestru (17.02.2020-17.07.2020) Portugalia The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Portugal) shares the vision for differentiation by promoting internationalization, pedagogical innovation and practice-based research. Reinforcing its unique internationalization project, the IPB opens the 01/2020 Call for the reception of visiting professors, with the conditions described in the attached document.
The interested professors should submit his/her application at www.ipb.pt/go/s918, before the deadline of 31/10/2019.
Programul Naţional de Burse a Republicii Slovace Burse pentru cadre didactice, cercetători, artişti Slovacia

Pot candida cadre didactice universitare, cercetători invitaţi pentru o sesiune de predare/cercetare de către o instituţie de cercetare sau dezvoltare eligibilă  (cu excepţia companiilor) care are sediul în Slovacia.

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1-10 luni pentru cadre didactice, cercetători şi artişti.

Valoarea burselor este:
- 1000 EUR/lună - peste 10 ani de experienţă (cu diplomă de doctor)
- 850 EUR/lună - sub 10 ani de experienţă (cu diplomă de doctor)
- 580 EUR/lună - sub 4 ani de experienţă (fără diplomă de doctor)

Înregistrarea pentru prima sesiune de burse se poate face aici.

Mai multe informaţii aici.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să informeze DRI privind intenţia de îşi depune candidatura.

31.10.2019 - pentru semestrul al II-lea al anului univ. 2019-2020

Fulbright-RAF Scholar Award Granturi pentru stagii de pregatire academica/si cercetare in domeniul Antreprenoriatului Statele Unite ale Americii

Granturi pentru stagii pregatire academica/si cercetare in domeniul Antreprenoriatului, la University of Rochester, in primul semestru al anului academic 2020-2021. Programul se adresează cadrelor didactice din domenii tehnice.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Apel AUF la candidaturi - Formateur pour l’Atelier « Enseignement à distance et scénarisation pédagogique », à l’Université « Hasan Prishtina » de Pristina au Kosovo Mobilitate de predare Kosovo Informații detaliate aici. 19.11.2019
Visiting scholars at Universite de Bordeaux Visiting professor / researcher programme Franța The University of Bordeaux is opening Visiting scholars positions. The aim of this program is to enable high-level, internationally-reputed scholars to visit the University of Bordeaux or one of the partnering institutions of IdEx université de Bordeaux and develop an academic collaborative project in research, education, or at institutional level.
This program is open to all fields, but particular attention will be devoted to candidates promoting projects:
  • that fall within the scientific priorities of IdEx université de Bordeaux, or are at the junction between them;
  • that are pedagogically innovative;
  • that strengthen collaboration with dedicated partnering universities.

Informații detaliate aici.

Colocviu "Sémio-traductologie dans les contextes intralinguistique, interlinguistique et intersémiotique" Apel la contribuții Turcia Colloque international Sémio-traductologie dans les contextes intralinguistique, interlinguistique et intersémiotique, les 09-10 avril 2020, Istanbul, Turquie, organisé par l’Université technique de Yıldız, Istanbul-Turquie.

Les langues de travail sont le français et l’anglais, néanmoins les participants en dehors du domaine de langues et de traduction notamment les intervenants des domaines artistiques pourront présenter leur travail en langue turque.
Toutes les propositions seront soumises à une évaluation en double aveugle par les membres du Comité scientifique : propositions de 300 mots maximum avec une notice biobibliographique de 100 mots environ
à l’adresse suivante : semiotraductologie.istanbul2020@gmail.com

La page web de notre colloque : http://www.semiotraductologie-istanbul2020.com/
"La Perception en langue et en discours"
Apel la contribuții Slovacia

L’Université Matej Bel de Banská Bystrica (Slovaquie), l’Université d’Opole (Pologne) et l’Université Haute-Alsace (France) organisent la quatrième édition du colloque « La Perception en langue et en discours ».

Le colloque se tiendra du 2 au 4 avril 2020 à Banská Bystrica (Slovaquie).

Merci d’envoyer vos propositions de communications (modèle PropCom ci-joint) avant le 31 décembre 2020 simultanément à Magdalena Danko (mdanko@uni.opole.pl), François Schmitt (francois.schmitt@umb.sk) et Fabrice Marsac (fmarsac@uni.opole.pl). 

Mai multe detalii aici.

