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Atenție! Toţi studenţii UPT care efectuează mobilităţi de studii sau de practică în străinătate trebuie să urmeze paşii descrişi aici pentru ca mobilitatea să poată să fie recunoscută şi echivalată.

Nume program Tip Țară Descriere Termen limită
Hack2Change Hackathon Hackathon Online

În cadrul proiectului EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIES - E³UDRES² – Engaged and Entrepreneurial European University as Driver for European Smart and Sustainable Regions, pe data de 23-24 septembrie 2021 va fi organizat hackathon-ul Smart and Sustainable Regions unde studenți și antreprenori sunt invitați să găsească soluții la probleme regionale în legătură cu economia circulară, contribuția umană la inteligența artificială sau bunăstarea și procesul de îmbătrânire activă.
Evenimentul va avea loc online iar echipele de participanți vor fi coordonate de mentori consacrați, familiarizați cu problemele regiunii din care provin. Studenții Universității Politehnica Timișoara - de la toate specializările și din toți anii de studiu - sunt invitați să participe la eveniment, având posibilitatea să descopere lucruri noi, să integreze echipe internaționale și să-și pună amprenta asupra viitorului regiunilor noastre Europene, toate acestea în cele 36 de ore cât durează evenimentul.
O serie de premii și momente artistice sunt puse la dispoziția participanților. Mai multe informații se regăsesc la https://eudres.eu/hackathon-2021.

TECHNITIVE Capgemini Engineering -->CONNECTIVIDAD DEL VEHICULO AUTÓNOMO Webinar în limba spaniolă Online
¿Cómo los sistemas de comunicación como el 5G pueden mejorar la conducción de los vehículos autónomos, sus requisitos técnicos y percepción?
URL para INSCRIPCIONES en à https://bit.ly/VehiculoAutonomoU
Totalmente gratuitos, de 1h de duración máxima, no hay límite de participantes y se realiza en Youtube Live enviando el link a las personas inscritas unas 24h antes del webinar. 
2022 Winter Schools at the University of Trento Cursuri intensive Italia

The two International Winter Schools will both take place with students physically present on the campus from 17 to 28 January 2022.

By 30 September 2021, UPT can nominate up to 4 or 5 upper-level Bachelor’s and/or Master’s students for each Winter School. UniTrento will carry out a final screening of applicants and send an acceptance e-mail to admitted students.

The reduced participation fee reserved for nominated students coming from partner universities is 400 euros.

You can find all details about costs, specific requirements and any updates on the COVID safety measures and travel restrictions on the dedicated web pages below:

1) Winter School on Gender Equality in Times of Populism and Soveregnism - GETPoS

2) Winter School on Survey Sampling Methods - SuSaM
We ask you to please spread all this news among your students.

Fly Your Thesis! (FYT) programme Concurs pentru echipe de studenți (masteranzi sau doctoranzi) Franța

The Fly Your Thesis! (FYT) programme is a once in a lifetime opportunity for students to propose, design, build, test and fly their experiment on board a parabolic flight. During the Parabolic Flight Campaign, operated by Novespace in Bordeaux, France, student teams are able to participate in three flights with 31 parabolas per flight. As one parabola contains approximately 22 seconds of microgravity, the teams experience over 10 minutes of microgravity per flight and can thus benefit from over 30 minutes of microgravity in total to achieve their scientific objectives.

To be eligible for the FYT! programme, your team must consist of at least 4 master or PhD students enrolled at a university within an ESA Member State, Canada, Slovenia or Lithuania. Diversity and equal representation should be a key focus when building the experiment team. It is important that the submitted proposal describes how the team composition is optimised to best achieve the experiment objectives indicating that skills and competences are balanced appropriately.

Teams will be required to submit an accurately completed Experiment Proposal (EP) document detailing their experiment, the need for microgravity conditions, the connection to their master or PhD study and how the team would cope with team member turnover. Although not part of the selection criterion, we ask the teams to see how their experiment objectives align with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the ESA Strategic Goals. ESA will select a number of teams to qualify for the next round of the selection process based on the quality of the team’s proposal.

More details here.

Winter University Program 2022 at Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Program hibrid (prima parte online, a doua parte față-în-față) Germania The Winter University Program is a blended program, combining online lectures and on-site lectures. We will start with online lectures in the week of November 1. Students are expected to attend one 1,5h long online seminar each week until mid-December. On December 29, 2021, students will arrive in Darmstadt where we continue with a New Year’s Eve celebration, lectures and a fun cultural and social program. During the on-site part we will focus on company visits, labs and intercultural group work.

Students can choose to attend one of the following modules (4 credits each):
1) International Marketing and Sales
2) Digital Society(ies)
3) Sustainable Supply Chains (new)

In addition to the academic seminar, students will attend a German Language Course (2 credits).

For the social and cultural program, we will offer the following activities:
- Intercultural Training
- Excursions to Frankfurt/Main and Heidelberg
- Indoor Rock Climbing
- Ice skating
- Retro games night
- German cookie night

Tuition waivers are offered to students from partner universities, so students only have to pay 900 Euro for the entire program (included in the program fee: accommodation, seminar materials and company visits, all planned excursion and cultural activities, public transportation within the city of Darmstadt, insurances).

UPT can nominate up to 4 students. Application deadline is October 10. By then Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences needs both the nomination email and the students’ online application.

You can find more information on our new website: https://wup.h-da.de/

Obs. Studenții UPT care doresc să candideze pentru aceste programe vor transmite o scrisoare de motivație până în 03.10.2021 pe adresa de e-mail adriana.iacob@upt.ro menționând pentru care dintre cele trei module optează. 

Termen limită UPT: 03.10.2021

Termen limită parteneri: 10.10.2021

Windesheim Sustainable Development Generation Festival Workshop-uri online Online The Windesheim Sustainable Development Generation Festival will be organised this year between 11-13 October and will be focusing on the theme of 'Education for a Sustainable Future'. Every day has its own programme, of which the Monday and
Wednesday are entirely online and in English. As a partner of Windesheim it is our pleasure to invite you to participate in this event!

Sign up for one or more (online) activities or attend an online presentation of the keynote speakers. The entire programme is available here, where the registration form can also be found.
CERN Technical Student Programme Stagiu de practică remunerat Elveția

Burse pentru stagii de practică cu durata între 4 și 12 luni în domeniile: știința materialelor, fizică aplicată, IT, matematică, robotică, inginerie civilă, inginerie mecanică, inginerie electrică, electronică. Pot candida studenți înmatriculați la programe de licență sau masterat.

Detalii aici.

CERN Doctoral Student Programme Stagii de cercetare remunerate Elveția Detalii aici. 11.10.2021
CERN Administrative Student Programme Stagii de practică remunerate Elveția

Burse pentru stagii de practică cu durata între 2 și 12 luni în domeniile: traducere, resurse umane, științe administrative, logistică, drept, finanțe, contabilitate, management, comunicare, relații publice, etc. Pot candida studenți înmatriculați la programe de licență sau masterat.

