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Numele programului

Tip Ţară Descriere

Termen limită

Stagiu de practică la Comisia Europeană Stagiu de practică remunerat Belgia Informaţii detaliate aici. 31 august 2016
 STEP Beyond Travel grants 
oferite de European Cultural Foundation
Grant pentru  transport Albania,
Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus,
Bosnia şi Herţegovina,
Kosovo, Macedonia,
Moldova, Muntenegru, Palestina,

Granturile de transport sunt alocate pentru călătorii în scopuri artistice sau culturale în ţările din vecinătatea Uniunii Europene (Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Belarus, Bosnia şi Herţegovina, Egipt, Georgia, Iordania, Israel, Liban, Libia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Maroc, Moldova, Muntenegru, Palestina, Rusia, Ucraina, Serbia, Siria, Tunisia, Turcia).

Pot candida persoane cu vârsta sub 35 de ani, având prioritate candidaţii aflaţi în primii 10 ani ai carierei artistice/culturale şi cei cu puţină experienţă internaţională. Granturile trebuie să fie solicitate cu minim 60 de zile înainte de începerea călătoriei. O persoană poate beneficia de cel mult un grant de acest tip pe an şi de cel mult două granturi pe o perioadă de 5 ani. Granturile au valoarea cuprinsă între 250 şi 700 EUR. Detalii: aici şi aici.

Candidaturile sunt analizate pe parcursul întregului an.
Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme for the year 2016-17 Cursuri de scurtă durată India

Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme for the year 2016-17

Funding: This Programme presents scholarships to deserving candidates for short-term and medium-term training courses. All expenses on international travel, board and lodging, course fee, etc. are met by the Government of India.

Eligibility: Employees and officials in government, public sector and parastatals, private sector, universities and other institutions of learning, chambers of commerce and industry, who are between 25 to 45 years of age, are medically fit and possess the required academic qualifications as laid down by the relevant institution where they are applying. A sound working knowledge of English is required.

Applications: Applications: All ITEC applications are required to be filled in by the applicants themselves at the websitewww.itecgoi.in.  After a candidate has applied for a course, he/she must take a printout of the application and send it to the Indian Mission/Post through the nominating Ministry/organizations.  New calendar of ITEC courses is available athttps://www.itecgoi.in/downloads/2016-2017.pdf

More details: http://eoiromania.in/eoi.php?id=ITEC

Termenul limită variază în funcţie de cursul pentru care se optează
Stagii de practică la CERN (Organizația Europeană pentru Cercetare Nucleară)

Stagii de practică neremunerate

(stagiile de practică remunerate sunt descrise mai jos)


Stagiile de practică oferite sunt de două tipuri:
- administrative (durată: 1-6 luni)
- tehnice (durată: 4-12 luni)
Informaţii detliate aici.

Candidaturile sunt analizate pe parcursul întregului an.
International Summer Schools at INNES Institute Vienna

Şcoli de vară în domenii tehnice, cursuri de limba engleză / germană


Şcoli de vară:

  • Climate Friendly Buildings - Then and Now, 04.07.2016 - 15.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • International Economy and Sustainable Development, 04.07.2016 - 15.07.2016, 6 ECTS, 600 EUR
  • Food Design, 04.07.2016 - 15.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Urban Living with Water, 18.07.2016 - 29.07.2016, 6 ECTS, 600 EUR
  • Automotive Design July, 04.07.2016 - 08.07.2016, 6 ECTS, 450 EUR
  • Automotive Design August, 01.08.2016 - 05.08.2016, 6 ECTS, 450 EUR
  • Austrian Architectural Culture, 04.07.2016 - 22.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Intercultural Competence and Effective Professional Communication in Globalized Societies, 11.07.2016 - 22.07.2016, 6 ECTS, 600 EUR
  • Art and the City (in Vienna), 04.07.2016 - 22.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Art and The City (in Berlin), 25.07.2016 - 12.08.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Fashion and Architecture, 04.07.2016 - 22.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Place Branding, 04.07.2016 - 22.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
    Colour in Architecture, 04.07.2016 - 22.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Academic English and Skills for International Education, 04.07.2016 - 22.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Exploring Tourism and Hospitality using Advanced English, 19.06.2016 - 08.07.2016, 8 ECTS, 800 EUR
  • Creative and Hygienic Food Engineering, 25.07.2016 - 05.08.2016, 8 ECTS, 600 EUR

Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile aici.

Fără termen limită

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program 2017

Grant de studii şi practică pentru absolvenţi Statele Unite ale Americii The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship competition for young and mid-career professionals with demonstrated leadership potential, public service commitment and the capacity to take full advantage of a self-defined program of independent study at a leading U.S. university. The program offers a year of combined academic (NON-DEGREE) and professional work and awards a certificate from the U.S. Government.
Learn more: http://www.fulbright.ro/news/514-the-hubert-h-humphrey-fellowship-program-2017
31 iulie 2016
Burse de studii şi de cercetare acordate în baza acordului bilateral România-Mexic Burse pentru studii complete sau parţiale, stagii de cercetare sau specializare Mexic

Sunt disponibile burse pentru:

- mobilităţi de studii cu durata de un semestru (studenţi licenţă, masterat, doctorat)

- studii complete de masterat şi doctorat

- stagii de cercetare sau specializare

Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile aici.

28 iulie 2016
World Bank Group Young Professionals Programme Stagiu de practică / angajare Statele Unite ale Americii Informaţii detaliate aici. 27 iulie 2016
Study skills in English summer school Şcoală de vară Cehia Informaţii detaliate aici. 18 iulie 2016
Futurescapes writing contest "Write your story, change the world" Concurs - Informaţii detaliate aici. 15 iulie 2016
United Nations World Tourism Organization Logo Competition Concurs - Informaţii detaliate aici. 15 iulie 2016

New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarships

Burse pentru studii doctorale Noua Zeelandă Programul de burse internationale pentru cercetare doctorala in Noua Zeelanda ofera sprijin financiar pentru doctoranzii care doresc sa obtina o diploma de studii postuniversitare facand cercetare in universitati din Noua Zeelanda.

Finantate de Guvernul Noii Zeelande si administrate de Education New Zealand, bursele urmaresc:
•sa atraga studenti de top
•sa optimizeze capacitatea de cercetare si contributia universitatilor din Noua Zeelanda
•sa construiasca parteneriate educationale cu tarile si regiunile participante
•sa construiasca reputatia si profilul international al institutiilor de invatamant superior din Noua Zeelanda.

Bursierii au dreptul la:
•acoperirea taxelor de studii doctorale pentru 3 ani
•20.500 NZ$ pe an, pentru acoperirea costurilor de intretinere (1708,33 NZ$ pe luna)
•pana la 600 NZ$ pe an, pentru acoperirea asigurarii de sanatate
•2000 NZ$ (in cei 3 ani) pentru transport. Banii sunt destinati deplasarilor la conferinte sau pentru munca de cercetare
•800 NZ$ (in cei 3 ani), bani pentru carti si elaborarea lucrarii de doctorat
•500 NZ$ diurna numai pentru cei care calatoresc in Noua Zeelanda special pentru a participa la program
•Studentii care sunt deja in Noua Zeelanda nu primesc aceasta suma. Nu exista fonduri alocate si pentru eventualii insotitori.

Pentru a fi eligibili, studentii trebuie:
•sa fie studenti internationali
•sa aiba calificativul A sau echivalentul acestuia, pe perioada studiilor
•sa indeplineasca criteriile pentru a putea urma cursuri doctorale la o universitate din Noua Zeelanda (asta inseamna inclusiv un certificat care atesta cunostintele foarte bune de limba engleza)
•sa puna la dispozitie un certificat de atestare a studiilor
•sa puna la dispozitie dovada ca au fost in legatura cu departamentul de specialitate din cadrul institutiei alese de ei, ca au discutat cu cei de acolo despre proiectul de cercetare si despre existenta profesorilor potriviti pentru a coordona lucrarea
•sa aiba un punctaj corespunzator la testul de limba engleza, obtinut cu cel mult 2 ani in urma

Mai multe informatii: http://www.enz.govt.nz/our-services/scholarships/nzidrs#overlay=node/729/edit
15 iulie 2016
Stagii de practică plătite la Comitetul Internaţional al Crucii Roşii Stagiu de practică Elveţia Informaţii detaliate aici. 10 iulie 2016
International Futuwawa Competition - Look at the square Concurs - Informaţii detaliate aici. 8 iulie 2016
Antwerp Summer University Şcoală de vară Belgia Informaţii detaliate aici. 5 iulie 2016
International Summer Session: Be Proactive in a Dynamic World! Şcoală de vară Franţa Informaţii detaliate sunt disponiile în pliantul şcolii de vară (click aici pentru descărcare) şi pe pagina organizatorilor. 4 iulie 2016
Portuguese Intensive Language Course at Universidade de Lisboa Curs intensiv de limba portugheză Portugalia Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile aici. 1 iulie 2016
German Language Courses at the University of Ilmenau Cursuri de limba germană Germania

Curs „Explore Germany” (08 – 31.08.2016) - 599 EUR.
Curs “Life and Study in Germany” (06 - 29.09.2016) – 599 EUR.
Curs “German for Technical Purposes” (08-31.08.2016 sau 06-29.09.2016) – 649 EUR.

Detalii aici.

