NOU! Abonați-vă la newsletter-ul Departamentului Relații Internaționale pentru a fi anunțați pe e-mail când se vor publica noi oferte de burse în străinătate. Abonarea la newsletter se face prin completarea formularului aflat în partea de jos a acestei pagini.

Toţi studenţii UPT care efectuează mobilităţi de studii sau de practică în străinătate
trebuie să urmeze paşii descrişi aici
pentru ca mobilitatea să poată să fie recunoscută şi echivalată.




Numele programului (link) Tip Ţară Descriere Termen limită
EDUFI Fellowships Burse pentru stagii doctorale Finlanda

The EDUFI Fellowships programme is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields, who will be doing their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university. Visiting Doctoral-level students and researchers who are doing their Doctorate degree at some foreign university can also be considered eligible, provided that the motivation letter of the hosting Finnish university department presents exceptionally good grounds for such an application.The scholarship period may vary from 3 to 12 months. The monthly allowance is 1500 euros. More details here.

Cu minim 5 luni înainte de data preconizată de începere a stagiului
Granturi AUF pentru participarea la manifestări ştiinţifice a tinerilor cercetători Grant de mobilitate pentru tineri cercetători (doctoranzi, asistenţi, lectori cu vârsta sub 40 de ani) Diverse Informaţii detaliate aici. Cu cel puţin 6 săptămâni înainte de manifestarea ştiinţifică




Numele programului (link) Tip Ţară Descriere Termen limită
Appel AUF à projets étudiants "Je connais mon métier" Finanţare pentru proiecte studenţeşti -

- destiné aux associations et aux groupes d'étudiants(maximum 4 personnes) pour la mise en place de projets de formation à l'acquisition de compétences douces, la découverte des métiers et toute autre activité socio-éducative.
- les meilleurs projets bénéficieront d'un soutien de maximum 1 000 euros de la part de l'AUF pour la réalisation des activités avant la fin de 2019.

Detalii aici.

Winter School on Physics of the Cell at University of Trento Şcoală de iarnă Italia

The Winter School on Physics of the Cell is taking place in Trento from 19 January to 1 February 2020, and is especially conceived for master's and last-year bachelor's students with a background in: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, or interdisciplinary courses including at least one of the former among the constitutive disciplines.

A good level of English is needed (B2), since all the activities will be in English.
The aim of this school is to provide the flavor of the typical problems one faces in the computer-aided investigation of biological systems, as well as an overview of the most common and effective instruments employed to this end.
The teaching methodology consists of in-class lectures, seminars and other training activities outside UniTrento spaces.

The reduced participation fee for UPT students is 450 euros (instead of 1.000) and includes accommodation in a single room in the University Students' house, all meals (except for breakfast), entrance to castles and museums, bus pass and social program.  No additional fees are due for nominated students.
A Transcript of Records will be awarded to the participants, certifying 6 ECTS (+ 2 possible additional credits for optional extra work to be sent to the academic supervisor after the summer school) .

30 Days to get a Job Challenge Program de creştere a şanselor de angajare ptr. tineri absolvenţi (+concurs) Online

Europe Language Jobs is a job board that offers internships and jobs to young multilinguals all over Europe. The 30 Days to get a Job Challenge is free to take part in, and its aim is to help young job seekers boost their employability, stand out from competitors, and send them in the direction of success - all in just 30 days!
PLUS: The participant is automatically entered in a draw to win a 2 week long language  course in Berlin or Manchester provided by ESL! (please contact for terms and conditions).
PLUS: All runners up will receive a unique employment guide with a lot of useful tips and valuable step by step information on how to find a job and get hired.
Starting on the 30th September, we will be providing daily tips and exclusive insights from industry experts on the job search to ultimately make candidates more knowledgeable about the ins and outs of the job search process. Not only do we hope to make candidates more employable - we want to encourage them to gain international experience while working abroad. Our programme will be as follows:
•    Week 1 - Self Reflection; Discover your capabilities and expand your horizons
•    Week 2 - Job Search & Preparation; Sharpening your job search tools, and optimising your CV and Social Media
•    Week 3 - The Application Process; Getting you ahead of the competition in your applications
•    Week 4 - Interview and Post-application; Going through the interview process and what to do next

More details here.

Stagii de practică plătite la Comitetul European Economic şi Social
Stagiu de practică pentru absolvenţi Belgia Stagiile cu durata de 5 luni (16.02 - 16.07.2020) oferă posibilitatea de a învăţa despre rolurile şi activităţile Comitetului, precum şi de a dobândi experienţă profesională într-un mediu multicultural. Bursa este în valoare de 1196,84 EUR/lună. Pentru mai multe informaţii accesaţi pagina programului aici. 30.09.2019
Stagii de practică plătite la Comitetul European al Regiunilor Stagiu de practică pentru absolvenţi Belgia Stagiile cu durata de 5 luni (16.02 - 16.07.2020) oferă posibilitatea de a învăţa despre rolurile şi activităţile Comitetului, precum şi de a dobândi experienţă profesională într-un mediu multicultural. Bursa este în valoare de 1196,84 EUR/lună. Pentru mai multe informaţii accesaţi pagina programului aici. 30.09.2019
Winter School 2020 New Trends in Information Technologies Școală de iarnă Franța

English taught programme (winter school) which will be held in January and free of charge for students from partner universities.

- Dates : 3 weeks programme (13th - 31st January 2020)
- Location : Brest (France)
- Language of instruction : English
- Field : Information technologies (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Communication Systems, Human Factors)

The course will allow students to explore the latest trends in information technologies, including virtual reality, artificial intelligence, human factors, robotics, cybersecurity, optical and satellite communications.