Detalii aici.

Stages en traduction AUF-RFI à distance 2021, 2e session Stagii de practică remunerate România Informații detaliate aici. 15.10.2021
Concurs internațional de jurnale de calatorie Concurs - Universitatea Clermont Auvergne (UCA) lansează al șaptelea concurs internațional de jurnale de călătorie pentru studenți.

Deschis tuturor persoanelor înscrise într-o instituție de învățământ superior din Franța sau din străinătate, participarea la concurs implică transpunerea unei experiențe trăite în timpul unei călătorii, în text și imagini, în funcție de observațiile și creativitatea autorului.
Câștigătorul va primi un premiu de 500 de euro.

Pentru a participa la concurs, studenții se pot înregistra online: https://www.uca.fr/actualites/agenda/7eme-prix-international-du-carnet-de-voyages-etudiant?RH=1477640486406&LANGUE=0 până în 18 octombrie 2021.
Sesiune de informare privind mobilitățile Erasmus la University of Klagenfurt Sesiune online Online Studenții potențiali interesați de mobilități Erasmus la Alpen-Adrian University of Klagenfurt sunt invitați la o sesiune de prezentare organizată online în data de 19.10.2021, ora 1 CEST (echivalent: ora 2 EEST pentru România). Link către sesiunea online: aici. 19.10.2021
4th International Soft Skills Academy Cursuri online online HIT and the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU), Greece, are thrilled to invite staff and students join the 4th International Soft Skills Academy!
*  Lectures will take place between Oct. 21st to Nov. 3rd 2021.
*  Cost per lecture: 4.90 €
*  Registration is mandatory
*  Participants attending 4 lectures (and more) will receive a certificate upon completion.
*  The program will be conducted in English via Zoom
*  Lectures will be given between 18:30-20:00 IDT (UTC+3)
*  For full details and registration, click here
21.10.2021, dar locurile sunt limitate și se ocupă în ordinea înscrierii
Atelier de comunicare în limba franceză Atelier online online

Atelierul virtual este moderat de Kevin Raynaud, lector francez în UPT, și are ca temă literatura. Participanții vor discuta în limba franceză despre cărțile care i-au inspirat și pe care doresc să le recomande celorlalți. Pot participa studenți de la toate specializările și ciclurile de studii.
Atelierul va avea lor la 16:00 pe Zoom.
Link: aici

Burse DAAD pentru masterat / stagii de specializare în artele spectacolului Burse de studii / specializare  Germania

Burse pentru studii de masterat cu durata de 1-2 ani sau stagiu de specializare cu durata de 10 luni, în limba germană sau engleză, în universități din Germania
Pot candida: studenți în an terminal sau absolvenți din domeniile artă, design
Termen limită: 02.11.2021
Detalii: aici

Burse DAAD pentru masterat (toate disciplinele)
Burse de studii Germania Burse pentru studii de masterat cu durata de 1-2 ani, în limba germană sau engleză, în universități germane
Pot candida: studenți în an terminal sau absolvenți din orice domeniu de studii
Termen limită: 15.11.2021
Detalii: aici
Burse DAAD pentru doctorat cu dublă coordonare / cotutelă
Burse de studii doctorale Germania Burse pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 1-2 ani în cadrul unei universități sau institut de cercetare din Germania
Pot candida: absolvenți, doctoranzi
Termen limită: 15.11.2021
Detalii: aici
Burse DAAD pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de un an
Burse de cercetare Germania Burse pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 7-12 luni, în cadrul unei universități sau institut de cercetare din Germania
Pot candida: doctoranzi
Termen limită: 15.11.2021
Detalii: aici
Burse DAAD pentru stagii de cercetare de scurtă durată
Burse de cercetare Germania Burse pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 1-6 luni, în cadrul unei universități sau institut de cercetare din Germania
Pot candida: doctoranzi, tineri cercetători, post-doctoranzi
Termene limită: 15.11.2021, 02.05.2022
Detalii: aici
Webinar pentru studenți francofoni interesați de stagiile de practică AUF Webinar Online Le 2ème webinaire dédié aux étudiants francophones stagiaires de la région ECO aura lieu le 17 novembre 2021 à 16h, heure de Bucarest.

L'information est aussi disponible en ligne sur https://www.facebook.com/events/606999873978236/ pour la partager à nos universités membres : étudiants et enseignants y compris.

Concurs AUF "Merci, mon prof. d'universite!" Concurs Online

A l’occasion du « Jour du Prof de français 2021 », l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie Europe Centrale et Orientale lance le concours vidéo « Merci, mon prof d’université ! » 2.0.

Ce concours s'adresse aux étudiants inscrits à un programme de licence ou de master dans les universités membres de l'AUF Europe centrale et orientale.

La date limite d'envoi des vidéos est le 23 novembre 2021 à 17h CET.

Detalii: aici.

Online event for students: the German ‘car craze‘ Eveniment online Online

The German ‘car craze‘ is an online event organised by Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences on 28 November 2021 at 6 p.m. (UTC+1) which  includes a virtual tour of Mercedes-Benz, one of the best known automobile manufacturers in the world. The event is free of charge for students from partner universities around the globe.

Sign up by sending an e-mail to the organisers here.

More details are available here.

Burse DAAD pentru masterat/stagii de specializare în arte plastice, design, comunicare vizuală și film
Burse de studii / specializare Germania Burse pentru masterat cu durata de 1-2 ani sau stagiu de specializare de 10 luni în limba germană sau engleză, în universități din Germania
Pot candida: studenți din an terminal sau absolvenți din domeniile artă, film și design
Termen limită: 30.11.2021
Detalii: aici
Burse DAAD pentru cursuri universitare de vară  Burse pentru școli de vară Germania Burse pentru cursuri de limbă și cultură cu durata de 3-4 săptămâni în cadrul unei universități din Germania
Pot candida: studenți din anii 2-4, masteranzi din anul 1
Termen limită: 01.12.2021
Detalii: aici
Scholarships for postgraduate studies, PhDs or research sojourns at Bavarian universities (Germany) Burse de studii, granturi de cercetare Germania The Free State of Bavaria (Germany) will sponsor scholarships for the academic year 2022/23 via BAYHOST.
Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and the Ukraine are eligible to apply.
The scholarships are meant to finance postgraduate studies, PhDs or one-year research sojourns at Bavarian universities. The one-year scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years. The application deadline is 1 December 2021.
Further information can be found at:
https://www.uni-regensburg.de/bayhost/english-1/bayhost/english/scholarships/study-in-bavaria/index.html  (in English)
https://www.uni-regensburg.de/bayhost/stipendien/incoming/index.html(in German).
You are welcome to pass this information to all students / persons who might be interested. You can also share the call for application on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Bayhost-555365254630705/
For questions regarding the scholarship, please contact BAYHOST.
Conferință internațională pentru studenți "Open Science and Internationalisation" Conferință Albania Detalii aici. 01.12.2021
The Cultural Heritage of Europe Winter School Școală de iarnă Online The University of Pécs in Hungary will organize an online winter school about The Cultural Heritage of Europe between February 7-18, 2022.
Students will participate in a virtual mobility program to learn about current challenges and opportunities in Europe. The classes will be facilitated by internationally renowned professors from the University of Pécs. Students can earn credits for completing the program as they study together with students from across Europe. In addition to the classes, engaging social programs will be organized to create an intercultural community for the participants.
Students can apply individually HERE .
TECHNITIVE: DESCARBONIZAR LA ENERGÍA Webinar Online La actividad industrial y doméstica actual están inmersas en una vorágine de producción para satisfacer el incremento alarmante de la demanda energética. Los recursos finitos y los síntomas de alarma de nuestro planeta y de nuestra sociedad, requieren la creación de soluciones novedosas para responder a los distintos retos tecnológicos y sociales de manera que el progreso hacia un horizonte sostenible, razonable y equilibrado sea de verdad una realidad inmediata.