1 iulie 2016
Bursa Parlamentară Internațională (IPS) oferită de Bundestag Stagiu de practică pentru absolvenţi Germania Ambasada Republicii Federale Germania la București informează cu privire la deschiderea candidaturii pentru Bursa Parlamentară Internațională (IPS).
IPS are o durată de 5 luni și se adresează unor persoane cu vârsta sub 30 de ani, cetățeni români, având cunoștințe foarte bune de limba germană, cu studii superioare încheiate și care posedă cunoștințe bune ale politicii și istoriei germane. Candidații vor fi selectați de o comisie a Bundestagului.
Bursa cuprinde cazare gratuită, o alocație de 500 de Euro, cheltuieli de asigurare și de călătorie.
Depunerea candidaturii se poate face la ambasada Germaniei la București, până la data de 30 iunie 2016.
Cei interesați pot afla informații suplimentare la adresa de web: www.bundestag.de/ips.
30 iunie 2016
TCLMC Summer School on Mechanism Design for Applications
MDA 2016
Şcoală de vară Italia

The summer school targets master and PhD students, young researchers or specialists working in micro-and macro mechanism design that are used in robotics and mechatronics. The fee is 150 Euro. It includes attendance to lectures, summer school materials, daily lunch and two coffee breaks per day, excursion and social event.

For more details click here.

30 iunie 2016
Burse Ourense Exterior Studii masterale la Universitatea din Vigo - campus Ourense Spania Informaţii detaliate aici. 20 iunie 2016
IFE Summer School "Engineering Visions", Lodz University of Technology Şcoală de vară Polonia Informaţii detaliate aici. 19 iunie 2016
Master in Formulation Chemistry la ITECH Burse pentru masterat Franţa

Școala franceză de ingineri ITECH începe înscrierile pentru programul Master in Formulation Chemistry - un program unic, predat în întregime în limba engleză. Acesta formează ingineri chimiști specializați în vopsele, cerneluri, lacuri și rășini, foarte căutați pe piața muncii la nivel mondial.

Unicitatea programului constă în faptul că este sprijinit de mari companii internaționale din industria chimică. Datorită acordurilor cu firme precum AkzoNobel și PPG, studenții beneficiază de burse și ajutoare financiare, precum și de stagii de practică în diferite țări, de-a lungul celor trei ani de studii.

Cursurile se desfășoară în Franța. Înscrierea pentru anul academic 2016-2017 se face pe acest site, până pe data de 17 iunie 2016. Studenții care doresc să candideze pentru o bursă trebuie să trimită, până pe 12 iulie 2016, o prezentare video în care explică ei înșiși de ce cred că ar trebui să câștige o bursă.

Programul se derulează pe parcursul a 3 ani și include trei stagii de practică totalizând 11 luni.
Cursurile încep în luna septembrie.
O diplomă de nivel licență este necesară, de preferință într-un domeniu legat de chimie.

17 iunie 2016
Italian Summer School at University of Cagliari Şcoală de vară, curs de limba italiană Italia Every year Univeristà degli Studi di Cagliari in cooperation with Language Centre of the University (CLA) is organizing Italian Summer School.
The Italian language programs are designed by the CLA and ISMOKA, in order to immerse participants in the Italian language. Participants will gain important insights into the Italian language whilst at the same time improving their language skills. These programs are designed in a way to involve every aspect of the language: grammar, phonetics and vocabulary with the aim of developing the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
The cost of this Italian summer school is 150,00 € (accommodation excluded).
The course will take place in those days:
- from 4th to 15th of July 2016;
- from 18th to 29th of July 2016;
- from 5th to 16th September 2016;
- from 19th to 30th of September 2016.
For taking part in this program students can gain 4 ECST credits.
The deadline for registration - 15.06.
More information can be find here: http://sites.unica.it/erasmus/
15 iunie 2016
Aspects of Migration: Historical and Current
Summer School at University of Maribor
Şcoală de vară Slovenia

The Summer School will take place from 3rd to 10th July 2016 and is free of charge. The accommodation as well as full board will also be free of charge.  The summer school welcomes undergraduate as well as graduate students of Geography, History and other areas of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

More details here

13 iunie 2016
Pécs Debate Academy 2016 - Summer School on Migration Şcoală de vară Ungaria Would you like to improve your public speaking and communication skills?
Come to the heart of Europe, to the beautiful Pécs in Hungary and join our Debate Academy  while you learn about the ‘Ongoing Migration Crisis and Central Europe’ from 28  July to 10 August 2016.
Our intensive and very enjoyable Pécs Debate Academy 2016 – CEEPUS Summer School on Migration will use a mixed methodology – you will learn about the migration crisis from experts of the field while you will also gain an opportunity to develop your speaking skills and learn to argue along the techniques of the British Parliamentary Debate style.
Language of instruction: English. The summer school program is awarded 8 ECTS credits and is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well.
5 reasons to join the Pécs Debate Academy 2016 Summer School on Migration:
•        improve your speaking skills while learning about migration, a hot topic of today’s European Union
•        it is more than just study! – enjoy the great social programs including concerts, trips to the countryside, karaoke party, sport contests, pub visiting, the best intercultural party and much more
•        attend an affordable summer program – the very reasonable program fee includes accommodation for the 10 days and 2 hot meals per day, all social programs
•        have fun in an international environment, make new life-long friendships
•        enjoy the gorgeous location - Pécs is one of the most beautiful central European cities with a rich culture dating back to the Roman Empire, the European Capital of Culture of 2010 – safe, Mediterranean UniverCity, full of pubs, bars, cafés, restaurants
Please find more details about the Pécs Debate Academy 2016 Summer School on our website:
10 iunie - early bird,
10 iulie - regular
Master in African Studies Program de masterat Portugalia

The Master in African Studies, based on the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, counts on an active collaboration of other faculties of the University of Porto, in order to promote interdisciplinarity. Its syllabus offers a theoretical and methodological training, associated with a wide range of options. It combines mandatory seminars (a common core) with optional subjects from different scientific backgrounds. This coordination aims to ensure the transmission of specific knowledge on African realities and to make available theoretical and methodological tools to contribute to differentiated and qualified interventions in African

Informaţii detaliate aici.

5 iunie (faza 1), 4 septembrie (faza 2), 12 octombrie (faza 3
Summer School in Languages and Linguistics of the Mediterranean Şcoală de vară Italia The first Summer School in Languages and Linguistics of the Mediterranean will be held in Cagliari from 13 to 24 June 2016. It is an opportunity for students from humanistic fields as Languages, Literature, Education Sciences, Political Sciences, Law and also Economy to gain ECTS points:
- 2 ECTS credits for active participation in a long course;
- 1 ECTS credit is assigned for active participation in a short course.
The Summer School in Languages is available without fees for Erasmus Students.
It is a great chance to learn and improve language skills in the area of Mediterranean Linguistics along with discovering new cultures and traditions.
In attachment you can find further information, as well as on the
website: http://llm.unica.it
1 iunie 2016
French as a Foreign Language Summer School at International Academy in Lille - North of France Curs de limba franceză Franţa PROGRAMMES OUVERTS AUX INSCRIPTIONS :
•Academy.240 : 240h, 11 juillet-26 août, 1920 euros, niveau ≥A2.
•Academy.120 : 120 h, 1er-26 août, 960 euros, niveau ≥B1.
•Academy.60 : 60h, 15-26 août, 480 euros, niveau ≥B2.
•Academy.70 : Academy.60 + 10h d'atelier méthodologique de spécialité, 560 euros.
Informaţii suplimentare aici.
Variază în funcţie de programul ales
Advanced Summer Course in Sustainable Automotive Engineering Şcoală de vară Franţa

Green Drive Project's Summer Course for 2016 will take place in Bordeaux, France. During these two weeks of intensive program  (4th July - 15th July), students will improve their knowledge and skills in specific topics related to the design of future cars and more sustainable transportation systems. The course will help them to select functionally adequate materials for automotive industry applications according to design specifications and requirements.
•    Places: 20
•    ECTS credits: 3
•    Fees : 700€ (including social activities, food and accomodation on the campus)
•    Tuition : free
The course is co-organized by the Green-Drive consortium, gathering five european academic institutions: University of Antwerp, Loughborough University, University of Deusto, EIGSI La Rochelle and the laboratory IMS - University of Bordeaux. It will be held in IUT de Bordeaux - Département Hygiène Sécurité Environnement on the campus of Gradignan in Bordeaux, France.

Informaţii detaliate: aici.

31 mai 2016
Study Skills in English Summer School Şcoală de vară, curs de limba engleză Cehia

The Study Skills in English Summer School is designed for pre-university and university students who need to improve their English language skills in order to meet their university language requirements.  The aim of the summer school is to develop basic academic and study skills in English to at least the level considered to be sufficient for university studies.  Specifically, the summer school focuses on developing abilities to read academic texts and use them in writing and speaking; critically listen to lectures while taking effective notes; speak in academic contexts and gain insight into basic principles of writing texts in an academic style. The sessions will also focus on English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation as used in academic contexts.  The summer school is taught by highly qualified and experienced Masaryk University and international teaching staff who are dedicated to preparing students to operate successfully at an academic level. Each one week learning cycle integrates a specific academic and English language study focus, which enables students flexibly combine their study load.

Detalii aici.