This winter school will also be a first introduction to laboratory research work as well as a discovery of the French academic environment.
24 hours of academics classes
12 hours of professional visits to industrial companies, including Thales and Naval Group,
12 hours of cultural activities, including initiation to French language

Candidații din UPT vor lua legătura cu DRI - Adriana Iacob, adriana.iacob@upt.ro.

Stagiu de practică la Banca Centrală Europeană Stagiu de practică în IT pentru absolvenți de programe de licență Germania Who are we looking for?
People with a background in Sciences or Technology, and with a strong interest in IT.
In particular, European graduates in Engineering, Computer Sciences, Maths, Physics, Business informatics, Information Systems,
Data Science, Quality management, Project management, IT governance, or alternatively with a curriculum including electives in Science and Technology.
What are we offering?
A unique opportunity to apply their skills and the knowledge acquired during their studies, enhance their employment prospects in the job market,
and gain exposure to real projects and challenges in a vibrant international environment.
Traineeship is paid.
We have a wide range of trainee projects and assignments, in the requirements description associated to the vacancy notice there’s just a
limited selection to provide the applicants with some ideas.
Every trainee is assigned to a mentor to facilitate their integration within the organisation.
How long is the traineeship?
Placements are from three to maximum twelve months in duration.
The selected trainees will start next year from early spring to autumn, depending on the agreement between the two parties.
Key urls:
Traineeship call
Requirements and assignment description
Programul Naţional de Burse a Republicii Slovace Burse pentru studenţi, doctoranzi, cadre didactice, cercetători, artişti Slovacia

Sunt eligibili:

- studenţi înmatriculaţi la o universitate din afara Slovaciei, înmatriculaţi la masterat sau care au finalizat cel puţin 5 semestre din cadrul unui program de licenţă, acceptaţi de o universitate publică, privată sau de stat din Slovacia pentru o mobilitate academică;
- doctoranzi acceptaţi pentru o mobilitate de studiu/cercetare de către o universitate din Slovacia;
- cadre didactice universitare, cercetători invitaţi pentru o sesiune de predare/cercetare de către o instituţie de cercetare sau dezvoltare eligibilă  (cu excepţia companiilor) care are sediul în Slovacia.

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1 sau 2 semestre (4-5, respectiv 9-10 luni) pentru studenţi, respectiv 1-10 luni pentru doctoranzi, cadre didactice, cercetători şi artişti.

Înregistrarea pentru prima sesiune de burse se poate face aici.

Mai multe informaţii aici.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să informeze DRI privind intenţia de îşi depune candidatura.

31.10.2019 - pentru semestrul al II-lea al anului univ. 2019-2020

Polytechnic Winter Energy School Școală de iarnă Rusia

ENERGY WINTER’20: 27 of January - 07 of February (2 weeks):
• Electrical Engineering
• Nuclear Engineering
• Oil & Gas in Energy Industry
• Turbomachinery
Besides all students from each module will be involved in wide cultural program:
Boat city tour for students to get acquainted with the beauty of the city / Excursion to the Hermitage, one of the world’s largest and oldest museums of fine art / Trip to Peterhof, world famous for its fountains / Picnic at the seashore of the Gulf of Finland where students can enjoy Russian style barbecue / Excursion to beautiful suburbs near St. Petersburg with the palaces' visit. Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Oranienbaum / Photocross / Campus tour /Russian language & culture class / Closing Ceremony in Art Space / Guest Speaker’s Day / Polytech Cup, Football championship and many other additional activities.
The regular Program fee is 50’000 Rubles for 2 weeks,
The Early Bird fee is 40’000 Rubles (available till 10 of November)
REGISTRATION is now open with all detailed information on the website http://energyschool.spbstu.ru/ss/

10.11.2019 (pentru taxă redusă de participare)
Concours d’écriture créative intitulé « Merci, mon prof ! »  Concurs pentru studenţi înmatriculaţi la programe de licenţă - A l’occasion du Jour du Prof de français, l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie en Europe centrale et orientale (AUF en ECO) lance le concours d’écriture créative intitulé « Merci, mon prof ! ». Ce concours se déroule pendant la période allant du 3 octobre au 11 novembre 2019.
Le concours a pour objectif de mettre en valeur les enseignants de français, ainsi que ceux qui enseignent une discipline en français dans les universités membres de l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale. Il est adressé aux étudiants inscrits en licence dans les universités membres de l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale.
Le meilleur article sera récompensé par un prix offert par l’AUF à l’étudiant, ainsi qu’au prof de français ou qui enseigne en français.
Pour participer, les étudiants doivent :
•    Écrire un texte créatif sous forme d’article journalistique en français (page A4, Arial 11, interligne 1) ;
•    Faire une photo avec le prof de son université (l’étudiant aux côtés du prof) ;
•    Joindre la carte d’étudiant/attestation d’inscription à l’université pour l’année universitaire 2019-2020 (et sa traduction en français) ;
•    Envoyer l’article et la photo à l’adresse georgiana.rusu@auf.org (en mettant le sujet Concours d’écriture créative « Merci, mon prof ! ») avant le 11 novembre 2019, y compris.
Pour plus de détails : https://bit.ly/2pArMK0
PhD in Architecture: Exploring the potential impacts of scaling up smart buildings to smart local energy systems on the built environment at Carditff University Bursă de doctorat Marea Britanie Informații detaliate privind eligibilitatea, finanțarea oferită și procedura de candidatură: aici. 11.11.2019
Examen pentru diploma DELF/DALF Certificare competențe limba franceză - Informații detaliate: aici. 14.11.2019
Burse DAAD

Burse pentru masterat

Burse pentru doctorat în cotutelă

Stagii de cercetare de lungă durată (1 an) pentru doctoranzi

Stagii de cercetare de scurtă durată (1-6 luni) pentru doctoranzi


Un tabel sinoptic al celor mai importante programe de burse DAAD poate fi consultat la următoarea adresă: Burse DAAD România 2020/2021

NOU! Calendarul prezentărilor burselor (+test de limba germană pentru candidați) de către lectorul DAAD din cadrul UPT, Sabina de Carlo:

21.10.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)
28.10.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)
11.11.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)
18.11.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)

De asemenea, informații privind bursele DAAD vor putea fi obținute în cadrul Zilelor Carierei (30-31 octombrie, Cantina UPT) de la standul Lectoratului DAAD.