¿Quieres saber cómo? En el webinar se tratará cómo desde Capgemini Engineering se trabaja en distintas iniciativas en relación al sector de energías renovables. ¡Te esperamos!

URL para INSCRIPCIONES en https://bit.ly/32WMuYd
15.12.2021, 16 PM – 17 PM CEST
Electrocatalysis Winter School at University of Antwerp Școală de iarnă (cu taxă de participare) Belgia

The Winter school on Electrocatalysis towards a greener society is a one-week programme, hosted by the University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) and the group of applied electrochemistry and catalysis (ELCAT) of the applied engineering faculty within the frame of a European Interreg 2 Seas program (E2C, Electrons to high value chemical products). More details here.

re-ACT by design Winter School at the University of Antwerp
Școală de iarnă (cu taxă de participare) Belgia

The Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp invites international designers/ artists/ researchers and students to "re-ACT by design". The goal of the yearly International Design Workshop week 're-ACT by design' is to trigger the creative and active design attitude among master students in (Interior) Architecture, Product Development, Urbanism & Spatial Planning, Heritage Studies, Visual Arts, or other related fields. The central aim is to explore how design and art education not only speaks to students but also entails the power and capacity to address relevant societal challenges. ​

Over the course of one week you will engage in a workshop with 15 students guided by an international tutor (duo) who will take you out of your comfort zone, open the eyes, widen thinking and foster new encounters.

More details here.

Online Winter Energy Schools in St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia Școală de iarnă Rusia sau online The Energy Winter Academy in St.Petersburg Polytechnic University (January 17th — 28th 2022) has 8 engineering modules (Electrical Engineering / Nuclear Engineering / Oil & Gas in Energy Industry / Turbomachinery / Digitalization in Energy Industry / Power Electronics / Renewable Energy / Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development) and 2 formats: online (deadline is 1st of January) and blended (for EU countries, India and Iran the deadline is 15 of December, for the rest countries — 6 of December).
Please see our website for more details.

15.12.2021 (format hibrid)


01.01.2022 (format online)

Oferte Erasmus+ de practică Locuri de practică -

Process Engineering Internship, Anglia
Research and Development Internship, Anglia
Electronic Engineering Internship_RF Design, Cambridge, Anglia

Back End Developer Internship, Bristol, Anglia
Data Analysis Internship, Oxford, Anglia

Data Analysis Internship, Anglia
Electronics Testing Internship, Anglia
Electronic Engineering Internship, Cambridge, Anglia
Research and Development Internship, Anglia

Economist Graduate Programme 2022 at the European Central Bank Oportunitate de angajare (2 ani) pentru absolvenți de masterat, doctoranzi, absolvenți de doctorat Germania

Type of contract  Two-year fixed-term contract starting on 1 September. It may be extended for one additional year upon successful completion of the programme.

Who can apply?  EU nationals

Salary  E/F (1) (minimum full time monthly net salary €4,167 and benefits, see further information section)

Role specialisation  Graduate Programme

Working time  Full time

Place of work  Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Closing date  03.01.2022

More details here.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
ME3+ - European Joint Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy +
Bursă pentru masterat Italia,
Ungaria, Franța, Suedia

The European Joint Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy + is an innovative Master programme combining Energy and Environmental Process Engineering with Management and Social Sciences, as well as Information and Communication Technology. UniTrento is involved in the study track 3 “Project Manager in Smart Cities and Industry 4.0” with the Free University of Bolzano, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) and IMT Atlantique (France, coordinator). The University of Borås (Sweden) is also a partner in the project.

Detalii aici.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
IMSISS - International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies
Bursă pentru masterat Italia,
Marea Britanie, Cehia,

Students in International Master in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies will examine a broad range of contemporary security challenges, such as terrorism, civil war and conflict, mass migration, energy supply security, cybersecurity and new technologies, transnational and serious organised crime. Students will also explore the intelligence and strategic approaches used by governmental and non-governmental actors to combat these threats. UniTrento’s School of International Studies is involved in the “Causes of Conflicts” study track (Pathway B). The IMSISS consortium includes also the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom, coordinator), Charles University (Czech Republic) and Dublin City University (Ireland).

Detalii aici.

7ème Festival International de Théâtre Francophone pour la Jeunesse à Zabrze
Festival de teatru pentru liceeni și studenți Polonia La festival pot participa trupe formate din 4-10 tineri cu vârsta cuprinsă între 15 și 27 de ani. Informații detaliate aici. 15.01.2022
Invitation to the Russian Language Winter School "Discover Siberia with Dostoevsky" Curs intensiv de limba rusă Rusia The Russian Language Winter School "Discover Siberia with Dostoevsky" will take place on February 3-18, 2022 at Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russia.

The Winter School is designed for those who would like to start learning Russian from scratch as well as for those who wish to improve their Russian language skills and offers Russian language program in a small group based on the Russian language competence as well as socio-cultural program that aims to help participants to explore Siberia and learn the Russian culture.

Deadline for applications:
December 15, 2021
(EU citizens can apply until January 17, 2022)

Course Fees: 30 000 RUB (approx. 400€ / 450$).

Upon successful completion of the program participants will get the Russian Language School Certificate (4 ECTS).

More information can be found on our website.
Vulcanus in Japan programme Bursă pentru curs de limba japoneză + stagiu de practică într-o companie din Japonia Japonia

The trainee programme VULCANUS IN JAPAN offers industrial placements in companies in Japan to EU and COSME university students of engineering, high-tech or other scientific fields, enrolled -when applying- in between the 4th official year of studies and the penultimate year of PhD.
The programme lasts one year, from September 2022 to August 2023.

