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Numele programului (link) Tip Ţară Descriere Termen limită
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Mexic Burse pentru studii parţiale Mexic Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 28.09.2018
DAAD Scholarship for German Studies and German as Second Language Burse pentru cursuri de limba germană Germania Informaţii detaliate: aici. 28.09.2018
DAAD Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Architecture Burse pentru masterat în domeniul arhitecturii Germania Informaţii detaliate: aici. 28.09.2018
Stagii de practică la Agenţia Spaţială Europeană Stagii de practică pentru masteranzi cu durata de 3-6 luni Germania, Belgia, Olanda, Marea Britanie, Italia, Spania Detalii aici. 15.10.2018
Prix de la Francophonie pour jeunes chercheurs   Concurs  -

Le Prix de la Francophonie pour jeunes chercheurs vise à reconnaître, en tenant compte de la diversité de l’espace universitaire francophone notamment celui des pays en voie de développement, le mérite et la valeur d’un maximum de quatre chercheur(se)s ayant acquis une reconnaissance scientifique et ayant réalisé une percée significative, en particulier dans le cadre de la Francophonie.

Les Prix sont ouverts dans les champs disciplinaires suivants :
•sciences et technologies,
•sciences humaines et sociales.

Les Prix s’adressent à des candidats(es) :
•âgés de 40 ans au plus à la date de clôture de l’appel d’offres. Seule l’année de naissance est prise en compte sans autre considération de mois ou de jour.
•titulaires d’un doctorat ou d’un doctorat d’État (fournir la photocopie du doctorat et/ou du procès-verbal de soutenance de thèse) ;
•pouvant justifier d’une activité de recherche prolifique et innovante ;
•rattachés à des établissements membres de l’AUF.

Informaţii detaliate: aici.

Burse DAAD pentru masterat (toate disciplinele) Burse pentru masterat de 1-2 ani (limba de predare: germană sau engleză) Germania Informaţi detaliate aici. 15.11.2018
DAAD Research Grants – Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees Granturi de cercetare pentru absolvenţi / doctoranzi Germania Informaţii detaliate aici. 15.11.2018
DAAD Research Grants – Cotutelle Doctoral Programmes Granturi de cercetare în cotutelă pentru absolvenţi / doctoranzi Germania  Informaţii detaliate aici. 15.11.2018
Stagii DAAD de cercetare de lungă durată Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare doctorală  Germania  Informaţii detaliate aici. 15.11.2018
Stagii DAAD de scurtă durată Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare Germania Informaţii detaliate aici. 15.11.2018
Programul de burse ALTRAN BK2 Seminar online Spania Tenemos previsto en Altran un Webinar el 29/11 a las 15h para el colectivo de estudiantes que quieran conocer el programa de becas que tenemos en Altran “BK2” y explicar y darles TIPS de cómo pueden afrontar una entrevista o dinámica con nosotros. 29.11.2018
One-year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria 2019/20 Bursă de studii pentru masterat / doctorat Germania

The Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2019/20 via BAYHOST. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply.


The scholarships are meant to finance postgraduate studies (i.e. master’s programs) and PhDs at Bavarian universities. Annual scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years; the scholarship amounts 735,--€ per month. One-year study sojourns in Bavaria as part of a PhD in the home country can also be funded.


Further information can be found on the BAYHOST website.

The application deadline for first time applications is the 1st December 2018 (date of receipt!).

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme Burse pentru studii doctorale complete Hong Kong Detalii aici. 01.12.2018
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare Elveţia
  • Fine Arts Scholarships (pentru programe integrale de masterat)
  • PhD Scholarships (pentru programe integrale de doctorat)
  • Research Fellowship (stagii de cercetare pentru doctoranzi cu durata de 6-12 luni).

Toate bursele vizează candidați născuți după 31.12.1983.

Detalii aici.

Erasmus+ Joint Master Degrees Burse pentru masterat Diverse ţări Eligibility: Students from anywhere in the world can apply for these master degree scholarships
Duration: it lasts from a minimum of 12 months, to a maximum of 24 months
Deadline: various (depending on each consortium’s rules for application. Most consortia will require applications to be submitted between October and January, for courses starting the following academic year.
Details: click here.
variabil, de obicei între octombrie 2018 şi ianuarie 2019
Programul "Vulcanus in Japan" Bursă pentru un curs de limba japoneză urmat de un stagiu de practică într-o companie din Japonia Japonia

Bursele Vulcanus oferă posibilitatea de a urma un curs intensiv de limba japoneză cu durata 4 luni, urmat de un stagiu de practică cu durata de 8 luni într-o companie din Japonia. Pot candida studenţi cu cetăţenie UE din anul IV licenţă, anul I sau II masterat, anul I sau II doctorat. Bursa acoperă transportul internaţional, cursul, subzistenţa, cazarea.

Informaţii detaliate:

- Descrierea programului

- Formular de candidatură

- Detalii privind documentele obligatorii

- Întrebări frecvente

Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Bulgaria Burse pentru studii de doctorat; burse pentru stagii de specializare Bulgaria Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 21.01.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Serbia Burse pentru studii complete sau parţiale; burse pentru specializare Serbia Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 21.01.2019
Concurs internaţional francofon de elocvenţă Concurs pentru studenţi francofoni Ungaria

L’Institut français en Hongrie, Les Frankolorés, Wallonie-Bruxelles International avec le soutien de l’Agence Universitaire Francophone invitent les étudiant(e)s à participer au premier "Concours International Francophone d'Éloquence" qui aura lieu le jeudi 7 mars 2019 dans l'auditorium de l'Institut français de Budapest.

Les candidats sélectionnés devront participer aux deux épreuves : la première épreuve sera une présentation d’un texte imposé par les organisateurs (3 à 5 minutes) et la seconde épreuve sera la présentation d’un texte librement choisi par le candidat (3 à 5 minutes).