20 mai 2016 - early bird

18 iulie 2016 - standard

Antwerp Summer University

Şcoli de vară Belgia

Şcoli de vară:

English for Academic Purposes: Improving your university papers and presentations, 24.08 - 02.09, termen limita candidatura: 15 iunie

European Financial Regulation, 22.08 - 26.08, termen limita candidatura: 5 iulie

3rd International School on Aperiodic Crystals, 04.07 - 08.07 July
termen limita candidatura: 1 iunie

Experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction, 22.08 - 02.09, termen limita candidatura: 19 mai

Fundamental Crystallography with applications to Electron Crystallography, 27.06 - 02.07, termen limita candidatura: 1 iunie

Qualitative Research Methods in Health Care, 22.08 - 26.08, termen limita candidatura: 1 iunie

BND Summer School in Particle Physics, 28.08- 9.09, termen limita candidatura: 31 mai

19 mai - 5 iulie, in funcţie de program
Humboldt Winter and Summer University Şcoli de vară Germania

Şcoli de vară:

*Deutsch Erleben – German in the City

*Berlin im Sommer – Berlin in the Summer

*Nazi Germany – Rise and Fall

*Global Cities as Centers of Knowledge Production

*Crisis and Future of the European Union

*Dynamics in Urban Geography

*When Islam and Feminism Meet

*Berlin im Sommer – Berlin in the Summer

*Kreatives Schreiben in Berlin

*Writing the City

*What do Germans laugh about? A performative History of German Comedy from 1945 until Today

*European City and Regional Development Planning

*Land in the City - Green in the City

*The Berlin Wall – Tales of Division and Unity

*Berlin´s Graveyard Culture as Mirror of Society

*The European Union – How Europe ended up in the Debate about German Hegemony

*Fulbright American Studies Summer Session @ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

*Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Germany - Reflections and Entanglements between Jewish Studies and Migration Studies

*Introduction to International Economic Law

*Refugee Protection and Forced Migration

*Metropolitan Studies

1 iunie 2016
Basque Yourself 1st International Summer School at the University of the Basque Country Şcoală de vară Spania The University of the Basque Country, the leading institution in the Basque university system, offers you the chance to take part in the fascinating course "Basque Yourself 1st International School", from 26th June to 15th July. Worth 12 ECTS credits, the course combines high quality teaching by renowned and prestigious professionals with a cultural and fun program which allows you to get to know our land and customs first-hand. Basque-language courses, excursions to our valleys and coasts… all this managed by people who will guide and assist you throughout your stay with us. And why not give surfing a go on our beaches? Or get to know our music and dances first-hand? Carry on reading to learn more about our course and how to get onto it. More information in: http://www.ehu.eus/en/web/basque-yourself/home 1 iunie 2016
University of Kent Summer Schools in Brussels, Canterbury and Paris Bursă parţială pentru şcoală de vară Belgia, Franţa, Marea Britanie Sunt disponibile 20 de burse în valoare de 500 lire sterline. Interesul pentru obţinerea bursei trebuie exprimat în formularul de candidatură pentru şcoala de vară. Detalii aici. Cu o săptămână înainte de data începerii cursului
Summer Courses of Engineering at Universite de Mons Şcoală de vară Belgia The summer courses are intended to give an education opportunity to non-specialized students to develop their knowledge in two specific fields: creative programming with openFrameworks and geological raw materials.

These are planned in a one-week session offering high-quality, innovative academic courses with lectures, industrial visits, practical workshops...

You will also take part to cultural events and social activities in or near Mons, organized by students with whom you will interact daily.

Fee: 300 EUR. Accommodation and meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are included for each participant. This accommodation is available from Saturday, July 2 to the Sunday, July 10.
1 iunie 2016
Nottingham Trent University Global Summer School Şcoală de vară Marea Britanie The Summer School runs from the 4th – 29th July and students can choose from a wide range of courses including Art and Design, Science and Technology, Law, Social Sciences, Business, and Education with the opportunity to study for up to 10 ECTS. For more information please visit the website www.ntu.ac.uk/globalsummer. 31 mai 2016
20th Summer German Course on the Seaside at Jade University Wilhelmshaven Şcoală de vară Germania

Summer German Course on the Seaside in Wilhelmshaven which takes place from July 20th until August 16th 2016. Participants will have the chance to learn German and to spend a great summer with a colorful program. Next to the general German lessons we also offer additional courses. In the afternoons the participants can discover the unique landscape and culture of northern Germany alongside the world heritage Waddensea. In the last year 87 students and participants from 17 different nations were able to improve their German language skills, next to widening their cultural knowledge about Germany and meeting interesting people from all over the world.More details here.

31 mai 2016

Summerschool Creative Business Modeling, from idea to business model at Karel de Grote University College & Artevelde University College

Şcoală de vară Belgia The summerschool is a 10 days bootcamp, hands-on experience where aspiring intra- and entrepreneurs can find out if their ideas are viable amongst other international students. This week is all about learning through the act of creating. The focus is on cooperative, design thinking which will unleash your creativity in order to bring you from your idea to an innovative viable concept.

You collaborate with international mentors to enjoy a full multidisciplinary-transnational experience. You will have a solid working concept that can be explored to go to market. Staff members from partner institutes will participate and give tutorials, lectures and facilitate brainstorms and workshops about different topics.

The number of students is limited to 30 students. The summer pop-up school 2016 will run from June 28th – July 8th.

International and national participants pay 350 euro (including all tuition fees, material costs, course materials and lunches). Thanks to a government subsidy we provide lodging and breakfast for international participants.
31 mai 2016
Virtual summer school 2016 Creative Cross Cultural Communication
Şcoală de vară virtuală

Eveniment online

Cross cultural communication is becoming more and more important in today's business since the success sometimes depends on how good you understand other cultures and social groups. Cross-cultural understanding plays and important part in cross-cultural negotiation, multicultural conflict resolution, customer service, business and organizational communication.
This is the reason for organizing a free International week entitled “Creative Cross Cultural Communication” (7th June – 17th June 2016) offering interesting lectures and webinars.

Course aims:

  • learn about the main characteristics of the archetypes of business cultures in the modern world;
  • master intercultural aspects in establishing new business contacts;
  • understand multiculturalism and the specifics of doing business in an intercultural context;
  • be able to cooperate in a multicultural work team in his/her own company or on the level of international business.

More information is available here.

25 mai 2016

Programme d’été
« Culture, patrimoine et art de vivre »
à l'Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3

Şcoală de vară Franţa Le programme d’été « Culture, patrimoine et art de vivre » est spécialement conçu pour les étudiants internationaux. Il allie des cours sur la langue et la culture françaises, ainsi que des activités culturelles, en vue de permettre aux participants d’acquérir une connaissance fine du mode de vie « à la française ». Ce programme s’adresse tout particulièrement aux étudiants désireux d’avoir une première expérience dans une université française, ainsi qu’aux étudiants ayant un projet de mobilité académique en France.

Frais de participation au programme : 2150€.
 // Cours universitaires et activités culturelles,
 // Hébergement et petit-déjeuner en résidence universitaire (studio individuel avec kitchenette),
 // Assistance personnelle pour la vie quotidienne.
 Les frais de participation ne couvrent pas :
– Transport vers et depuis Montpellier,
– Assurances (responsabilité civile, rapatriement, santé),
– Déjeuner et dîner,
– Transport urbain et dépenses personnelles.
20 mai 2016
"Experience entrepreneurship. An intensive introduction" Summer School at the University of Antwerp
Şcoală de vară Belgia

An introduction to entrepreneurship based on eight theoretical sessions, visits and testimonials and an intensive group work on a real life case.

The summer school on developing (skills for) entrepreneurship is taking place in one of the most challenging environments of Western Europe. Students with a keen interest in entrepreneurship, but without any concrete previous experience, will be able to discover entrepreneurship during this hands-on summer school.

First students will be introduced in the theoretical framework of a business idea through eight sessions focusing on different aspects of entrepreneurship. Prior to the course students will be provided with several preparatory packages, in order for all the participants to have an equal minimum understanding of these topics to maximize the knowledge transfer during the summer school itself. All these (basic) theoretical insights will be immediately linked to some practical example sessions. The topics range from ideation over intellectual property, market research and business modeling to marketing strategies and valuation. For a detailed overview of the sessions, please consult the website. All these sessions will be taught by international experts from both within and outside the academic world.

Next to these theoretical sessions, students will engage in a real-life based group work which will let the teams apply effectively the knowledge and skills taught during the theoretical sessions. Students will be asked to choose their preferred case prior to the summer school after which interdisciplinary and international groups will be composed. Topics will cover a wide array of products and services, both profit and non-profit as to enable all participants to find an appropriate match. At the end of the summer school, groups will need to present their working process and business plan to a professional jury. Ultimately, some industrial visits and social activities will keep the minds relaxed and focused.

Registration fee: €600 (fee includes course material, coffee breaks, farewell dinner and social activities. Does not include lunch or accommodation).

For more details click here.

19 mai 2016
Sustainability in Bordeaux and Aquitaine Summer Scool Şcoală de vară Franţa Bordeaux Institute of Technology is pleased to announce you his new summer school on sustainable development issues and how they are tackled in Bordeaux and Aquitaine Region. It will take place between June 23rd and July 8th 2016. You can find more information at https://www.bordeaux-inp.fr/content/summer-school. Students can apply online at bit.ly/SummerSchool-BordeauxINP.

Also, great events are taking place at Bordeaux just before, during and after the summer school:
- Bordeaux Wine Festival: http://www.bordeaux-wine-festival.com/
- Soccer Euro 2016: http://www.uefa.com/uefaeuro-finals/
- Bastille Day:
15 mai 2016
Summer school "Managing a Multicultural World" at TELECOM Bretagne Şcoală de vară Franţa

Telecom Bretagne's Summer School combines a French Language course, intercultural workshops and visits. The classes are taught in small multicultural groups from all over the world (more than 20 nationalities). During the 5 daily hours of classes with French native-speaker teachers, students are encouraged to participate, using role-play, games and multimedia.