Info on what is the Vulcanus Programme:

Info on the application process

Applications shall be submitted online by 20.01.2022

Burse ACBS în Bulgaria

Burse pentru studii de doctorat

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

  • Câte 5 burse pentru studii universitare de doctorat
  • 20 luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare postuniversitară sau universitară, fracționabile pe durate de la 2 la 9 luni.
  • Detalii aici.
Burse ACBS în Serbia

Burse pentru studii complete

Burse pentru mobilități de studii

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

  • 2 burse pentru studii universitare complete sau parțiale;
  • Până la 20 de luni de bursă pentru specializare, studii postuniversitare și doctorat. Durata cea mai mare de bursă este de 9 luni, iar cea mai scurtă de 3 luni.
  • Detalii aici
Stagii de practică Erasmus+ Oferte de stagii de practică  -

Design engineering internship, Belfast, Irlanda de Nord

Software engineering internship, Bristol, Anglia

Digital content design internship, Londra, Anglia
Digital marketing internship - Graphic, Belfast, Irlanda de Nord

Electronic engineering internship, Glasgow, Scoția
Digital marketing internship (lb. franceză), Derby, Anglia
Digital marketing internship (lb. germană), Derby, Anglia
Digital marketing internship (lb. italiană), Derby, Anglia

Business development and research, Belfast, Irlanda de Nord

1GLOBAL TRANSLATORS, located in Barcelona, Spain, provides translation and interpretation services in all languages and offers the opportunity to do an internship for a period of three months or more in the Project Coordination, Human Resources department, and the Administration department.

ADMINISTRATION (from May 2022):
- Billing, payment management, collection management, accounting
- Manage the finances of the company
- Check and record invoices (for clients and suppliers)
- Verify and record bank transactions
- Manage calls and emails
- Logistical management

HUMAN RESOURCES (from April 2022)
- Organising the employees, freelance translators and the new interns
- Update the database of professionals
- Communicate with candidates for internships
- Look for new translators
- Be in charge of the management of communication of CVs we receive
- At least a medium high level of Spanish is required


- Coordination of translations and interpretations
- Contact with clients and translators
- Preparation of quotations
- Project assignments
- Translation, interpreting and proofreading orders/acceptances for our clients and suppliers
- Delivery of translations
- Call and email management

- The internships take place in Barcelona, except for the coordination department, which can be online or in person
- All trainees will have a tutor and will be supervised by the tutor.
- The internships have the following monthly support: 100€ (4h/day), 110€ (5h/day), 125€ (6h/day), 150€ (7h/day) and 175€ (8h/day). The total amount of the remuneration will be paid at the end of the internship (not monthly).

Minimum requirements:
- Spanish and English (high spoken and written level)
- Office Pack (advanced user level)
- Internship Agreement from University/College

Interested students can send us their CV by e-mail.

Prix du Jeune Écrivain Concurs literar Franța

Concursul se adresează tinerilor francofoni cu vârsta cuprinsă între 16 și 26 de ani. 

Informații detaliate aici

Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG) Bursă de participare la eveniment Program hibrid: parțial online, parțial față-în față la Trieste, Italia Tineri cu vârsta între de 18 şi 30 de ani pot câştiga o bursă pentru a putea participa la primul eveniment organizat în cadrul forumului european European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG).
Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG) are scopul de a permite dialogul,  dezbaterile și schimbul de idei între 30 de tineri din toată Europa, care vor învăța mai mult despre Internet Governance și vor avea posibilitatea de a-și discuta ideile cu experți în materie.
Concluziile forumului YOUthDIG vor fi prezentate atât în cadrul EuroDIG cât și al forumului mondial al Națiunilor Unite UN Internet Governance Forum.
Înscrierea este online, completând un formular, care va fi disponibil din data de 10 ianuarie 2022 ora 18:00 CET până în 10 februarie 2022 la ora 23:59 CET.
Pentru mai multe informații vă rugăm să accesați https://www.eurodig.org/get-involved/youthdig/.
Stages de traduction à distance en partenariat avec la RFI Roumanie Stagii de practică Online Dans le cadre de son partenariat avec RFI Romania, l'AUF ECO lance une première session des stages en traduction à distance pour 2022:
Concours régional «Transformer les bonnes idées en start-up » 2022 Concurs pentru echipe de studenți (licență, masterat) - L’AUF ECO et l’Université Politehnica de Bucarest lancent un concours régional à destination des étudiants francophones de niveau licence et master pour les inciter à présenter leur idée de start-up tech.
Objectifs de l’appel régional à candidatures :
•    éveiller l’esprit entrepreneurial des jeunes francophones des universités membres de l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale en leur permettant d’explorer le milieu de l’entrepreneuriat et ses acteurs diversifiés;
•    accompagner/bonifier les projets innovants, créatifs et audacieux des jeunes francophones ;
•    appuyer la mise en place des pratiques innovantes de préincubation et d’accélération dans la région ECO ;
•    favoriser les partenariats nationaux et régionaux entre les universités et les milieux socioéconomiques.
Mais surtout, ce concours est une occasion unique pour :
•    trouver une manière de transformer son idée en réalité, tenter de réaliser un projet innovant ou transformer un hobby en entreprise ;
•    avoir un regard externe sur son projet de start-up et être accompagné par des professionnels du domaine dans la mise en place de son idée de start-up.
Les candidats doivent :
•    se constituer/présenter en équipe de maximum 5 étudiants francophones ;
•    chaque membre de l’équipe doit être régulièrement inscrit(e) dans une université membre de l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale pendant toute la période du déroulement du concours (décembre 2021 – juillet 2022, année universitaire 2021 – 2022);
•    être francophone (niveau B1 ou supérieur) ;
•    compléter le formulaire du concours (un formulaire par équipe) sur la plate-forme auf.org (Concours régional « Transformer les bonnes idées en start-up » 2022, AUF Europe centrale et orientale).
Date limite : le 15 février 2022 à 24h (heure de Bucarest)
Plus d’info disponible sur https://www.auf.org/nouvelles/appels-a-candidatures/concours-regional-transformer-les-bonnes-idees-en-start-2022
Graduate Programme 2022 at European Central Bank Oportunitate angajare (contract 2 ani) Germania

Requirements (essential): 
•    a master’s degree or PhD completed between 1 February 2020 and 31 January 2022 (alternatively, if you are due to complete a PhD in 2022, your master’s degree can have been obtained before 1 February 2020) – candidates with a PhD, or who will obtain a PhD in 2022, will have an advantage;
•    qualifications in a field of interest to the ECB, e.g. economics, finance, statistics, accounting,
•    financial/commercial/EU law, data science, political science, European studies, international relations, business administration, journalism and communications, environmental sciences, other social sciences, psychology, information technology, civil engineering, engineering, mathematics, languages, human resources, natural sciences or facility management;
•    a clear interest in and understanding of European affairs, central banking, banking supervision and matters of relevance to ECB business areas;
•    an advanced (C1) command of English and an intermediate (B1) command of at least one other official language of the EU, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Requirements (desired):
•    Experience in the field of data science and/or programming and/or media/social media (e.g. data management, statistical and econometric analysis, big data tools, data visualisation, artificial intelligence and machine learning, media monitoring and analysis, web and social media analytics, data processing or general application and system programming).
•    You engage collaboratively with others. You pursue team goals and learn willingly from other people’s diverse perspectives. You signal any need for change by explaining it and proposing alternative solutions. You analyse complex information effectively and can evaluate different views to arrive at solutions. You know and anticipate stakeholder needs.
•    You are motivated to contribute to the ECB’s mission, to serve the citizens of the EU as a member of a public institution and to work with colleagues from all over Europe. You are motivated to be a part of our team and to use your skills and competencies to achieve the objectives of this position. You are aware of your strengths and areas of development and know what motivates you to perform at your highest level.