Helmut Veith Stipend Bursă pentru masterat în domeniul calculatoare la TU Wien Austria

The Helmut Veith Stipend is awarded annually to motivated female students in the field of computer science who pursue (or plan to pursue) one of the master’s programs in Computer Science at TU Wien taught in English.

Informaţii detaliate aici.

Burse DAAD pentru școli de vară Burse pentru cursuri de vară Germania

Sunt oferite burse pentru școli de vară cu durata de 3-4 săptămâni, cursuri de limbă şi cultură, limbaj de specialitate în cadrul unei universități din Germania. Pot candida studenți înmatriculați la programe de licență în anii 2, 3, 4 și masternzi din anul 1. Detalii aici.

NOU! Calendarul prezentărilor burselor (+test de limba germană pentru candidați) de către lectorul DAAD din cadrul UPT, Sabina de Carlo:

21.10.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)
28.10.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)
11.11.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)
18.11.2019, 18:00, UPT, Clad. ASPC, et.2, sala A208 (laborator lingvistic)

De asemenea, informații privind bursele DAAD vor putea fi obținute în cadrul Zilelor Carierei (30-31 octombrie, Cantina UPT) de la standul Lectoratului DAAD.

Programul de burse al Centrului Academic Bavarez pentru Europa Centrală, de Est şi de Sud-Est (BAYHOST) Burse de masterat sau doctorat în Bavaria în anul universitar 2020-2021 Germania

Centrul Academic Bavarez pentru Europa Centrală, de Est şi de Sud-Est a lansat apelul la candidaturi pentru burse de studii de master şi/sau doctorat.
Valoarea bursei este de 750 EUR/lună. Bursele se acordă pentru 1 an universitar şi pot să fie prelungite până la 3 ani.
Mai multe detalii privind programul sunt disponibile aici.
Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să informeze DRI privind intenţia de îşi depune candidatura.

Program de burse de excelență Eiffel pentru masterat sau doctorat în Franța Burse integrale de masterat și doctorat Franța

În cadrul acestui program universitatea gazdă nominalizează studenții pe care dorește să îi susțină pentru obținerea bursei.
Se recomandă alegerea unei universități din lista de parteneri UPT, în special universitățile cu care există acorduri de dublă-diplomă: IMT Atlantique, IMT Mines Albi, Université d'Artois – IUT Béthune, École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Université de Limoges, grupul INSA.

Programul VULCANUS în Japonia Bursă pentru un curs de limba japoneză urmat de un stagiu de practică într-o companie din Japonia Japonia

Bursele Vulcanus oferă posibilitatea de a urma un curs intensiv de limba japoneză cu durata 4 luni, urmat de un stagiu de practică cu durata de 8 luni într-o companie din Japonia. Pot candida studenţi cu cetăţenie UE din anul IV licenţă, anul I sau II masterat, anul I sau II doctorat. Bursa acoperă transportul internaţional, cursul de limba japoneză, subzistenţa, cazarea.

Informaţii detaliate:

- Descrierea programului

- Formular de candidatură

- Detalii privind documentele obligatorii

- Întrebări frecvente

Burse ACBS în Bulgaria Burse pentru studii complete, burse pentru stagii de specializare,  burse pentry școli de vară Bulgaria Detalii aici. 20.01.2020
Burse ACBS în Serbia Burse pentru studii parțiale, burse pentru studii complete + burse de studii pentru etnicii sârbi din România Serbia Detalii aici. 20.01.2020
CEU Future of Big Data, Morgan Stanley, Women in Tech scholarships Burse pentru masterat (în limba engleză) Ungaria The MS in Business Analytics and MS in Finance will have at least 10-15 awards, and very likely more:
- Future of Big Data: Offered by a London boutique investment firm; up to 100% scholarship, mentoring, possible internship in London
- Morgan Stanley: Paid internship possibly leading to full-time job, up to 60% scholarship
- Women in Technology: Offered by BlackRock; up to 100% scholarship, mentoring, possible internship leading to full-time job.
The application deadline is January 30. Applicants without GMAT/GRE scores can take CEU’s online test after applying. Applicants must have a quant background, e.g. economics, statistics, science, computer science, engineering. The programs are based in Budapest with study trips to Vienna. They are designed to allow students to enter an internship or job at any time.
CEU is a U.S. university also accredited in Hungary and Austria with campuses in Budapest and Vienna. In Economics, it is ranked #101-150 by ARWU ShanghaiRanking and #151-200 by QS. The MS in Business Analytics and MS in Finance are ranked #50 and #89, respectively, in the QS Business Masters Rankings 2019.
Burse ACBC în China Burse de studii China Detalii aici. 27.01.2020
Stagii de practică la Comisia Europeană Stagii de practică remunerate pentru absolvenţi de studii superioare Belgia The traineeship programme is open to university graduates who:
1.Have a university degree or equivalent, of at least 3 years of study, corresponding to a complete cycle (Bachelor's);
2.Have a very good knowledge (C level as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) of two EU official languagues, one of which must be a procedural language: English or French or German. For non EU nationals only one procedural language is required.
3.Have no prior work experience of any kind, in excess of 6 weeks in any EU institution, body or agency, EU delegations, with Members of Parliament (MEPs) or Advocates General at the EUCJ.
More details here.

