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Schwarzman scholar's master degree programme Bursă de studii China Informaţii detaliate aici. 15 septembrie 2016
Erasmus Travellers Competition Concurs - Informaţii detaliate aici. 26 septembrie 2016
Programul de burse pentru studii de licenţă SIM Global Education Bursă de studii Singapore Informaţii detaliate aici. 30 septembrie 2016
 Korea University Graduate School Scholarships  Burse de studii (masterat, doctorat) Coreea de Sud

Korea University ocupă locul 104 în QS Rankings, aflându-se printre primele 100 universităţi din lume în 20 dintre cele 36 domenii analizate.

Informaţii detaliate privind oferta academică a acestei instituţii şi bursele oferite candidaţilor internaţionali sunt disponibile aici.

30 septembrie 2016
(sesiune admitere  primăvară)
Prezentare burse Fulbright Prezentare SUA

Vă invităm să participaţi la prezentarea burselor Fulbright, care se va desfăşura în 6 octombrie la 14:00 in Sala Multimedia a Bibliotecii Universităţii Politehnica Timişoara (Bulevardul Vasile Pârvan Nr. 2b). 

Oportunităţile de studiu şi cercetare în Statele Unite ale Americii vor fi prezentate de d-na Ruxandra RĂDULESCU. Evenimentul se adresează atât studenţilor (licenţă, masterat, doctorat), cât şi postdoctoranzilor, cercetătorilor şi cadrelor didactice. Pentru mai multe informaţii contactaţi Departamentul Relaţii Internaţionale.

6 octombrie 2016
Visiting Graduate Student Summer Fellowships - Yale University Bursă de studii Statele Unite ale Americii Informaţii suplimentare aici. 18 octombrie 2016
Winter School with focus on computer science, information technology and electrical engineering Şcoală de vară Germania Next course: January 23rd - February 12th 2017

◾Main emphasis: Computer science, electrical engineering and information technology
◾Target group: International students of computer science and engineering with a strong interest in science. Students should have completed their first year of bachelor's study
◾Pre­requisite: Fluency in English
◾Fee:  2000€ for international students
◾Application period: August 1st - October 31st 2016
◾Accommodation: shared room in a hostel in the city centre
Learn more here.
31 octombrie 2016
Geo.X research school Program de studii doctorale / postdoctorale Germania

The Geo.X Research School offers exceptional opportunities for interdisciplinary research, offering students and early career scientists the academic and intellectual resources of the Geo.X partner institutions. We support young scientists in developing unique scientific profiles and plant them in an innovation-fostering, stimulating intellectual environment with an existing network of cooperating Geo.Xpartners.

Applicants (PhD candidates) should have a MSc degree or equivalent at the time of appointment in at least one of the following fields as well as a strong affinity with interdisciplinary research: Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Sciences, or related fields.  Applicants (Postdocs) must hold a PhD degree in one of the above fields and show strong interdisciplinary skills and independent research experience. If your native language is neither English nor German, you must submit a proof of your English language proficiency. This is not required if you have attended a school, university or college where English is the language of instruction. We ask the applicants to write a statement of research interest (proposal). You should have a detailed idea of their research area within Geo.X. We expect a one-page (for PhD students) or two-page (for Postdocs) research proposal, in which you explain your ideas with respect to your dissertation/postdoctoral qualification. You should outline the underlying research project, including two names for possible supervisors within the Geo.X network.

To learn more click here.

31 octombrie 2016
Facebook Fellowship Award Premiu pentru doctoranzi Orice ţară Applications are invited for Facebook Fellowship Program available to Ph.D. students globally who are enrolled in an accredited university in any country. International and domestic students can apply for the Facebook fellowship program. The Facebook Fellowship Program is designed to encourage and support promising doctoral students who are engaged in innovative and relevant research in areas related to computer science and engineering.

Facebook is accepting applications from students with research related to one of the following areas:
  • Artificial Intelligence;
  • Computer Vision;
  • Connectivity;
  • Data Mining;
  • Databases;
  • Distributed Systems, Networking & Operating Systems;
  • Economics and Computation;
  • Human-Computer Interaction;
  • Machine Learning;
  • Natural Language Processing & Speech Technologies;
  • Programming Languages & Compilers;
  • Security & Privacy;
  • Social Computing;
  • Software Engineering.

Read more: here
1 noiembrie 2016
Vizite de studiu în Germania Granturi pentru organizarea de vizite de studii în Germania Germania

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) funds Study Visits and Study Seminars and Practicals in the Federal Republic of Germany, financed by the Federal Foreign Office, for groups of foreign students under the direction of university teachers. The main goals of the programme are:

  • to establish and cultivate contacts between German and foreign universities,
  • to impart subject-related knowledge by arranging corresponding visits at not less than two German universities, subject-related tours and information meetings (Study Visits) respectively by organising subject-related seminars and practicals in the field of higher ed-ucation (e.g. specialist courses, block seminars, workshops) at the invitation of a German university which is then also responsible for ar-ranging seminars and practicals in academia, business and industry and, possibly, in public institutions (Study Seminars and Practicals),
  • to encourage subject-specific contact with German students and re-searchers,
  • to enable foreign students to gain a better understanding of eco-nomic, political and cultural life in Germany. Preferable are subject-related activities. This part of the visit must not make up more than one third of the stay

To learn more, click here.

1 noiembrie 2016
AIG Online Event Eveniment online de carieră (posibilitate angajare / stagiu de practică) Marea Britanie

AIG is looking for 2017 Bachelor/Master graduates to join their Graduate Programme in Europe. 2018 graduates are also welcome to apply for internship positions next summer.

We invite you to meet us during an exclusive online event on 3 November 2016. After an online presentation during which you will “Learn about Insurance and Underwriting at AIG”, Amy Sinnott, EMEA University Relations Junior Recruiter, and 2016 Graduates Pouya Jafari, Underwriting Associate, Trade Credit and Dimitri De Lamazière, Strategic Planning Professional Associate, look forward to discussing with you and answering your questions during a live chat session.

Do not miss this opportunity, register now!

3 noiembrie 2016
Go East Summer Schools Granturi pentru organizatori de şcoli de vară Germania

Who can apply for the Programme?

Foreign universities in Central-Eastern, South-Eastern, Eastern Europe and CIS.

(Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Hungary, Uzbekistan.)

What can be supported?

Summer schools that have various professional, country-specific, and linguistic emphasis organized by the foreign universities.

Summer schools that have a 12 -21 day duration period, and which take place from middle of August until the end of September.

More details here.

07 noiembrie 2016
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Grant pentru doctorande Austria The US$10,000 Fellowship is awarded annually to 35 women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering. It may be used at any university or college offering accredited post-graduate courses and degrees in these fields. Learn more here. 15 noiembrie 2016
Burse DAAD pentru studii de masterat Burse pentru studii complete masterale Germania

Acest program de burse oferă posibilitatea completării educației academice în Germania printr-un studiu aprofundat.

Îşi pot depune candidatura pentru o bursă DAAD absolvenți foarte bine calificați, care, cel târziu la momentul începerii bursei, şi-au încheiat primul ciclu de studii universitare (cu o diplomă de licenţă sau cu un grad academic echivalent).

Este finanțată participarea la un studiu de aprofundare a cunoștințelor, cu scopul specializării științifice, după încheierea unui prim ciclu de studii universitare. Concret se finanțează:

  • un program de master/studii aprofundate la o instituție de învățământ superior de stat sau acreditată de stat din Germania, încheiat cu o diplomă obținută de la instituția germană sau
  • primul sau al doilea an de studiu în cadrul unui program de master/studii aprofundate la o instituție de învățământ superior de stat sau acreditată de stat din Germania, cu obținerea diplomei de absolvire la o instituție de învățământ superior din afara Germaniei.  În acest caz recunoașterea rezultatelor de studiu din Germania trebuie să fie garantată. Anul de studiu din Germania nu are voie să prelungească durata obișnuită a programului de master/studii aprofundate.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Persoană de contact:
D-na Sabina De Carlo, Lector DAAD
Univesitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Departamentul de Comunicare şi Limbi Străine, e-mail: decarlo@daad.ro  (în limbile engleză sau germană), consultaţii: joi 16-18, ASPC (birou A110)

15 noiembrie 2016
Burse DAAD de cercetare pentru doctoranzi şi tineri cercetători (burse de lungă durată) Burse de cercetare pentru doctoranzi şi tineri cercetători Germania Bursele oferă doctoranzilor și tinerilor cercetători posibilitatea de a efectua un stagiu de cercetare sau de perfecţionare în Germania. Oferta de finanțare se adresează diferitelor etape de calificare sau trepte din carieră. Bursele încurajează schimbul de experiență între colegi și formarea de rețele profesionale de specialitate.

Obiectivul principal al acestui program este sprijinirea proiectelor de cercetare din cadrul unui stagiu de doctorat.

Îşi pot depune candidatura pentru o bursă DAAD doctoranzi sau tineri cercetători, cu rezultate foarte bune, care la momentul începerii bursei şi-au încheiat un ciclu universitar cu o diplomă de master, o diplomă echivalentă, în cazuri de excepție şi cu o diplomă de bachelor sau care au obținut deja titlul de doctor (Post-Docs).

Durata bursei este de regulă între 7 și 10 luni. Durata finanțării este stabilită de o comisie de selecție în funcție de proiectul de cercetare și planul de lucru propus.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Persoană de contact:
D-na Sabina De Carlo, Lector DAAD
Univesitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Departamentul de Comunicare şi Limbi Străine, e-mail: decarlo@daad.ro  (în limbile engleză sau germană), consultaţii: joi 16-18, ASPC (birou A110)

15 noiembrie 2016

Burse DAAD de cercetare pentru doctoranzi şi tineri cercetători (burse de scurtă durată)

Burse de cercetare pentru doctoranzi şi tineri cercetători Germania

Bursele oferă doctoranzilor și tinerilor cercetători posibilitatea de a efectua un stagiu de cercetare sau de perfecţionare în Germania. Oferta de finanțare se adresează diferitelor etape de calificare sau trepte din carieră. Bursele încurajează schimbul de experiență între colegi și formarea de rețele profesionale de specialitate.

Obiectivul principal al acestui program este sprijinirea proiectelor de cercetare din cadrul unui stagiu de doctorat.

Îşi pot depune candidatura pentru o bursă DAAD doctoranzi sau tineri cercetători, cu rezultate foarte bune, care la momentul începerii bursei şi-au încheiat un ciclu universitar cu o diplomă de master, o diplomă echivalentă, în cazuri de excepţie şi cu o diplomă de bachelor sau care au obținut deja titlul de doctor (Post-Docs)

Durata bursei cuprinsă între 1 lună şi 6 luni. Durata finanțării este stabilită de o comisie de selecție în funcție de proiectul de cercetare și planul de lucru propus.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Persoană de contact:
D-na Sabina De Carlo, Lector DAAD
Univesitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Departamentul de Comunicare şi Limbi Străine, e-mail: decarlo@daad.ro  (în limbile engleză sau germană), consultaţii: joi 16-18, ASPC (birou A110)

15 noiembrie 2016

1 mai 2017

Burse DAAD pentru studii doctorale complete Bursă pentru studii complete de doctorat Germania

Bursele oferă doctoranzilor și tinerilor cercetători posibilitatea de a efectua un stagiu de cercetare sau de perfecţionare în Germania. Oferta de finanțare se adresează diferitelor etape de calificare sau trepte din carieră. Bursele încurajează schimbul de experiență între colegi și formarea de rețele profesionale de specialitate.

Obiectivul principal al acestui program este finanțarea unui stagiu complet de doctorat în Germania.

Îşi pot depune candidatura pentru o bursă DAAD tineri cercetători, cu rezultate foarte bune, care la momentul începerii bursei şi-au încheiat un ciclu universitar cu o diplomă de master, o diplomă echivalentă, în cazuri de excepție şi cu o diplomă de licenţă.

Durata bursei este de regulă: max. 3 ani, în cazuri de excepție până la 4 ani. Durata finanțării este stabilită de o comisie de selecție în funcție de proiectul de cercetare și planul de lucru propus.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Persoană de contact:
D-na Sabina De Carlo, Lector DAAD
Univesitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Departamentul de Comunicare şi Limbi Străine, e-mail: decarlo@daad.ro  (în limbile engleză sau germană), consultaţii: joi 16-18, ASPC (birou A110)

15 noiembrie 2016
8e édition du Prix de la Francophonie pour jeunes chercheurs Premiu pentru tineri cercetători  

Le prix, créé par l'AUF, vise à reconnaître le mérite et la valeur d'un(e) chercheur(se) ayant acquis une reconnaissance scientifique et ayant réalisé une percée internationale significative, en particulier dans le cadre de la Francophonie, et essentiellement à travers sa productivité scientifique.

Conditions pour candidater :
◦être âgés de 40 ans au plus à la date de clôture de l'appel d'offres. Seule l'année de naissance est prise en compte sans autre considération de mois ou de jour.
◦être titulaires d’un doctorat ou d’un doctorat d’État (fournir la photocopie du doctorat ou du procès-verbal de soutenance de thèse) ;
◦pouvoir justifier d'une activité de recherche entre 4 et 10 ans après l'obtention du doctorat. Pour remplir  cette condition, la date de soutenance de thèse du candidat doit se situer entre le 1er janvier de l'année 2006 et le 31 décembre de l’année 2012 ;
◦être rattachés à un établissement membre de l'AUF.

Une dotation de 10 000 euros (dix mille euros) sera attribuée à chacun des lauréats en 2017. Toutes les informations sur le dossier de candidatures sont disponibles à l'adresse suivante : https://formulaires.auf.org. La date limite de recevabilité des dossiers est fixée au 15 novembre 2016 à 14h00, heure de Montréal (18h00 GMT). Accedez au site.

15 noiembrie 2016
Israeli Government Scholarships to Foreign Students Bursă de studii  parţiale (curs de limbă, masterat, doctorat, postdoctorat) Israel
The State of Israel offers scholarships to Romanian students, in keeping with the Programme of Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation signed (June 2014) between the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of Romania for the Years 2014-2017:
1. Romanian post-graduate students can apply to study in Israel for two different programs:
a) Ulpan (intensive Hebrew courses), with 1 place available;
b) One academic year scholarships, with 3 places available.
2. Summer Ulpan studies generally last for 3 ½ weeks, 1 month and take place at the University of Haifa. Should there be changes, the Embassy will inform.
3. The scholarships for one academic year (8 months) are granted to post-graduate students for programs such as: 
a) Post Doctorate
b) Research program
c) Ph.D. Students
d) M.A. students
e) Overseas and International programs
f) Special Programs
Learn more here.
30 noiembrie 2016
Humboldt Winter University 2017 Şcoală de iarnă Germania

Cursurile din domeniile istorie, cultură, dezvoltare urbană, religie, etică, drept, limbă şi literatură germană se derulează în perioada 9 - 27 ianuarie 2017.

Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile pe pagina organizatorilor aici.

1 decembrie 2016
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme Burse pentru studii doctorale complete Hong Kong

Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities.

Candidates who are seeking admission as new full time PhD students in the following eight universities, irrespective of their country of origin, prior work experience and ethnic background, should be eligible to apply:

  • City University of Hong Kong
  • Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Lingnan University
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The Education University of Hong Kong
  • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • The University of Hong Kong

Applicants should demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance, research ability / potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities.

To learn more click here.

1 decembrie 2016
BAYHOST scholarship program for doctoral or postgraduate studies in Bavaria Bursă de studii complete sau parţiale (masterat, doctorat) Germania The Bavarian State Ministry of Education invites applications for its
one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and
Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2017/18 via BAYHOST. Graduates
from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania,  Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply.

The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or postgraduate studies (e.g. master) at Bavarian universities. Annual scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years. One-year study sojourns in Bavaria as part of a Ph.D. in the home country can also be funded.

Please note: Applicants must not be older than 30 (for master students)
or 35 (for doctoral candidates) in the first year of scholarship (i.e. on the 01.10.2017). The application deadline for first time applications
is the *1st December 2016* (date of receipt!).

Further information can be found on
the BAYHOST website (English and German).
1 decembrie 2016
Burse DAAD pentru cursuri de vară în Germania Burse pentru cursuri de vară Germania

Acest program de burse este destinat aprofundării cunoștințelor de limbă (limbaj uzual, limbaj de specialitate) și cultură germană.
Îşi pot depune dosarul pentru acest tip de bursă studenți din toate domeniile de studiu, nivel licenţă sau masterat. Studenții de la ciclul de licenţă își pot depune dosarul doar dacă la momentul începerii bursei au absolvit cel puțin doi ani de studiu. Absolvenții de masterat şi doctoranzii nu pot candida în acest program.

Este finanțată participarea la cursuri de limbă şi civilizație, precum și la cursuri de limbaj de specialitate în Germania, oferite de instituții de învățământ superior de stat/ recunoscute de stat sau de institute afiliate acestora. Informații despre organizatori și oferta lor de cursuri pot fi consultate accesând: www.daad.de/hsk-kursliste. Cursurile se vor desfășura exclusiv în limba germană.

Cursurile au o durată minimă de 18 zile de curs (max. 5 zile/săptămână, excluzând zilele de sosire și plecare), cu cel puțin 25 de unități de curs pe săptămână.
Aceste cursuri se desfășoară de regulă în luniile iunie – septembrie.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Persoană de contact:
D-na Sabina De Carlo, Lector DAAD
Univesitatea Politehnica Timisoara, Departamentul de Comunicare şi Limbi Străine, e-mail: decarlo@daad.ro  (în limbile engleză sau germană), consultaţii: joi 16-18, ASPC (birou A110)

1 decembrie 2016
European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) Bursă de doctorat


The European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) is a four-year project supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement number 676452.

The project takes place over a period of four years (October 2015 – September 2019). Under the project, fifteen Early Stage Re-searchers from nine countries (Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Nepal, Poland, Serbia, Syria) are employed by five partner universities, where they work closely with supervisors and pursue individual research projects in the framework of the EDiTE joint research programme.

Learn more here.

4 decembrie 2016
Prezentare - Bursele Guvernului Francez Prezentare Franţa

Joi, 8 decembrie, de la ora 14:00, in Sala Multimedia a Bibliotecii Universitatii Politehnica Timisoara va avea loc o prezentare a burselor Guvernului Francez. 

D-na Bianca STINGA, responsabila Campus France Bucuresti, va prezenta oportunitati de studii si de cercetare in Franta adresate studentilor, doctoranzilor si postdoctoranzilor:
-    Burse de studii pentru masterat
-    Burse pentru doctorate in cotutela
-    Burse postdoctorale de excelenta de scurta durata

Evenimentul este organizat de Departamentul Relatii Internationale in cooperare cu Institutul Francez Timisoara si Biblioteca Centrala UPT.

Va asteptam in numar cat mai mare!

8 decembrie 2016
Winter Program at Université Catholique de Lille Curs intensiv Franţa Université Catholique de Lille is proposing its first winter program from January 16 to 29, 2017, modelled on its highly successful month-long European Summer Program, offered every June and July since 2001.
The program will offer a single (6 ECTS) course broken into three modules: beginner-level French language (15 hours), Intercultural Communication (2 hours), and an interdisciplinary introduction to some of the rich regional history and culture entitled “Visualising ‘Flanders’” (24+ hours, half of which are spent in a regular classroom), along with related guided visits and other activities.
Price is flexible, depending on some options. We propose tuition and fees totalling 1200€, to which can be added 600€ for shared hotel accommodation near the University, and 250€ for a final weekend in Paris (27-29 January), hostel accommodation included. The total cost for the program including accommodation and a trip to Paris would thus be 2050€, but only 1200€ for the 10-day program without the final excursion, should the group wish to arrange alternative accommodation.
Please check our website to get more information on our exceptional location at the heart of Lille, fieldtrips that we can include in the program on request, based on our European Summer Program. More details here and here.
10 decembrie 2016
University of Lausanne Master Grants Bursă pentru studii complete de masterat Elveţia To facilitate access to Master’s degrees by students with qualifications from foreign universities, the University of Lausanne provides around ten Master’s grants which are awarded on a competitive basis.

Required conditions
  • The candidate must be the holder of a degree from a foreign university.
  • The qualification held by the candidate must be deemed equivalent to the UNIL Bachelor’s degree.

Amount and duration of the grant:
The amount of the grant is CHF 1,600.- per month from 15 September to 15 July, for a duration not exceeding the regulation minimum period of the programme (according to the programme, one-and-a-half years or two years subject to deduction for paid placements or exempt semesters, if any). Abandonment of the programme results in suspension of the grant.

Learn more here.

15 decembrie 2016
Humboldt University German Language Academy Winter Program - Winter Module 1 Curs de limba germană Germania Cursul se desfăşoară în perioada 9 - 27 ianuarie 2017. Taxa de şcolarizare este 650 EUR. Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile pe pagina programului aici. 15 decembrie 2016
Erasmus Mundus PANTHER Bursă de cercetare  cu durata de 1-3 ani (nivel doctoral şi postdoctoral) Australia, Noua Zeelandă

Pacific Atlantic Network for Technical Higher Education and Research – PANTHER – programme is a common initiative of European Union, Australian and New Zealand’s technical universities for research and education development.

The PANTHER consortium will focus its exchange research activities on two vertical thematic areas:
◾ - Aeronautics and astronautics
◾ - Power, renewable energy and new energy sources
◾ - Sensing Technologies
◾ - Automation and control systems

Partner universities in Australia and New Zealand:
- Auckland University of Technology (New Zealand)
- University of New South Wales (Australia)
- Griffith University (Australia)

The project's budget covers scholarships, the costs of travel, visa fees and insurance.

For more information, see http://panther.meil.pw.edu.pl/index.php/mobility-guidelines-and-application

ianuarie 2017
 Global Science Graduate Course (GSGC) at the University of Tokyo Burse pentru studii de masterat/ doctorat Japonia

GSGC is an international graduate program that was recently launched by Graduate School of Science at the University of Tokyo and allows students to obtain their degrees in English. This program welcomes excellent graduates from universities all over the world, fostering world-class science professionals, and standardizes a five-year integrated education scheme in which students attend both the Master’s program and the Doctoral program in sequence. Students on GSGC are also provided with a monthly scholarship during their time on the program and support in finding employment following graduation.

Application Period: November 10, 2016 - January 10, 2017

Learn more here:

10 ianuarie 2017
Humboldt University German Language Academy Winter Program - Winter Module 2 Curs de limba germană Germania Cursul se desfăşoară în perioada 6 - 24 februarie 2017. Taxa de şcolarizare este 550 EUR. Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile pe pagina programului aici. 15 ianuarie 2017
Projet MIRRTICE - Incubateur Doctoral Session 3 Pregătire online pentru studenţi din ultimul an de licenţă, masteranzi sau absolvenţi de masterat interesaţi de studii doctorale în domeniul informaticii sau educaţiei -

L’Institut de la Francophonie pour l’Ingénierie de la Connaissance et la Formation à Distance (IFIC) de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) lance un incubateur doctoral (ID) en partenariat avec un consortium d’universités francophones.
 L’incubateur s’inscrit dans le plus vaste projet de Mise en Réseau de la Recherche en TICE (MIRRTICE), visant à créer des compétences de recherche en technologie éducative dans les pays du pourtour méditerranéen, d’Afrique subsaharienne, de l’Europe centrale et orientale et de l'Asie Pacifique.

Les enseignements et accompagnements sont assurés par des enseignants-chercheurs des universités partenaires. La formation se déroule entièrement en ligne avec des activités de recherche et de travail collaboratif.
 A l’issue de la formation, l’étudiant doit produire un projet de thèse (i.e. 20/30 pages solidement fondées, décrivant le projet de recherche et accompagné d’une bibliographie) qui va lui permettre de proposer sa candidature en tant que doctorant dans une des universités partenaires.

La formation est tutorée à distance et dispensée sur une durée de 6 mois. Elle équivaut, à 225 heures de travail apprenant.
 Au cours de la formation, les étudiants auront à leur disposition un ensemble de ressources consultables en ligne permettant d’améliorer leurs compétences dans la recherche en TICE.
 A la fin de la formation les candidats se verront délivrer une attestation IFIC de suivi de la formation. Par ailleurs, un retour formatif final sur l’avancement du projet de thèse permettra à l’étudiant de continuer à travailler sur son projet dans l’attente d’une inscription en tant que doctorant.

Pentru mai multe detalii click aici.

15 ianuarie 2017
Study in Sweden Oportunitate de studii complete (licenţă, masterat, doctorat) Suedia

Guvernul suedez asigură tuturor cetățenilor UE dreptul la o educație superioară gratuită, nefiind nevoie ca un student din România, de exemplu, să plătească taxe de școlarizare, iar sistemul educațional din Suedia este unul dintre cele mai performante din lume.

De ce să studiezi în Suedia? Avem 8 motive pentru tine:
1.    Nicio taxă de școlarizare.
2.    90% dintre suedezi vorbesc engleză
3.    Programe de master și bachelor în engleză
4.    Sistem educațional fără ierarhie.
5.    Mediu internațional și schimburi de experiență în alte țări.
6.    Mediu inovator și implicarea companiilor în sistemul educațional.
7.    Zboruri low-cost România - Suedia.
8.    O plajă largă de opțiuni pentru viitorul tău, oriunde ai decide să te stabilești.
Nu alege doar o locaţie, alege un viitor!

Trimite aplicația până pe 16 ianuarie 2017:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2ioqcEdPqI

Ghid: Study in Sweden

Factsheet: Study in Sweden

Pliant: Study in Sweden

Contacteză Ambasada Suediei dacă dorești să primești mai multe informații:
https://www.facebook.com/SverigesAmbassadIBukarest sau via karl.holmberg@gov.se

16 ianuarie 2016
Masterat Erasmus Mundus - Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions Burse pentru absolvenţi din domeniul ingineriei civile Portugalia, Cehia, Spania, Italia

În 2017-2018 cursurile se vor ţine în Portugalia - University of Minho şi Cehia - Czech Technical University in Prague. Pentru dizertaţie se pot alege universităţile de mai sus, la care se adaugă Technical University of Catalonia - Spania şi University of Padova - Italia.

Bursele oferite de Comisia Europeană sunt în valoare de 10 000 EUR (studenţi UE) sau 24 000 EUR (studenţi din afara UE). De asemenea sunt disponibile burse oferite de consorţiu pentru studenţii UE şi non-UE.

Pentru informaţii detaliate click aici.

20 ianuarie 2017
 Vulcanus in Japan Bursă pentru un stagiu de practică şi un curs de limba japoneză Japonia

Programul Vulcanus în Japonia constă în plasamente industriale pentru studenții din Uniunea Europeană. Stagiile de practică se desfășoară din luna Septembrie până în luna August a anului următor, astfel încât să
coincidă cu anul universitar din Statele Membre UE. Întregul program are loc în Japonia.
Prin acest program studenții vor urma:
1 - un seminar cu tema “Japonia”;
2 - un curs intensiv de limbă japoneză timp de 4 luni;
3 - un stagiu de 8 luni într-o întreprindere japoneză.

Îşi pot depune candidatura studenţi de la ciclul de licenţă aflaţi cel puţin în anul IV de studii (studenţii înmatriculaţi la programe cu durata de 3 ani nu sunt eligibili), masteranzi, doctoranzi.

Pentru informaţii detaliate consultaţi:

Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara va transmite prin intermediul Departamentului Relaţii Internaţionale dosarele studenţilor interesaţi de acest program. Persoană de contact: Adriana Iacob (Rectorat, birou 105).

20 ianuarie 2017
PhD calls in Robotics for 2017 - University of Leeds, Sheffield, and York Burse pentru studii doctorale Marea Britanie

Biomedical Robotics - Univ. of Sheffield / Dr. Dana D. Damian / Robotic Implants and Wearables to Control Body Functions

We explore a new class of medical robots – robotic implants and wearables, that control physical and physiological functions for a long period of time
for repair or reinforcement. We will develop autonomous medical robots that adapt seamlessly to users, to enable personalized healthcare and provide impact on a number of clinical conditions.

Learn more:
Dr. Dana Damian
University of Sheffield

25 ianuarie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Rusia Burse pentru studii complete, specializare, cursuri de limbă, etnici ruşi Rusia

Tipuri de burse:

- până la 10 persoane la studii complete;
- până la 8 persoane la doctorantură / aspirantură;
- până la 5 persoane la cursuri de specializare profesională suplimentară, pe termen de până la 6 luni fiecare. Dacă este cazul, partea primitoare oferă participanților la schimburile pentru studii complete, selecționați de partea trimițătoare, posibilitatea de studia suplimentar limba statului primitor pentru o perioadă de 1 an.
- până la 15 studenți, cercetători și cadre didactice la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură, cultură și civilizație rusă.
- până la 10 persoane ce locuiesc în România și care se consideră, conform originii lor, că aparțin minorității ruse, pentru studii în instituțiile de învățământ superior ale Federației Ruse.