Closing date: 21.02.2022

Who can apply?  EU nationals.

Salary  E/F (1) (minimum full time monthly net salary €4,229 and benefits, see further information section)

Working Modalities
This is a two-year fixed-term contract which we aim to start from 1 September 2022 and to last until 31 August 2024. It may be extended for one additional year upon successful completion of the programme. While on the Graduate Programme you can apply for vacancies that are advertised both internally and externally. Upon successful completion of the programme and subject to business needs, participants are eligible to be directly appointed to positions at the ECB.

Further information
You can find additional information on the Graduate Programme on our website.

Burse ACBS în Cehia

Burse pentru mobilități de studii

Burse pentru cursuri de vară

  • 27 luni de bursă pentru studenții, masteranzii și doctoranzii instituțiilor de învățământ superior de stat. Numărul total al lunilor de bursă poate fi împărțit în perioade cu durata de minimum 2 luni și maximum 9 luni.
  • 4 locuri la cursurile de vară de studii slave din Republica Cehă.
  • NOTĂ. Acceptarea la stagiu este condiționată de cunoașterea limbii cehe sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională - engleză sau franceză.
  • Detalii aici
Burse ACBS în Nigeria Burse pentru studii complete Nigeria
  • 5 burse pentru studii universitare complete la instituții de învățământ superior și în instituții cu profil tehnic
  • Detalii aici.
Burse ACBS în Slovacia

Burse pentru mobilități de studii

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

Burse pentru cursuri de vară

  • Până la 25 de luni de bursă pentru studii parțiale, împărțite în perioade de 5 până la 10 luni. Primirea la studii este condiționată de cunoașterea limbii Părții primitoare sau a limbii engleze.
  • Până la 20 de luni de bursă anual pentru stagii de specializare și studii, adresate doctoranzilor și cadrelor didactice universitare (cercetători și pedagogi). Acestea pot fi împărțite în perioade de 3 până la 10 luni. Primirea la studii este condiționată de cunoașterea limbii Părții primitoare sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională acceptată de instituția gazdă.
  • Câte 5 burse pentru studenți și cadre didactice la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație.
  • Detalii aici
18th International Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle Competition Concurs Turcia Competiția va avea loc în perioada 19-24 iulie 2022 pe circuitul de curse Korfez din Kocaeli. Echipele participante vor beneficia de un sprijin financiar din partea TUBITAK de până la 40000 TL și premii de până la 50000 TL. Informații suplimentare aici. Eventualele întrebări pot fi trimise organizatorilor la challenge@tubitak.gov.ro, uavturkey@tubitak.gov.tr sau fmuav@tubitak.gov.tr. 28.02.2022
7th International Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Competition Concurs Turcia Competiția va avea loc în perioada 9-14 august 2022 la Motor Sports Center din Afyonkarahisar. Echipele participante vor beneficia de un sprijin financiar din partea TUBITAK de până la 18000 TL și premii de până la 50000 TL. Informații suplimentare aici. Eventualele întrebări pot fi trimise organizatorilor la challenge@tubitak.gov.ro, uavturkey@tubitak.gov.tr sau fmuav@tubitak.gov.tr. 28.02.2022
2nd International Free Mission Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Competition Concurs Turcia Competiția va avea loc în perioada 9-14 august 2022 la Motor Sports Center din Afyonkarahisar. Echipele participante vor beneficia de un sprijin financiar din partea TUBITAK de până la 18000 TL și premii de până la 50000 TL. Informații suplimentare aici.Eventualele întrebări pot fi trimise organizatorilor la challenge@tubitak.gov.ro, uavturkey@tubitak.gov.tr sau fmuav@tubitak.gov.tr. 28.02.2022
Online Open Doors Week 2022 at the University of Tartu Prezentare universitate Online

Sesiuni de informare privind programele de studii (licență, masterat), admiterea, viața de student la Universitatea din Tartu, Estonia, inclusiv vizite virtuale ale campusului și discuții cu alți studenți. 

Detalii aici.

Stagii de practică Erasmus+ Stagii de practică -

Biostatistics Internship, Oxford, Anglia

Robotics and Automation Research Project, Lisburn, Irlanda de Nord
Telecommunications Internship, Cambridge, Anglia

Digital Marketing Internship, Worcestershire, Anglia
Electro-mechanical engineering internship, Nottingham, Anglia
Software Development Internship, Belfast, Irlanda de Nord

Business analyst, Nuneaton, Anglia
Customer success internship, Reading, Anglia
Business management internship, Cheltenham, Anglia

Burse de studii, pentru stagii de specializare sau cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură, cultură și civilizație oferite de ACBS Burse pentru studenți, cadre didactice și cercetători Diverse •    Armenia – termen limită 14.03.2022 / 23.03.2022
•    Azerbaidjan – termen limită 23.03.2022
•    Bulgaria – termen limită: 27.01.2022 / 29.04.2022
•    Cehia – termen limită: 24.02.2022
•    Iordania – termen limită: 30.06.2022
•    Nigeria – termen limită: 24.02.2022
•    Polonia – termen limită: 24.02.2022 / 02.06.2022
•    Serbia – termen limită: 27.01.2022
•    Slovacia – termen limită: 24.02.2022
•    Turkmenistan – termen limită: 23.03.2022
Detalii: https://roburse.ro/burse-de-studii/bursa-acord-bilateral/
Diverse, în funcție de țara vizată și de tipul de bursă
European Student Assembly Proiect  Online

Proiect internațional care permite studenților să își facă cunoscute ideile privind viitorul Europei în diverse domenii: mediu și schimbare climatică, sănătate, economie, piața muncii, poziția UE în lume, valori, drepturi, securitate, migrație, digitalizare, educație, cultură, tineret, sport, etc.

Detalii: https://eucinitiative.wordpress.com/about/why-join-us/

Fără termen limită
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree
LCT - European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies
Bursă pentru masterat Italia, Germania, Malta,
Franța, Cehia, Olanda, Spania

LCT provides students with profound knowledge and insight into the various disciplines that contribute to language and communication technologies and it strengthens their ability to work according to scientific methods. Practical knowledge is acquired by choosing appropriate combinations of modules in Language Technology, Computational and Theoretical Linguistics, and Computer Science. LCT is designed to meet the demands of industry and research in a rapidly growing area, offering education and training opportunities for the next generations of leaders in research and innovation. The partners are UniTrento’s Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, Saarland University (Germany, coordinator), University of Malta (Malta), University of Lorraine (France), Charles University (Czech Republic), University of Groningen (The Netherlands) and University of Basque Country (Spain).

Detalii aici.