Language requirements
- English: Ability to attend lectures and communicate. The level must be equivalent to: B2 (European scale: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2), TOEFL: 70/120 (Internet-based test) 525/677 (Paper-based test), IELTS: 5.5/9, TOEIC: 650/990
- French: No requirement (groups of different levels, including beginners)

Fees are 1650€ including on-campus accommodation, food, visits and insurance. Discounts can be made for students coming from Telecom Bretagne's partners.

More details here.

15 mai 2016
Summer School Engineering and Geodesy at Technische Universität München Şcoală de vară Germania The four week summer school provides an introduction to key TUM research areas: Satellite geodesy and engineering. The program includes an intensive seminar of several days taking place at a research institute out of Munich. This program will take place from August 01st- August 26th 2016.
For more details click here.
15 mai 2016
Simonyi Entrepreneurship Consulting Summer Program at the University of Pecs Şcoală de vară Ungaria

The Simonyi Summer Program welcomes every interested student who would like to gain deeper insight and valuable knowledge in the fields of the global health and health entrepreneurship, arts and culture commercialization, sustainable innovation capacity building in energy and infrastructure, excellence in city tourism and eco-tourism and not least of all social entrepreneurship
The academic program includes lectures, group work on the assigned projects and consulting activities. By holding a final presentation participants gain 15 ECTS credits.
The extra curricular activities provide real summer-time experience beside the academically challenging program.

For further information please, visit the official web-site of the Summer Program: http://simonyisummer.ktk.pte.hu/
Registration is open and available on http://simonyisummer.ktk.pte.hu/node/34

14 mai 2016
Stagii de practică Erasmus+ Granturi pentru stagii de practică (studenţi şi proaspăt absolvenţi)

Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cehia, Cipru, Croația, Danemarca, Estonia, Finlanda, Franţa, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Islanda, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Marea Britanie, Norvegia, Olanda, Polonia, Portugalia, Slovacia, Slovenia, Spania, Suedia, Turcia, Ungaria

Informaţii detaliate prin programul Erasmus+ aici.

Oferte de locuri de practică / muncă primite de la parteneri şi recomandări privind căutarea unor oportunităţi în ţările participante la program aici.

13 mai 2016
Doctoral School of Politecnico di Torino Burse pentru studii doctorale complete Italia The Doctoral School offers 16 PhD programmes focusing on 4 main technical-scientific fields of research:
1.      Architecture and Civil Engineering
2.      Industrial Engineering
3.      Information Technologies
4.      Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences for Engineering

Doctoral School offers also several scholarships financed both by the University, industrial partners and research centres in Italy and abroad.
All the scholarships available have the following
•       3-year length
•       A net monthly amount of about € 1.300, which is 30% higher than the national standard scholarship
•       No citizenship limitations: both national and international applicants compete for the same scholarships

Additional means of financial support are provided by Doctoral School to students enrolled in its PhD
•       Mobility funds:  the amount of the scholarship is increased of 50% for periods of international mobility.
•       Research and training funds:
€ 1.750 in 2nd and 3rd year
to cover expenses related to their training and research activities in Italy and abroad;
•       Doctoral School Award for Talented PhD students: each
PhD programme awards a cash prize to the most talented students among those enrolled in 2nd and/or 3rd year.

Detailed information about the programmes offered and their research topics of interest are available at the following link http://dottorato.polito.it/en/phd_programmes.
10 mai 2016
Fulbright Student Award to the United States 2017-2018 Bursă de studii (pot candida studenţi din ultimul an de licenţă, de la masterat şi doctorat) Statele Unite ale Americii

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Fulbright Student Award competition for master’s study or research in the United States. Applicants can be Romanian graduates - BA, MA or PhD students - from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

The Fulbright Student Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits, books and supplies allowance, accident/sickness insurance and a living stipend for one academic year.

For more details click here.

9 mai 2016
Finanţare AUF pentru Hackathon, Cluj-Napoca, Concurs România

Agentia Universitara a Francofoniei (AUF), sectiunea Europa Centrala si de Sud-este doreste sa contribuie la sustinerea financiara a participantilor la concursul de programare Hackathon, Cluj-Napoca, 21-22 mai 2016, un maraton de 24h de programare doar pe dispozitive wearable (la purtator), si anume a acelor participanti care vorbesc limba franceza si sunt inscrisi la o universitate membra a AUF.

UPT este membra asociata la AUF, ca urmare, studentii vorbitori de franceza pot candida pentru oferta AUF, care va acoperi:
- intrarea,
- transportul cu trenul sau autobuzul,
- cazarea.

Studentii sunt rugati sa informeze Departamentul Relatii Internationale asupra depunerii candidaturii (adriana.iacob@upt.ro).

Termen limită: 8 mai 2016.

Detalii pe pagina web https://www.auf.org/appels-offre/soutien-la-participation-lhackathlon-de-techsylvan/

8 mai 2016
Hessen International Summer University on energy efficient and sustainable buildings Şcoală de vară Germania This English taught summer course will take place from July 17 – August 13, 2016. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is a member of the Hessen:ISU network and our ISU program is being supported by the Hessen State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts. 
In the course of the program, students will get knowledge about the use of green energy and innovative materials in planning, constructing and maintaining a building. Thez will gain insight into environmentally friendly technologies and sustainable energy production. Students will learn how to apply the “Hottgenroth Software” used by energy advisors for simulating the behavior of a building, taking into account detailed climate data and calculations of the cooling-, heating-loads and air temperature.
The academic courses are complemented by field trips to building sites, companies and public institutions, enabling students to apply their knowledge. An additional one-week excursion to southern Germany will bring participants to passive houses, the hydroelectric power plant Walchensee (renewable energy generation) and cultural highlights (e.g. traditional Bavarian festival in Munich). The agenda also includes a German-as-a-foreign-language-course and a variety of leisure activities prepared for all participants outside of the classroom. Students can earn up to 9 ECTS credits for this 4 week intensive-program.
Participants: The academic program is aimed at students from a variety of backgrounds, such as Civil or Electrical Engineering, Architecture, Energy Management and related disciplines. International as well as German students will attend the ISU and give your students a unique global experience. All other researchers, engineers, and interested parties, who would like to learn more about green buildings and the efficient use of energy and different materials, are also invited to participate. 
Program fee: €1990 - including 4-weeks tuition, field trips and excursions, accommodation in shared twin rooms, health, accident and liability insurance, and social activities. Students who submit their applications before April 1, 2016 can qualify for the early-bird rate of € 1790.
For more information click here.
8 mai 2016

Programul de burse
"Vasile Pârvan şi Nicolae Iorga

Burse de cercetare, formare postuniversitară şi postdoctorală Italia

Bursele Vasile Pârvan şi Nicolae Iorga se acordă pentru următoarele domenii: istorie și știine sociale, arheologie, arhivistică, biblioteconomie, filologie clasică și modernă, istoria artei și arhitectură, literatură și studii literare, arte, știinţe economice și știinţe exacte.
Bursa se acordă pentru o perioadă de minimum două luni și maximum doi
ani universitari consecutivi. În cadrul acestui apel se vor selecta 15 bursieri.
Pot candida masteranzi, doctoranzi, cadre didactice, cercetători care au cetăţenia română şi cunosc limba italiană.
Mai multe detalii: aici.

6 mai 2016
Burse oferite în baza acordurilor bilaterale cu
Burse de studii Bulgaria

Candidații care vor să obțină o astfel de bursă trebuie să transmită un dosar de candidatură la Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii, până la termenul limită anunțat în calendarul concursului. Informații privind condițiile de eligibilitate și conținutul dosarului de candidatură se găsesc în Regulamentul acestui tip de burse și în Comunicatul de presă privind lansarea concursului pentru oferta de burse transmisă de fiecare țară:

5 mai 2016
International Exchange Program in Germany: Study Semester "Principles of Sustainable Business" at Trier University of Applied Sciences

Semestru internaţional

(posibilitate finanţare prin programul Erasmus+ cu respectarea regulilor de candidatură menţionate aici)


Are you studying business, ecology or environmental science and want to acquire key qualifications in sustainable management? Take part in an intensive course and learn how companies gain valuable advantages in the international market and prosper by implementing sustainable business solutions.

Gain hands-on experience of successful sustainable projects and experience how to adapt to today’s main challenge of integrating business success and sustainability. Meet the experts on successful environmental management at the Birkenfeld Environmental Campus. You can find out about Germany, its regulatory and business approach to today’s environmental challenges. Last but not least, you visit fascinating business and cultural sites.

More details: http://umwelt-campus.de/studysemester

1 mai 2016
International semester "Environment and technology" at Trier University of Applied Sciences

Program intensiv, semestru internaţional

(posibilitate finanţare prin programul Erasmus+ cu respectarea regulilor de candidatură menţionate aici)


You are studying engineering sciences, ecology or environmental science and want to acquire key qualifications in environmental friendly technologies? Take part in an intensive course and get new experiences.  Study in the heart of Europe and located next to Germany´s youngest National Park. Live together with international students. Work with experts in the field of environmental technology at the Environmental-Campus Birkenfeld and gain experience in environmental related technologies and sciences acquired by lab work and teamwork in interdisciplinary projects.

Starting winter semester – October to January (Orientation week at the end of September).

All modules, lab work and projects are taught in English.
Fully credited with 30 ECTS points per semester. Live on-campus in Birkenfeld, Germany. Administration fee 500€. Admission fee 200€ per semester (includes free local public transport in the region).