Informaţii detaliate aici, notificare de schimbare a termenului limită aici.

31 ianuarie 2017

Artists’ Development Programme 2017 Bursă pentru stagiu Luxembourg The European Investment Bank (EIB) Institute is pleased to announce the 2017 edition of its Artist’s Development Programme (ADP), looking for two visual artists (born after 1 January 1982) from Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Poland and Romania.

The ADP offers emerging European visual artists a month-long residency in Luxembourg, enabling them to develop their practice and create a new (body of) work(s), boosted by the mentorship of a high-profile established artist. In 2017, the recipients will each be mentored by acclaimed British artist Callum Innes.

Read more here.
31 ianuarie 2017
 Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Serbia Burse pentru studii complete sau parţiale, burse pentru etnici sârbi Serbia

Tipuri de burse:
-2 burse pentru studii universitare complete sau parţiale;
-până la 20 luni de bursă pentru specializare, studii postuniversitare şi doctorat;

Pentru persoanele aparţinând minorităţilor naţionale sârbe din România, partea sârbă va primi la studii în funcţie de posibilităţile acesteia:
-până la 5 persoane pentru învăţământul preuniversitar;
-până la 10 persoane pentru studii complete sau parţiale în învăţământul superior;
-până la 3 persoane pentru doctorat;
-până la 20 de luni pentru specializare pe perioade de câte 3-6 luni fiecare.
Durata maximă de bursă este de 9 luni pe an universitar, iar cea mai mică este de 3 luni.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

1 februarie 2017
International Summer School at the University of Oslo Burse pentru şcoală de vară Norvegia

The International Summer School (ISS) at the University of Oslo offers intensive Master’s and Bachelor’s courses each summer, from late June to late July. Every year ISS welcome over 550 students from about 90 countries.

The ISS is an academic center for learning in an international context, and a forum for fostering intercultural understanding. It aims at developing and conveying knowledge and at promoting understanding between people from different cultures. This dual purpose is reflected in the ISS motto: ”Six Weeks of Academic Achievement and International Good Will“.

Read more here.

1 februarie 2017
Prix Louis D’Hainaut 2017 de la meilleure thèse en technologie éducative

Premiu pentru absolvenţi de studii doctorale din ultimii 3 ani


L’université de Mons (Belgique) et l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), à travers son Institut de la Francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance et la formation à distance (IFIC), s’associent pour décerner le Prix Louis D’Hainaut de la meilleure thèse de doctorat en technologie éducative.

Ce prix est annuel et sera délivré pour la quatrième fois au mois de mai 2017. Il est réservé à un docteur ressortissant d’un pays du Sud* dont la thèse a été soutenue il y a moins de trois ans.

Le Prix a une vocation internationale et est ouvert à tout chercheur du Sud ayant obtenu une thèse de doctorat au sein d’une institution membre du réseau de l’AUF (du Nord comme du Sud). Le sujet de cette thèse doit impérativement porter sur l’usage des technologies en éducation, indépendamment de la discipline d’appartenance, et doit constituer un apport à l’évolution des connaissances scientifiques dans le domaine.

Les récompenses sont de deux ordres :
•une somme de 2 500 euros, versée par le Fonds Louis D’Hainaut créé à l’Université de Mons,
•la prise en charge par l’AUF d’un voyage et d’un séjour de 5 jours au moment de la remise du Prix. Ce dernier est décerné à l’occasion d’une manifestation scientifique internationale durant laquelle le lauréat sera honoré.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

1 februarie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Bulgaria Burse pentru studii de doctorat şi stagii de specializare Bulgaria

Tipuri de burse:
- 20 luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare postuniversitară sau universitară, fracţionabile pe durate de la 2 la 9 luni.
-5 burse pentru studii universitare de licenţă (ciclul 1), de masterat (ciclul 2) sau de doctorat (ciclul 3).

Informaţii detaliate: aici.

2 februarie 2017
DARMASISWA scholarship programme Burse de studii de limbă şi cultură indoneziană cu durata de un an Indonezia

Pot candida persoane cu vârsta între 17 şi 35 de ani.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

9 februarie 2017
Examene DELF/DALF la Institutul Francez Timisoara Testare limba franceză România

Următoarea sesiune de examene va avea loc în perioada 25 – 26 februarie, iar înscrierile sunt posibile până în 10 februarie!

Mai multe detalii aici.

10 februarie 2017
Mobilités de stage professionnel 2017 Burse pentru stagii de practică de scurtă durată (1-3 luni) pentru studenţi de la ciclurile de licenţă şi master Orice ţară, însă limba stagiului de practică trebuie să fie franceza Les mobilités de stage professionnel sont destinées aux étudiants en fin de premier ou deuxième cycle universitaire inscrits dans un établissement membre de l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) en Europe centrale et orientale. Elles visent à familiariser les étudiants au milieu professionnel correspondant à leur formation et leur permettent d’acquérir des compétences qui faciliteront leur l’insertion professionnelle à l’issue de leur parcours académique. Celles-ci ont pour but de renforcer des compétences utiles au développement, de favoriser de l’insertion professionnelle dans la région d’origine, de promouvoir de l’accès des jeunes et des femmes aux responsabilités.

L'appel à candidatures est ouvert du 13 décembre 2016 au 15 février 2017.

Durée : Les mobilités de stage professionnel sont accordées pour une durée de 1 à 3 mois, à effectuer entre avril et décembre 2017 (certaines restrictions de périodes s’appliquent en fonction du niveau d’études des candidats).

Les étudiants en première année de licence ne sont pas éligibles.

Le candidat doit identifier une structure d’accueil en dehors de son pays d’origine ayant la langue de travail le français et y obtenir son admission.

La mobilité couvre au maximum le transport, une allocation mensuelle et une assurance-santé.

Pentru informaţii detaliate click aici.
15 februarie 2017
University of Tokyo Research Internship Program (UTRIP) Bursă pentru stagiu de practică - cercetare în fizică, chimie, astronomie, biologie şi discipline asociate  (pentru studenţi în anii II şi III - licenţă) Japonia

UTRIP is a 6-week summer internship program for students majoring in natural science and other relevant fields. It provides students with an opportunity to gain the experience of "real graduate-school life" or "research-centered life." UTRIP is a gateway to pursuing an advanced degree and experiencing academic life at our university. Participants on UTRIP will also be granted financial support to cover their costs and expenses. They will also get the opportunity to take part in cultural activities and excursions to learn more about Japan. 

For details click here.

23 februarie 2017
Burse oferite în baza acordului bilateral România - Cehia Burse pentru mobilităţi de studii, cursuri de limbă Cehia

Tipuri de burse:
- 27 luni de bursă pentru studenţii, masteranzii şi doctoranzii instituţiilor de învăţământ superior de stat. Numărul total al lunilor de bursa poate fi împărţit în perioade cu durata de minimum 2 luni şi maximum 9 luni;
- 4 locuri la cursurile de vară de studii slave din Republica Cehă.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

23 februarie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Grecia Burse de studii complete, cercetare, cursuri de vară Grecia

Tipuri de burse:

- 3 (noi) burse, cu durata de 10 luni pe fiecare an universitar, pentru un ciclu complet de studii universitare; candidaţii vor urma un program de limbă cu durata de un an şi trebuie să fi fost admişi de către universitatea la care urmează să studieze;
- 1 bursă de 10 luni pentru studii postuniversitare sau de cercetare; candidaţii trebuie să cunoască limba greacă, franceză sau engleză şi să fi fost admişi la un program postuniversitar;
- 3 burse pentru cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură şi cultură; candidaţii trebuie să cunoască limba greacă, franceză sau engleză.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

23 februarie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Luxembourg Burse de masterat şi doctorat Luxembourg

Partea luxemburgheză va fixa anual numărul și durata burselor ce vor fi acordate studenților români pentru studii de masterat și de doctorat (PhD). Cererile vor fi depuse la Universitatea din Luxemburg.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

23 februarie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Polonia Burse pentru mobilităţi de studii, burse de perfecţionare, cursuri de limbă Polonia

Tipuri de burse:

-  schimburi de studenţi în limita anuală de 20 de luni.
- în cadrul colaborării în domeniul perfecţionării cadrelor ştiinţifice şi didactice, Părţile vor trimite, anual, cetăţeni din statele lor la stagii ştiinţifice (de specializare), pentru perioade de cel puţin o lună, în limita anuală de 10 luni.
- 10 persoane anual la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură şi civilizaţie polonă.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

23 februarie 2017
Burse oferite în baza acordului bilateral România - Slovacia Burse de studii parţiale, specializare, cursuri de limbă, etnici slovaci Slovacia

Tipuri de burse:

-pâna la 25 de luni de bursă pentru studii universitare parţiale, împărţite în perioade de 5 până la 10 luni. Primirea la studii este condiţionată de cunoaşterea limbii Părţii primitoare sau a limbii engleze.
-până la 20 de luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare şi studii, adresate doctoranzilor şi cadrelor didactice universitare (cercetători şi pedagogi). Acestea pot fi împărţite în perioade de 3 până la 10 luni. Primirea la studii este condiţionată de cunoaşterea limbii Părţii primitoare sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională.
-5 burse pentru studenţi şi cadre didactice, la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură şi civilizaţie.
- burse guvernamentale de studii pentru învăţământul superior pentru cetăţenii români de naţionalitate slovacă, potrivit Metodologiei aprobate de Guvernul Republicii Slovace;

Informaţii detaliate aici.

23 februarie 2017
Burse oferite de Ambasada Chinei Burse de studii China

Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2017/2018, acordate în baza Adresei Ambasadei Republicii Populare Chineze la București nr. 03/16.01.2014, înregistrată la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 74/16.01.2014:
- până la 20 de burse pentru studii universitare de licență, masterat și doctorat și programe de studii postuniversitare de tip specializare.
Oferta părții chineze se găsește și pe site-ul China Scholarship Council – http://www.csc.edu.cn.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

27 februarie 2017
Burse oferite în baza acordului bilateral România - China Burse pentru studii complete de licenţă, masterat, doctorat, specializare, cursuri de limbă China

Tipuri de burse:
- până la 24 de persoane anual pentru studii universitare de licență, masterat și doctorat și programe de studii postuniversitare de tip specializare; candidaților li se oferă posibilitatea de a studia limba de stat a părții primitoare pe o perioadă de până la 2 ani pentru limba chineză, conform reglementărilor interne în vigoare; dacă este necesar, bursierii vor fi sprijiniți pentru a studia și în limba engleză.
Precizare: în numărul de 24 persoane sunt incluși și bursierii din anii precedenți, care beneficiază de studii complete în Republica Populară Chineză.
- 5 burse anual la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație chineză.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

27 februarie 2017
Erasmus Mundus Master in Material Science Exploring Large Scale Facilities (Mamaself) Burse pentru studii complete de masterat în ingineria materialelor Franţa,

Mamaself is a two year European Master program in Materials science, a program of excellence build in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus program. One specific aim of the Mamaself program is to teach the application of "Large scale facilities" for the characterisation and development of materials.

Mamaself is proposing to study at 2 different universities (France, Germany, Italy) during the program and delivering multiple Master diplomas.

The Mamaself Consortium includes 5 European Universities in the field of Materials sciences, Engineering Physics, Chemistry :
- University of Rennes 1, France,
- University of Montpellier, France,
- Technische Universität of München (TUM), Germany,
- Ludwig Maximilian University in München (LMU), Germany,
- University of Torino, Italy.

For application a student needs to have a Bachelor (or to be in the last year of a Bachelor program) in Materials science, or Physics or Chemistry, and a good level in English, as all lectures are given in English.

You can find all information about the Master on our website : www.mamaself.eu. Please see our new video on the same page !

28 februarie 2017
Burse pentru doctorate în cotutelă oferite de Guvernul Franţei Burse pentru doctorate în cotutelă Franţa

Bourse d'études de 8 à 12 mois en France à répartir respectivement sur deux ou trois ans de thèse. Le programme concerne des projets de thèse en co-tutelle entre la France et la Roumanie.

Conditions d’éligibilité :
Candidats de nationalité roumaine ayant déjà validé un Master ou actuellement inscrits en deuxième année de Master. Les Doctorants inscrits en première année de thèse en 2016/2017 sont éligibles pour ce programme. Les Doctorants inscrits en deuxième ou troisième année de thèse en 2016/2017 ne sont pas éligibles.
Un doctorant qui a bénéficié d’une bourse du Gouvernement français au niveau master est éligible pour une bourse de Doctorat.

La bourse du Gouvernement français se présente comme un forfait donnant notamment droit aux avantages suivants:
- une allocation mensuelle de 1060€ pendant 8 ou 12 mois, à répartir sur deux ou trois ans de thèse à compter du 1er janvier 2018
- la prise en charge des frais d'inscription à l’établissement d’accueil
- la prise en charge de la couverture sociale et de responsabilité civile
- la possibilité d’un accès au logement en résidence universitaire, sous réserve des places disponibles
- des indemnités pour l’achat de matériel de formation (bibliographique et électronique)
- accueil et suivi durant le séjour d’études.

Persoana de contact: clementine.verschave@diplomatie.gouv.fr

Informaţii detaliate aici.

28 februarie 2017
Burse pentru anul II de masterat oferite de Guvernul Franţei Burse pentru masterat Franţa

Bourse d'études (de 5 à 10 mois) en France pour une formation de 2ème année de Master (professionnel, recherche, spécialisé ou équivalent) à compter du 1er septembre 2017.

Conditions d’éligibilité

  • Candidats de nationalité roumaine ayant validé quatre années d’études supérieures (niveau Licenta ou Master 1) ou actuellement inscrits en quatrième année ou Master 1 ;
  • Les étudiants inscrits en France en 2016/2017 ou antérieurement sont éligibles ;
  • Les étudiants ayant déjà fait ou étant en séjour Erasmus à la date de dépôt du dossier sont éligibles ;
  • Le candidat doit avoir envoyé sa candidature à une ou plusieurs universités françaises de son choix. L’Ambassade n’intervient en aucun cas dans la recherche de formation pour les candidats.

La bourse du gouvernement français se présente comme un forfait donnant notamment droit aux avantages suivants:
- une allocation mensuelle de 615€/mois
- la prise en charge des frais d'inscription à l’établissement d’accueil
- la prise en charge de la couverture sociale et de responsabilité civile
- la possibilité d’un accès au logement en résidence universitaire, sous réserve des places disponibles
- des indemnités pour l’achat de matériel de formation (bibliographique et électronique)
- accueil et suivi durant le séjour d’études.