Pour participer, il suffit de bien prendre connaissance du règlement et de remplir le formulaire en ligne https://bit.ly/2SzznC7.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

"Wearable electronics" - PhD Research at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Program de studii doctorale Spania

The Department of Electronic Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (www.upc.edu) offers PhD student positions on “Wearable Electronics” research area.

Details here.

European Central Bank Traineeship
Granturi pentru stagii de practică Germania

The European Central Bank has launched a new traineeship campaign: Traineeship Programme at the ECB.  We are hiring candidates in the following areas:

  • Compliance and Governance;
  • Finance:
  • Operational Risk and Business Continuity;
  • Market Infrastructure and Payments

Essential requirements for the traineeship programme include:  a bachelor’s degree or higher in a field relevant to the area to which you are applying; a general interest in European affairs, central banking, banking supervision and matters of relevance to the ECB business areas participating in the programme; a good knowledge of the MS Office package and an advanced command of English and an intermediate command of at least one other official language of the EU. Please find the full vacancy notice here.  

London hedge fund, Morgan Stanley Budapest scholarships/internships on CEU MS in Finance, MS in Business Analytics Burse pentru masterat Ungaria We have just been able to confirm the 2019-20 scholarship/internship programs on CEU’s MS in Finance and MS in Business Analytics:
- Future of Big Data: Up to 3 scholarships/internships with a London boutique hedge fund.
- Morgan Stanley: Up to 5 scholarships/internships with Morgan Stanley’s Budapest office.
- Women in Technology: Up to 4 scholarships with one-on-one mentoring by industry partners and faculty.
Applicants must have a quant background i.e. economics, statistics, science, computer science, statistics, mathematics, engineering etc.
CEU is a U.S. graduate university with campuses in Budapest and Vienna. It is ranked #151-200 and CEE #2 in economics by QS and ARWU ShanghaiRanking. The MS in Business Analytics and MS in Finance are ranked #50 and #89, respectively, by QS. The programs are based primarily in Budapest, and are designed to allow students to enter an internship or job at any time.
Summer Student Programme at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research Burse de practică cu durata de 4 - 13 săptămâni pentru studenţi de la ciclul de licenţă (anii 3-4) sau masterat (domenii tehnice) Elveţia

How do you plan to spend your summer? How does getting involved in some of the world’s biggest experiments sound? This is more than summer work. It’s the chance to join CERN in Geneva – getting involved in the day-to-day work of our multicultural teams. Attend lectures, visit CERN facilities, take part in discussions and workshops with people who are leaders in their fields. In fact, it will be a summer like nowhere else on Earth. Click here to learn more.

Openlab summer student Programme at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research Burse de practică cu durata de 2 luni pentru studenţi de la ciclul de licenţă (anii 3-4) sau masterat (domeniul calculatoare) Elveţia Summer work experience in a place like nowhere else on earth: the birthplace of the world wide web! If you’re studying computer science, a great way to spend your summer could be to join the openlab summer student programme, to work on an advanced IT project and follow IT lectures specially prepared for you by experts at CERN and other institutes. Visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are also part of the programme, along with visits to external companies. Interested? Check it out and take part! 31.01.2019
Concurs AUF «Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes» Concurs pentru doctoranzi Senegal (faza finală)

L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie en Europe centrale et orientale organise, en partenariat avec l’Institut français de Roumanie, la 3ème édition du concours "Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes" qui se déroulera en 2019 dans toute la Roumanie.

Inscriptions ici : https://bit.ly/2BhWnhJ !

Le concours MT180, qu’est-ce que c’est ?
•ce concours permet aux doctorants de présenter leur sujet de recherche, en français et en termes simples, à un public profane et diversifié.
•chaque candidat a 3 minutes pour faire un exposé clair, concis et convainquant. Le tout avec l’appui d’une seule diapositive !
•ce concours est organisé dans plusieurs pays francophones dans le monde !
•ce concours est organisé en Roumanie par l’Institut français de Roumanie en partenariat avec l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie.
•en Roumanie, ce concours se déroule en plusieurs étapes : les finales régionales à Bucarest, Cluj, Iasi et Timisoara, puis une finale nationale à Bucarest et enfin la finale internationale à Dakar au Sénégal.
•un jury notera les prestations des candidats et le public donnera également son avis.
•des prix pour tous les participants et les finalistes !

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Armenia Burse pentru studii complete; burse pentru stagii de specializare; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Armenia Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 15.02.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Cehia Burse pentru studii parţiale de licenţă / masterat /doctorat; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Cehia Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 15.02.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS  în baza acordului bilateral România-Grecia Burse pentru studii complete; burse pentru studii parţiale; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Grecia Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 15.02.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Nigeria Burse pentru studii universitare complete Nigeria Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 15.02.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Polonia Burse pentru studii parţiale; burse pentru stagii de cercetare; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Polonia Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 15.02.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Slovacia Burse pentru studii parţiale; burse pentru stagii de specializare; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Slovacia Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 15.02.2019
Ernst Mach Grant - worldwide Grant pentru stagii de cercetare (nivel: doctorat sau postdoc) Austria Informaţii detaliate aici. 20.02.2019
Bursele guvernului francez pentru masterat Burse de masterat Franţa Conditions d’éligibilité :
  • Avoir la nationalité roumaine et avoir validé quatre années d’études supérieures (niveau Licenta ou Master 1) ou être actuellement inscrits en quatrième année ou Master 1.
  • Avoir envoyé une candidature à une ou plusieurs universités françaises de son choix. L’Ambassade de France n’intervient en aucun cas dans la recherche de formation pour les candidats.