DBU Fellowship for Master students, PhD-students and graduates Bursă cu durata de 6-12 luni Germania

The fellowship allows graduates, master and PhD students to spend six to twelve months at German host institutions: Universities, research institutes, companies, environmental and nature conservation authorities, NGOs, associations, societies, etc.
The German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU) is a foundation established by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1989. It is the largest environmental foundation in Europe. Each year, the DBU awards up to 60 fellowships for further qualification in the field of environmental protection and nature conservation for young talents. The fellowships are open to qualified Master graduates of all disciplines from the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), including Romania.
During the fellowship time in Germany, the fellowship-holders develop solutions to environmental issues. After returning to their home countries, the fellowship alumnis are supposed to directly transfer and implement their knowledge to their countries of origin. For this purpose, in some cases, the DBU can also award a limited number of alumni with additional Small Grants in their home country.  
You can apply for a fellowship twice a year.

Here is a brief summary of the key facts about the DBU Fellowships (https://www.dbu.de/2600.html):
Our aims
•        advanced qualification of Master graduates of all disciplines for environmentally relevant topics
•        knowledge transfer to science, administration, business, practice elsewhere
•        international networking between environmental experts of all disciplines
What we expect
•        above-average Master degree obtained within the last five years
•        all disciplines are eligible
•        citizenship and residence in one of the participating CEE countries, e.g. Romania
•        proposal of an environmentally relevant and applied topic; please check our FAQs for the outline
•        doctoral candidates can apply if the doctoral project is put on hold – and will be completed only until the end of the fellowship
Our application procedure
•        online application procedure available in German and English
•        application deadline annually on 5 March and 5 September.  
•        registration/login on the respective country site (https://www.dbu.de/2612.html)
Our services
•    up to 60 CEE fellows are funded per year; you can check our database for examples (https://www.dbu.de/2431.html)
•    funding period: 6-12 months
•    monthly grant: 1.250 €
•    health, accident and liability insurance
•    several weeks of intensive German course in Osnabrück before the beginning of the stay at the host institution
•    support with finding an appropriate host institution in Germany: hosts can be e.g. universities, research institutes, companies, authorities, NGOs
•    seminars for exchange between fellows
•    invitation to important events of the DBU, such as the German Environmental Award (https://www.dbu.de/2547.html)
•    networking between fellows and alumni via the online platform Stipnet
•    yearly meetings of Alumni in their home countries
Fellowship database
For more than 25 years, the fellowship programmes of the DBU have supported interesting fellowships in all disciplines with a strong focus on environmental protection and nature conservation. Our database (https://www.dbu.de/2431.html) lists all funded fellowships. You can use the search function to search the database for topics, institutions, persons etc.

The Cultural Heritage of Hungary summer school at University of Pécs Bursă pentru școală de vară Ungaria

Would you like to attend a two-week summer program about Hungarian culture and earn credits free of charge?
We are delighted to inform you that you can apply for a scholarship to participate in our summer course, to learn about the cultural heritage of our beautiful country, Hungary!
Why shouldn’t you miss this experience?
The Cultural Heritage of Hungary (July 3-17, 2022) in-person summer program will help you gain insight into Hungary’s gastronomy, wine culture, history, religion and folk traditions, and political, economic and social challenges. Team building intercultural sessions will also be part of this program with professional lecturers and guided tours in Pécs.
The scholarship offered by the Hungarian Tempus Public Foundation for this program covers full tuition, meals, accommodation and various social activities for the duration of the program.
The program is open to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students.
Applications may be submitted in two ways:
1. As a nominee of the sending country’s national scholarship organization from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
2. As a citizen of the following countries, individually, directly: Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korean Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA.
Earned credits: 5 ECTS
Language of instruction: English
The application deadline for the scholarship is 10 March 2022.
More info in the Call for applicationApplication Guide
Please visit https://summerschool.pte.hu/ for more information.

Burse ACBS în Ungaria Burse pentru cursuri de vară Ungaria Detalii aici și aici. 10.03.2022
Grenoble international smart engineering summer school (Ginsen) Școală de vară (cu taxă) Franța

A Bachelor-level summer programme fully taught in English, organised by Grenoble INP Graduate schools of Engineering and Management, Université Grenoble Alpes.

You wish to deepen your knowledge in Smart energy or Nanotechnology, while traveling the world and meet new, exciting people from different cultural backgrounds?

Come and try our Ginsen Summer School !  At the heart of the French Alps, you will study within one of the highest ranking French engineering institutes and have the chance to work in cutting-edge research facilities, while enjoying summer surrounded by gorgeous mountains and with Europe at your doorstep.

More details here.

Graz International Summer School Seggau 2022 Școală de vară Austria Graz International Summer School Seggau 2022 (GUSEGG)
For internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines and all levels.
Re-Measuring, Re-Calculating, Re-Counting:
July 3 – July 16, 2022
Seggau Castle, Leibnitz, Austria
  • 2-week summer university with a unique campus atmosphere
  • Lectures, 7 individual seminars, evening events
  • Discussions and networking opportunities with international lecturers and students
  • All-inclusive package (tuition, meals, accommodation, extra-curricular program, Graz excursion)
  • 6 ECTS credits for participation and seminar paper
  • Developing skills in documentary production, academic, and creative writing
  • Publishing opportunity in Off Campus: Seggau School of Thought publication series
Detailed information about the summer school program: here.
Burse ACBS în Armenia Burse pentru cursuri de vară Armenia
  • 3 locuri pentru participarea la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură, cultură și civilizație, în funcție de posibilitățile financiare ale părților.
  • Detalii aici.
International Student Week in Belgrade Workshopuri Serbia This year we are celebrating our 15th anniversary and we have prepared 10 workshops in various fields for students and recent postgraduates from all around the world, who will be dealing with burning issues of today's society using different methods such as case study, urban sustainability, musical and many more. The festival will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, from the 18th to the 26th of July and this year’s theme is Sustainable development under the slogan “#NurtureOurFuture”. Our intention is also to give all the participants the opportunity to network with each other and create invaluable partnerships. We especially encourage young people with disabilities, as well as members of other vulnerable groups, to sign up and participate. The festival will be adjusted to them in order to promote the importance of their involvement and connection with young people from Serbia and the world.
For more information, you can visit our website https://iswib.org/.
Research jobs at OTH Regensburg Posibilitate de angajare și studii (masterat/ doctorat) Germania

Pay range: here (E13 the highest and diminishing with the number after E and the percentage of the time share)

1. PhD qualification: AI/ML in adpaptive Learnmanagement Systems
•    Master in Computer Sciences or Electrical- and Information Engineering
•    Software Engineering
•    Programming Languages
•    Interests in AI/ML
•    Must: English
•    If possible German
Job: 100% Contract E13, 3 Years
Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok (juergen.mottok@othr.de)

2. PhD qualification: AI/ML & Functional Safety (Safe Software Engineering)
•    Master in Computer Sciences or Electrical- and Information Engineering
•    Software Engineering
•    Programming Languages
•    Interests in AI/ML
•    Functional Safety
•    Causal Inference
•    Must: English
•    If possible German
Job: 100% Contract E13, 3 Years
Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok (juergen.mottok@othr.de)