Persoana de contact: clementine.verschave@diplomatie.gouv.fr

Informaţii detaliate aici.

28 februarie 2017
Burse postdoctorale de excelenţă de scurtă durată oferite de Guvernul Franţei Burse postdoctorale de scurtă durată Franţa

Ambasada Frantei în România si Institutul Francez din România (IFR) ofera burse postdoctorale de scurta durata pentru tinerii cercetatori români cu înalt potenial (toate domeniile si disciplinele) în scopul de a initia sau consolida cooperarea stiintifica de înalt nivel. Aceste burse se adreseaza cercetatorilor care au sustinut teza de doctorat în ultimii 6 ani. Fiecare bursier se angajeaza sa prezinte Institutului Francez din România rezultatul cercetarilor sale sub forma unui raport (în franceza sau engleza) în cel mult trei luni de la încheierea sejurului în Franta.

BURSA este in valoare de 2.375€/luna + cazare la un pret avantajos, asigurare sociala/medicala, transport gratuit de la aeroport în oras.

Persoana de contact: clementine.verschave@diplomatie.gouv.fr

Mai multe informaţii aici.

28 februarie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Azerbaidjan Burse pentru studii complete, stagii de specializare, cursuri de limbă Azerbaidjan

Tipuri de burse:

– 3 burse pentru studii complete universitare sau postuniversitare (bursierii care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor fi înscriși la cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, fără plată);
– 2 burse pentru studii de doctorat (bursierii care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor fi înscriși la cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, fără plată);
– 30 de luni/burse pentru stagii de specializare științifică care pot fi fragmentate pe o durată de 3-9 luni/persoană (înscrierea este condiționată de cunoașterea limbii statului primitor sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională: engleză, franceză, germană, rusă).
Art. 6
– 3 locuri pentru participarea la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

3 martie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Egipt Burse de studii de licenţă, masterat, doctorat Egipt

Tipuri de burse:

- 10 burse anual pentru studii universitare de licență, masterat sau doctorat în orice domeniu, cu excepția specializărilor reglementate de partea primitoare, în funcție de locurile disponibile în instituțiile de învățământ superior din statul primitor și în conformitate cu legislația în vigoare.
Studiile se vor efectua în limba arabă sau în limba engleză. Partea egipteană asigură bursierilor care doresc să studieze în limba engleză, posibilitatea de a studia limba arabă, pe durata unui an, fără plata taxelor, în paralel cu studiile lor academice.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

3 martie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Mongolia Burse pentru studii de licenţă, masterat, doctorat, cercetare Mongolia

Tipuri de burse:

- 2 burse pentru studii universitare de licență;
- 2 burse pentru studii universitare de masterat sau doctorat în domenii de interes pentru Partea trimițătoare.
Bursele acoperă durata studiilor, în conformitate cu programele universitare, precum și 1 (un) an pregătitor, pentru învățarea limbii statului Părții primitoare.
- 2 burse de 9 luni pentru studii postuniversitare și de cercetare.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

3 martie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Nigeria Burse pentru studii universitare complete Nigeria

Tipuri de burse:

5 burse pentru studii universitare complete la instituţii de învăţământ superior şi în instituţii cu profil tehnic.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

3 martie 2017
Linköping University Summer Academy Şcoală de vară Suedia

Courses: All courses are at Bachelor’s level and worth 7.5 ECTS

  • LiU Summer Academy: Academic English
  • LiU Summer Academy: Drug Addiction — From Genes to Behaviour
  • LiU Summer Academy: Exploring Sweden, the Anthropological Way
  • LiU Summer Academy: Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Implementation for Improved Health Care
  • LiU Summer Academy: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Swedish Context
  • LiU Summer Academy: Leadership and Organisational Behaviour in Contemporary Organisations

Entry Requirements: To meet the general entry requirements, students must have completed 1 year full-time studies (passed 60 ECTS credits or equivalent) from one of Linköping University’s partner universities.

Language: All courses are in English and partner universities can nominate students with a good command of English.

Maximum number students per partner: All partner universities are welcome to nominate a maximum of 5 students per course. Please observe that we have a limited number of student places per course and that we cannot guarantee that all the nominated students can be offered a place.

Exchange quota: The quota of LiU Summer Academy places to semester places is 4:1.

Selection: We aim for a good mix of students and selection is therefore based on the principle of multicultural classroom.

Format: Different for each course. Lectures, workshops, seminars, PBL, laboratory exercises and field trips. Some preparatory work is required from the students before their arrival in Linköping.

Teacher-student contact hours: Different for each course.

Tuition fee: No tuition fees. Courses are only eligible for students from LiU’s partner universities.

Admission application: February 1 to March 6, 2017.

Study tours: Stockholm and Vadstena at the students' own expense.

Cost for student accommodation package: Sek 5,000 for one month. It includes a single private student corridor room with shared kitchen, bed linen, internet (with cable), bus card, access to sports facilities and one final exit cleaning.

Learn more here.

1 februarie -
6 martie 2017
Concurs AUF 
"Parle-moi de science!"
Concurs -

Competitia se adreseaza studentilor francofoni de la ciclurile de licenta si masterat din universitatile membre AUF.

Provocarea consta in a realiza un videoclip in limba franceza cu durata de cel mult 3 minute in care sa explice publicului larg un concept stiintific pe care l-au studiat. Conceptul ales trebuie prezentat intr-o maniera simpla, accesibila, unica, ludica si inovatoare.

Termenul limita este 6 martie 2017.

Mai multe informatii sunt disponibile pe pagina organizatorilor: https://www.auf.org/bureau/bureau-europe-centrale-et-orientale/appels-offre-regionales/concours-parle-moi-science/

6 martie 2017
Festival des etudiants francophones "Francophonie creative" Festival Croaţia

L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie en Europe centrale et orientale organise, en partenariat avec l'Université de Zagreb, Croatie, du 15 au 19 mai 2017, la sixième édition du Festival des étudiants francophones d'Europe centrale et orientale "La francophonie créative".

Le Festival se propose de créer un espace d’échanges entre les jeunes de différents pays dans une atmosphère conviviale en utilisant comme moyen de communication la langue française. Le programme comprendra des activités scientifiques mais aussi culturelles, des ateliers créatifs et artistiques, des soirées de découverte des diverses cultures ainsi que des concours.

Conditions de recevabilité (participants et volontaires)

  • être francophone

  • être inscrit dans une université membre de l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (liste des membres en ECO)

  • avoir plus de 18 ans (seront considérées recevables les personnes âgées d'au moins 18 ans à compter du 1er mars 2017)

  • faire la preuve d'une scolarité régulière à plein temps

Informaţii detaliate aici.

17 martie 2017
Summer Schools 2017 at TUM Şcoli de vară Germania

Finding Nano – Nanoscience, Research and Industry in Germany
June 12th – July 23rd 2017
Finding Nano is a comprehensive program with a focus on lectures, lab projects and site visits related to nanotechnology. It also includes a German language course and a cultural program. The program is aimed at undergraduate students who
have completed an introduction to quantum physics

Engineering and Geodesy
August 1st – August 25th 2017
The Summer School is focused on two main research areas: Geodesy & Satellite Geodesy, and Environmental Science & Engineering. It also includes a
German language course and a cultural program. The program is aimed at undergraduate students who have completed their first year of Bachelor studies in a relevant field.

Learn more here.

19 martie 2017
16E ÉDITION DU CONCOURS INTERNATIONAL DE POÉSIE DE PARIS-SORBONNE Concurs de poezie în limba franceză Franţa Créé en 1999 à l’initiative du service culturel de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, ce concours valorise la jeune
création poétique contemporaine en langue française, en décernant 5 prix.
Le concours est ouvert à tous les étudiants inscrits dans un établissement d’enseignement supérieur en
France et à l’étranger en 2016-2017.
Les textes primés sont publiés dans le numéro annuel du recueil Poésie en Sorbonne. Chaque numéro est
illustré (peinture, photographie, dessin) par un étudiant de l’université et accompagné d’un enregistrement
sonore des textes sur CD. La remise des prix réunit les étudiants primés, les partenaires, les responsables
de services de l’université. Les poèmes sélectionnés sont lus, soit par leurs auteurs, soit par des lecteurs de
l’association de lecture à haute voix « Sorbonne Sonore ». Renseignements et règlement http://www.culture.paris-sorbonne.fr/concours-poesie
21 martie 2017
BURSE OFERITE DE GUVERNUL COREEI DE SUD 2017 GRADUATE GKS Burse de studii (masterat, doctorat) Coreea de Sud

For the year 2017, we will invite 670 international students from 156 countries, for degree (Master's & Doctoral) and non-degree research programs.
Please find attached the followings:
1. Application Guidelines (Korean & English)
2. University information (Korean & English)
3. Application Forms (in a ".docx" format)
4. FAQs

Learn more here.

21 martie 2017

Social Computing in the Big Data Era Summer School


Usable Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks


Cyprus University of Technology

Şcoală de vară Cipru The Social Computing Research Centre at Cyprus University of Technology provides a select cohort of Postgraduate and PhD students the opportunity to network, expand their knowledge and enhance their skills.
There are two summer schools to choose from under the themes ‘Social Computing in the Big Data Era’ and ‘Usable Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks’, within the scope of the EU-funded projects NOTRE and ENCASE respectively.
Both summer schools feature a range of speakers from renowned institutions that include the University College London (UCL), Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (AUTH) and the University of Düsseldorf as well as industry partners such as Telefonica.
The summer schools are taught in parallel with intensive morning lecture sessions and afternoon study sessions while one day has been allocated for a visit.
All participants, who successfully complete the summer school, will receive a Summer School Certificate of Attendance (6 ECTS) from the Cyprus University of Technology.
More information can be found here: http://summerschools.socialcomputing.eu/
24 martie 2017
Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme for the year 2016-17 Cursuri de scurtă durată India

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme for the year 2016-17

Funding: This Programme presents scholarships to deserving candidates for short-term and medium-term training courses. All expenses on international travel, board and lodging, course fee, etc. are met by the Government of India.

Eligibility: Employees and officials in government, public sector and parastatals, private sector, universities and other institutions of learning, chambers of commerce and industry, who are between 25 to 45 years of age, are medically fit and possess the required academic qualifications as laid down by the relevant institution where they are applying. A sound working knowledge of English is required.

Applications: Applications: All ITEC applications are required to be filled in by the applicants themselves at the websitewww.itecgoi.in.  After a candidate has applied for a course, he/she must take a printout of the application and send it to the Indian Mission/Post through the nominating Ministry/organizations.  New calendar of ITEC courses is available at https://www.itecgoi.in/downloads/2016-2017.pdf

More details: here

Termenul limită variază în funcţie de cursul pentru care se optează

The University of Padova, through funding from the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, offers research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Courses. During the 3-year doctorate programme, successful candidates are entitled to full board and lodging. 15 PhD grants for the admission of foreign candidates to doctoral courses (33rd series) a.y. 2017/18 are now available.

Call for applications: here.
List of doctoral courses: here.
Guidelines for application form: here.
Terms of the grants/ scholarships: here
FAQ: here.
Application form: here.

28 martie 2017
 International Student Sailing Week - Cross-cultural Team Building & Sailing Skills Program Şcoală de vară Croaţia

This summer school is the perfect choice for international students who want to shape their cross-cultural team building and sailing skills by networking and interacting with talented and interesting peers from all over the world. This course is suitable for all academic fields. During this school you will sail across the Adriatic Sea and discover Croatian islands with a small team. You will spend ample time together, supporting and getting to know each other, while learning how to function in a group. The professional skipper by your side will take care of your safety and support you to organize the time on board whilst introducing you to the basics of sailing.

Note: If you are a group of at least 8 students the course can be organized any time between May and October. During the high season, June to August, the costs will be higher.

Ladies boat: if you are female and would like to be separate, we can provide a female skipper as well.

Learn more by clicking here.

30 martie 2017
Burse pentru stagii de cercetare în Africa de Sud - program EUROSA Burse pentru stagii de cercetare în Africa de Sud (doctoranzi, postdoci) Africa de Sud

EUROSA is an Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Partnerships scholarship programme, funded by the European Commission. It is coordinated by the University of Antwerp and it promotes mobility for South African and European students, researchers, academic and administrative staff.

New call for EU PhDs and Postdocs for research stay in South Africa is now open! This call accepts applications from researchers doing their PhD or Postdoc in Europe and who wish to spend a research period at one of our South African partner universities. In this call, scholarships will be given for research periods between 6 and 10 months, to start from September 2017 onwards.

Learn more here.

31 martie 2017
APEL LA PARTICIPARE Très Court pentru selecţia de filme foarte scurte româneşti Concurs de filme foarte scurte România Festivalul de Foarte Scurt Metraj Très Courts promovează din 1991 filmul foarte scurt în întreaga lume. Around the Très Courts România grupează filme în competiţia naţională. Este o ocazie excelentă pentru cineaştii amatori sau profesionişti, studenţii la film şi arte vizuale, sau pentru cei care au pur şi simplu o idee genială pe care doresc să o arate lumii întregi, să îşi demonstreze talentul.

Aveţi timp până în 31 martie 2017 să ne trimiteţi filmele voastre foarte scurte! Le aşteptăm însoţite de fişa de înscriere la Institutul Francez din Timişoara, bd. C. D. Loga nr. 46, cod 300020, Timişoara, sau pe e-mail la adresa: ingrid.diac@institutfrancais.ro sau trescourt@institutfrancais.ro.
Singura condiţie este ca filmul să aibă sub 3 minute! Toate genurile sunt acceptate: ficţiune, documentar, animaţie, filme experimentale sau realizate cu telefonul mobil, etc.
Participarea este gratuită!
Premiul juriului - trofeul şi un smartphone Orange
Premiul publicului - trofeul şi un smartphone Orange
Premiul OIF - trofeul şi 250 de euro
Premiul Casiopeea - trofeul și 1000 lei
Regulamentul şi fişa de înscriere în festival, precum şi alte detalii sunt disponibile pe site-ul Très Court: www.trescourt.com/ro, secţiunea Înscriere.
31 martie
Korea University Graduate School Scholarships Burse de studii (masterat, doctorat) Coreea de Sud

Korea University ocupă locul 104 în QS Rankings, aflându-se printre primele 100 universităţi din lume în 20 dintre cele 36 domenii analizate.

Informaţii detaliate privind oferta academică a acestei instituţii şi bursele oferite candidaţilor internaţionali sunt disponibile aici.