    Avantages de la Bourse du Gouvernement français :
  • Une allocation mensuelle de 615€/mois.
  • La prise en charge des frais d'inscription universitaire.
  • La prise en charge de la couverture sociale et de la responsabilité civile.
  • La possibilité d’un accès au logement en résidence universitaire, sous réserve des places disponibles
  • Un accueil et suivi durant le séjour d’études par Campus France.
Mai multe informaţii aici.
Bursele guvernului francez pentru doctorat în cotutelă Burse pentru doctorat în cotutelă Franţa     Conditions d’éligibilité :
  • Avoir la nationalité roumaine et avoir validé un Master ou être actuellement inscrits en deuxième année de Master.
  • Les Doctorants inscrits en 1ère année de thèse en 2018/2019 sont éligibles pour ce programme.
  • Les Doctorants inscrits en 2ème année de thèse en 2018/2019 ne sont éligibles pour ce programme.
  • Un Doctorant qui a bénéficié d'une Bourse du Gouvernement Français en Master est éligible pour une bourse de doctorat.
Avantages de la Bourse du Gouvernement français :
  • Une allocation mensuelle de 1060€/mois pendant 8 ou 12 mois, à répartir sur deux ou trois ans de thèse à compter du 1er janvier 2020.
  • La prise en charge des frais d'inscription universitaire.
  • La prise en charge de la couverture sociale et de la responsabilité civile.
  • La possibilité d’un accès au logement en résidence universitaire, sous réserve des places disponibles
  • Un accueil et suivi durant le séjour d’études par Campus France.
Informaţii detaliate aici.
Programul Darmasiswa Burse studii ptr. cursuri de limba si cultura indoneziană Indonezia Programul de burse Darmasiswa pentru anul universitar 2019-2020 se va derula în perioada august-septembrie 2019 - august-septembrie 2020. Sunt disponibile 5 burse pentru studenţii români interesaţi de limba şi cultura indoneziană. Detalii aici. 01.03.2019
Radboud Summer School Şcoală de vară Olanda Informaţii detaliate aici. 01.03.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Azerbaidjan Burse pentru studii complete; burse pentru stagii de specializare; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Azerbaidjan Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 01.03.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Egipt Burse pentru studii complete Egipt Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 01.03.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Mongolia Burse pentru studii complete; burse pentru studii parţiale / stagii de cercetare Mongolia Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 01.03.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Turkmenistan Burse pentru studii complete; burse pentru stagii de specializare; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Turkmenistan Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 01.03.2019
Festivalul Studenţilor Francofoni Festival cultural francofon Bulgaria Conditions de recevabilité (participant) :
  • Avoir un bon niveau de français à l’écrit et à l’oral
  • Être inscrit au niveau licence ou master dans un établissement membre de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (liste des membres en ECO)
  • Avoir plus de 18 ans au 30 juin 2019
Appel à candidatures pour les PARTICIPANTS ouvert jusqu’au 8.03.2019:
  • remplir le formulaire en ligne https://formulaires.auf.org/ et y attacher les documents suivants : CV, attestation d’inscription dans l’université d’origine, relevé de notes

La commission de sélection de l’AUF analysera toutes les demandes reçues et les classera en fonction des critères suivants :
– le relevé de notes
– les activités extracurriculaires

Un seul candidat par établissement membre sera sélectionné.

Les participants sélectionnés vont bénéficier d’une prise en charge, de la part des organisateurs, du transport, assurance, logement, restauration. Toutes les autres dépenses sont à la charge des participants (ex. visa).

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Summer School in Italian Language and Culture at University of Trento
Şcoală de vară - limba italiană Italia

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Studenţii UPT care doresc să participe la şcoala de vară trebuie să contacteze DRI până în data de 10 martie.

Granturi AUF pentru stagii de practică Burse pentru stagii de practică Orice ţară

Les mobilités de stage professionnel sont accordées pour une durée de 1 à 3 mois, à effectuer entre avril et décembre 2019 (certaines restrictions de périodes s’appliquent en fonction du niveau d’études des candidats).

Le stage doit obligatoirement être inscrit dans le cursus universitaire du candidat.

Les étudiants en première année de licence ne sont pas éligibles.

Le candidat doit identifier une structure d’accueil en dehors de son pays d’origine ayant la langue de travail le français et y obtenir son admission.

La mobilité couvre au maximum le transport, une allocation mensuelle et une assurance-santé.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Şcoala de vară "The Cultural Heritage of Hungary" Bursă pentru şcoală de vară Ungaria

With the help of a scholarship offered by Tempus Public Foundation, higher education students and graduates can attend ‘The Cultural Heritage of Hungary’ summer course, held at the University of Pécs between June 30 – July 14, 2019, free of charge.
The objective of the very enjoyable summer program is to introduce the Hungarian cultural heritage from many different perspectives. Participants learn about the history and the current political, economic and societal challenges of Hungary. They will also gain insight into the Hungarian classical and folk music, the gastronomy and the wine culture of the country. The language of instruction is English.
The scholarship covers full tuition, field trips, meals, accommodation and various social activities for the duration of the program (visit to Orfű Aquapark, wine-tasting tour in Villány, Quiz Night etc).
Who can apply?
-          higher education students and graduates
-          the citizens of the following countries:
Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korean Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, thePhilippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan,Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA
For more information, visit summerschool.pte.hu or contact summerschoolpecs@pte.hu

FilmparaDE Proiecţie filme germane (subtitrate în limba engleză, acces gratuit) -

The FilmparaDE starts again with a new series of German movies. The event is organized by the German Cultural Center in collaboration with the DAAD Lectorat of the UPT and the Goethe Institute. It takes place at Cartureşti, Str Mercy nr. 7. The entrance is free, all movies are subtitled in English.

The overview of the program is:
- Thursday 31.1., 18.30        Der junge Karl Marx (2017, Raoul Peck)
- Thursday 14.2. 18.30        Amelie rennt (2017, Tobias Wiemann)
- Thursday 28.2. 18.30        Freistatt (2015, Marc Brummund)
- Thursday 7.3.  18.30        Transit (2017, Christian Petzold);
- Thursday 21.3. 18.30        In den Gängen (2018, Thomas Stuber);

Administrative Student Programme at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research Burse de practică pentru studenţi de la ciclurile de licenţă şi masterat (domeniu administrativ) Elveţia

The Administrative Student Programme is aimed at undergraduate students specializing in administration, to spend a training period of 2 to 12 months during the course of their studies (Bachelor or Master). An extension of up to a maximum of 14 months may be given. Click here to learn more.