1 mai 2016
Mediterranean Summer School Şcoală de vară Slovenia Şcoala de vară are tema "Innovation in Business Entrepreneurship" şi se va desfăşura în perioada 27 iunie - 8 iulie 2016 in Portoroz, Slovenia şi în perioada 1 iunie - 30 august în regim de studiu de la distanţă. Taxa de participare este 240 EUR (există posibilitatea de a obţine burse), iar cazarea aprox. 250 EUR. Mai multe detalii aici. 1 mai 2016
Vienna Summer School for Assistive Technology at FH Technikum Wien Şcoală de vară Austria

The AsTeRICS Summer School will be held from July 11th to July 20th 2016 in Vienna/Austria. The Assistive Technology Summer School offers international students a balanced and extensive project week to acquire and deepen practical knowledge in various topics of modern Assistive Technology. It is organised by the AsTeRICS Academy project of the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien and funded by the City of Vienna. International acknowledged experts in the field of inclusive design and assistive technology will held lectures and hands-on tutorials. The thematic focuses are embedded in cultural activities and events of a varied accompanying program.
Thanks to the funding of the City of Vienna you can attend the Assistive Technology Summer School FREE OF CHARGE! Included are workshops, lecturers, welcome, farewell and cultural events. Travel costs, public transport, accomodation, meals, personal expenses and other incidentals are not included. It is recommended to take out an international travel insurance. On request, you can get recommendations for reasonably priced accomodation in Vienna near the University. For more details click here.

30 aprilie 2016
“Student in the City” International Architectural Workshop Şcoală de vară pentru studenţii de la Facultatea de Arhitectură şi Urbanism Polonia We cordially invite you to take part in the International Architectural Workshop organized with the cooperation of the International Faculty of Engineering and the Institute of Architecture of the Lodz University of Technology.
The registration for our summer school titled “Student in the City” is open until 30 April. We will confirm the participation until mid-May.
This design thinking workshop program offers the students the opportunity to propose a solution for students from different universities and faculties to meet, exchange ideas and present their achivements. An additional aspect that may be considered to promote an interaction and integration of students and inhabitants within the city.
Please, note that there is no tuition fee and the accommodation is guaranteed. In the enclosed program description, you will find further details. More information and the registration form are available on our website: http://www.ife.p.lodz.pl/en/Student-city
30 aprilie 2016
Stagii de practică remunerate la CERN
(Organizaţia Europeană pentru Cercetare Nucleară)
Stagii de practică remunerate Elveţia

Informaţii detaliate:

  • Doctoral Student Programme: aici.
  • Technical Student Programme: aici.
  • Administrative Student Programme: aici.
26 aprilie 2016
Course on academic research skills for professors, researchers, post-graduates & students Curs intensiv Serbia

The course aims to provide information on a range of skills that are essential to develop a career in scientific research. The course is independent of any academic subject, focusing more on the philosophy needed to make a successful career in research, whatever the subject.

Course fee:

  • 95 Eur - Participants from academic and scientific-research institutions and others
  • 75 Eur - Postgraduate students
  • 65 Eur - Undergraduate students  and unemployed

More details: http://www.udekom.org.rs/courses.html

25 aprilie 2016
CityLAB IV: The City as a Market Place Summer School at University of Antwerp Şcoală de vară Belgia Five day summer school on the changing role, form and structure of retail in cities organised by the Urban Studies Institute.

Throughout history, cities have been concentrations of exchange activity and urban areas have been home to a varied range of retail facilities and markets. Indeed, cities have often developed in tandem with market and retail activities, and they have even been imagined as a type of markets altogether. Today’s retail landscape is characterized by the presence of large retail chains and global brands, out-of-town developments, the rise of e-commerce, but also by artisan stores and local food markets. Issues related to retail include access to healthy food, precarious labour conditions, congestion, landscape pollution and rising consumerism, and it is clear that no single academic field can grasp the topic of urban retail in its entirety.

This interdisciplinary summer school on ‘The City as a Market Place’ aims to discuss a wide range of issues related to retail in cities today and in the past. Participants are taken on a journey through a selection of topics including retail accessibility, ethnic entrepreneurship and urban design. The historical focus ensures that discussions take into account the wider context, and two field trips link theory to practice. This summer school offers a truly interdisciplinary look at the important topic of urban retail and its many facets.

Participants: Postgraduates, PhD students and professionals in urban studies or related fields (including urban planning, urban history, architecture, urban economics, urban sociology).

Registration fee: € 300 (Includes orientation and course material, coffee breaks, lunches and farewell dinner. Does not include housing).

For more details click here.
15 aprilie 2016
International Summer School Automotive Engineering and Management at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Şcoală de vară Germania

Perioadă: 18-29 iulie 2016
Cost: 250 EUR (include taxa de studii, excursiile, programul socio-cultural, certificatul)
Detalii: aici
Poster: aici
Carte poştală: aici
Program: aici (draft)

15 aprilie 2016
Chinese-Austrian EU Summer School Şcoală de vară Austria The Chinese-Austrian-EU Summer School is directed towards students who want to deepen their knowledge about Europe in general
and Austria in particular. Since all the lectures are held in English, having a good command of written and spoken English is a basic
prerequisite for participation.

The costs for the summer school approximately amount to 2,800 EUR. This includes accommodation (double rooms/all including
breakfast), program fees, insurance, transportation as well as the costs for the sightseeing trips (flights are not included). For more information, please visit www.uni-salzburg.at/index.php?id=41532&L=1 or get in contact with the Office of International Relations at your home
15 aprilie 2016
MSc Interaction Design (online) at Cyprus University of Technology Program de masterat Cipru Programul este oferit de Cyprus University of Technology în cooperare cu Tallinn University. Bursele se acordă pe criterii socio-economice. Informaţii detaliate aici. 8 aprilie 2016
Student conference in Maribor Conferinţă pentru studenţi Slovenia The student organization of the University of Maribor proudly invites students from all over the world to participate at the Student Conference in Maribor (SCiM), which will take place from 27th of June until 6th of July 2016 in Maribor, Slovenia.

SCiM is an international student conference, where each year more than 60 students from all around the world gather to not only attend different lectures and workshops, but also to visit sLOVEnia, meet new people, be active, sociable and do something beneficial during the summer.

The main purpose of the conference is to unite students from different countries in one place, where they have the opportunity to gain new knowledge and make contacts with university professors and acknowledged professionals from different fields. Besides main workshops and keynotes, students also have the opportunity to experience the city of Maribor through different activities, explore Slovenia on a two- day excursion and establish new friendships.

The participants have to cover the travel expenses to the city of Maribor and need to pay a 90 € participation fee for other activities (depends on the program and all activities the costs might increase for max. 15 €). Everything is included in the fee.

More information about SCiM: http://www.scim.si/
Application form: http://www.scim.si/?page_id=27
The application deadline is 4th of April!
For any further information contact us on: scim.conference@gmail.com

Don’t hesitate! Apply for SCiM!
4 aprilie 2016

Radboud Summer School

Şcoală de vară Olanda

The Radboud Summer School includes 40 challenging academic courses that will inspire students and researchers and provide them with the opportunity to extend their international academic network. For more information please visit the website: www.ru.nl/radboudsummerschool.
O reducere cu 25% a taxei de participare este oferită candidaţilor din UPT care îşi depun candidatura înainte de 1.04.2016.

1 aprilie 2016

International Summer School „IT – Fundamentals of National Park Monitoring“ at Trier University of Applied Sciences

Şcoală de vară (în limba engleză) Germania

During the one week summer school you will learn the basics of monitoring and management of national parks and biosphere reserves and you will also get an insight in the use of information and communication technologies for the monitoring of national parks. 

This all takes place based on the example of the youngest national park in Germany – the National Park Hunsrück-Hochwald – together with scientists and practitioners working in this field.

The Summer School will take place from September 21st to September 28th 2016. The following documents must be included with each application: Application Form, Most Recent Grade Transcript, Certificate of English Language Proficiency or an equivalent, Statement of Motivation.

More details: here.

1 aprilie 2016
Burse oferite în baza acordurilor bilaterale cu Armenia
Burse de studii Armenia

Candidații care vor să obțină o astfel de bursă trebuie să transmită un dosar de candidatură la Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii, până la termenul limită anunțat în calendarul concursului. Informații privind condițiile de eligibilitate și conținutul dosarului de candidatură se găsesc în Regulamentul acestui tip de burse și în Comunicatul de presă privind lansarea concursului pentru oferta de burse transmisă de fiecare țară:

1 aprilie 2016
INNES Institute Vienna  International Summer Schools 2016 Şcoli de vară Austria,
INNES Institute Vienna provides Summer Schools in various fields for students and professionals: Engineering, Art and Design, Water Resource Management, Food Design, Food Engineering, Automotive Design, Fashion and Architecture, Place Branding, Climate Friendly Buildings, Human Rights – and many more. It also offers German and English language courses, and a Human Rights Programme. More details: here. Fără termen limită fix
Master Mind Scholarships Fellowship Programme for Excellent Students Bursă de studii Belgia
(Comunitatea Flamandă)

 The Government of Flanders has launched a new scholarship programme in 2015, Master Mind Scholarships. For the academic year 2016-2017, it awards up to 45 scholarships to outstanding Master students from all countries. The programme aims to promote the internationalization of the Flemish Higher Education, as stated in the Action Plan for Student Mobility, Brains on the Move (September 2013).

Students cannot apply directly. Applications need to be submitted by the Flemish Host Institution, in consultation with the Home Institution of the applicant.

The Home Institution of the applicant and the Flemish Host Institution should have signed a cooperation agreement.

Details: here.

31 martie 2016
European Doctoral Olympics Sports competition Grantul acoperă cazarea şi mesele, participanţii acoperă costurile de transport Franţa The two Universities in Clermont-Ferrand (France), in partnership with the FFSU (French University Sports Federation), the SUAPS (Physical and Sports Activities University Service), the student association Doct'Auvergne and local partners, have the great pleasure to invite you for the European Doctoral Olympics Sports competition.