10.01.2020 - 04.02.2020

(pentru stagii în perioada 01.10.2020 - 28.02.2021)

 36e Prix du Jeune Ecrivain de langue francaise Concurs pentru tineri scriitori francofoni cu varsta intre 16 si 26 de ani -

Le Prix du Jeune Écrivain récompense des œuvres de fiction (nouvelles, contes ou récits) écrites en langue française, en prose, par de jeunes auteurs de toutes nationalités, âgés de 16 à 26 ans.

Les nouvelles des lauréats sont éditées dans un recueil publié aux Editions Buchet/Chatel, en mars de chaque année, à l’occasion du Salon du livre « Livre Paris ».

Les lauréats sont invités pour une semaine de rencontres littéraires à Paris, Toulouse et Muret, en mars pour la sortie du recueil.

De plus, en fonction de son classement au palmarès, chaque lauréat reçoit plusieurs lots :

  • Une semaine en Ateliers d’Ecriture du PJE en juillet.
  • Des lots de livres
  • Un abonnement au Petit Robert numérique
  • Un abonnement à des revues
  • Des coffrets de livres audios
  • etc.

Mai multe detalii aici.

Burse ACBS în Armenia Burse pentru studii complete, burse pentru stagii de specializare, burse pentru școli de vară Armenia Detalii aici. 14.02.2020
Burse ACBS în Cehia Burse pentru studii parțiale, burse pentru școli de vară Cehia Detalii aici. 14.02.2020
Burse ACBS în Nigeria Burse pentru studii complete Nigeria Detalii aici. 14.02.2020
Burse ACBS în Polonia Burse pentru studii parțiale Polonia Detalii aici. 14.02.2020
Burse ACBS în Slovacia Burse pentru studii parțiale + burse pentru etnicii slovaci din România Slovacia Detalii aici. 14.02.2020
European Central Bank: Traineeship Programme Stagii de practică la Banca Centrală Europeană Germania The European Central Bank has launched a new traineeship campaign: 2020-021-TRA Centralised Traineeships In the following areas:
  • Human Resources & HR Data Science
  • Compliance and Governance
  • Banking Supervision - horizontal and specialised expertise
  • Operational Risk and Business Continuity Management
  • Communications
  • Market Operations
  • Market Infrastructure and Payments
  • Information Governance
  • Risk Management
We are looking for candidates with:
  • a bachelor’s degree or higher in a field relevant to the area to which you are applying;
  • a general interest in European affairs, central banking, banking supervision and matters of relevance to the area to which you are applying;
  • a good knowledge of the MS Office package;
  • an advanced (C1) command of English and an intermediate (B1) command of at least one other official language of the EU, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, available here.
Please find the full vacancy notice here.
Școală de vară “Connecting your IoT devices” la ENSSAT Școală de vară Franța Studenții (licență, masterat) care se înregistrează până la 21.02.2020 beneficiază de o reducere de 10%. Termen limită: 21.02.2020 (early bird) / 30.04.2020 Detalii aici. 21.02.2020
Burse pentru mobilități cu durata de 3-10 luni oferite de Guvernul Ungariei Burse pentru mobilități de studii (limba de studiu: limba maghiară) Ungaria

Burse pentru mobilități de studii cu durata de 1-2 semestre. Sunt eligibili pentru acest program studenții înmatriculați la programe de licență, masterat și doctorat care cunosc limba maghiară.

Informații detaliate aici.

Burse pentru studii complete oferite de Guvernul Ungariei Burse pentru studii complete (limba de studiu: limba maghiară) Ungaria

Bursele se acordă pentru programe de studii predate în limba maghiară. În cazul în care candidatul nu are nivelul B2, atunci este necesar ca acesta să urmeze un an pregătitor de limba maghiară.

Informații detaliate aici.

Concurs AUF «Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes» Concurs pentru doctoranzi francofoni -

L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie en Europe centrale et orientale (AUF ECO) et l’Institut français de Roumanie organisent la 4ème édition du concours Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes qui se déroulera en 2020 dans toute la Roumanie !
Ce concours permet aux doctorants de présenter leur sujet de recherche, en français et en termes simples, à un auditoire profane et diversifié.
Chaque étudiant ou étudiante doit faire, en trois minutes, un exposé clair, concis et néanmoins convaincant sur son projet de recherche. Le tout avec l’appui d’une seule diapositive !
C’est un concours qui connaît un grand succès partout dans le monde puisqu’il est organisé dans plus de 18 pays !
Un des critères d’admissibilité au concours est d’être inscrit ou avoir été inscrit dans un programme de doctorat de l’année universitaire en cours (2019-2020) ou avoir obtenu son doctorat pendant l’année universitaire 2018-2019.
Des doctorants effectuant leur thèse en roumain, anglais, allemand, etc. sont les bienvenus à participer au concours. Il faut simplement pouvoir s’exprimer, pendant 3 minutes, en français pour expliquer sa thèse.
Les différentes étapes du concours sont les suivantes :
•    Inscriptions jusqu’au 1er mars 2020 ici : https://bit.ly/2tfF0Oi
•    Organisation de la finale nationale à Bucarest (le 6 mai 2020) ;
•    Finale internationale à Paris (France), en octobre 2020 (seul le 1er prix du jury de la finale nationale y participera pour représenter la Roumanie).
Vous pouvez également trouver des informations sur le site internet de l’AUF ECO : https://bit.ly/2FTIqsO

Concours AUF d’écriture créative « Raconte-moi ta francophonie » Concurs de proză pentru studenți (licență, master) francofoni -

Le texte de maximum une page A4 concluant avec un slogan/motto doit être accompagné par une image créative sous forme de photo, dessin, calligraphie originale et intitulée « Ma Francophonie ».