3. PhD qualification: Secure Gateways in Critical Infrastructures
•    Master in Computer Sciences or Electrical- and Information Engineering
•    Software Engineering
•    Programming Languages
•    IT-Security & Functional Dafety
•    Interests in AI/ML for Intrusion Detection
•    Applied Cryptography
•    Must: English
•    If possible German
Job: 100% Contract E13, 3 Years
Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok (juergen.mottok@othr.de)

4. Research Master Qualification AI/ML in adpaptive Learnmanagement Systems
•    Bachelor in Computer Sciences or Electrical- and Information Engineering
•    Software Engineering
•    Programming Languages
•    Interests in AI/ML
•    Must: English
•     German B2 Level
Job: 50% Contract E10, 3 Semester
Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok (juergen.mottok@othr.de)

5. Research Master Qualification AI/ML & Functional Safety (Safe Software Engineering)
•    Bachelor in Computer Sciences or Electrical- and Information Engineering
•    Software Engineering
•    Programming Languages
•    Interests in AI/ML
•    Functional Safety
•    Causal Inference
•    Must: English
•    German B2 Level
Job: 50% Contract E10, 3 Semester
Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok (juergen.mottok@othr.de)

6. Research Master Qualification Secure Gateways in Critical Infrastructures
•    Bachelor in Computer Sciences or Electrical- and Information Engineering
•    Software Engineering
•    Programming Languages
•    IT-Security & Functional Dafety
•    Interests in AI/ML for Intrusion Detection
•    Applied Cryptography
•    Must: English
•    German B2 Level
Job: 50% Contract E10, 3 Semester
Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mottok (juergen.mottok@othr.de)

Burse ACBS în Armenia

Burse pentru studii complete

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

  • 8 burse pentru studii superioare complete, repartizate astfel: 3 burse pentru licență, 4 burse pentru masterat și o bursă pentru doctorat. Studiile vor fi urmate în limba armeană. Beneficiarii burselor care nu cunosc limba de studiu, vor fi înscriși în anul  pregătitor de limbă, anterior studiilor academice propriu-zise;
  • 30 de luni-bursă pentru stagii de specializare care pot fi fragmentate în perioade de 3-10 luni/persoană. Lunile de bursă pentru stagiile de specializare pot fi acordate și pentru programe de studii cu predare într-o limbă străină;
  • Detalii aici.
Burse ACBS în Azerbaidjan

Burse pentru studii complete

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

  •  3 burse pentru studii complete universitare sau postuniversitare; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor fi înscrise la cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, fără plată;
  • 2 burse pentru studii de doctorat; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor fi înscrise la cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, fără plată;
  • 30 de luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare științifică, care pot fi fragmentate pe o durată de 3-9 luni/persoană; înscrierea la studii este condiționată de necesitatea cunoașterii limbii statului primitor sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională: engleză, franceză, germană, rusă.
  • Detalii aici.
Burse ACBS în Turkmenistan

Burse pentru studii complete

Burse de specializare

Burse pentru cursuri de vară

  • 30 burse pentru studii universitare de licență și studii universitare de masterat; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor beneficia de an pregătitor de limbă, organizat și finanțat de Statul Primitor, conform legislației naționale în vigoare;
  • 2 burse pentru studii universitare de doctorat; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor beneficia de an pregătitor de limbă, organizat și finanțat de Statul Primitor, conform legislației naționale în vigoare;
  • 3 burse pentru stagii de specializare pentru profesori cu durata de până la o lună fiecare; persoanele care doresc să urmeze un stagiu de specializare trebuie să cunoască limba Statului Primitor sau o limba de circulație internațională;
  • 3 burse pentru stagii de specializare pentru studenți cu durata de până la 3 luni fiecare; persoanele care doresc să urmeze un stagiu de specializare trebuie să cunoască limba Statului Primitor sau o limba de circulație internațională;
  • 2 locuri pentru participarea la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație, organizate de instituțiile de învățământ superior.
  • Detalii aici
Burse oferite de Guvernoratul Provinciei Yunnan, Republica Populară Chineză Burse de studii (licență, masterat, doctorat) China În baza protocolului de cooperare, semnat în anul 2015 între județul Timiș și provincia Yunnan din Republica Populară Chineză, partenerii din provincia Yunnan ne-au comunicat că a fost deschis procesul de aplicare pentru granturi de studii universitare, în cadrul uneia dintre universitățile din lista anexată.
Condițiile de eligibilitate pot să fie consultate aici, procesul de aplicare se închide în 31.03.2022, la ora 12:00 A.M. (EEST, ora României).
International Summer University (ISU) Osnabrück Campus Școală de vară Germania Courses on bachelor level:
  • Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability
  • Cultural Management, Economics of Globalization
  • Global Marketing Management
  • Clinical Perspectives in Physiotherapy
  • Special Food Technologies
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence for Non-Programmers
Course on graduate level:
  • Global Healthcare Management
Students choose one course, which is then combined with classes on German language, Intercultural Competence, Facts about Germany and Osnabrück as well as city trips, company visits and cultural activities.

Students meet participants from a variety of countries and study in an intercultural environment. The subjects are taught by academics from Osnabrück and its international partner universities with plenty of professional experience.

Upon successful participation students receive a certificate of attendance and 5 ECTS credit points. The program is taught in English.

Registration: February 1 - March 31.

For detailed information please visit  www.hs-osnabrueck.de/international-summer-university  and take a look at a  short film about our last ISU:  https://youtu.be/L6nj8Azwc_4
Intensive Course of Spanish Language and Culture at Cuenca
Școală de vară (cu taxă) Spania

Prezentare program

Formular inscriere

Stagii de practică Erasmus+ Burse pentru stagii de practică Diverse

Mechanical Engineering (automotive sector) Internship,
Belfast, Irlanda de Nord

Business management internship, Mere, Anglia
Data science internship, Bristol, Anglia
Internship on Fatigue life assessment of composite-to-metal bonded joints, Franța
Analyzing IFC-Based BIM models through the interaction between BIM and artificial intelligence, Franța
Development of an automatic crack inspection tool based on Machine Learning and 2D Huang-Hilbert transform, Franța
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Energy Efficient Buildings, Franța
Software engineering internship, Bristol, Anglia
Machine Learning & 3D Image Processing Internship, Belfast, Irlanda de Nord
Software Development Internship, Belfast, Irlanda de Nord

Research and Development Internship, Anglia
Software Engineering Internship, Cambridge, Anglia

Stagii de practică pentru studenți și absolvenți la University of Almería, Spania

Stagii de practică la CESI (Franța):