These friendly Olympiads are open to PhD students of all Doctoral Schools in Europe. The event will take place from 22th to 24th June, 2016 in Clermont-Ferrand (France). The organizers will bear the costs of accommodation and meals. Only travel costs remain the responsibility of the participants.

Five sports activities will be open to competition:
-    Green Ball,
-    Run and bike,
-    Badminton,
-    Canoe,
-    Futsal

PhD students have to register to all activities. Each team must be composed of six PhD students, of whom at least two women. There will be numerous prizes to reward the brave candidates.

For further information and registration, please contact: sandrine.defenin@clermont-universite.fr
31 martie 2016
Program de masterat "Didactique des langues" Burse pentru masterat România/Franţa

Candidaţii trebuie să dovedească promovarea a 4 ani de studii universitare în domeniul limbii şi literaturii franceze sau discipline conexe.

Programul se derulează la Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti şi are durata de 9 luni (4 luni de studii şi 5 luni de stagiu). Nu se percep taxe de şcolarizare. Studenţii români selectaţi vor beneficia de o bursă de 320 EUR/lună, iar cei străini de 570 EUR/lună. Detalii: aici.

31 martie 2016
Prezentare program de dubla-diplomă UPT - Telecom Bretagne Prezentare Franţa

Ştiați că :

  • Aveți posibilitatea de a beneficia de acordul de dublă diplomă existent între UPT și Telecom  Bretagne (ENST Bretagne) (www.telecom-bretagne.eu) ?
  • În prezent, 4  dintre colegii voștri își continuă studiile la ENST Bretagne, iar alții 54 au absolvit în ultimii 12 ani ?

Dacă ești student în anul 2/3/4 sau Master I de la Facultatea de Electronică şi Telecomunicaţii sau Facultatea de Automatică şi Calculatoare şi  vrei să afli mai multe despre :

  • Sistemul de învățământ francez (în particular cel de la Telecom Bretagne)
  • Ce se ascunde în spatele siglei « Telecom Bretagne »
  • Cum puteți să studiați / obtineți o diplomă la Telecom Bretagne (inginer dublă diplomă, master)?

Nu rataţi prezentările pe această temă!

  • Marti, 29 martie 2016, ora 11, sala A316 (electro)
  • Joi, 31 martie 2016, ora 11, sala A109 (electro)

Pentru mai multe informaţii:
Sorin Moga (ETC, promoția 1995)

29 martie 2016

31 martie 2016

Mobilităţi de studii Erasmus+ Granturi pentru studii în străinătate Austria, Belgia, Bulgaria, Cehia, Cipru, Croația, Danemarca, Estonia, Finlanda, Franţa, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Islanda, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Marea Britanie, Norvegia, Olanda, Polonia, Portugalia, Slovacia, Slovenia, Spania, Suedia, Turcia, Ungaria Informaţii detaliate despre program sunt disponibile aici. 20 martie 2016
Finding Nano at Technische Universität München Şcoală de vară Germania This six week intensive program offers a nanotechnology lecture and a lab course in English, with site visits to leading research centres, and an intensive German language course offered both at beginner and intermediate levels. The Summer School is directed to undergraduates of science and engineering who have completed an introduction to quantum mechanics, quantum physics or quantum chemistry
This program will take place from June 13th - July 24th 2016.
For more details click here.
20 martie 2016
Swiss-European Mobility Programme at the University of Bern Grant pentru mobilitate de studii (masterat) Elveţia

Programul poate fi accesat de studenţi din utimul an de licenţă şi/sau masteranzi de la Facultatea de Automatică şi Calculatoare. Bursa este în valoare de 2100 CHF/ semestru. Candidatura (foaie matricolă, atestat de cunoaştere a limbii engleze sau germane, propunere de plan de studii) se depune la DRI până în 15 martie 2016.

15 martie 2016
Burse gestionate de ACBS pentru studii în China Burse de studii China

Candidații care vor să obțină o astfel de bursă trebuie să transmită un dosar de candidatură la Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii, până la termenul limită anunțat în calendarul concursului. Informații privind condițiile de eligibilitate și conținutul dosarului de candidatură se găsesc în Regulamentul acestui tip de burse și în Comunicatul de presă privind lansarea concursului pentru oferta de burse transmisă de fiecare țară:

10 martie 2016
Programul de burse COPERNIC Bursă de studii şi practică (masterat) Franţa

Programul COPERNIC include 6 luni de studii de management şi 6 luni de stagiu de practică într-o companie franceză. Condiţii de eligibilitate:
- diplomă în domeniul ingineriei sau economiei (validând 5 ani de studii superioare);
- vârsta sub 30 de ani;
- să nu mai fi beneficiat de o bursă a Guvernului Francez;
- experienţa profesională este un avantaj.
Detalii: aici.

7 martie 2016
Korean Government Scholarship Program Burse de studii (master, doctorat) Coreea de Sud

Detaliile programului vor fi publicate în ianuarie 2016. Pentru a obţine bursa candidatul trebuie să fie recomandat de ambasada Coreei de Sud din România sau de viitoarea universitate gazdă. Bursa include: transportul dus-întors, o alocaţie lunară de 900.000 KRW, asigurare medicală, scutirea de taxe de şcolarizare.

Pentru informaţii despre program consultaţi pagina aceasta, iar pentru Graduate School of Korea University site-ul acesta. Korea University este una dintre cele mai vechi, mari şi bine cotate universităţi.

3 februarie -
7 martie 2016
Short-Term Exchange Program in Science and Engineering at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Mobilitate de un an universitar Japonia

Programul vizează:
- mobilităţi de studii (pentru studenţi din anii 3 sau 4 licenţă, studenţi master);
- mobilităţi de cercetare (pentru masteranzi sau doctoranzi);

Există 2 etape de selecţie:
- selecţia internă la nivel de UPT - 12 februarie 2016;
- selecţia TUAT a persoanelor nominalizate de UPT;

Studenţii selectaţi sunt scutiţi de plata taxei de şcolarizare la TUAT şi sunt încurajaţi să candideze pentru bursele JASSO. Informaţii detaliate sunt disponibile aici.

4 martie 2016 (dată până la care trebuie să ajungă dosarul la TUAT)
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme Bursă de studii, şcoală de vară Elveţia Are you a B.Sc. or M.Sc. student (who will have completed at least three years of full-time studies at university level by next spring) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering or Physics, interested in working on advanced IT projects for two full months during the summer?

During two full months corresponding to nine weeks (June-September 2016), the CERN openlab summer students will be given a series of IT lectures especially prepared for them by experts at CERN. The students also have the opportunity to attend the CERN generic student programme lectures. Visits to the accelerators and experimental areas are part of the programme, as well as external visits. A report on the work project carried out is to be handed in at the end of the stay. For more information on the CERN openlab Summer Student Programme, please visit the homepage.
28 februarie 2016
Bursele Guvernului Francez 2016 pentru mobilităţi de master şi doctorat Burse de master sau doctorat Franţa CONDIŢII DE CANDIDATURĂ:
•    naţionalitate română
•    bune cunoştinţe de limba franceză sau engleză (în funcţie de programul de formare avut în vedere)
•    Nivel academic minim :
o    master 1 pentru bursă master 2
o    master 2 pentru bursă de doctorat
•    bursă de 615 € / lună (Master), 1060 €/ lună (doctorat în cotutelă)
•    taxe universitare acoperite (până la 6100 € / an)
•    asigurare socială şi de sănătate
•    acces prioritar la căminele studențești
•    Indemnizații pentru achiziționarea unui computer
Pentru mai multe informaţii accesaţi linkul : http://www.institutfrancais.ro/category/bucarest/campus-france/bourses-detude/bourses-bgf/.
28 februarie 2016
Atelier de antreprenoriat organizat de Ambasada Canadei in Romania si AUF Atelier de antreprenoriat România

Publicul țintă: studenţi în domenii tehnice, științele vieții (medicină, farmacie, științe agricole), economie, artă și arhitectură sau științe umaniste (litere, filosofie, psihologie, etc.) care sunt interesați de antreprenoriat și doresc să învețe cum să creeze o întreprindere  inovatoare. Sunt eligibili studenții francofoni, înscriși la o universitate membră a Agenției Universitare a Francofoniei din România, Bulgaria și Republica Moldova.

Limba de lucru: limba franceză

Criterii de selecţie: curiozitate, energie, inițiativă. Se vor lua în considerare implicarea în proiecte comunitare, de voluntariat sau alte experiențe extra-curriculare.


  • formular on-line www.formulaires.auf.org
  • adeverinţă care să confirme statutul de student la o universitate membră AUF
  • CV
  • scrisoare de motivaţie

Termen limită: 28.02.2016

Training: În urma selecţiei vor fi formate trei echipe a câte şase studenţi. Trainingul va avea loc la București, timp de trei zile, între 17 şi 19 martie și va fi coordonat de trei mentori francezi, care vor sprijini studenţii în crearea unui plan de afaceri. Toate cheltuielile vor fi suportate de către AUF: transport cu trenul/autobuzul, cazare, masă, asigurare.

Pentru informaţii suplimentare:

28 februarie 2016
GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program Burse de excelenţă pentru studenţi din anul II Oriunde Programul se adreseaza studentilor din anul II-licenta, inmatriculati la programe de studii in domeniul ingineriei, tehnologiei, economiei si managementului (arhitectura este si ea eligibila), cu excelente rezultate academice si bune cunostinte de limba engleza.