31 martie 2017
(sesiune admitere toamnă)

Humboldt University German Language Academy Curs intensiv de limba germană Germania The Online registration for the Summer Program 2017 of the HU German Language Academy (HU GLA) is now open!
We offer German as a foreign language courses (DaF), which are especially suited for international participants who are not enrolled at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Our winter and summer courses cover German language levels A1.2 to C2 and take place between semesters.
Your students would like to improve their German language skills and immerse themselves deeper in German culture? At the HU German Language Academy (HU GLA), they will experience how language learning and cultural experience become one!
You can find more information about our Summer Program 2017 on our website:
Candidaturile sunt analizate pe parcurs.
Radboud Summer School Şcoală de vară Olanda

Radboud University organizes its fourth summer school between August 6th - 18th 2017. The offer includes more than 40 academic challenging courses to inspire students and researchers and enable them to explore new scientific areas and expand their knowledge. All of the courses are taught by renowned academics from Rabdoud University or one of their esteemed partner universities. Most courses are interdisciplinary and focus on topics that are at the forefront of current scientific knowledge, for example Leadership & Identity: The Integration of Spirituality in Healthcare, Welfare and Education or Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience.The programme also addresses issues that are currently in the public debate, for example Brexit, Citizenship and Migration and Climate Change. Find out more about the wide variety of courses in the fields of Brain & Behaviour, Business & Economics, Education, Healthcare, History, Philosophy & Religion, Law & Politics, Science and Social Sciences by visiting www.ru.nl/radboudsummerschool.

Important: Studenţii nomializaţi de DRI pot beneficia de o reducere a taxei de participare. 

1 aprilie 2017
European Summer Program at Université Catholique de Lille (ESP1) Şcoală de vară Franţa The Université Catholique de Lille, France, is pleased to announce the 2017 edition of the European Summer Program.
4 programs:
-          Arts, Social Science, and Business (French language classes in the morning + an elective taught in English in the afternoon)
-          Science and Engineering (in English, in areas such as Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility; Human Mobility; and Food Science)
•         NEW in 2017: in both sessions, a choice between a program fully taught in English OR including an intensive French language course in the mornings
-          "French Only" (French language course in the mornings + an elective in the afternoon, all taught in French)
•         NEW in 2017: for students with French levels from A2- to B1+ or B2+ (CEFR)
•         NEW in 2017: available in both sessions with or without a French language component
ALSO NEW IN 2017: Course options spread over the 2 months to allow more in-depth study and more credits
The ESP is an academic program that allows students to transfer credits back to their university of origin. All syllabi are now available on line.
When: 30 May to 23 June 2017
Applications open – apply now!
Application Deadline: 1 April 2017
Tuition Fees: just 2900 euros for the whole package! (special group rates and discounts for students staying 2 months)
The price includes a full package program:
-           Tuition fees and course materials
-           Accommodation in single rooms with wifi access in the dorm
-           Meal Pass
-          Orientation program
-          Company visits
-          Monthly transportation pass
-          Access to University facilities
-          Fieldtrips to Brussels and Bruges and more
-          5 group dinners
-          Movie nights
Learn more about the list of courses and read what our past students have had to say on our fully updated website.
1 aprilie 2017
Pecs summer school 2017 Şcoală de vară Ungaria

Termene limită:
Personal Development Training – 1 aprilie,
Social sciences – 4 iunie,
Hungarian Language – 15 iunie,
Debate Academy – 1 iulie

Detalii aici.

1 aprilie 2017
Spanish Language and Culture Summer School in Madrid Curs intensiv de limba spaniolă Spania

Universidad Pontificia Comillas organizează o şcoală de vară de limbă şi cultură spaniolă în perioada 22 mai - 16 iunie 2017. Cursurile vizează studenţi cu un nivel intermediar de limba spaniolă. Taxa de şcolarizare este 1020 EUR.

Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile pe pagina organizatorilor aici.

3 aprilie 2017
The Global Science Course (GSC) at the University of Tokyo Burse pentru transfer în anul III şi IV la University of Tokyo Japonia

GSC is an undergraduate transfer program that was designed to enhance cross-cultural interactions among young minds and foster the next generation of leaders in science. Students study alongside current UTokyo students in an all-English and research-focused academic environment, which includes rotations in world-renowned laboratories. Successful applicants to this program are also provided a monthly scholarship alongside fully supported accommodation. This is an invaluable opportunity for those looking to expand their worldviews and experience something unique during their time as an undergraduate student specializing in the sciences. 

Application Period: January 10, 2017 - April 7, 2017

GSC Poster / GSC Leaflet

Learm more: http://www.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GSC/

7 aprilie 2017
Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology Burse pentru studii de masterat Franţa, Germania, Grecia, Italia,

The MEEES programme is an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course, that aims to provide higher-level education in the field of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology. Graduate students involved in this Erasmus Mundus Masters course have the possibility of following a 18-month MSc programmes on either Earthquake Engineering or Engineering Seismology. In addition, the proposed EM Masters course envisages also the possibility of students following a 18-month study programme that leads to the attainment of a Masters degree on Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology.

Learn more here.

10 aprilie 2017
Şcoli de vară la Universidad Pontificia Comilla (Madrid) Şcoli de vară Spania

Universidad Pontificia Comilla organizează următoarele şcoli de vară în perioada 29 mai - 23 iunie:

Limba de predare este spaniola.

Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile aici.

10 aprilie 2017
IT-Fundamentals of National Park Monitoring International Summer School at Trier University of Applied Sciences Şcoală de vară Germania

Take part at our 2nd Summer School
from August 27st to September 4th 2017
Key data:
- All modules taught in English by experienced lecturers and practitioners
- Fully credited with 4 ECTS points
(5 ECTS points if a fi nal paperwork is done)
- Interdisciplinary Teamwork in small courses
- Modern laboratory technology and equipment
- Live on our modern campus in Birkenfeld, Germany
- No tuition fees
- 395 Euros administration fee (covers housing)

Learn more here

15 aprilie 2017
Postdoctoral positions in mathematics in Porto Postdoc în matematică Portugalia The Centre for Mathematics of the University of Porto (CMUP) invites applications for three postdoctoral position in Mathematics.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Mathematics or in a related field, relevant to the research interests of the Centre, completed at the time of application.

The positions are for 6 months and should start at the latest on July 1, 2017. The monthly salary is 1495 euros (tax free). There are no compulsory teaching duties associated with the position.

Applications can be submitted from April 4, 2017 and the deadline is April 18, 2017.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to recrutamento@fc.up.pt with copy to cmup@fc.up.pt. They should contain the reference UID/MAT/00144/2013 in the subject field and include the following:

- Letter of motivation;
 - Proposed work plan (research statement);
 - CV (including list of publications);
 - Certificate of academic degree;
 - Any other documents considered relevant by the applicant.

Applicants should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent directly by their referees to the above e-mail addresses.

For further information about CMUP and its research, please see the website: http://cmup.fc.up.pt/.

Questions can be addressed to the e-mail address cmup@fc.up.pt.

This announcement is for informational purposes only and does not in any way supersede or replace the official call, published at


The project UID/MAT/00144/2013 (CMUP) is funded by FCT (Portugal) with national funds through FCT/MEC (PIDDAC).
18 aprilie 2017
Concours d’écriture de nouvelles policières Concurs literar (text în română sau franceză) Belgia Concours d’écriture de nouvelles policières organisé par la Délégation générale Wallonie-Bruxelles à Bucarest, et qui s’adresse cette année aux étudiants roumains inscrits dans une Université de Roumanie.
Poursuivant les activités destinées à promouvoir le roman policier, et le roman policier belge francophone en particulier, la Délégation générale Wallonie-Bruxelles à Bucarest, les éditions Crime Scene Press et le Romanian Crime Writers Club organisent un nouveau concours national d’écriture de nouvelles policières qui s’adresse cette année aux étudiants.
Le candidat n’a le droit de déposer qu’un seul texte, au choix en roumain ou en français. Les textes feront au maximum 5 pages (10.000 caractères en police Times New Roman, taille 12) et pourront être rédigés soit en roumain, soit en français. Les textes doivent être transmis avant le 23 avril à minuit, uniquement en format électronique, à l’adresse : concursromanpolitist@gmail.com
Toutes les informations seront disponibles sur le site www.cernealaneagra.com
23 aprilie 2017
Antwerp Summer University: Conris Summer School: Improving awareness in safety & security through innovation Şcoală de vară Belgia

Dealing with safety and security as practical challenges calls for structure and protocols, but also for adaptive and innovative thinking. This course aims at providing participants with theoretical insights and hands-on methodologies. In small groups, students will apply these concepts and methodology on a specific safety/security related problem. They will be challenged by a real client, an international group of lecturers and fellow students to provide the most innovative solution.

This international summer school will take place from July 2  to July 7 2017

Learn more here.

25 aprilie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Bulgaria Burse pentru studii de licenţă, masterat, cursuri de limbă Bulgaria

Tipuri de burse:
- 5 burse pentru studii universitare de licenţă (ciclul 1), de masterat (ciclul 2) sau de doctorat (ciclul 3).
- până la 10 locuri la cursurile de limbă, literatură şi civilizaţie, pentru studenţii şi specialiştii - filologi de la specializările de limbă şi literatură bulgară din România.

Detalii aici.

26 aprilie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Cuba Burse pentru studii complete de licenţă, masterat, doctorat, specializare Cuba

Tipuri de burse:

– 5 burse pentru studii universitare complete de licență, masterat, doctorat sau specializare, în domenii de interes pentru partea trimițătoare (se acordă 1 an pregătitor pentru învățarea limbii statului părții primitoare).

Informaţii detaliate aici.

26 aprilie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Iordania Burse pentru studii de licenţă, masterat, doctorat Iordania

Tipuri de burse:

- 3 (trei) burse pentru studii de licență;
- 2 (două) burse pentru studii de masterat;
- 2 (două) burse pentru studii de doctorat.
Se asigură 1 (un) an pregătitor pentru învățarea limbii statului părții primitoare.

Informaţii detaliate aici

26 aprilie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Iran Burse de studii postuniversitare, stagii de prefecţionare, cursuri de limbă Iran

Tipuri de burse:

- câte 5 (cinci) burse pentru studii post-universitare sau stagii de cercetare și perfecționare, în domenii de interes comun.
Persoanele nominalizate pentru burse de studii, care nu cunosc limba în care se asigură învățământul în statul gazdă, pot beneficia de cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, cu durata de 6 luni. De asemenea, candidații la burse pot alege ca limbă de lucru una din limbile de circulație internațională, cu acordul prealabil al instituției primitoare.
 - 2 (două) burse la cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

26 aprilie 2017
Burse acordate în baza acordului bilateral România - Vietnam Burse de studii, cercetare, specializare Vietnam

Tipuri de burse:
- maximum 20 (douăzeci) burse de studii complete de licență, de masterat sau doctorat.
Persoanele nominalizate pentru burse de studii, care nu cunosc limba vietnameză, vor avea un curs pregătitor de limbă. Durata anului pregătitor pentru studii universitare de licență este de maximum un (1) an academic, iar pentru studii universitare de masterat, doctorat și învățământ postuniversitar, inclusiv în domeniul sănătate, este de cel puțin 6 luni.
- până la 9 (nouă) luni-bursă la cursurile de specializare și de cercetare, în instituții de învățământ superior acreditate.
Persoanele nominalizate pentru stagii de specializare, cele care participă la cursuri intensive, pot urma cursuri într-una din limbile de circulație internațională (engleză sau franceză), doar după ce au primit acordul scris al instituției gazdă.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

26 aprilie 2017
 Basque Culture II. International Summer School at the University of Basque Country Şcoală de vară Spania

Would you like to experience a dream summer in Donostia-San Sebastián, one of the most beautiful cities in the Basque Country? The University of the Basque Country, a leader in the Basque university system, is offering you the chance to take part in the engaging course "Basque Culture II. International Summer School", from 3 July to 14 July 2017. This course, taught by internationally prestigious instructors, offers a unique academic opportunity which will allow you to get to know Basque society first-hand while you study its language and its customs.

But that's not all, because it will also be an unbeatable opportunity to live in the Basque Country. Try out the sports activities our beaches have to offer or get to know our gastronomy, music and dances first-hand!

General objectives:
a) To learn about Basque culture and identity under the guidance of prestigious international experts in fields like literature, linguistics, history, sociology, anthropology, economics and science.
b) To learn about Basque culture and identity both through fun immersion (visits to the surroundings, practical seminars, and so on) and Basque-language classes, prioritising a practical and cultural focus.

Learn more here.

29 aprilie 2017
Heretics, Converts and Infidels: Political, Cultural and Social Aspects of Religion in ‘Shared Worlds’ Summer School at Aristotle University (Thessaloniki) Şcoală de vară Grecia The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in partnership with Charles University (Prague) and the support of Princeton University, the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO Cyprus Centre), the LSEE unit ‘Research on South Eastern Europe’ and the Chair of Jewish Studies (School of Philosophy AUTH) are pleased to announce a unique educational opportunity for graduate and advanced under graduate students, junior researchers and practitioners.
Heretics, Converts and Infidels:
Political, Cultural and Social Aspects of Religion in ‘Shared Worlds’

We’d be grateful if you would share this information on our two week summer seminar as widely as possible, especially with students with an interest in the subjects offered (history, religion, culture, politics, journalism and international relations)

For more information visit    http://www.sschool17nrv.web.auth.gr/
30 aprilie 2017
European Summer Program at Université Catholique de Lille (ESP2) Şcoală de vară Franţa The Université Catholique de Lille, France, is pleased to announce the 2017 edition of the European Summer Program.
4 programs:
-          Arts, Social Science, and Business (French language classes in the morning + an elective taught in English in the afternoon)
-          Science and Engineering (in English, in areas such as Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility; Human Mobility; and Food Science)
•         NEW in 2017: in both sessions, a choice between a program fully taught in English OR including an intensive French language course in the mornings
-          "French Only" (French language course in the mornings + an elective in the afternoon, all taught in French)
•         NEW in 2017: for students with French levels from A2- to B1+ or B2+ (CEFR)
•         NEW in 2017: available in both sessions with or without a French language component
ALSO NEW IN 2017: Course options spread over the 2 months to allow more in-depth study and more credits
The ESP is an academic program that allows students to transfer credits back to their university of origin. All syllabi are now available on line.
When: ESP2: 28 June to 21 July 2017
Applications open – apply now!
Application Deadline: 1st May for ESP2
Tuition Fees: just 2900 euros for the whole package! (special group rates and discounts for students staying 2 months)
The price includes a full package program:
-           Tuition fees and course materials
-           Accommodation in single rooms with wifi access in the dorm
-           Meal Pass
-          Orientation program
-          Company visits
-          Monthly transportation pass
-          Access to University facilities
-          Fieldtrips to Brussels and Bruges and more
-          5 group dinners
-          Movie nights
Learn more about the list of courses and read what our past students have had to say on our fully updated website.
1 mai 2017
Summer school on Soviet mass housing "Sykhiv: Spaces, Memories, Practices". Şcoală de vară Ucraina

Şcoală de vară pentru masteranzi /  doctoranzi din domeniile antropologie, arhitectură, geografie, urbanism, istorie, sociologie

Nu se percepe taxă de curs. Organizatorii acoperă taxele de transport (max. 200 EUR), cazare, mesele.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

1 mai 2017
Cross-Cultural Negotiations East/West  Intensive Course  Curs intensiv Austria

This course examines the key features of integrative and distributive negotiations, such as BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement), Bottom Line (Reservation Point) and creating options. We will focus on issues of ethics and trust, difficult people and circumstances, problem solving and creativity, multi-party negotiations and team negotiations–and how these issues are further complicated when negotiating in a cross-cultural context.