Monografie colectivă "Business management insights and transformation process: social, economic and cultural aspects" Apel la contribuții pentru o monografie colectivă Letonia, Lituania

To publish in the collective monograph please sent your manuscript by e-mail r.kinderis@kvk.lt not later
than 01 February 2020: manuscript (electronic version); info about the author on a separate sheet:
name, surname, academic degree, academic title, position, institution, contact phone number and email.
Manuscripts for monography are accepted free of charge.

Thematic directions:

  • Global business management;
  • Business development models and strategic management;
  • Marketing and research in international business;
  • Business models and strategies in tourism;
  • Organisational behaviour in service business;
  • Competitiveness of business entities;
  • Human resources, learning and organization studies in business management;
  • Entrepreneurship and leadership;
  • Accounting, finance and economics;
  • Public policy and environmental management;
  • Information technology and management information systems in service business;
  • Innovations and their application in business process;
  • Social responsibility in business and economy;
  • Other related topics.

More details here.

2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE-2020) Conferință Turcia We cordially invite you to submit your papers for the 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE 2020), which will take place in Istanbul, Turkey on 14-15 April 2020. The event will be highly international with the technical collaboration of different universities and IEEE Turkey section.

All accepted and presented papers will be submitted to IEEE for publication at IEEE Xplore.

ICECCE 2019 was an IEEE indexed conference via conference record # 47252. Conference proceedings have been accepted by IEEE for publication at IEEE Xplore.

For more details about conference policies regarding Publication, Remote Presentations, and Non-Presented Papers, please visit: http://www.icecce.com/authors-information/.

We shall be looking forward to your paper contributions and participation. We hope that attending the conference will provide an opportunity to meet academic and industry experts to exchange ideas about the latest technologies. We are sure that your stay in the beautiful and historic city of Istanbul will be very pleasant and enjoyable.

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline : 15 February 2020
Acceptance Notification :  01 March 2020
Camera Ready Due : 10 March 2020

Registration Deadline:
Early Bird : 20 February 2020
10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies Conferință Germania The 10th International Conference on Advanced Computer Information Technologies is supported by BAYHOST (Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe) and takes place from 13-15 May 2020 at Deggendorf Institute of Technology.
This conference provides an international forum for researchers, academics, professionals, and students from various engineering fields and with cross-disciplinary interests in information technology, computer science, software engineering, cyber security, applied science and digital business to interact and disseminate information on the latest developments.
For applicants from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe who will be selected as speakers, grants will be available in order to cover costs for the conference fee and accommodation in Deggendorf.
All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by EI.
Further information is available on the conference website:
The paper submission deadline, presently indicated on 3 February, will be prolongued until 17 February!
The conference topics are:
- Mathematical Models of Objects and Processes
- Specialized Computer Systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Software Engineering
- Information in Economic Activity and Digital Business Modeling
- Smart Grids and Intelligent Consumers
- Cyber Security and IT Law
- Image Processing
- Information Technologies in Historical Sciences.
2nd International Conference on International Perspectives in Education (IPiE2020) Conferință Grecia The upcoming "2nd International Conference on International Perspectives in Education” (IPiE2020) which will be held from April 2-3, 2020 in Mytilene, Greece. “International Perspectives in Education 2020” will focus on the theme “Voices from the Classroom".
Please find the details of the conference here:  http://ipie2020.org/
Kindly avail your participation by submitting the abstract at:  http://ipie2020.org/submit-abstract/
12th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Conferință Spania CALL FOR ABSTRACTS
You are invited to submit your abstracts and participate in EDULEARN20.
Your contributions can be presented in two formats:
- In person: oral and poster presentations.
- Virtually: if you cannot attend in person.

You can find the conference topics here.
Also, see who will attend EDULEARN20.
Learn more »
- Present your paper in one of the largest international conferences on education.
- Interact with international educators and technologist for future cooperation.
- Meet 800 participants from more than 80 countries.
- Learn about education innovations and strategies in 80+ thematic sessions.
- Publish your paper in EDULEARN20 Proceedings.
Discover who will attend »
- EDULEARN20 Proceedings will be reviewed for their inclusion in Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Previous editions were already accepted.
- An individual DOI number will be assigned for each accepted paper.
- Also, EDULEARN20 Proceedings will be included in IATED Digital Library.
Detalii aici.
International Postdoctoral Researchers in Intelligent Technologies at CiTIUS, the Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela Stagii de cercetare postdoc cu durata de 2 ani Spania We are looking for candidates with a PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or related fields, and a good record of scientific publications in top conferences and scientific journals, within the topics of interest shown below. We also expect self-motivated candidates who are able to work both independently as well as in a team. Fluent English is essential.
We are willing to support applications related to one of our Scientific Programmes:
1.    Machine Learning
2.    Advanced Computing
3.    Approximate Processing
4.    e-Health
5.    Personal Robots
6.    Semiconductor Devices and Autonomous Sensors
7.    Natural Language Technologies
8.    Artificial Vision
For further information and application, please visit the following link: https://citius.usc.es/n/2276