Detalii aici.

Concours AUF de poésie francophone Concurs de poezie pentru studenți (licență, master) francofoni -

La poésie s’encadrant dans une page A4 doit aussi être accompagnée d’une image créative sous forme de photo, dessin, calligraphie originale qui illustre le message de la poésie.

Detalii aici.

University of Klagenfurt Technology Scholarships Burse de studii (masterat) Austria

Programul se adresează absolvenților de programe de licență din anumite țări (inclusiv România) care doresc să urmeze un program de masterat în matematică, informatică, comunicații, robotică la University of Klagenfurt.

Informații detaliate aici.

Radboud Summer School 2020 Școală de vară Olanda Radboud Summer School is organized by Radboud University, one of the leading academic centres of excellence in the Netherlands. Over 850 participants from 75 countries joined us in 2019.

Our academic courses will inspire students and researchers, enable them to explore new scientific areas, develop their skills and expand their international network. All of our (over 60) courses are taught in English by renowned academics.

Since Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara is a valued partner university, UPT students have a 25% discount on the course fee if they apply before the 1st of March 2020.

More details here.
Programul de burse al Guvernului Francez

Burse pentru masterat

Burse pentru doctorat în cotutelă

Franța A fost lansat noul program de Burse al Guvernului Francez (BGF) pentru Master și Doctorat în co-tutelă 2020-2021.
Programul, dezvoltat de Ambasada Franței și Institutul Francez din România, încă din 1990, oferă tinerilor români oportunitatea de a studia în Franța. Limba franceză nu este obligatorie, chiar dacă reprezintă un avantaj, în noul program existând posibilitatea de a urma o filieră și în limba engleză!
Toate informațiile legate de criteriile de selecție, cuantumul bursei și documentele necesare pentru dosarul de candidatură sunt disponibile aici.
Trento Sustainable Summer School 2020 (TRES2020) Școală de vară Italia

For two weeks, from Monday through Friday, students participate in organized activities for approximately 8 hours per day. Weekends are free to explore the surrounding areas and other Italian cities. The academic component includes not only lectures, workshops, seminars and debates, but also field visits related to the specific School theme. In addition, there are numerous social and cultural activities, such as a guided tour of the town, a one-day excursion to the surrounding mountains and museum visits
The reduced participation cost reserved for nominated students coming from partner universities is 450 euros (instead of 1.000) and includes accommodation, meals (except for breakfast), bus pass and social activities.
All Summer and Winter Schools are completely taught in English. Therefore, a minimum English level of B2 is required.
For the Summer Schools, nominations by partner universities are due by March 15th 2020. Students apply for the summer school to their home university (contact person at UPT: adriana.iacob@upt.ro). By the end of February students can also find a provisional program on the dedicated webpage for each School.
A final screening will be done on the part of UniTrento, especially for TRES 2020 which requires a specific academic background.

For more details click here.

Burse ACBS în Azerbaijan Burse pentru studii complete, burse pentru stagii de specializare, burse pentru școli de vară Azerbaijan Detalii aici. 06.03.2020
Burse ACBS în Egipt Burse pentru studii complete Egipt Detalii aici. 06.03.2020
Burse ACBS în Mongolia Burse pentru studii complete Mongolia Detalii aici. 06.03.2020
Burse ACBS în Turkmenistan Burse pentru studii complete, burse pentru pentru stagii de specializare, burse pentru școli de vară Turkmenistan Detalii aici. 06.03.2020
 European Solidarity Corps Program pentru tineri între 18-30 ani Ţări membre UE

The European Solidarity Corps is the new European Union initiative which creates opportunities for young people to volunteer or work in projects that benefit communities and people around Europe.

If you decide to volunteer, you will not receive a wage, but will on the other hand be entitled to travel, lodging and subsistence as well as insurance coverage for the duration of the activity. You will receive relevant training before you start and after you arrive on site.

For participants doing an apprenticeship or a traineeship, there will, in some countries, be an employment contract established in accordance with the national regulations of the hosting country. A subsistence allowance will be provided.

For participants that are recruited for a job placement, there will always be a formal labour contract and a wage in accordance with local laws, regulations and collective agreements.

More details here.

Scholarship to attend The Cultural Heritage of Hungary summer course for free at the University of Pécs Bursă pentru școală de vară Ungaria

With the help of a scholarship offered by Tempus Public Foundation, higher education students, graduates and professionals can attend ‘The Cultural Heritage of Hungary’ summer course, held at the University of Pécs between July 5 - July 19, 2020, free of charge.
The objective of the very enjoyable summer program is to introduce the Hungarian cultural heritage from many different perspectives. Participants learn about the history and the current political, economic and societal challenges of Hungary. They will also gain insight into the Hungarian classical and folk music, the gastronomy and the wine culture of the country. The language of instruction is English.
The scholarship covers full tuition, field trips, meals, accommodation and various social activities for the duration of the program (visit to Orfű Aquapark, wine-tasting, Quiz Night etc).
Who can apply? higher education students, graduates and professionals
For more information, visit summerschool.pte.hu or contact summerschoolpecs@pte.hu