The course will further focus on negotiations in Asian countries and compare cultural aspects of negotiation between Europe and Asia. The learning environment is interactive and experiential, and includes open discussion, negotiation simulations, the opportunity to analyze and evaluate outcomes to the simulations and direct instructor feedback.

Learn more here.

Fără termen limită fix.
 STEP Beyond Travel grants 
oferite de European Cultural Foundation
Grant pentru  transport Albania,
Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus,
Bosnia şi Herţegovina,
Kosovo, Macedonia,
Moldova, Muntenegru, Palestina,

Granturile de transport sunt alocate pentru călătorii în scopuri artistice sau culturale în ţările din vecinătatea Uniunii Europene (Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus, Bosnia şi Herţegovina, Egipt, Georgia, Iordania, Israel, Liban, Libia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Maroc, Moldova, Muntenegru, Palestina, Rusia, Ucraina, Serbia, Siria, Tunisia, Turcia).

Pot candida persoane cu vârsta sub 35 de ani, având prioritate candidaţii aflaţi în primii 10 ani ai carierei artistice/culturale şi cei cu puţină experienţă internaţională. Granturile trebuie să fie solicitate cu minim 60 de zile înainte de începerea călătoriei. O persoană poate beneficia de cel mult un grant de acest tip pe an şi de cel mult două granturi pe o perioadă de 5 ani. Granturile au valoarea cuprinsă între 250 şi 700 EUR. Detalii: aici şi aici.

Candidaturile sunt analizate pe parcursul întregului an.
Summer schools at University of Artois Şcoală de vară Franţa Universite d'Artois organizează 9 şcoli de vară în 2017. Informaţii detaliate: aici. 5 mai 2017
Summer school at Riga Technical University Şcoală de vară Letonia 1)      Summer School «Nonlinear Life»: will be held from August 20 till August 31 August, 2017 in the capital of Latvia – Riga and in the largest city of Latgale (one of the four regions of Latvia) – Daugavpils, where the biggest affiliation of RTU is situated. Journey within this summer school will lead students through mathematics, medical physics, mechanics, medical engineering dealing with nonlinear systems of objects.
Students will attend lectures of scientists in the fields of dynamics of nonlinear systems, medical engineering and physics. Seminars will cover topics such as preparation of scientific publications, computer simulation of nonlinear dynamic systems and will be organized in the research facilities of RTU.
Participation fee is EUR 700. The deadline for submitting the application is 5 May 2017.
The application form can be downloaded here.
2)      Summer School «Woodcraft and Art Summer School»: taking place in Riga and Ligatne (Latvia) from 14 -25 August 2017 organized by the Institute of Design Technologies of the Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry and the International Relations Department of RTU.
The summer school offers a programme consisting of lectures, workshops and discussions, company site visits, countryside visits, guided excursions and exciting parties. The programme will be conducted by a local team – designers, artists, technologists, designing engineers and invited experts. There will be lectures on different aspects of wood manufacturing and design. In addition to the lecture programme, practical work in groups will be carried out providing the possibility to work with woodworking machines processing sewn timber and manual woodworking tools processing round timber. This summer school will provide you with knowledge in wood design, materials, technology, compounds and skills of wooden product manufacturing. You will also get a closer look at Latvia through introduction of traditional woodcraft objects closely linked to Latvian lifestyle and traditions.
Participation fee is EUR 700. The deadline for submitting the application is 5 May 2017.
The application form can be downloaded here.
For more information visit www.summerschool.rtu.lv!
5 mai 2017
FULBRIGHT STUDENT AWARD TO THE UNITED STATES 2018-2019 Bursă de studii cu durata de 1 an pentru studenți din ultimul an de licență sau masteranzi Statele Unite ale Americii

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the 2018-2019 Fulbright Student Award competition for master’s study or research in the United States. Applicants can be Romanian graduates - BA, MA or PhD students - from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

The Fulbright Student Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits, books and supplies allowance, accident/sickness insurance and a living stipend for one academic year.

Learn more here.

7 mai 2017
Antwerp Summer University: CityLAB V: The Smart City. An Interdisciplinary Approach Şcoală de vară Belgia

This summer school on ‘The Smart City’, organised by the Antwerp Urban Studies Institute, aims to address the smart city from an interdisciplinary perspective. We assess how the introduction of ICT-technologies and data infrastructures transform contemporary cities and put the smart city in historical perspective. We analyse dynamics of in- and exclusion and the role of citizens in smart cities and look at the political economy of the smart city.

The summer school also includes field trips to bottom-up smart city initiatives and the Antwerp City of Things project and provides room for participants to present and discuss their ongoing smart city projects. 

The summer school combines lectures by a range of distinguished external speakers and local staff from the Antwerp Urban Studies Institute with field trips and discussion sessions.

Learn more here.

8 mai 2017

Chemical and environmental engineering

Product design and rapid prototyping with FabLab resources

Şcoală de vară Belgia

These summer courses are intended to give an education opportunity
to non-specialized students to develop their knowledge and skills in two specific fields :

- Chemical and environmental engineering
- Product design and rapid prototyping with FabLab resources.

These are planned in a one-week session offering high-quality, innovative academic courses with lectures, industrial visits, practical workshops... You will also take part to cultural events and social activities in or near Mons, organized by students with whom you will interact daily.

A general welcome is scheduled on Sunday, July 2 in the evening. The deadline for applications is the May 12, 2017

All the courses are taught in English.

Learn more by clicking here.

12 mai 2017
PhD Summer School at Kaunas University of Technology Şcoală de vară pentru doctoranzi Lituania Kaunas University of Technology will hold the 2nd International PhD Summer School, dedicated to development of transferable skills
What to expect?
– 3 days = 3 topics
– Earn 2.0 academic credits ECTS
– Intensive lectures delivered by international lecturers
– Developed transferable skills
How to apply?
On-line registration at http://ktu.edu/summerschool
Who should apply?
PhD students
Expected group size: 50 PhD students
For more information:
Kaunas University of Technology, Doctoral School, phd@ktu.lt, http://ktu.edu/summerschool
Fees for participants: € 250 (including 3-day trainings, meals, welcome pack, certificate)
15 mai 2017
European Project Semester at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences Semestru internaţional (cu posibilitate de finanţare Erasmus) Germania

EPS is an international offer to students from partner universities to do technological project work at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (UAS) for one semester in an international and interdisciplinary group of around five students, accompanied by project related subjects in English. The course includes 30 ECTS points. Students will get a certificate and a transcript of records listing all modules they have passed.

Learn more here

15 mai 2017
Erasmus Mundus Programme  TEAM - Technologies of Information and Communication  Europe-East Asia Mobilities  Burse pentru stagii de studii / cercetare doctorale şi postdoctorale Japonia, Coreea de Sud

Durata stagiilor 6-10 luni.Grant de 1500 EUR/lună ptr. doctoranzi, 1800 EUR/lună pentru postdoc

Informaţii detaliate aici.

15 mai 2017
Antwerp Summer University: Experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction Şcoală de vară Belgia

Experience entrepreneurship during this two week intensive summer school. Based on eight theoretical sessions, visits and testimonials and on an intensive group work you will experience an unforgetable period full of knowledge, innovation and pleasure!

This international summer school will take place from 21 August to 1 September 2017.

Learn more here.

18 mai 2017
Universidad Nacional del Litoral's International Winter School 2017 Şcoală de iarnă Argentina Școli de iarnă (perioada: 24 iulie – 4 august 2017) pe următoarele subiecte:
o    Escuela de Problemáticas Latinoamericanas: Desafíos contemporáneos para América Latina / Latin American Problems: "Contemporary Challenges for Latin America"
o    Escuela de Música: Tango y músicas populares de raíz folklórica de Argentina y Brasil / Music: "Tango and argentinian and brazilian folk music"
o    Escuela de Deporte: Fútbol Argentino: Internacionalización de un fenómeno humano / Sports: "Argentine Soccer: Internationalization of a human phenomenon"
Costuri: 350 USD (include cursul, cazarea, mesele în timpul săptămânii, program cultural. Nu include transportul internaţioanal, transferul de la aeroport, mesele din zilele nelucrătoare)
Detalii aici.
19 mai 2017
Serviciul de Voluntariat Internaţional Francofon Voluntariat internaţional diverse ţări

Stagiu de voluntariat cu durata de 12 luni. Persoanele selectate (21-34 ani) beneficiază de o indemnizație de subzistență pentru a își acoperi cheltuielile din perioada mobilității. Informaţii detaliate aici.

21 mai 2017
Italian Summer Course 2017 University of Udine Curs intensiv de limba italiană Italia

The International Relations and Mobility Office of the Student Services Area (ASTU) of the
University of Udine, in cooperation with the Linguistic Centre of the University of Udine (CLAV), supported by ARDISS (Agenzia Regionale per il Diritto agli Studi Superiori) and ALEF (Associazione Lavoratori Emigrati del Friuli Venezia Giulia), organizes the “Italian Summer Course 2017”, that will take place at the University of Udine (Italy), from the 04th July to the 22nd July 2017.

The course is 60 hours long; 4 hours a day, from Monday to Friday. Weekends will be free.
As part of the 60 hours teaching “Workshop activities” are planned for all levels.
Besides 60 hours the course includes:
• a guided tour of Udine;
• a guided trip of an historical site in Friuli Venezia Giulia;
• 3 afternoon sessions “Italian Cinema”.

Learn more here.

26 mai 2017
Virtual Summer School 2017 – free places in the course Creative Cross Cultural Communication Şcoală de vară (fără taxe) Online DOBA Business School is organizing the 9th virtual summer school in June 2017. Last year there were over 372 students from 29 different countries participating.
Cross cultural communication is becoming more and more important in today's business since the success sometimes depends on how good you understand other cultures and social groups. Cross-cultural understanding plays and important part in cross-cultural negotiation, multicultural conflict resolution, customer service, business and organizational communication.
This is the reason for organizing a free International week entitled “Creative Cross Cultural Communication” (15th June – 25th June 2017) offering interesting lectures and webinars.

Registration and course details
Registration: Application form Course Duration: 1 week with tutorial support
Course Start: 15th June 2017
Preparatory period: 15th to 18th June Tuition: free of charge for foreign students Maximum number of participants: 100
Contact: Nataša Ritonija, Programme Manager, e-mail natasa.ritonija@doba.si
More details: Virtual Summer School 2017 page
30 mai 2017
Summer School in app development and prototyping at Oulu University of Applied Sciences Şcoală de vară Finlanda Oulu UAS App Farm is a three week intensive Application Jam. It will be held in Oulu Game Campus from 7th of August to 25th of August 2017. Scope of the studies is 5 credits (ECTS) and the tuition fee is 300 euros.

Can I join?
Yes, if you
# are a Bachelor / Master level undergraduate student or
# apply for a Open University student

What are we creating?
# Application concepts and prototypes
# Real projects with real companies

Why bother?
# Small multiprofessional teams = good vibes
# International atmosphere
# Challenging cases to solve
# Startup company minded environment
# Fabulous coaches
# Events with game and ICT companies
# Oulu has urgent need for ICT professionals = future jobs ahead?

Learn more by clicling here.
31 mai 2017
International Summer School 2017 at VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava Şcoală de vară Cehia

The International Summer School will last from 10 -28 of July and includes 8 separate courses, each course lasts for 1 week. Each course has been prepared for 10 -20 students. The course fee includes accommodation at our dormitory (6 nights + breakfast) in a double room. https://www.vsb.cz/ubytovani/en/about-dormitory/. If students do not want to stay at our dormitory, they can find an private accommodation themselves, then the course fee become  100 EUR cheaper.
You can find a procedure and enrolment details here: http://issostrava.cz/registration.php

Students are very welcome to attend these courses:
10 – 14 of July
1.       Course: Adventures of Architecture in Ostrava , Extraordinary Ways of Housing in the City, Fee: 320 EUR, http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme11
2.       Culture, History and Present of the City of Ostrava, Fee: 450 EUR            http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme12
3.       New Approches to Quality Management, Fee:400 EUR,  http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme13
17 -21 of July
1.       Advanced Methods of Mechatronics
Fee: 400 EUR, http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme21
2.       Energy
Fee:400 EUR, http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme22
3.       Mathematical and Physical Modeling of Metal Forming Process
Fee:480 EUR, http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme23
24 – 28 July
1.       Battery Camp
Fee: 400 EUR, http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme31
2.       Activity Week
Fee: 400 EUR, http://issostrava.cz/iss2017.php#programme32
If you need more details please do not hesitate to contact me on: summerschool [at]vsb.cz

31 mai 2017
Summer School Creative Business Modelling In Antwerp&Ghent Şcoală de vară Belgia Școală de vară cu durata de 10 zile, cu taxă de participare 450 EUR, cazare asigurată de organizatori
Termen limită: 31 mai 2017
Informaţii detaliate aici.
31 mai 2017
Humboldt Summer University Şcoală de vară Germania

Şcoli de vară:

Note: Some courses can be combined with each other - see course page for more details.

Learn more here.