Why Ulam Programme?
• vibrant and fast developing research environment fitting the needs of scientists
• one of the top 10 countries qualified as “rising stars in science” by Nature magazine (2016)
• 86 Polish universities and research institutions awarded by HR Excellence in Research by the European Commission
• one of the leaders in scientific publications produced in Eastern Europe

The Programme provides financing for a fellowship that covers the Beneficiary’s living costs in an amount of approx. 2400 EUR a month (10 000 PLN), along with a mobility allowance. The fellowship amount may be increased if a scientist is accompanied by his or her spouse or minor children and in the case of a scientist with officially determined disability – by a personal assistant.

The applicant is an individual scientist who:
• holds at least a doctoral degree awarded in a country other than Poland
• is employed at a foreign HEI/research centre or has just defended his/her PhD dissertation or has just completed his/her previous postdoctoral fellowship

Visits under the Programme can last from 6 to 24 month. Funds are available for Fellows to start between 1st January 2021 and 1st September 2021.

What activities are covered by the Programme?
• completing the first or subsequent postdoctoral fellowship
• conducting scientific research, including in cooperation with Polish scientists or research teams
• obtaining materials for research or a scientific publication
• teaching at a host institution

All detailed information on the requirements and rules governing participation in
the Ulam Programme can be found in the Regulations available on the NAWA’s
website. Recruitment is online only and processed entirely via the ICT system.



Programul Naţional de Burse a Republicii Slovace Burse pentru cadre didactice, cercetători, artişti Slovacia

Pot candida cadre didactice universitare, cercetători invitaţi pentru o sesiune de predare/cercetare de către o instituţie de cercetare sau dezvoltare eligibilă  (cu excepţia companiilor) care are sediul în Slovacia.

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1-10 luni pentru cadre didactice, cercetători şi artişti.

Valoarea burselor este:
- 1000 EUR/lună - peste 10 ani de experienţă (cu diplomă de doctor)
- 850 EUR/lună - sub 10 ani de experienţă (cu diplomă de doctor)
- 580 EUR/lună - sub 4 ani de experienţă (fără diplomă de doctor)

Înregistrarea pentru prima sesiune de burse se poate face aici.

Mai multe informaţii aici.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să informeze DRI privind intenţia de îşi depune candidatura.

30.04.2020 - ptr. anul univ. 2020-2021

Webinar Buenas prácticas para el diseño de intervenciones educativas en línea, con enfoque internacional Webinar - Informații detaliate aici. 20.05.2020
Premiul L’Oréal-UNESCO pentru femei de știință Premiu - Informații detaliate aici. 31.05.2020
MSCA Individual Fellowship at CiTIUS, the Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela Fellowship Spania CiTIUS, the Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela, is willing to support one or more excellent researchers of any nationality interested in applying for a EU Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship and continuing their scientific career in Spain for a period of at least 2 years.