Burse pentru școli de vară oferite de Guvernul Ungariei Burse pentru școli de vară Ungaria Informații detaliate aici. 12.03.2020
Burse AUF pentru stagii de practică Burse pentru stagii de practică Orice țară (dar limba stagiului trebuie să fie limba franceză) L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie lance un appel pour mobilités de stages professionnels 2020. Les stages concernés doivent obligatoirement faire partie du curriculum de la formation.
Public éligible : étudiants de l'AUF en ECO (première année de licence y compris)
Prise en charge : allocation mensuelle, transport, assurance
Durée des stages : 1 à 3 mois
Période : 1er avril à 18 décembre 2020
Les étudiants doivent avoir un statut étudiant pendant le déroulement du stage (ne pas être déjà diplômés).
Stagii de practică la Secretariatul General al Consiliului Uniunii Europene Stagii de practică remunerate Belgia Stagiile se adresează absolvenților cel puțin de studii de licență, se derulează între 1 februarie - 30 iunie sau 1 septembrie - 31 ianuarie. Mai multe detalii sunt diponibile aici. 16.03.2020
Hector Fellow Academy Burse pentru studii doctorale în inginerie și științele naturii Germania

Every year, several doctoral positions in natural sciences, informatics, mathematics, medicine, psychology, or engineering are funded by The Hector Fellow Academy (HFA). Master graduates from all over the world can apply with a very good degree. Prospective PhD students get the chance to realize a self-developed research project within the discipline of a Hector Fellow. Doctoral students of the Hector Fellow Academy are employed as research assistants for a period of three years. The salary corresponds to the internal regulations at the university of the respective Hector Fellow (according to TV-L 13, up to 100%, based on the funding rates of the DFG for doctoral students).

More information here.

14th Summer School on Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy Școală de vară Italia

The XIV edition of the University of Palermo Summer School (one week, full-time, 6 ECTS) will take place from 8 to 12 June 2020, at University of Palermo in collaboration with the Cambridge Centre for Applied Research in Human Trafficking and Kore University.

The registration fee (€ 350) provides inclusive tuition, didactic material, conference kit, coffee breaks, lunch; travel and accommodation costs are not included.

Download the application form (www.migrationsummerschool.com) and send it by the 31 March 2020 to summermigrantiunipa@gmail.com. In the subject of your email, please write “Migrants, Human Rights and Democracy Summer School 2020 - University of Palermo”. Selected participants will be notified by the 7 of April. You will be expected to confirm your attendance and send payment receipts by the 30 of April.

More details here.

Burse ACBS în Palestina Burse pentru studierea limbii arabe Palestina Informații detaliate aici. 08.04.2020
Burse ACBS în Vietnam Burse pentru studii complete, burse pentru stagii de specializare Vietnam Detalii aici. 08.04.2020
Burse pentru cursuri intensive de limba franceză acordate de Delegația Generală Wallonie-Bruxelles Burse pentru cursuri de limba franceză Belgia



5th International Summer School of Medical Law and Bioethics on “Human rights in health” Școală de vară Grecia The Laboratory for the Research of Medical Law and Bioethics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) is exceptionally pleased to announce the organisation, in cooperation with the Hellenic Bioethics Commission, of the 5th International Summer School of Medical Law and Bioethics on “Human rights in health”.
The Summer School will be conducted in English, by faculty members and doctoral students from AUTh and from other universities in Greece and abroad, as well as by specialised jurists and doctors.

To express your interest (pre-subscription), you can send an e-mail with a short CV of yours to kalliopi.kipouridou@gmail.com, on a “first come, first served” basis.

The participation fee for entry forms up to April 15th 2020 is € 100 for students of all levels and € 150 for law and health professionals and for entry forms until May 15th, 2020 (final date) € 130 and € 180 respectively. These amounts do not include accommodation and personal expenses, as well as any kind of participation in any parallel activities. Upon the completion of the summer school, attendance certificates will be issued to those attending, ensuring that ECTS are provided to participants.
Khazar University International Scholarship Programme

Burse parțiale pentru licență, masterat, doctorat

Burse integrale pentru doctorat

Azerbaijan Khazar University International Excellence and Merit scholarships are extended to nationals of all countries without any limitation. The scholarships are available for potential students, both graduate and undergraduate, at all three schools of the University:
-    School of Science and Engineering
-    School of Economics and Management
-    School of Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences

You can find more information about the programs, application process and admission requirements here.

For any inquiries and further communication please email us at international@khazar.org
Festival des étudiants francophones en ECO : « Auprès des hêtres, heureux » Festivalul studențesc francofon România (Suceava) L’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie en Europe centrale et orientale  vient  de lancer un appel à manifestation d’intérêt le Festival des étudiants francophones en ECO : « Auprès des hêtres, heureux ».
Vous trouverez ci-après le lien vers la page AUF de l’appel :http://bit.ly/2TjLzKg
Public cible : étudiants en Licence et Master.
Programul Naţional de Burse a Republicii Slovace Burse pentru studenţi, doctoranzi, cadre didactice, cercetători, artişti Slovacia

Sunt eligibili:

- studenţi înmatriculaţi la o universitate din afara Slovaciei, înmatriculaţi la masterat sau care au finalizat cel puţin 5 semestre din cadrul unui program de licenţă, acceptaţi de o universitate publică, privată sau de stat din Slovacia pentru o mobilitate academică;
- doctoranzi acceptaţi pentru o mobilitate de studiu/cercetare de către o universitate din Slovacia;
- cadre didactice universitare, cercetători invitaţi pentru o sesiune de predare/cercetare de către o instituţie de cercetare sau dezvoltare eligibilă  (cu excepţia companiilor) care are sediul în Slovacia.

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1 sau 2 semestre (4-5, respectiv 9-10 luni) pentru studenţi, respectiv 1-10 luni pentru doctoranzi, cadre didactice, cercetători şi artişti.