15 februarie 2017 (early bird)

1 iunie 2017

City as sustainable tourism destination summer school at Turiba University Şcoală de vară Letonia

Tip: Școală de vară (31 iulie – 11 august 2017)
Costuri:  395 EUR (include taxa de participare, cazare, mesele, excursii, program cultural, transport local. Nu include transport internațional sau asigurări)

Detalii: www.turiba.lv/en
Persoană de contact:
Kristine Tihanova, Kristine.tihanova@turiba.lv

Fără termen limită fix
Summer University Programme organised by Centre International de Formation Europeenne Şcoală de vară (cu bursă) - în limba engleză sau franceză Diverse

Lieu : KOPER (Slovénie) en partenariat avec UNIVERZA NA PRIMORSKEM KOPER
Dates : 2 au 8 Juillet 2017
Langue de travail : Français

Location: Warsaw (Poland) in partnership with Alcide de Gasperi University of Euroregional Economy in Josefow
Date: 10 to 16 July 2017
Working language: English

BLACK SEA SUMMER UNIVERSITY TBILISI (Georgia) - “EUROPEAN UNION AND THE BLACK SEA REGION: New realities and a changing geopolitical context”
Location: Tbilisi (Georgia) in partnership with Georgian Institute of Politics
Date: 20 to 26 July 2017
Working Language: English

Lieu : de chaque côté du Danube - Roumanie (Bucarest et Slobozia) / Bulgarie (Silistra)
Dates : 30 juillet au 06 aout 2017
Langue de travail : Français

Location: Rome (Italy) in partnership with University La Sapienza and Centro Italiano di Formazione Europea
Date: 10 to 16 September 2017
Working Language: English

Location: PRAGUE (Czech Republic) in partnership with CEVRO INSTITUTE (school of political studies)
Date: 24 to 30 September 2017
Working language: English

Marie France PERDIGON
Director of the summer university programme
CIFE – 81 rue de France – 06000 NICE

Locurile şi bursele se alocă în ordinea primirii candidaturilor.

PhD objectives:
The proposed PhD aims at developing as much as possible the LIBS technique under ultra-short regime for tokamak environment from both experimental and modeling points of view.
(1) A complete experimental program will be performed on the Laser-Induced Plasmas – LIBS facility available at the CORIA laboratory. This facility will be modified in order to reproduce the tokamak environment (high magnetic field). Representative samples of the ITER tokamak (W) implanted with light elements such as H, D and He prepared at the GANIL laboratory (Caen, France) or having undergone implantation within the TORE-SUPRA-WEST tokamak at Cadarache (France), will be tested.
(2) The results deduced from these measurements will be compared with the ones obtained using the ECHREM code after its adaptation to the typical tokamak conditions. This work will be in part performed at the LOMC laboratory.
Candidate: The candidate should have received a Master degree in Engineering or Science. Knowledge in Plasma Physics, Optics and Spectroscopy are welcome but not mandatory.
Net salary:1380 € per month, 36 months
Starting date & duration: October 2017, 36 months.

Doctorat coordonat de:

  1. Arnaud BULTEL, CORIA, UMR CNRS 6614, Normandie Université, Université de Rouen, 76801 Saint-Etienne du Rouvray cedex, (http://www.coria.fr/spip.php?article1039), arnaud.bultel {at}coria.fr
  2. Ioan SCHNEIDER, LOMC, UMR CNRS 6294, Nomandie Université, Université du Havre, 76063 Le Havre cedex, (http://www.lomc.fr/), ioan.schneider{at}univ-lehavre.fr
Internship Opportunities at the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin Stagii de practică Germania The ICD Internship Project (2008-17) is a 10 year program with the main purpose to enable students who need an internship as a compulsory part of their BA or graduate studies to engage in cultural diplomacy and in doing so, to further promote cultural diplomacy and multiculturalism worldwide.

The ICD invites applications from individuals who are coming from the following fields:
•    Film, Photography & Visual Art
•    Arts & Culture
•    International Relations & Politics
•    Marketing & Public Relations    
•    History & Philosophy
•    Business & Economics
•    Communication & Journalism
•    Business Administration

Internship Details
•    Eligibility - The internship is open to currently enrolled students who need this internship as a compulsory component of their academic studies or participants of the ERASMUS program.
•    Duration - The ICD voluntary internships are full time, unpaid, last 3 months.
•    Language - Applicants must have good spoken and written English, (German and Spanish language skills are considered an advantage and other language skills are an asset).
•    Personal Skills - Due to the nature of our work, we place a high value on flexibility, positive attitude, a strong work ethic, and the ability to work well with others.
•    Flexibility - Applicants must be prepared for a flexible working environment as teams and tasks might alter often according to the program agenda.
•    Independence - Due to the large amount of activity and programs that ICD runs throughout the year Interns work in teams under the direction of a Team Leader/Program Director with minimal supervision.
•    Laptop - In addition, all interns must have access to a personal laptop, which they need to bring to the office on a daily basis.

Learn more here.
Candidaturile sunt analizate pe parcursul întregului an.
Stagii de practică la CERN (Organizația Europeană pentru Cercetare Nucleară)

Stagii de practică neremunerate


Stagiile de practică oferite sunt de două tipuri:
- administrative (durată: 1-6 luni)
- tehnice (durată: 4-12 luni)
Informaţii detliate aici.

Candidaturile sunt analizate pe parcursul întregului an.
Stagii de practică şi stagii pentru elaborarea lucrării de diplomă la ŠKODA AUTO Stagii de practică remunerate Cehia Who are we looking for?
  • ​Students of a daily form of study at a University or professional school of higher learning
  • Cooperation of minimum 3 months and maximum of 6 months
  • Knowledge of German or English at a fluent level (from applicants with economic or other education, we require knowledge of two world languages at a conversational level)
Learn more about it here.
Candidaturile sunt analizate pe parcursul întregului an.
CIMO Doctoral Fellowships in Finland Burse pentru stagii doctorale (3 - 12 luni) Finlanda

The CIMO Fellowships programme is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields. Master's level studies or post-doctoral studies/research are not supported in the programme.

The primary target group in the CIMO Fellowship programme are such Doctoral level students who will be doing their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university . Visiting Doctoral-level students and researchers who are doing their Doctorate degree at some foreign university can also be considered eligible, provided that the motivation letter of the hosting Finnish university department presents exceptionally good grounds for such an application.

Learn more here.

Candidaturile  trebuie depuse cu minim 5 luni înainte de perioada de mobilitate.

L’Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF), par l’intermédiaire de l’Institut de la francophonie pour l’ingénierie de la connaissance et la formation à distance (IFIC) reconduit pour sa deuxième édition, à l’occasion de la journée internationale des femmes, le concours ELLESgorithme destiné aux femmes francophones, sans distinction de pays, en vue de promouvoir le développement d’applications mobiles en langue française dans le domaine du numérique éducatif.

L’objectif général de ce concours est d’apporter un appui à la création d’applications mobiles par des femmes, dans le domaine du numérique éducatif et en langue française. Les trois meilleures réalisations recevront un prix et leur promotion sera assurée par l’IFIC.

Les trois meilleures réalisations seront primées :
1er prix : 3000 euros
2e prix : 2000 euros
3e prix : 1000 euros

Principales dates
date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 09 juin 2017
date limite de remise des applications : 06 octobre 2017
P o u r p l u s d e d é t a i l s : http://ific.auf.org/appel-a-region/ellesgorithme-2e-edition-appel-a-projet-pourdeveloppement-

9 iunie 2017
Excursie de studii Elie Wiesel Study Tour Excursie de studii Polonia Programul tematic Elie Wiesel Study Tour este finanțat de către Ambasada Statelor Unite în România și își propune să ofere liceenilor și studenților interesați de tematica drepturilor omului și de istoria Holocaustului, ocazia de a înțelege mai multe despre aceste subiecte și de a aprofunda cunoștințele deținute.
Programul oferă 25 de burse complete ce acoperă costurile participării în program, în perioada 21-27 iulie. Pe parcursul programului, participanții vor vizita Memorialul Victimelor Comunismului și al Rezistenței, Casa memorială Elie Wiesel, Muzeul Auschwitz Birkenau II și Cartierul Evreiesc Kazimierz din Cracovia, Polonia. Pe toată durata vizitei de studiu, participanții vor fi însoțiți de un profesor de specialitate ce le va oferi toate informațiile cu privire la locurile vizitate, care va crea cu aceștia dezbateri tematice și îi va provoca să gândească critic. După finalizarea programului, fiecare dintre cei 25 de participanți trebuie să organizeze o activitate de diseminare în liceul, facultatea sau comunitatea din care provine.
Criterii de eligibilitate:
Programul este deschis liceenilor și studenților care îndeplinesc următoarele condiții cumulative:
•    au cetățenie română;
•    au minim 18 ani și maxim 25 de ani împliniți în momentul începerii programului (21 iulie 2017);
•    sunt actualmente elevi de liceu sau studenți, în mediul rural sau urban, la orice profil de studiu;
•    au cel puțin cunoștințe medii de limba engleză;
•    demonstrează interes față de tematica programului;
•    sunt dispuși să organizeze minim o activitate de diseminare la final (articol, interviu, conferință locală etc);
Organizatorii vor selecta un număr de 25 de participanți, în urma evaluării aplicației și a unui interviu în limba engleză. Tinerii interesați se pot înscrie online până pe 11 Iunie 2017 la http://americancouncils.ro/programe/elie-wiesel-study-tour/apply-here/
Informații complete despre program sunt disponibile pe site-ul  www.americancouncils.ro. 
Persoană de contact:
Eliza Chirilă, American Councils Country Representative
Telefon: 0769 696 698
E-mail: romania@americancouncils.eu  
11 iunie 2017
A(i)rch BnB: Envisioning tourism-related Real-Estate Summer School Şcoală de vară Italia "A(i)rch BnB: Envisioning tourism-related Real-Estate Summer School” will take place in in Torino from July 10 to July 18. The program is designed for students in the final year of their B. Arch degree and to M. Arch students. Participants will be granted 5 ECTS upon successful completion of a final design work. This intensive summer workshop will challenge students to rethink tourism-related real estate, focusing on the site of a 19th century military barracks in the centre of Torino:  it will revolve around a design-based political tournament, during which the site will be rethought and reworked to include the positions resulting from each round of agonistic design.
Tuition fees for the program is 600 €.  More information and online application available at: http://international.polito.it/courses/summer_schools.
11 iunie 2017
Summer school “Inclusive communities. Urban Product Design for the Future” at Lodz University of Technology Şcoală de vară Polonia

We invite students to participate in the summer school “Inclusive communities. Urban Product Design for the Future” organized at the International Faculty of Engineering between 11 and 22 September 2017.
The Summer School is a great opportunity for the first cycle students, different engineering and management programmes, to work on real-life projects in collaboration with companies and create innovative solutions while developing empathetic approach to the end-user.  As such, the school is also a good occasion for the students who are interested in industrial design and would like to develop in this area.
During two weeks of creative work in international teams, the students will develop their knowledge and transferable skills important for their future careers i.e. problem solving, critical thinking, cross-cultural competences.
Participation fee for summer school is 200€. Lodz University of Technology covers the cost of accommodation, breakfasts and lunches and partially cost of the social programme.
More information is available at: design.p.lodz.pl and online application at: http://www.ifeevents.p.lodz.pl/inclusivecommunities

11 iunie 2017
Future of Big Data Scholarships & Training at Central European University

Bursă pentru studii de masterat


The Future of Big Data Scholarship & Training Program, is a scholarship program for students pursuing the MSc in Business Analytics or the MSc in Finance passionate about programming and data analysis.

The scholarships are awarded by a London investment firm. They cover full tuition, a dedicated mentor providing academic support, and a paid research assistantship for those in need of financial assistance.

Scholarship recipients who perform well in their studies may be considered for an internship at the investment firm’s London office.

To be considered, applicants must hold a bachelor’s (or higher) degree from a reputable institution, with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, in a quantitative field such as science, computer science, mathematics, engineering or economics
have a GMAT or equivalent GRE score of 600 or higher, or achieve an equivalent score on CEU's online mathematics test after applying demonstrate keen interest in programming, data analysis and financial markets.

The scholarship committee may accept CEU’s online mathematics test in place of the GMAT or GRE at its discretion. The test may be taken by appointment at any time after we have received your application.

More details here. Those interested to apply are welcome to contact Associate Professor Peter Szilagyi with any questions: https://people.ceu.edu/peter_szilagyi

Fişiere anexate: Poster, Prezentare program

12 iunie 2017
Beyond the University Dorm Summer School Şcoală de vară Italia "Beyond the University Dorm” which will take place in in Torino from September 4 to September 15. The program is designed for 3rd year Undergraduate students and Graduate students in Architectural and Urban Design. Participants will be granted 4 ECTS upon successful completion of a final work.  This summer school focuses on how university dorm is becoming an experimental ground for innovative ways of living;  students will be asked to design a residential dorm with functions defining social interaction with the city and outdoor public spaces .
Tuition fees for the program is 700 €.  More information and online application available at: http://international.polito.it/courses/summer_schools.
15 iunie 2017
Antwerp Summer University: English for Academic Purposes: Improving your university papers and presentations Şcoală de vară Belgia

This summer school on English for Academic Purposes combined the expertise and experience developed by LINGUAPOLIS, the University of Antwerp’s institute for language and communication, from teaching a wide range of academic modules to diverse target audiences. In this intensive seven-day course, participants will improve two academic English skills. They will learn to write correct, transparent papers by focusing on paper structure, relevant grammar and academic vocabulary. In addition, they will explore typical presentation phrases and techniques that will make their presentations more effective and professional. Besides attending group lessons, participants will receive individual coaching on their own papers and presentations.

Learn more here.

15 iunie 2017
Italian Summer Language Courses at the University of Cagliari Curs de limba italiană pentru viitori studenţi Erasmus în Italia Italia We invite Erasmus students  to take part in the Italian Summer Language Courses, which will take place at the University of Cagliari on July and on September at  very convenient price: € 51,05 for 40 hours of Italian Language.
This program is designed for all the students nominated for an Erasmus+ stay in Italy for the A.Y. 2017-2018. Participants will be able not only to get to learn Italian and get 4 ECTS credits before starting their Erasmus+ stay in Italy but they will also get to know about the Italian way of life and take part in different activities promoted by Ismoka.
Please find attached the leaflet. Detailed information including application process is available on our website: SUMMER ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSES.

18 iunie 2017 (cursuri iulie),

15 iulie 2017 (cursuri septembrie)

6th edition of the International Master in European Project Planning and Management Program de masterat Italia International Master in European Project Planning and Management, 6th Edition
The International Master has a total duration of 5 months (800 hours).

The classroom based part is held in Florence (Italy).

The teaching staff is composed by international experts with 15 to 25 years of experience in European project planning, management and assessment.

The Master organize for all participants a three month internship abroad, to work as Assistant European Project Manager in organizations with long experience in European project management.