The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Programme (MSCA-IF) aims to support the career development and training of excellent researchers through international mobility. We are willing to support applications related to one of our Scientific Programmes:
1. Machine Learning
2. Advanced Computing
3. Approximate Processing
4. e-Health
5. Personal Robots
6. Semiconductor Devices and Autonomous Sensors
7. Natural Language Technologies
8. Artificial Vision
Researchers with a good scientific background and a project in mind, are encouraged to contact our team. CiTIUS team will work in tandem with the selected candidates in the preparation of their candidature in order to submit a successful application to this competitive programme.
Positon details
• Full-time contract with a gross salary of about 3.300€/month (14 payments per year, i.e. 46.200€ annual gross salary). It includes medical care coverage and work accident insurance through the Spanish Health System, as well as pension and unemployment benefits.
• Structural funding for R&D activities of approx. 30.000€/year.
• The fellowship is for a period of 2 years, renewable at the end of the fellowship depending on scientific performance.
• The feedback from the call is expected in early 2021 and, if successful, the estimated starting date will be April-May of 2021.
Eligibility criteria
• Research area: PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or related fields, with research experience in one of the above-mentioned Scientific Programmes.
• Geographic mobility: at the date of the call deadline, not have been working in Spain for more than 12 of the last 36 months. Candidates of all nationalities are eligible.
Desirable skills
• Scientific leadership.
• Highly motivated candidates with an excellent scientific track-record.
• Fluent English is essential.
• The ideal candidate will be organized, hard-working and have the ability to work in a team and interdisciplinary environment.
• Good communication skills.
Our research Center
CiTIUS is a research centre specialised in Intelligent Technologies located in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Currently, the Centre has a team of more than 100 researchers, including 31 senior researchers, selected by an external Scientific Advisory Board. In the last 4 years (2016-2019), CiTIUS has attracted funding of over 10,5M€, of which more than 2,7M€ are from projects in collaboration with the industry sector. Currently, the centre has 9 international projects under development. In the same period, CiTIUS published over 150 articles in indexed journals (SCI-Scopus) and defended 38 PhD thesis. CiTIUS also transferred 15 software licenses and created 2 spin-offs, Situm and Imagames. CiTIUS also collaborates with relevant companies such as Indra, Finsa, Everis, Johnson&Johnson or Mestrelab Research among others.
Working at CiTIUS
CiTIUS provides a stimulating, interdisciplinary and cutting-edge scientific environment, where our researchers can foster and develop their scientific career in an international team. Among others, we offer:
• State-of-the art research facilities and career development opportunities
• Be in contact and work in international research projects
• Flexible working schedule. CiTIUS is committed to reconcile a work and family life of its employees.
• Training Programme in transversal skills which aims to enhance future employability and career success of our researchers including among others, intellectual property rights, technology transfer, entrepreneurship, dissemination and outreach.
• Possibility to participate in dissemination events with industry and outreach activities with scholars, organised throughout the year.
• Access to university facilities: gym, sport activities, Spanish courses, etc.
Candidates interested in this position should fill in the online application form. The application must contain information of the research background and work experience, including:
1. A complete CV, including personal contact information.
2. A motivation letter, outlining the 5 most relevant research results (1-page).
3. Brief 1-page proposal of your future research project.
Deadline of the pre-selection process: candidatures will be evaluated regularly until a suitable candidate is selected. Please submit your application by 21st June 2020 at 23h59 CET (UCT +01:00).
Questions or clarifications about this call or the application process can be directed to the CiTIUS Knowledge and Transfer Management Unit: citius.kmt@usc.es

13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Conferință Spania

You can present your projects and experiences on education and innovation in any of the following formats:
- In person: oral or poster presentations.
- Virtually: if you cannot attend in person.
The deadline for abstracts submission is 16th of July, 2020.
You can find the conference topics here. Also, see “who will attend” ICERI2020.

- ICERI2020 Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for their inclusion in Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index). Previous editions were already accepted.
- An individual DOI number will be assigned for each accepted paper.
- Also, ICERI2020 Proceedings will be included in IATED Digital Library.

Note: This year, IATED is really concerned about COVID-19 disease and your safety is our priority. Should the conditions do not allow ICERI2020 to be held on-site as expected, the conference contributions will be moved to a fully virtual format.

Informații detaliate aici.

Nominalizări pentru Queen Elisabeth Prize for Engineering Premiu pentru inovație tehnologică   Informații detaliate aici. 17.07.2020
Call for research applications under the activity “Post-doctoral Research Aid” Granturi de cercetare postdoctorală Letonia Informații detaliate aici. 20.07.2020
The Equals in Tech Awards 2020 Premiu pentru persoane sau organizații care sprijină accesul egal al fetelor și femeilor la Internet, dezvoltarea competențelor digitale sau oportunități de carieră în domeniul tehnologic - Informații detaliate aici. 09.08.2020






   Mobilitati de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023.
   Mobilitati de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, apeluri la contributii pentru evenimente/publicatii din strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2018 - 30.09.2019.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2018.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2016 - 30.09.2017.
   Granturi de predare, cercetare, participare la evenimente in strainatate cu termene limita in perioada 01.10.2015 - 30.09.2016.
   Fara termen limita. Fundația acordă în fiecare an peste 700 de burse de cercetare și premii, menite să sprijine cercetători din străinătate să meargă în Germania pentru a lucra...
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