Înregistrarea pentru prima sesiune de burse se poate face aici.

Mai multe informaţii aici.

Persoanele interesate sunt rugate să informeze DRI privind intenţia de îşi depune candidatura.

30.04.2020 - ptr. anul univ. 2020-2021

2020 International Summer School at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Școală de vară Spania The 2020 International Summer School at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid will be held from July 6 to July 31, 2020.
For two weeks students will get the chance to attends seminars, workshops, visit laboratories and research centres. Additionally, cultural activities will provide an exceptional opportunity for students to learn the basics of the Spanish language and gain an insight into Spanish culture. For more information, please consult the following webpage.
Connecting your IoT devices Școală de vară Franța ENSSAT is offering a summer school for students taking place June 24th –July 4th 2020. The programme “Connecting your IoT devices” is designed for advanced Bachelor and Master’s students. Students will experience outstanding hands-on courses together with exciting cultural activities in Brittany. The online application is open now until April 30th 2020. Places are limited as we value a personalized supervision. Early birds who register before February 21st, 2020 will receive a 10% discount. Please find more information at  http://www.enssat.fr/summer-school.

21.02.2020 - early bird


 Fulbright Student Award to the United States 2021-2022 Burse de studii (masterat, doctorat) cu durata de 9 luni Statele Unite ale Americii Programul se adreseaza studentilor si doctoranzilor romani, interesati de burse pentru programe de masterat sau pentru cercetare doctorala (non-degree) in Statele Unite ale Americii: http://www.fulbright.ro/news/1150-fulbright-student-award-2021-2022. 11.05.2020
Prix des jeunes écritures RFI-AUF Concurs literar -

Ce concours est ouvert aux jeunes francophones du monde entier, âgés de 18 à 29 ans et inscrits dans l’un des 990 établissements membres de l’AUF à travers le monde ou à l’Etablissement spécialisé de la Francophonie pour l’Administration et le Management (ESFAM).

Pour participer, les candidats doivent soumettre, au plus tard le 17 mai, un récit de fiction de 8000 caractères maximum (espaces compris) qui devra obligatoirement débuter par l’incipit : « Suis-je dans le noir ou ai-je les yeux fermés ? Peut-être les deux. »

Mai multe detalii aici.

Burse AUF pentru masterate ESFAM Burse pentru programe de masterat în limba franceză Bulgaria L'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie a le plaisir de vous informer que l’Établissement Spécialisé de la Francophonie pour l’Administration et le Management (ESFAM-institut de l'AUF) a lance sa campagne de recrutement pour l'année universitaire 2020-2021.

La mission de l'ESFAM est de former en langue française des spécialistes de haut niveau en gestion des administrations et des entreprises pour contribuer au développement des pays de la zone Europe Centrale et Orientale. En formation initiale, il propose des cursus en un an qui permettent d’obtenir des diplômes de master de grandes universités françaises et belges.

La date limite pour le dépôt des candidatures est le 31 mai 2020.
Virtual International Summer School at Polytechnic University of Madrid Școală de vară online Spania (online) In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UPM International Summer School is going virtual. Despite the circumstances, we want to continue in the spirit of previous UPM International Summer Schools with a new course delivery mechanism and substituting cultural immersion with an online Spanish language and culture offering with support from experienced UPM tutors. Check out the trending technology courses and Spanish language and culture courses on offer for 2020. We look forward to meeting you virtually in Madrid from June 15th to July 31st, 2020. Mode details here. 31.05.2020
Stagii de practică în sustenabilitate - EIT CLIMATE-KIC PIONEERS Stagii de practică de 4-6 săptămâni Diverse CCIA Timiș a lansat Sesiunea 2020 a programului EIT Climate-KIC Pioneers into Practice. Pioneers into Practice este un program educațional cu o componentă de mobilitate care oferă studenților și experților din domenii legate de schimbările climatice o experiență în tranziția către o economie cu emisii scăzute de dioxid de carbon, printr-o combinație de învățare bazată pe practică și ateliere de lucru.

Acest program se adresează studenților /profesioniștilor /experților în domenii precum sustenabilitate, durabilitate, eficiență energetică, orașe inteligente, tranziția inteligentă, managementul deșeurilor, al apei, al pădurilor, economie circulară, mobilitate, eficiența resurselor, agricultură sustenabilă, educație, cercetare, administrație.

Mai multe informații se pot obține accesând site-ul CCIA Timiș.


TECHNITIVE DAY: La movilidad aplicada del futuro

TECHNITIVE Webinar: 5g en vehículo conectado

Webinare oferite de ALTRAN (în limba spaniolă) Online TECHNITIVE DAY: La movilidad aplicada del futuro: El futuro de las ciudades inteligentes va ligado a los nuevos conceptos de movilidad. Descubre las tecnologías y servicios que lo harán posible:
Durante la jornada podrás conocer la contextualización del sector y diversos proyectos en I+D+i que se están desarrollando desde Altran como Arinbo, en el que trataremos cómo se mueve el ciudadano dentro de una ciudad para tratar de mejorar la conexión entre usuarios e infraestructuras (SW); Shutlink, un medio de transporte inteligente que puede circular en una zona restringida al tráfico y con prioridad para los peatones; o Hyperloop, un nuevo concepto de movilidad que funcionara por levitación magnética. Además, también podrás conocer todos los aspectos relacionados con la Ciberseguridad, analizando los riesgos y mostrando herramientas
INSCRIPCIONES en https://equipo.altran.es/technitive-day/ 

TECHNITIVE Webinar: 5g en vehículo conectado
La tendencia del sector de la automoción es conseguir que los vehículos operen completamente sin intervención humana, percibiendo el entorno y actuando en consecuencia. Si quieres saber más...