Technical Student Programme at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research Burse de practică pentru studenţi de la ciclurile de licenţă şi masterat (domenii tehnice) Elveţia There’s no better way to learn than on-the-job. When that job happens to be in a world-famous organisation and centre of scientific excellence, even better. If you’re an undergraduate in Applied Physics, Engineering or Computing and are looking for a practical training period or a place to complete your final project, you could spend 4 to 12 months at CERN during the course of your studies (Bachelor or Master). An extension of up to a maximum of 14 months may be given. Click here to find out more. 25.03.2019
Doctoral Student Programme at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research Grant pentru stagiu de cercetare doctorală cu durata de 6-36 luni Elveţia This is a chance to work on your thesis while spending up to 36 months at the forefront of science. Whether you’ve already chosen a subject or are still making your decision, if your specialism is Applied Physics, Engineering or Computing, this is an invitation to further your knowledge in a truly unique organization. In fact, it’s an invitation to get involved in world-famous experiments of unprecedented scale and scope. An invitation to join an environment like nowhere else on Earth.
Click here to find out more.
European Forum Alpbach Scholarships Burse pentru a participa la eveniment Austria

Today’s young people will shape tomorrow’s Europe. With our scholarships, we aim to give quite a few of them a European perspective and to excite them about Europe. At the 2018 Forum there were 688 scholarship holders with 92 nationalities, and 727 speakers shared their knowledge.

Scientific exchange and international dialogue
A scholarship covers participation in the seminars, breakout sessions and plenary discussions of the European Forum Alpbach. The call for applications is aimed at young people under 30 years of age from all over the world who want to come to Alpbach with their bags filled with fresh ideas for science and society.
All information about the application procedure can be found online: www.alpbach.org/en/scholarships/.

Concurs AUF « Parle-moi science !» Concurs video pentru echipe de 3 studenţi francofoni -

L'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie en Europe centrale et orientale lance le concours intitulé « Parle-moi science ! ».

La technique, les mathématiques, la médecine, l’agronomie, etc. sont des disciplines très captivantes, mais parfois difficilement accessibles, surtout que la science est très présente dans la vie quotidienne.

Ainsi, à travers des vidéos de maximum 3 minutes, les participants doivent expliquer un concept scientifique étudié d’une manière compréhensible au public large et non-avisé. Le concept scientifique choisi doit être présenté d’une façon très simple, unique, ludique et innovante.

Ce concours est ouvert aux étudiants inscrits dans les universités membres de l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale.

La meilleure vidéo sera récompensée par des prix – tablettes offertes par l’AUF aux trois membres de l’équipe gagnante.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

UniTrento summer schools Şcoli de vară Italia Informaţii detaliate aici. 31.03.2019
2019 ECB Graduate Programme Stagii de practică ptr. absolvenţi de masterat/ doctorat Germania The European Central Bank has launched a new traineeship campaign: 2019 ECB Graduate Programme.  We are looking for candidates with:
- a master’s degree or PhD completed between 1 February 2017 and 31 January 2019; alternatively you may be due to complete a PhD in 2019 (in this case the master’s degree can have been obtained before 1 February 2017) – candidates with a PhD, or who will obtain their PhD in 2019, will have a distinct advantage;
- qualifications in a field of interest to the ECB, e.g. economics, finance, statistics, accounting, financial/commercial/EU law, data science, political science, European studies, international relations, business administration, journalism and communications, psychology, information technology, civil engineering, engineering, mathematics, languages, human resources, physics, chemistry or facility management;
- a general interest in European affairs, central banking, banking supervision and matters of relevance to ECB business areas;

Please find the full vacancy notice here. The closing date for this vacancy is Monday, 8 April 2019.
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Bulgaria Burse pentru studii de licenţă / masterat; burse pentru cursuri de limbă Bulgaria Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 11.04.2019
Burse acordate de ACBS în baza acordului bilateral România-Vietnam Burse pentru studii complete Vietnam Informaţii detaliate aici şi aici. 11.04.2019
Summer schools at University of Angers Şcoli de vară Franţa Informaţii detaliate aici. 15.04.2019
Antwerp Summer University Şcoli de vară Belgia For the 10th year in a row, Antwerp Summer University offers short-term academic programmes of high quality based on the excellence of the University of Antwerp and its partners. From a tiny initiative in 2010 with 70 students in 3 programmes, Antwerp Summer University has grown into an established Summer University, expecting over 450 students from over 60 countries in 2019.

Looking for an unforgettable summer full of knowledge and fun? Spread the word or apply now for one of the 21 available summer schools!
•    All programmes offer high quality education (lectures, visits, workshops).
•    Participants can acquire ECTS credits upon successful completion.
•    Target groups are different for each programme (students, researchers and/or professionals).
•    Scholarships and reduced fees are available for various summer schools.
•    Fun & interesting social activities are organised on evenings and in weekends.
•    98% of last year's participants would recommend Antwerp Summer University to others.
Visit www.uantwerp.be/asu and find out everything about our programmes!
Morpheus Cup Concurs -

This championship remains divided into two parts, the Morpheus Prize and the Morpheus Day; which are explained below:

1.    The MORPHEUS PRIZE - students can compete individually or by team by submitting an innovative project or start-up idea before April 20th 2019. They can choose up to 3 categories among the following: Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Customer Experience, FinTech, HealthTech, E-commerce, HRtech, Virtual & Augmented Reality.
The top 3 projects will be invited to join us in Luxembourg on May 22nd 2019 to pitch in front of an international jury composed of representatives from leading brands.
2.    The MORPHEUS DAY - a live competition that will take place on May 22nd 2019 in Luxembourg, at the European Convention Center, where students have the possibility to compete in small teams (2 to 4) and participate in several open-innovation challenges all day long, as well as meet potential employers and face with their European counterparts. The 2019 categories include: Technology & ICT, Business, Marketing, DeepTech & Engineering, Creative Industries.
Informaţii detaliate aici.