Studentii selectati vor beneficia de:
-    O bursa de 2000 USD/an pentru urmatorii 2 ani de studiu;
-    Posibilitatea de a lucra alaturi de un manager GE vreme de o zi (job-shadowing);
-    Posibilitatea de a participa la activitati de dezvoltare personala, inclusiv un seminar de dezvoltare a abilitatilor de leadership;
-    Acces la o retea extinsa de alumni ai programului.

In 30 noiembrie si 1 decembrie sunt programate prezentari online ale programului, studentii interesati avand posibilitatea de a pune intrebari direct reprezentantilor GE Foundation. Mai multe informatii sunt disponibile online: aici.
26 februarie 2016

Burse oferite în baza acordurilor bilaterale
România - Cehia, România-Croaţia, România-Grecia, România-Iran, România-Nigeria, România-Serbia

Burse de studii Cehia, Croaţia, Grecia,
Nigeria, Serbia

Candidații care vor să obțină o astfel de bursă trebuie să transmită un dosar de candidatură la Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii, până la termenul limită anunțat în calendarul concursului. Informații privind condițiile de eligibilitate și conținutul dosarului de candidatură se găsesc în Regulamentul acestui tip de burse și în Comunicatul de presă privind lansarea concursului pentru oferta de burse transmisă de fiecare țară:

25 februarie 2016
Programul de burse naţionale pentru femeile de ştiinţă Granturi pentru proiecte de cercetare România

Programul se adresează cercetătoarelor din România cu vârsta de maxim 35 de ani, care fie sunt doctorande, fie au obţinut titlul de doctor şi urmează un program de pregătire postuniversitară în cadrul unei instituţii acreditate de învăţământ superior din ţară. Valoarea unei burse este de 42000 lei, iar fiecare bursă va constitui sursa de finanţare a unui proiect de cercetare derulat timp de 10 luni, în cadrul unei instituţii de cercetare din România.

Informaţii privind dosarul de candidatură: http://cnr-unesco.ro/ro/loreal-si-unesco-lanseaza-cea-de-a-saptea-editie-a-programului-de-burse-nationale-pentru-femeile-din-stiinta/

20 februarie 2016
Stagii de traducere pentru absolvenţi la Parlamentul European Stagii de practică pentru absolvenţi ai Facultăţii de Ştiinţe ale Comunicării Luxembourg Stagiile de practică sunt remunerate (1213,55 EUR/lună) şi au durata de 3 luni. Informaţii detaliate aici. 15 februarie 2016
Festival des étudiants francophones en Europe centrale et orientale Bursă pentru participarea la eveniment România Festivalul se desfăşoară la Bucureşti în perioada 11-15 aprilie 2016. Studenţii selectaţi vor beneficia de o bursă care acoperă cheltuielile de  transport, cazarea, masa. Detalii: aici. 12 februarie 2016
Darmasiswa Indonesian Scholarship Burse de studii cu durata de un an Indonezia Programul se adresează studenţilor din domeniul artei, cu vârsta sub 30 de ani şi bune cunoştinţe de limba engleză. Detalii: aici. 10 februarie 2016
Burse oferite în baza acordurilor bilaterale România - Federaţia Rusă Burse de studii Federaţia Rusă Candidații care vor să obțină o astfel de bursă trebuie să transmită un dosar de candidatură la Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii, până la termenul limită anunțat în calendarul concursului. Informații privind condițiile de eligibilitate și conținutul dosarului de candidatură se găsesc în Regulamentul acestui tip de burse și în Comunicatul de presă privind lansarea concursului pentru oferta de burse transmisă de fiecare țară. 3 februarie 2016
Burse de practică Vulcanus în Japonia Burse pentru stagii de practică într-o companie japoneză oferite de Comisia Europeană pentru studenţi în domeniul tehnic din anul 4 sau mai mare Japonia

Programul Vulcanus în Japonia constă în plasamente industriale pentru studenții din Uniunea Europeană, Turcia, Moldova, Macedonia, Muntenegru sau Islanda și se desfășoară din luna Septembrie până în luna August a anului următor. Prin acest program studenții selectați vor urma:
1 - un seminar cu tema “Japonia”;
2 - un curs intensiv de limbă japoneză timp de 4 luni;
3 - un stagiu de 8 luni într-o întreprindere japoneză.

Solicitanții sunt selectați pe baza rezultatelor academice, al avizului tutorelui/profesorului ce reiese din
scrisoarea de recomandare, pe baza cunoștințelor de limba engleză scrisă și vorbită și a motivației personale,
precum și pe baza atitudinii față de relațiile UE-Japonia și a capacității lor de integrare și adaptare într-o
cultură diferită.

Candidaturile pot fi transmise individual sau prin intermediul Departamentului Relaţii Internaţionale al UPT. Termenul limită pentru primirea dosarelor de candidatură transmise de DRI este 15.01.2016 ora 12:00. Indiferent de modul de transmitere a candidaturii, vă recomandăm să luaţi legătura cu DRI pentru verificarea dosarului şi eliberarea documentului justificativ privind modul de evaluare.

20 ianuarie 2016
Burse oferite în baza acordurilor bilaterale România-Bulgaria şi România-Serbia Burse de studii

Bulgaria, Serbia

Candidații care vor să obțină o astfel de bursă trebuie să transmită un dosar de candidatură la Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii, până la termenul limită anunțat în calendarul concursului. Informații privind condițiile de eligibilitate și conținutul dosarului de candidatură se găsesc în Regulamentul acestui tip de burse și în Comunicatul de presă privind lansarea concursului pentru oferta de burse transmisă de fiecare țară:

20 ianuarie 2016

Hilti Outperformer Program

Locuri de muncă Diverse Hilti is looking for talented candidates like you to join their Outperformer Program starting summer/autumn 2016.
This Outperformer Program is a two-year developmental program that will guide you through various management functions and includes multiple international workshops and assignments.
To find more information about the Program and to apply, please click here. Besides, we are organizing an exclusive online event on January 19 in which you will be able to interact directly with representatives from the company and Outperformer Trainees to ask questions about this opportunity and the company culture.
19 ianuarie 2016
Stagii de practică AUF Burse pentru stagii de practică Orice ţară

Agenţia Universitară a Francofoniei invită studenţii UPT să aplice la bursele de stagiu profesional în strainătate, în organizatii în care se foloseşte limba franceză ca limbă de lucru. Stagiile pot avea o durată de 1-3 luni şi se vor desfăşura între martie şi decembrie 2016. Stagiarii vor primi o bursă şi li se vor deconta transportul şi asigurarea de sănătate.

Candidaţii vor căuta şi obţine individual acceptul companiei gazdă. O serie de recomandări şi resurse utile sunt disponibile aici. Stagiile de practică nu se pot derula la companii din România.

Criterii de eligibilitate:

  • cunoaşterea limbii franceze (minim nivel B1)
  • statut de student în anul II sau mai mare la o universitate membră AUF. Studenţii din an terminal trebuie să efectueze stagiul înainte de finalizarea studiilor
  • obţinerea unei scrisori de accept din partea unei companii din străinătate care foloseşte limba franceză ca limbă de lucru
  • studentul nu a mai beneficiat de o altă bursă AUF.

Criterii de selecţie:

  • calitatea dosarului de candidatură (rezultate academice, CV, compatibilitatea între programul de studii şi stagiul vizat, avizul responsabilului direct)
  • diversitatea universităţilor de origine reprezentate
  • diversitatea disciplinelor de studii reprezentate
  • prioritate acordată mobilităţilor efectuate în regiunea Europei Centrale şi Orientale
  • prioritate acordată masteranzilor
  • prioritate acordată stagiilor cofinanţate
  • prioritate acordată candidaţilor care nu fac stagiul într-o universitate.

 Persoane de contact:

15 ianuarie 2016
Study in Sweden Burse pentru studii postuniversitare (master, doctorat) Suedia Cetăţenii UE sunt scutiţi de plata taxelor de studii în Suedia. Oferta cuprinde peste 700 de masterate predate în limba engleză la 35 de universităţi, dar şi programe de studii doctorale. Mai multe detalii aici.

Variază în funcţie de program

~15 ianuarie 2016

Mobilităţi de studii şi practică Erasmus+ la International School for Social and Business Studies Burse Erasmus+ de studii şi practică Slovenia Oferta academică în limba engleză pentru studenţii de la Facultatea de Management în Producţie şi Transporturi este disponibilă aici. 15 ianuarie 2016
Burse de excelență Eiffel Burse pentru studii de masterat sau doctorat Franţa Le programme de bourses Eiffel est un outil développé par le ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international afin de permettre aux établissements français d’enseignement supérieur d’attirer les meilleurs étudiants étrangers dans des formations diplômantes de niveau master et en doctorat. Il permet de former les futurs décideurs étrangers, des secteurs privé et public, dans les domaines d’études prioritaires, et de stimuler les candidatures d’étudiants originaires de pays émergents pour le niveau master et de pays émergents et industrialisés pour le niveau doctorat.Seuls les établissements français d’enseignement supérieur peuvent déposer des dossiers de candidatures. 8 ianuarie 2016
Erasmus Mundus PhD and Postdoctoral exchange programme PANTHER - Pacific Atlantic Network for Technical Higher Education and Research Mobilităţi Erasmus Mundus la nivel doctoral şi postdoctoral prin fonduri europene

Australia, Franţa, Irlanda,
Noua Zeelandă, Polonia, Spania, Ungaria


Pacific Atlantic Network for Technical Higher Education and Research – PANTHER – programme is a common initiative of European Union, Australian and New Zealand’s technical universities for research and education development.