INSCRIPCIONES en http://equipo.altran.es/technitive-automotive-trends-5g/
No hay límite de participantes – se realiza en Youtube Live y se envía el link a las personas inscritas unas 24h antes del webinar.
Lille Catholic University - online summer modules Cursuri online gratuite Online In response to the public health crisis we were forced to reimagine our summer abroad programs, most notably our LILLE European Summer Program. However, we have decided to offer several mini-courses that highlight the history, culture, art, and innovation of Lille. These online mini-courses (each estimated to take around 3 hours to complete) will be free of charge and include exciting historical and cultural topics relating to Lille, France, and the region. For more detailed information on the courses, including objectives, dates, and registration info, you can visit our webpage. These mini-courses should be of interest to any students who would like to discover more about Lille before joining us through any of our existing exchange partnerships. 15.06.2020
Burse ACBS în Iordania Burse pentru studii complete Iordania Detalii aici. 16.06.2020
International summer programme/German as a foreign language at the University of Augsburg Școală de vară  Germania

International Summer Programme German as a Foreign Language - Universität Augsburg - 27 July – 21 August 2020
Course Description
The International Summer Programme is a projectbased language course that uses the city of
Augsburg to explore and gain a deeper understanding of aspects of German culture. Students will work in small teams and receive intensive language support from qualified instructors. During this four-week course, they will also have access to the university library and computers. As a tradition, students take part in the “Festival of Peace“ (Hohes Friedensfest), which is celebrated in the city of Augsburg on 8 August every year.
• Course Fees 2020: € 380.00 (accommodation and meals not included)
• Accommodation: twin bedrooms at a hostel in the city centre (including Wi-Fi and shared kitchens, meals not included) for € 525.00 per person for the entire duration of the course. Alternatively, accommodation can be arranged by the participants themselves.
• Meals: The canteen and cafeterias on the university campus offer affordable food and drink (except on weekends and on public holidays).
• Requirements: Participants must be at least 18 years old and must have advanced German language skills (a minimum of B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference, preferably level C1).
• Further information and registration form:

Online Summer Spanish Course at the University of Burgos Curs intensiv de limba spaniolă Online The course in short:
•    3 weeks
•    6 ECTS
•    80 hours (20 collaborative work + 60 individual work)
•    Through AVE
•    Individual monitoring and tutoring
•    Additional interactive activities
•    includes some synchronous and asynchronous activities
•    Levels: A2-B1-B2 (B2 upon enough number of participants).
•    Price: 120€
•    Registration deadline: 30th June.

Further information: https://www.ubu.es/centro-internacional-del-espanol/spanish-courses/spanish-courses-online/spanish-today-burgos-online-course
Should you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jesús González at the Spanish Center: incourses@ubu.es
International Winter School 2020 of Latin American contemporary challenges Școală de vară Online We are pleased to announce the UNL's International Winter School 2020 of Latin American contemporary challenges, that will be held on virtual modality from July 27th to August 14th.
All undergraduate and master international students are welcome to the UNL's Winter School but they must to know that courses will be taught in Spanish.
The requirements and necessary information is included in the attached files and you can visit our site: www.unl.edu.ar/escueladeinvierno
TECHNITIVE webinar: Introducción a GTD y su aplicabilidad en la gestión de tareas Webinar Online La metodología GTD (Getting Things Done) fue desarrollada por David Allen y tiene como premisa fundamental obtener la mayor productividad sin apelar a la memoria sino a la organización. Esto es aplicable no solo a nuestro trabajo y proyectos sino a nuestro día a día, todo con el único objetivo de cumplir nuestras tareas y actividades sin agobios, pero eficientemente.

URL para INSCRIPCIONES en  https://equipo.altran.es/technitive-gtd/
MagyarOK - Digital Summer University Curs intensiv de limba maghiară (online) Ungaria

For more information about the program, please visit the website: https://isc.pte.hu/language_learning_opportunities

The application form:

Online Summer Energy Schools at St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Școală de vară online Rusia (online) ENERGY SUMMER-2020: 20 - 31 of July
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Oil & Gas in Energy Industry
  • Turbomachinery
  • Digitalization in Energy Industry
The Tuition fee is 20 000 rubles (approx. 245 EURO)

Moreover, students, who apply for Summer School 2020 will have a 50% discount for On Campus Energy School Courses in 2021!

The REGISTRATION is open: http://energyschool.spbstu.ru/ss/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/polytech.energy.school
Konrad Adenauer Scholarship Program for Master or PhD studies in Germany Program de burse de masterat / doctorat Germania Informații detaliate aici. 15.07.2020
Programme universitaire d'été Școli de vară Albania, Cehia, Slovenia, Georgia, Macedonia de Nord,  România Informații detaliate aici. Variabil
French language course offered by Lille Catholic University  Curs online  Online In addition, our Faculty of Modern Languages (CLARIFE) is offering online French language courses this summer. These courses will be more traditional in the sense that there are scheduled video class times, homework assignments, and transferable ECTS credits. These courses are fee-paying and available for all levels of French proficiency. Please feel free to pass on this information to your French language departments and/or directly to any interested students. Information is also available on our webpage.  N/A



   Termene limita: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2019. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2018. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2017. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2016. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita cuprinse intre 01.09.2014 - 30.08.2015. Burse de studii, stagii de practica si cercetare. Scoli de vara. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi. Pentru a pr...
   Burse pentru studii, stagii de practica, cercetare, specializare, conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi promovate in anul universitar 2013-2014.
   Arhiva oportunitati de studii, practica si angajare in strainatate
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