"European Challenges in the 21st Century - How to Move Forward?” summer course at University of Pecs Bursă pentru şcoală de vară Ungaria

With the help of a scholarship offered by the CEEPUS program, higher education students can attend the “European Challenges in the 21st Century - How to Move Forward?” summer course, held at the University of Pécs between 27 June - 6 July, 2019, free of charge.
The CEEPUS scholarship covers full tuition, field trips, meals, accommodation and various very enjoyable social activities for the duration of the program. Students only have to pay for their travel expenses.
Who can apply?
-          Undergraduate and graduate students
-          Students from the following countries:
Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia

For more details click here.

JOINT SUMMER SCHOOL Doing Business across Europe: Business Ethics, Towards a Circular Economy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management Şcoală de vară Germania, Olanda, Spania

This Joint Summer School Program on Doing Business Across Europe is organized in partnership with 3 universities in Europe, June 24, 2019 – July 19, 2019. The program will last a total of 3 weeks in three different European countries: Germany, the Netherlands and Spain.
This program is designed for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students. It aims at giving students a first-hand insight on the future of doing business responsibly and covers current trends and issues in
the field of business ethics, circular economy and entrepreneurship & innovation.

Single week programs

  1. The first week, the International Summer School: Business Ethics, will take place in Rosenheim, Germany, June 24-30, 2019. Here you can find the detailed course description.
  2. The second  week, theInternational Summer School: Towards a Circular Economy, will take place in Windesheim, the Netherlands, July 03-09, 2019. Here you can find the detailed course description.
  3. The third  week, the International Summer School: Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management, will take place in Barcelona, Spain, July 13-19, 2019. Here you can find the detailed course description.
Apply now!
  • Interested in joining this program? Please apply online at the following link.
  • The application deadline is April, 30, 2019.
  • Places are limited and are allocated on a "first come, first served" basis.
Concurs foto „Experiența mea de studii” Concurs de fotografie - Ce concours aura deux catégories : une première sur « Mon expérience d’études en France » et une deuxième sur « Mon expérience d’études en Roumanie ». La première catégorie est ouverte à toute personne physique de nationalité roumaine ayant effectuée une mobilité d’études en France et la deuxième catégorie est ouverte à toute personne de nationalité française ayant effectué une mobilité d’études en Roumanie. Les participants devront envoyer par mail à l’adresse bucarest@campusfrance.org une photographie prise par leur soin pendant leur mobilité d’études en France, respectivement en Roumanie en respectant le règlement du concours. 30.04.2019
Stagii DAAD de scurtă durată Granturi pentru stagii de cercetare Germania Informaţii detaliate aici. 30.04.2019
MS in Business Analytics, MS in Finance Scholarships Burse pentru programe complete de studii Ungaria Detalii aici. 01.05.2019
Energy Summer School at Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University Şcoală de vară Rusia

15 of July - 02 of August* (3 or 2 weeks).
�‘� Electrical Engineering
�‘� Nuclear Engineering
�‘� Oil & Gas in Energy Industry
�‘� Turbomachinery
+ Leading Russian Energy Companies (technical tours) and guest speakers

✨St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia, beautiful and charming. City of White Nights, writer Dostoevsky and reading youth in the subway. Even the spirit of city motivates our participants to learn and discover.
Besides all 4 groups will be all together involved in wide cultural program: Boat city tour for students to get acquainted with the beauty of the city / Excursion to the Hermitage, one of the world’s largest and oldest museums of fine art / Trip to Peterhof, world famous for its fountains / Picnic at the seashore of the Gulf of Finland where students can enjoy Russian style barbecue / Excursion to beautiful suburbs near St. Petersburg with the palaces' visit. Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Oranienbaum / Photocross / Campus tour /Russian language & culture class / Closing Ceremony in Art Space and many other additional activities with Adapter’s Team.
The regular Program fee is 870 / 670 EURO for 3 / 2 weeks,
The Early Bird fee is 740 / 540 EURO (available till 1st of May)

Summer School at ISEM, Nice Şcoală de vară Franţa

The Summer School will take place from 1st July 2019 to 26 July 2019.
The course contains:
50h of FFL
10h of Economy-Management
4 cultural outings in Nice and its region
accommodation for 1 month
transfer from/to airport
A level test will be carried out at the beginning and the end of Summer School.
The optional TCF will take place at the end of session, organized by the Alliance Française.
We will welcome students directly at their arrival, and we will take along students to airport at the end of Summer School.
The accommodation will be provided in a private university residence, near to our Campus (5 or 10min walk), and near to the city center and the beach, and all public transports.

More details are available here.

Fulbright Student Award to the United States (2020-2021) Burse pentru masterat sau doctorat Statele Unite ale Americii

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 Fulbright Student Award competition for master’s study or research in the United States. Applicants can be Romanian graduates - BA, MA or PhD students - from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

The Fulbright Student Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits, books and supplies allowance, accident/sickness insurance and a living stipend for one academic year.

Second-year costs for the Romanian Fulbright master’s students may be covered depending on funds availability as well as on proof of good academic standing during the first year of study.

Learn more by clicking here.

Persoană de contact pentru candidaţii din UPT: Conf. Dr. ing. Alexandru Amaricai

Prezentare: 28 martie 2019, ora 10:30, Cantina UPT, Sala de Conferinţe, etajul 1

Technology scholarships at Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Burse pentru studii complete de masterat Austria

Scholarships for students who:

  • have completed a Bachelor’s degree relevant for one the Master’s degree programmes listed below in one of the following countries: Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Egypt, Estonia, Greece, Kosovo; Latvia; Lithuania, Montenegro; Morocco, North Macedonia; Poland; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; Slovenia; Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine; Uzbekistan

Persoană de contact pentru candidaţii din UPT:
Conf. Maria JIVULESCU, Dep. Matematică, maria.jivulescu@upt.ro.