For further information please see: http://europlan.pixel-online.org/MST_intro.php
You can also contact us at: master-epm@pixel-online.net
20 iunie 2017
Summer School "The future of human rights in Europe" organised by University of Sassari Şcoală de vară Italia

The Department of Law of the University of Sassari (Italy) and the Association for the Promotion of University Studies in Central Sardinia UniNuoro are pleased to offer the second edition of the Summer School on «The Future of Human Rights in Europe» to be held in Nuoro from 17th to 23rd July, 2017.

Learn more about the summer school bz clicking here.

23 iunie 2017
International Office trainee at University of Burgundy Stagiu de practică remunerat Franţa Our International Office is recruiting an international intern for a role between September and December 2017.
The intern must have student status during this internship and must be enrolled in their 3rd year of Bachelor level studies or studying at Master level with a good knowledge of the French language.
The student will help us with administrative and communication tasks related to incoming and outgoing students at the University of Burgundy.
The job includes welcome desk responsibilities and working on events, along with many other interesting tasks.
It is a paid internship (approximately 500 euros/month) and it is possible for students to rent a student room in one of the campus residences.
The application deadline is June 25, 2017.
Please find attached a more detailed copy of theinternship offer, in English.
25 iunie 2017
Bundestag International Parliamentary Scholarship Bursă pentru stagiu de practică (renumerat) Germania

Admission requirements:

-Romanian citizenship (dual citizenship possible)
- B.A., B.S., M.A., Diplom-, Magister-, Staatsprüfung or Ph.D. in any subject;
- Very good knowledge of the German language (at least level B 2 of the Common European Framework of Languages)
- Strong interest in political and social contexts as well as in German history
- Societal commitment
- Age limit: Less than 30 years old at the beginning of the program.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

30 iunie 2017
Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarships Bursă pentru studii de masterat sau doctorat Australia Each year Australian Government awards Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship for international students. The scholarships are offered to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Master’s or PhD level either by coursework or research in any field of study. Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship aim to build Australia’s reputation for excellence in the provision of education and research, support the internationalization of the Australian higher education and research sectors and offer high-achieving individuals from overseas and Australia opportunities to increase their productivity and expertise in their field.

Read more: here.
30 iunie 2017
PhD in Environmental Sciences and Applied Biology: Life science at Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu Program complet de doctorat Estonia

Type - Doctoral, full-time
Nominal duration - 4 years 
Study language - English
Awards - PhD 
Tuition fee - FREE
Admission requirements - magistrikraad (Master’s degree) or corresponding qualification
The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages - English / Estonian.

Learn more by clicking here.

1 iulie 2017
Concurs internațional de fotografii Ziua Dunării (One Day of the Danube), organizat de Președinția Ungariei a Strategiei UE pentru regiunea Dunării (SUERD) Concurs internaţional de fotografie - În cadrul evenimentelor derulate de Președinția Ungariei, în exercițiu, a Strategiei UE pentru regiunea Dunării (SUERD), va avea loc un concurs internațional de fotografii cu genericul Ziua Dunării (One Day of the Danube), co-organizat de Centrul Contemporan de Fotografie Robert Capa, în cooperare cu Ministerul afacerilor externe ungar.
Ziua Dunării este marcată începând cu 29 iunie 2014 (data semnării Convenției pentru Protecția Dunării) și are ca obiectiv mediatizarea și conștientizarea importanței fluviului Dunărea pentru regiune.
Concursul de fotografii Ziua Dunării se adreseză celor 14 state participante la SUERD: 9 state membre UE: Austria, Bulgaria, Croația, Cehia, Germania, România, Slovacia, Slovenia, Ungaria și 5 state non-UE: Bosnia-Hertzegovina, Moldova, Muntenegru Serbia și Ucraina.
Programul concursului este următorul:
27 iunie – 1 iulie 2017 – perioada de fotografiat;
2 iulie - 6 iulie 2017 – perioada de transmitere a fotografiilor;
14 octombrie 2017 – anunțarea și premierea participanților învingători.
Detaliile organizatorice ale concursului și condițiile de eligibilitate pot fi consultate pe pagina web http://drs.capacenter.hu/
6 iulie 2017
Curs "Absolu FLE" la Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
Curs intensiv de limba franceză (nivel minim B1) Franţa

Ce cours permet aux futurs étudiants en mobilité internationale de renforcer leurs compétences en langue française sur objectifs  universitaires. Avec deux semaines d'enseignement de grammaire et de développement des compétences de compréhension orale et de production écrite, le cours "Absolu FLE" facilite l'intégration des étudiants internationaux en milieu universitaire français.
Formation sur objectifs universitaires
- Méthodologie du travail universitaire en France
- Renforcement des compétences de compréhension orale et de production écrite
- Découverte de Montpellier, ville universitaire au riche patrimoine historique
Volume horaire: 50 heures sur 2 semaines
Cours tous les jours du lundi au vendredi
Tarif: 650€

Conditions d'inscription
- Être de nationalité étrangère,
- Avoir au minimum le niveau B1 du Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues.
Ce cours s'adresse particulièrement aux étudiants ou futurs étudiants en mobilité internationale.
Plus d'informations ici

15 mai, 12 iunie, 24 iulie 2017
WORLD BANK GROUP YOUNG PROFESSIONALS PROGRAM Program de recrutare  absolvenţi de masterat / doctorat Statele Unite ale Americii

The Young Professionals Program (YPP) is a starting point for an exciting career at the World Bank Group.

It is a unique opportunity for younger talent who have both a passion for international development and the leadership potential to grow in fascinating top technical and managerial roles in the World Bank Group (WBG). The program is designed for highly qualified and motivated individuals skilled in areas relevant to WBG technical/operations such as economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, agriculture, natural resources and others.

To be competitive for this highly selective program, candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to development, proven academic success, professional achievement, and leadership capability.

We value diversity in our workplace and encourage qualified men and women with diverse professional, academic, and cultural backgrounds to apply. Since its inception, the YP program has hired over 1,700 people who hold or have held positions ranging from entry-level to vice presidents and managing directors. It is a unique opportunity to experience development and gain exposure to the World Bank’s operations and policies.

Every year, around 40 applicants are accepted into the program. Young Professionals are offered a five-year renewable term contract, spend 24 months in a structured development program, and enjoy a variety of benefits and opportunities.

Learn more here.

28 iulie 2017
UniTrento EIT Raw Materials Summer School Şcoală de vară pentru masteranzi fără taxă de participare. Transport şi cazare acoperite de organizatori.  Italia The Summer school is open to 30 master courses students selected on a merit basis. It aims at exploring challenges and opportunities in the use of innovative raw materials to replace critical ones, for more efficient energy generation, energy saving and sustainability.

The summer school is part of the innovation and entrepreneurship (I&E) education component of the EIT Raw Material. The objectives of SETI 2017 can be summarized as follows:
•    demonstrate the importance of replacing existing critical raw materials in the wide fields of energy (generation, savings) and sustainability;
•    identify the market needs and business opportunities in the area;
•    identify the technology and its level of readiness, teach the students how to transform the gained knowledge into concrete business proposals and coach them how to present the pitches to companies or investors.
During the week, students will be confronted with involved stakeholders to consider the sustainability and relevance of their ideas. The course emphasizes multidisciplinarity  and leverages on diversity as key to innovation. The accent will be on key issues related to innovative materials and technologies. The applied approach is based on the following pillars:
•    a balanced combination of Theory and Practice;
•    combination of lectures with practical tutorials, mentoring, study visits, and teamwork
•    social events to identify project ideas.

Thanks to the contribution of the EIT Raw Materials, the participation to the event is free of charge for the selected students. Costs for travel expenses and hotel accommodation will be managed and paid by the Summer School. Please do inform your master's students about this great opportunity.
The application process is open, interested students can apply here.

For more information please contact the SETI 2017 Summer School Secretariat: seti2017@unitn.it
Attached please find the SETI Summer school poster and call for application.
30 iulie 2017
PhD Full Tuition Scholarships for International Students at The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) Bursă pentru studii doctorale Rusia The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is now accepting applications for scholarships to pursue  Ph.D. programs. Domestic as well as International students are eligible to apply for this scholarship program.

Skoltech aims to provide the maximum financial aid to its students. All admitted Master’s and Ph.D. students will receive an academic stipend as well as full tuition, housing, and medical insurance.

The Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) is a private research and academic institute located in Moscow Region, village Skolkovo. Founded in 2011 with MIT’s collaboration, Skoltech will be responsible for preparing the new generation of researchers and entrepreneurs, expanding the range of scientific knowledge, and stimulating technological innovation with the goal of solving important technological research problems that Russia and the rest of the world may face in the future.

Ph.D. Programs: Mathematics; Physics; Materials Science and Engineering; Life Sciences; Computational and Data Science and Engineering; Engineering Systems; Petroleum Engineering.

  • Significant stipends are available, which depend on students’ academic standing, starting at around USD USD 662.91;
  • Free medical insurance;
  • A variety of academic mobility programs;
  • Currently, all admitted students receive a fellowship that covers the cost of education;
  • Skoltech aims to provide the maximum financial aid to its students. All admitted Master’s and Ph.D. students will receive an academic stipend as well as full tuition, housing, and medical insurance.
  • The standard stipend is around USD 662.91 for Master’s students. For graduate students, this can be upwards of around USD 745.77.

How to Apply?

In order to apply please fill the application.
The application includes CV, 2 letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose.; Submission of either TOEFL or IELTS test results is required by “Selection Weekend”; Applicants who did not get a chance to take any of these official tests will be able to take the TOEFL ITP during “Selection Weekend” at Skoltech.

For more information please visit the official website.
10 august 2017
Postgraduate Program on Acoustics and Sound Studies at NOVA University Program de masterat Portugalia We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Postgraduate Program on Acoustics and Sound Studies at NOVA University, School of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH/NOVA), Lisbon, Portugal, for the next academic year 2017/2018.
This exciting new course is a one-year taught program designed to provide a foundational knowledge on acoustics, and develop skills to analyze and understand the ways music is produced, performed and experienced. The course covers the relevant concepts, methods and tools in sound analysis, and the related applications in Architecture, sound recording, and the studies of cultural sound environments.
Find more information about the program at:
Candidates to the 'Acoustics and Sound Studies' postgraduate program require a degree or legal equivalent qualification, or scholar, scientific or professional curriculum attesting the capability to carry out this course by the FCSH Scientific Council / NOVA.
You can apply here:

16 iunie 2017

30 august 2017

Stagiu de practică la Comisia Europeană pentru absolvenţi din toate domeniile de studii Stagiu de practica remunerat Belgia

A paid traineeship of 5 months with the European Commission, starting on 1st March.

You will receive a monthly grant of 1,159.40 € and reimbursement of travel expenses. Accident and health insurance can also be provided.

Every year, there are about 1.300 places available.

If you are one of the selected candidates you get hands-on experience in the international and multicultural environment. This can be an important enrichment for your further career.

Learn more here.

31 august 2017
Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI) 2018 Bursă integrală pentru studii de masterat sau doctorat Australia The ASI provides:
  • Course tuition fees for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only),
  • An annual living allowance ($26,288 in 2016) for two years for a Masters degree by Research and three years for a Doctoral research degree (an extension is possible for doctoral programs only), and
  • For Student Visa (Subclass 500) visa holders the award provides compulsory standard Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Worldcare policy for the student and their spouse and dependents (if any) for the standard duration of the student visa.  It does not cover the additional 6 month extended student visa period post thesis submission. If the award holder does not hold a subclass 500 visa then he/she is responsible for the cost of health insurance.
Learn more about eligibility conditions and admission procedure here.
31 august 2017
Master Programme Applied Image and Signal Processing - University of Salzburg Program de masterat Austria The Department of Computer Science -  University of Salzburg (Austria), has introduced the joint master programme “Applied Image and Signal Processing”  (AISP) in cooperation with the  University of Applied Sciences Salzburg.

The focus of the degree is on visual data processing, signal processing, pattern recognition and several application areas. In the course of their studies, students can specialise e.g. on machine learning, data science, biometrics, or medical imaging. Furthermore, students have the opportunity to participate in our research groups, and the job prospects are, thanks to the high degree of specialisation, very promising. The semester fee is € 380 for students from the EU.

The University of Salzburg’s computer science campus is directly located in the city of Salzburg. The  University of Applied Sciences Salzburg is located nearby in Puch Urstein. Public transport makes traveling between the two locations a breeze.
More information regarding our master programme can be found on our website. www.aisp-salzburg.ac.at
31 august 2017
Burse DREAM NEW Scholarship Programme Burse de studii pentru mobilităţi de un semestru Noua Zeelandă

The “Dream NEW” scholarship is for students from Europe to undertake a semester of undergraduate study in New Zealand. This scholarship has been designed for European students who dream big, crave adventure and set their sights on new horizons. It is for those wanting to realise their vision in the forward-thinking education climate of New Zealand – a country where innovation flourishes, and where people from all over the world come together to follow their dreams.

A New Zealand education encourages you to be open minded, creative and to dream NEW.

Eligibility Criteria: Applicants must meet ALL the following criteria:
• Must be a EU citizen (or Norway or Switzerland) or hold EU (or Norway or Switzerland) resident status for a minimum of 2 years
• Currently enrolled at a tertiary institution in one of the 28 EU countries (plus Norway or Switzerland)
• 18 years at the time of application
• Must not be a holder of a DAAD or Promos scholarship that relates to this study in New Zealand

Applications are welcome from citizens (or residents) of all European Union countries plus Norway or Switzerland for a “Study Abroad” Semester at undergraduate level as offered by the New Zealand universities and institutions.

As part of your application you'll be asked to create a short video OR write a short blog/essay introducing yourself and explaining why you’re the right candidate for the “Dream NEW” Scholarship.

Show us why you are a New Zealand fan; what you are dreaming of; which university or ITP you have chosen, explain what and why you’d like to study New Zealand.

Your statement should showcase your personality, creativity and your desire for New Zealand.

Value: up to NZD$ 12,500 (approx. 7,500€)

Tenure of award: “Dream NEW” Scholarships are valued at up to NZD$12,500 (approx. 7,500 €) and will support you to study at one of New Zealand’s highly-ranked, world class universities and tertiary institutions. The scholarship will cover tuition fees (wholly or partially) for students undertaking a Study Abroad programme in Semester One or Two in 2018 (details vary between the institutions).

Learn more here.

1 septembrie 2017





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   Termene limita: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
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   Termene limita: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2019. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
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   Arhiva oportunitati de studii, practica si angajare in strainatate
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