The PANTHER consortium will focus its exchange research activities on two vertical thematic areas:
◾ Aeronautics and astronautics
◾ Power, renewable energy and new energy sources
◾ Sensing Technologies
◾ Automation and control systems
More details here.
31 decembrie 2015
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (JMD) in Mechatronic Engineering Master ERASMUS MUNDUS finanţat prin fonduri europene Germania, Spania, Franţa, Rusia,
The EU4M master`s course is aimed at highly motivated European and non-European students, holding a bachelor`s degree or equivalent (minimum 180 ECTS credits) in
Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Automotive Engineering or in a comparable fi eld of study. You should be fl uent in two of the four languages of the Consorti um: German, Spanish, French or English. Students stay the whole first year at the chosen home institution, taking courses in advanced mechatronics and languages. In the second year, students move to one of the other partner institutions to specialise. The final semester is dedicated to the master thesis and it can be completed at any of the five partner institutions (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain; Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft , Germany; École Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques de Besançon, France; Ivanovo State Power Engineering University, Russia; Nile University, Egypt), at associated partners or within a company. More details here.
31 decembrie 2015 (pentru a beneficia de bursă)
GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program

Burse de excelenţă pentru studenţi din anul II licenţă

Orice ţară Programul se adreseaza studentilor din anul II-licenta, inmatriculati la programe de studii in domeniul ingineriei, tehnologiei, economiei si managementului (arhitectura este si ea eligibila), cu excelente rezultate academice si bune cunostinte de limba engleza.

Studentii selectati vor beneficia de:
-    O bursa de 2000 USD/an pentru urmatorii 2 ani de studiu;
-    Posibilitatea de a lucra alaturi de un manager GE vreme de o zi (job-shadowing);
-    Posibilitatea de a participa la activitati de dezvoltare personala, inclusiv un seminar de dezvoltare a abilitatilor de leadership;
-    Acces la o retea extinsa de alumni ai programului.

In 30 noiembrie si 1 decembrie sunt programate prezentari online ale programului, studentii interesati avand posibilitatea de a pune intrebari direct reprezentantilor GE Foundation. Mai multe informatii sunt disponibile online: aici.
15 decembrie 2015
German Winter Course at Jade University Curs intensiv de limba germană Germania

The best place to learn German is in Germany! That is why Jade University is offering the Winter German course for those who are planning to study in Germany but also for anyone who would like to improve their German language skills. More details here.

15 decembrie 2015
Gates Cambridge Scholarship Bursă completă de studii ptr. masterat  sau doctorat la Universitatea Cambridge Marea Britanie Gates Cambridge considers applications from citizens from outside the United Kingdom who wish to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Cambridge. 2 decembrie 2015
Burse DAAD pentru cursuri de vară de limba germană Burse pentru cursuri universitare de vară în Germania Germania Bursele sunt destinate studenților și masteranzilor care doresc să își aprofundeze cunoștințele de limbă, de limbaj de specialitate și civilizație germană. Informaţii detaliate privind condiţiile de aplicare, actele necesare și cuantumul burselor pot fi consultate pe site-ul www.daad.ro sau în următoarea broșură:
1 decembrie 2015
B A Y H O S T Scholarships for graduates from Central-, Eastern- and Southeastern Europe Burse pentru studii postuniversitare (master, doctorat) Germania (landul federal Bavaria) The Bavarian State Ministry for Education, Science and the Arts will sponsor scholarships for the academic year 2016/17. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply. The scholarships are meant to finance doctoral or postgraduate studies at Bavarian universities. One year scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years. The scholarship is paid out monthly (700 €) and amounts to 8.400 € per year. Students with at least one child receive 860 € per month, which amounts to 10.320 € per year.
Application forms and further information about the program can be obtained from the website www.bayhost.de under "Scholarships".
1 decembrie 2015
Burse DAAD Burse de masterat pentru absolvenții tuturor disciplinelor (excl. domeniile artistice și economic), burse de masterat pentru absolvenţi din domeniul economic, burse pentru doctorat, stagii de cercetare pentru doctoranzi şi cercetători din cadrul universităţilor din România. Germania

În fiecare an DAAD finanţează stagiile în Germania a peste 600 de studenţi și cercetători români, în cadrul unor programe individuale de bursă și al proiectelor de cooperare instituțională. DAAD finanțează inclusiv programe cu predare în limba engleză.

Informaţii detaliate privind condiţiile de aplicare, actele necesare și cuantumul burselor pot fi consultate pe site-ul www.daad.ro sau în următoarea broșură:

15 noiembrie 2015
Industrial Engineering International Semester in English- Universidad de Valladolid (Spain) Bursă Erasmus+ de studii Spania

Universidad de Valladolid will offer from February 2016 the Industrial Engineering International Semester which offers foreign students a full semester (30 ECTS credits) in English to undertake engineering studies. The mentioned studies are structured as follows:
-12 ECTS corresponding to the student's final project and
-18 ECTS corresponding to 3 courses with 6 ECTS credits each, which students choose from amongst six proposed courses (Environment and Renewable Energies/ Science, Technology and Society/ Creativity and Innovation in Industrial Design/ System Dynamics. Modelling and Simulation in Engineering/ Project Development and management in Industrial Engineering/ Spanish Course).

Obs. Grantul Erasmus+ este în valoare de 500 EUR/lună. Informaţii despre programul Erasmus+ puteţi obţine de la Departamentul Relaţii Internaţionale.

15 noiembrie 2015
Soutien à la participation aux manifestations scientifiques par l'AUF- projet «Valorisation de la recherche» Burse pentru participarea la manifestări ştiinţifice Orice ţară Sprijin financiar pentru participarea la manifestări ştiinţifice organizate parţial sau integral în limba franceză. Detalii: aici. 15 noiembrie 2015
Quality Engineering – made in Germany Semestru internaţional predat în lb. engleză (posibilitate bursă Erasmus+ studii) Germania La finalizarea cu succes a programului se vor acorda 30 ECTS . Toate disciplinele sunt predate în limba engleză. Detalii privind acest program de studii sunt disponibile aici. Detalii orivind programul Erasmus+ se găsesc aici (dacă studentul doreşte finanţare prin Erasmus+ va contacta întâi Departamentul Relaţii Internaţionale de la UPT). 1 noiembrie 2015
Stagii de practică la Parlamentul European Stagii de practică remunerate Belgia, Luxembourg În fiecare an, Parlamentul European oferă stagii plătite și neplătite, care permit tinerilor să descopere activitatea parlamentară. La stagii pot candida absolvenți de universitate și studenți. Acestea acoperă mai multe domenii, printre care jurnalismul și traducerile.

Stagiile plătite Robert Schuman sunt deschise tuturor absolvenților de universitate. Se derulează de două ori pe an și durează cinci luni. Candidaturile pentru perioada care începe în martie 2015 pot fi trimise începând cu 15 august.

Informaţii suplimentare: aici.

15 octombrie 2015
Humboldt Winter University 2016
Şcoală de iarnă Germania

Şcolile de iarnă se desfăşoară în perioada 4-22 ianuarie 2016. Tematici:

The Berlin Wall and Cold War Era [Undergraduate Students, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]. For almost 30 years, the Berlin Wall was a symbol of the division of the city of Berlin, of Germany and of Europe during the era of the Cold War between the two superpowers, the United States of America and the Soviet Union.
How can we explain the building of such a dividing monument? How can we account for its fall in 1989? And how does the Wall influence our lives today? The course will provide answers to such questions via readings of texts from political science, sociology and history, while also taking the opportunity to explore the ground on which the events between 1961 and 1989 took place.

Cultural Memory - Museums in Berlin
[Undergraduate Students, 6 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]. Museums are keepers of our cultural memory. How are exhibitions made? What is worth collecting? What are significant tools curators use to amplify their thesis? How are objects animated, what stories do they tell and how do they respond to questions of gender or race? The course wants to look at how different museums in Berlin answer these questions.

Germany and the New World Order
[Undergraduate Students, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]. This course aims to give students a thorough understanding of German foreign policy since reunification, its bases, ideas, instruments and potentials. It will reflect upon present trends in international relations and global governance, and ponder how Germany (or any other Western power) can hope to wield power effectively in this New World Order.

European City and Regional Development Planning [Undergraduate Students, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]. The aim of this course is to understand and learn about the different challenges European regions are facing, e.g. integration and migration, social exclusion, demographic change, creative milieus, economic decline, shrinking cities and ecological renewal.

Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue in Germany [Undergraduate Students, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 585€]. This course aims to examine convergences, divergences, and parallel tracks, interrogating tensions evident between Jewish narrative within the culture of memory in Germany (Erinnerungskultur) and endeavors to represent migration today.
The focus will be on museum- and exhibit-oriented institutions, with three to four field trips to relevant sites in Berlin.

Berlin in the Winter: semi-intensive German language course covering all language levels [Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Ph.D. candidates, 4 ECTS, 45hrs, 500€]. Experience Berlin in the winter season and learn German at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. This course is specifically designed for those, who are seeking instructions in the German language and who would love to experience Germany's capital.

Mai multe detalii aici:

15 septembrie 2015  (primul termen limită, reducere a taxei cu 50 EUR)










   Termene limita: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2019. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2018. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2017. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita cuprinse intre 01.09.2014 - 30.08.2015. Burse de studii, stagii de practica si cercetare. Scoli de vara. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi. Pentru a pr...
   Burse pentru studii, stagii de practica, cercetare, specializare, conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi promovate in anul universitar 2013-2014.
   Arhiva oportunitati de studii, practica si angajare in strainatate
Piata Victoriei, Nr.2, 300006,
Timisoara, Romania
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