Internship at the International Office of EPHEC University College in Brussels Stagiu de practică Belgia

EPHEC University College in Brussels would like to welcome again a student stagiaire to join forces in the International Office from EARLY SEPTEMBER to LATE DECEMBER 2019. A job/profile description is available here, as well as an info file about Haute Ecole EPHEC, which should give the candidate (M/F) a more precise picture of our school.

The deadline for submitting an application to international@ephec.be is MAY 15th.

French language and culture trip at Universite d'Orleans Şcoală de vară Franţa

Located at the heart of the Loire valley (UNESCO World Heritage), one hour away from Paris by train, the "Institut de Français" of the University of Orleans is the perfect place to discover or broaden your knowledge in French language and culture.
Cost : 1000€, (includes classes, workshops, education materials, a guided tour of
Orleans, a day in the Loire valley and a sportive activity)
Accomodation : HOST FAMILY (475€) or STUDIO in the city center (500€)
For more information, click here.

Smart and Resilient Cities for an Innovative Society Summer School Şcoală de vară Franţa Credits : 3 ECTS
Date: 1-6 July 2019
Tuition: 1 250€ (visits, accommodation, travelling in Lille, certificate, closing cocktail, etc... included)
Language : English
Location: Lille, France

Students, researchers, and professionals from both the technical branch and the social sciences field are welcome to apply. Based on the motivation and background of the applicant, the summer School is also open to people who are interested in sustainable urban development in general.

How to Apply
The Summer School is currently accepting applications for Summer School 2019 Programme. Admissions information: hei.master.smartcities@yncrea.fr Application timeline and deadlines: Courses are open to admit students on a firstcome, first-served basis and will be closed when they are full. Candidates are therefore encouraged to apply in advance. Please note that application will be closed after 30-May-2019.
International Summer School at University of Ostrava Şcoală de vară Cehia Informaţii detaliate aici. 31.05.2019
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto BIM Summer School 2019 Şcoală de vară Portugalia Applications to ISEP BIM Summer School 2019 are open.

The programme includes 90 hours of classes, distributed by 9 modules, and visits to companies, talks by invited lecturers and social events. In the end, participants shall be able to implement the BIM methodology in their work processes, making use of the advanced technology and procedures in the various phases of the life cycle of a building.

ISEP BIM Summer School runs from 10th  to 23rd  July 2019, offers 3 ETCS and costs 600,00€.
STIBET Contact Scholarships for international exchange students in 2019 – promoted by the DAAD and financed by funds from the Federal Foreign Office of Germany Bursă de studii (supliment mobilităţi Erasmus, acord bilateral sau free-mover) Germania

With the STIBET contact scholarship, Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences (TH Rosenheim) aims to support international exchange students with financial difficulties from partner universities to successfully complete their study period in Rosenheim. A financial contribution of EUR 500 – EUR 1,000 will be awarded to successful applicants from partner universities. Once fully enrolled as exchange students for the winter term 2019 at TH Rosenheim the payment will be made.

Who can apply?

  • Exchange students from partner universities who are currently in the process of applying for enrolment for the winter term 2019-20 at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences
  • Applicants have to prove strong academic performance
  • Applicants have to be in needy circumstances (i.e. less than 750 Euro income per month). Evidence of this is given by the applicant’s income information. Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences reserves the right to request disclosure of any type of income data at any time.

Further details are available here.

International Summer Course in Engineering Şcoală de vară Belgia Informaţii detaliate aici. 02.06.2019
Spanish Intensive Language Course at the University of Burgos Bursă pentru curs intensiv de limba spaniolă Spania University of Burgos offers 20 Accommodation scholarships for the Spanish summer course in July (from 1/07/2019 to 19/07/2019) for students from our partner universities. For information about our Spanish Summer Courses and for the accommodation scholarship, please contact our “International Courses department” (incourses@ubu.es). 03.06.2019
Sommerdeutschkurs am Meer 2019/ German Summer Course at the Coast 2019 Cursuri intensive de limba germană Germania The best way to learn German is in Germany. That is why Jade University of Applied Sciences is offering the “Seaside Summer Course in German” in the 23rd consecutive year at the campus in Wilhelmshaven from July 30th to August 22nd 2019.
Participants live in Wilhelmshaven for a 4-week period in which they improve their language skills in small groups overseen by qualified teachers. Each participant receives a certificate at the end of the course.
Five hours of lessons take place in small groups each morning. The afternoons are used to put theory into practice. Placement tests are first conducted in order to find the right course for each participant. It is our goal to train the participants’ communicative skills: everyday conversations are practiced to train pronunciation, improve listening skills and use correct grammar. Various cultural topics are worked out in projects or in presentations.
A special offer of afternoon activities includes:
•        Intercultural Training
•        German for Engineers
•        Pronounciation Practice
Concours AUF "Mon idée d'affaires" Concurs -

- destinés aux étudiants qui s’intéressent à l’entrepreneuriat;
- le concours se déroule en 3 étapes;
- les candidats dont les idées passeront en 2e étape bénéficieront d'un coaching professionnel;
- les meilleures idées seront récompensées par des prix.

Detalii aici.

Cinema français de l'UPT
Proiecţie filme francofone la Biblioteca UPT (subtitrate în limba română, acces gratuit) -

Le dernier mercredi de chaque mois à la bibliothèque de l'Université Politehnica Timisoara, vous êtes invités à venir découvrir le cinéma français sous toutes ses couleurs et ses styles.
Voici les dates et les films à retenir :

  • Mercredi 30 janvier, 18:00 - MICHAEL KOHLHAAS, fiction historique, 2012
  • Mercredi 27 février, 18:00 - LE TABLEAU, film d'animation, 2011
  • Mercredi 27 mars, 18:00 - L'EVEIL DE LA PERMACULTURE, documentaire, 2017
  • Mercredi 24 avril, 18:00 - CIRQUE HORS-PISTE, documentaire, 2016
  • Mercredi 29 mai, 19:00 - HIPPOCRATE, comédie dramatique, 2013
  • Mercredi 26 juin, 18:00 - GERONIMO, comédie dramatique, 2014
Coimbra Architecture Summer Atelier Atelier pentru studenţi din domeniul arhitecturii Portugalia

CASA (Coimbra Architecture Summer Atelier) is an intensive eleven-day workshop organized by the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Combining practical and theoretical modules, CASA focuses on several problems of the city of Coimbra, aiming to work the built environment from its social, architectural and urban context. It consists mainly of design workshops where participants, guided by ateliers tutors, can develop proposals that respond to the themes presented; and in conferences and debates where concepts, ideas and projects are conferred in order to strengthen the strategies to be developed. Origin is the main theme of this inaugural edition and includes three secondary themes: Void, Ephemeral and Limit, from which critical solutions are applied to specific problems.

The fee for attending the summer atelier is 200€. Applications submited until the 31st of May will get a 25% (50€) discount.
The fee includes:
— Intensive participation in an 11 day workshop and sessions;
— All meals included in the programme (welcome lunch, weekday lunches and closing dinner);
— Tickets for city visits;
— Studio material and printing expenses;
— 24/7 studio access;
— Student kits (dARQ books, CASA booklet and credentials, notebook and pen, map of Coimbra);
— Certificate of participation;
The fee does not include:
— Travel expenses to and from Coimbra;
— Local transportation outside of studio working hours or CASA programme;
— Participants will be asked to cover their own accommodation and dinners.

More details:
+ apply | www.uc.pt/fctuc/darq/casa/Application
+ course | www.uc.pt/fctuc/darq/casa/course
+ ateliers | www.uc.pt/fctuc/darq/casa/ateliers
+ synopsis | www.uc.pt/fctuc/darq/casa/Synopsis

30.05.2019 (taxă 150 EUR)

30.06.1019 (taxă 200 EUR)

Bursa Parlamentară Internaţională Burse de practică pentru tineri absolvenţi Germania

ă interesează să participaţi la lucrările din Parlamentul german?
Bundestagul german împreună cu: Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin vă invită să candidaţi pentru o Bursă Parlamentară Internaţională (IPS) de cinci luni la Berlin.
IPS se adresează unor persoane tinere cu înaltă calificare, interesate din punct de vedere politic şi care vor ca după terminarea programului să se întoarcă în ţara lor şi să contribuie activ şi cu sentimentul responsabilităţii la organizarea unui viitor democratic al acesteia.
Bundestagul german, parlamentul Germaniei,
oferă unor persoane tinere prilejul ca în decurs de 13 săptămâni de activitate pe lângă un membru al Bundestagului să facă cunoştiinţă cu sistemul parlamentar german ca şi cu procesele de decizii politice şi să acumuleze experienţă în practica muncii parlamentare.
Bursierii vor fi aleşi de către o Comisie de selecţionare independentă a Bundestagului german.


  • cetăţenia română
  • studii universitare încheiate
  • cunoştiinţe foarte bune ale limbii germane
  • cunoştiinte ale politicii, societăţii şi istoriei germane
  • sub 30 ani la începerea stagiului de bursă


  • 500 EURO lunar
  • cazare gratuită
  • cheltuieli de asigurare şi de călătorie

Informaţii suplimentare la Ambasada Republicii Federale Germania
sau în internet sub: www.bundestag.de/ips

Appel à projets étudiants "Mon savoir en partage" Finanţare pentru proiecte studenţeşti -

-  destiné à tous les étudiants créatifs, dynamiques, ambitieux, peu importe leur discipline;
-  une opportunité unique de se faire remarquer, gagner de l'expérience et faire du réseautage en partageant son savoir, si peu qu'il soit.
-  les meilleures proposition de projets, déposés individuellement ou par équipe de maximum 5 personnes, bénéficieront du soutien financier de l'AUF pour la mise en place.

Detalii aici.

International courses at Technische Universitat Ilmenau Cursuri intensive de limba germană Germania

Cursuri oferite:
-Experiencing Germany, 4 - 29 august 2019;
- German for Technical Purpose, 4-29 august 2019;
- Living and Studying in Germany, 2-27 septembrie 2019.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

ISIT FLE Academy An pregătitor de limba franceză Franţa Detalii aici. -
International Summer Programme German as a Foreign Language Curs intensiv de limba germană Germania University of Augsburg will offer its International Summer Programme from 29 July until 23 August 2019.
The International Summer Programme is in essence a hands-on language course. Through their examination of the Bavarian city of Augsburg, participants will expand their knowledge and understanding of the history, geography, society and culture of Germany in small project-based teams. Workshops provide them with close and in-depth language mentoring. Learn more here.
Fără termen limită
Şcoli internaţionale de vară la Institut de management & communication interculturels, Paris Şcoală de vară Franţa

Nous proposons en effet :
 - une université de 3 semaines du 24 juin au 12 juillet qui s’adresse aux étudiants internationaux souhaitant développer leur niveau de français et s’initier au management interculturel ;
- une université de 2 semaines du 24 juin au 5 juillet dédiée à la didactique du français langue étrangère (FLE) ;
Enfin, l’ISIT propose, dans le cadre du programme France Excellence de l’ambassade de France à  Pékin, une université de 4 semaines du  24 juin au 19 juillet à destination des étudiants étrangers de fin de Licence ou de Master qui envisagent de poursuivre leurs études doctorales en France.

Candidaturile se analizează pe parcurs
University of Bordeaux Summer Schools 2019 Şcoli de vară Franţa
  • Ecology and society: frontiers and boundaries | Environment
  • Advanced mass spectrometry applied to cultural heritage | Applied chemistry
  • Robots and artificial intelligence: from motor-control to intelligent decisions | Informatics
  • Short-pulse lasers and applications | Optics, photonics, lasers
  • Organic electronics | Materials of the future
  • Advanced materials for energy storage and conversion | Materials of the future
Termenele limită variază în funcţie de programul ales.
Spanish Intensive Course - University of Burgos Curs intensiv de limba spaniolă pentru viitori studenţi Erasmus+ în Spania Spania

University of Burgos offers an Intensive Spanish Language Course for Beginners (levels A1 and A2). It is a 40 hour course (2 weeks).

Course dates: 19th to 30th August (that is, prior to the start of the semester)
For interested students, we can arrange accommodation for them during those dates. Therefore, we are very happy to offer them the following options:
-        40 hour course, including accommodation in a single room with private bathroom and breakfast  at students’ residence  from August 18th to September 1st (14 nights):
o   Total Price for UBU Erasmus students (course fees supported by Erasmus funds): 412€
o   Total Price for other Erasmus students that will study in another Spanish University (students that, even when not having been selected to study at UBU, would like to follow the intensive language course here): 612€
  Deadline for application of course + accommodation: May 15th.
-        40 hour course (students look for their own accommodation)
o   Price for UBU Erasmus students (supported by Erasmus funds): 50€
o   Price for other Erasmus students from your institution that will study in another Spanish University (students that, even when not having been selected to study at UBU, would like to follow the intensive language course here): 250€
  Deadline for application: August 2nd.

Learn more here. Application form here.

15.05.2019 (ptr. cei care doresc cazare)


02.08.2019 (ptr. cei care nu doresc cazare)

Burse pentru studii complete (licenţă, masterat, doctorat) în Maroc Burse pentru studii complete Maroc Sunt disponibile 2 (două) burse de studii pentru cetăţeni români. Informaţii detaliate şi formularele aferente se pot accesa în adresa primită de la MEN, pe site-urile Agenţiei Marocane de Cooperare Internaţională (http://www.amci.ma), Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale, al Formării Profesionale, Învăţământului Superior şi Cercetării Ştiinţifice (http://www.enssup.gov.ma/fr; https://pw.men.gov.ma/fr/pages/accueil.aspx), Oficiul Formării Profesionale şi Promovării Muncii (https://www.ofppt.ma), precum şi prin intermediul Ambasadei Regatului Maroc la Bucureşti. 16 august 2019
EDUFI Fellowships Burse pentru stagii doctorale Finlanda

The EDUFI Fellowships programme is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields, who will be doing their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university. Visiting Doctoral-level students and researchers who are doing their Doctorate degree at some foreign university can also be considered eligible, provided that the motivation letter of the hosting Finnish university department presents exceptionally good grounds for such an application.The scholarship period may vary from 3 to 12 months. The monthly allowance is 1500 euros. More details here.

Cu minim 5 luni înainte de data preconizată de începere a stagiului
Visiting Research Project at Bordeaux Institute of Technology - ENSEIRB-MATMECA Stagii de cercetare în laboratoarele universităţii Franţa

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Finanţare posibilă prin programul Erasmus+ (candidatură distinctă depusă la  erasmus.outgoing@upt.ro).

Cu 3 luni înainte de începerea stagiului
Granturi AUF pentru participarea la manifestări ştiinţifice a tinerilor cercetători Grant de mobilitate pentru tineri cercetători (doctoranzi, asistenţi, lectori cu vârsta sub 40 de ani) Diverse Informaţii detaliate aici. Cu cel puţin 6 săptămâni înainte de manifestarea ştiinţifică
Université d'été - Français - l’Université de Liège Curs intensiv de limba franceză (A1-B2) Belgia

Depuis 20 ans, l’Université de Liège accueille des étudiants et des enseignants non francophones de nombreux pays. Au programme, des formations de langue française et de didactique du français langue étrangère.

Du 5 au 23 août 2019
L'objectif principal est de consolider et d'approfondir rapidement la maîtrise de la langue française.

  • Méthodes communicatives et interactives : supports audiovisuels et informatiques, mises en situation, exercices intensifs, conversations en petits groupes...
  • Découverte de la ville en début de stage.
  • Un programme d'excursions, de visites guidées, de spectacles sera proposé à prix économique.
Le stage dure 3 semaines. Ils comprend 60h de cours dont :
  • 45h de cours de langue orale et écrite
  • 15h d'option (selon le niveau et le nombre de participants) à choisir entre : laboratoire de langue, conversation; culture belge (littérature, B.D., gastronomie, cinéma...)
  • Les cours ont lieu de 9h00 à 13h30 du lundi au vendredi. L'après-midi et le week-end sont généralement libres pour des activités culturelles.
  • L’organisation des groupes de niveaux et des modules à option dépend toujours du nombre de participants. Si nécessaire, des alternatives seront proposées.

cours : 620 €, activités culturelles : +/- 125 €

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Candidaturile se analizează pe parcurs
Summer Schools “Design your own IoT network” and “Sustainability in Bordeaux City and Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region” Şcoală de vară Franţa Informaţii detaliate aici. Candidaturile se analizeaza pe parcurs
Appel AUF à projets étudiants "Je connais mon métier" Finanţare pentru proiecte studenţeşti -

- destiné aux associations et aux groupes d'étudiants(maximum 4 personnes) pour la mise en place de projets de formation à l'acquisition de compétences douces, la découverte des métiers et toute autre activité socio-éducative.
- les meilleurs projets bénéficieront d'un soutien de maximum 1 000 euros de la part de l'AUF pour la réalisation des activités avant la fin de 2019.

Detalii aici.




   Termene limita: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2018. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2017. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2016. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita cuprinse intre 01.09.2014 - 30.08.2015. Burse de studii, stagii de practica si cercetare. Scoli de vara. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi. Pentru a pr...
   Burse pentru studii, stagii de practica, cercetare, specializare, conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi promovate in anul universitar 2013-2014.
   Arhiva oportunitati de studii, practica si angajare in strainatate
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