Internship on Fatigue life assessment of composite-to-metal bonded joints
- Analyzing IFC-Based BIM models through the interaction between BIM and artificial intelligence
- Development of an automatic crack inspection tool based on Machine Learning and 2D Huang-Hilbert transform
- Advanced Machine Learning Technologies for Energy Efficient Buildings
International Summer University 2022 "In Transition to a Pure Green Energy Economy" at Hochschule Darmstadt Școală de vară Germania The International Summer University 2022 on the topic of “In Transition to a Pure Green Energy Economy” takes place from June 10 until July 02, with four virtual sessions happening on May 23, May 30, June 6 and June 8. The ISU consists of an academic module (6 ECTS), a German language course (3 ECTS) and several cultural activities (day trips to Heidelberg and the Rhine River Valley, riding a solar draisine, hiking, retro-games-night, intercultural training, and many more). As an ISU 2022, highlight we will offer a 4-day academic excursion to Germany’s capital city Berlin.
The regular program fee is 1990 Euro, however, we grant a tuition waiver to students from our partner universities. This means, the program fee for UPT students is only 900 Euro. The program fee includes:
  • Accommodation for the duration of the program in a hotel (single room)
  • Breakfast at the hotel
  • Academic module (inducing lecture material and the academic excursion to Berlin)
  • German language course (lecture materials)
  • All schedules cultural activities and day trips
  • Ticket for the public transportation system for the city of Darmstadt
  • Health-, accident- and liability insurance
We are offering a couple of info sessions to talk about the program:
Tuesday, Feb 22 at 11am and 7pm (Central European Time)
Friday, Mar 11 at 7am and 11pm (Central European Time)
Zoom Link: https://h-da-de.zoom.us/j/92401234788

Studenții UPT interesați să participe la acest program vor transmite la adresa de e-mail adriana.iacob@upt.ro o scrisoare de intenție înainte de 05.04.2022 .

Sesiuni de informare: 22.02.2022, 11.03.2022

Termen limită: 


Information Session Joint Summer School at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences Sesiune de informare școală de vară Olanda, Germania, Spania April 6th 2022 - 16:00-17:00 hrs (CET) via Zoom - register now!

Students can join on April 6th from 16:00-17:00 for an exclusive preview on our upcoming Joint Summer School. In partnership with Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences and La Salle Campus Barcelona, Ramon Llull University we offer a three
week programme on Doing Business in Europe including courses on business ethics, circular economy and entrepreneurship & innovation. Three topics in three weeks in three countries. Travel Europe, meet new people, learn about doing business in Europe and earn credit.
Programul Roma Graduate Preparation Program pentru anul universitar 2022-2023 Program pentru absolvenți romi de programe de licență Ungaria

RGPP - Programul Pregătitor Pentru Studii Post Universitare dedicat Romilor) este un program neacreditat care pregătește studenții Romi pentru a participa în competiții deschise pentru studii masterale în universități cu predare în limba engleză. De-a lungul anului pregătitor, RGPP sprijină studenții prin:
•    Pregătire academică în domeniul lor de interes
•    Cursuri intensive de Limbă Engleză academice
•    Cursuri de scriere academică
•    Asistarea la cursuri masterale din cadrul CEU
•    Pregătire în procesul de admitere la studii masterale
•    Dezvoltarea abilităților/competențelor de gândire critică
•    Abilități/competențe în dezbateri
•    Sfaturi personalizate din partea profesorilor RGPP
•    Seminarii pe tema identității și a leadership-ului
•    Cursuri de Limba Romani
Programul acoperă toate costurile asociate studenților admiși:
•    taxă de școlarizare
•    asigurare de sănătate
•    bursă lunară, acoperă cheltuielile de transport și viză
•    cazare în cameră în CEU Residence Center.
Scopul programului este de a contribui la un access echitabil al Romilor în învățământul superior în domeniul științelor sociale și sau umaniste, având cunoștințe medii de limbă engleză. Criteriile în baza cărora selectarea aplicanților se va efectua, sunt următoarele:
•    declararea pe propria răspundere că studentul/studentă este de etnie Romă
•    aparține uneia dintre țările eligibile
•    a terminat studiile de licență sau este în procesul de a le finalizapână în Iulie 2022
•    are cunoștințe medii de limbă engleză (nivel intermediar B1)
•    dovedește calități de leadership și un interes puternic în a-și continuă profesională și academică într-un mediu internațional.
Termen limită de aplicare: 8 aprilie 2022
Pentru cerinţele de admitere vezi: 

Concurs AUF pentru doctoranzi “Ma thèse en 180 secondes” Concurs în limba franceză - Fiecare participant la concurs își va prezenta tema de cercetare timp de trei minute în limba franceză. Pot participa la concurs atât doctoranzi, cât și persoane care au susținut doctoratul în ultimele 12 luni.
Detalii: https://www.auf.org/nouvelles/appels-a-candidatures/ma-en-180-secondes-mt180-en-bulgarie-4eme-edition-2/
Școală de vară la Universitatea Politehnica Madrid Școală de vară (cu taxă) Spania Applications for the 2022 UPM International Summer School (ISS) are now being accepted. The UPM ISS covers some of the latest trends in technology, engineering and architecture, combined with a taste of Spanish language and culture in one of Europe’s most cosmopolitan cities. Aimed at international undergraduate and postgraduate students, the programme will run from 6 June to 29 July 2022 in Madrid. Apply here! 19.04.2022
Burse ACBS în Bulgaria

Burse pentru studii de licență / masterat

Burse pentru cursuri de vară

  • Câte 5 burse pentru studii universitare de licență (ciclul 1), de masterat (ciclul 2)
  • Până la 10 locuri la cursurile de limbă, literatură și civilizație, pentru studenții și specialiștii filologi de la specializările de limbă și literatură bulgară din România.
  • Detalii aici
THI International Summer School Școală de vară Germania Topic: UX-Boot Camp – Designing for Accessibility
The topic is aimed at students of Computer Science or related fields.
More details here.
Application link: here.
Summer School of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Școală de vară Germania

The Bauhaus Summer School is an international summer program of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, which offers up to 400 prospective students, undergraduates and graduates from 70 nations the opportunity to participate in courses focusing on art, technology, architecture and languages.

Bauhaus Summer School 2022 has small and individual classes, expert lecturers and of course life-long friendships from around the world. The classes will take place from July 18 until September 03 and are especially designed for undergraduates and graduates.

The application deadline is  May 01, 2022 for our specialized courses and June 15, 2022 for our language courses.

More details here.

Summer University Lingen (SUL) Lingen Campus Școală de vară Germania

Global Players and Hidden Champions: Business and Technology made in Germany

The Summer University Lingen (SUL) takes a look at the backbone of Germany’s economy: family-owned medium-sized companies, the so-called German Mittelstand. The goal of the Summer University is to analyze the key success factors of the Mittelstand companies and to gain insight into their operations and management qualities. A unique feature of the SUL is the practical aspect: we will visit several medium-sized and family-owned companies. Students will attend lectures on topics such as International Management, International Marketing and Features of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

We address undergraduate as well as graduate students and offer our participants:
·         a small classroom and a great learning environment (max. 20 students)
·         dedicated professors and staff and a great support team
·         modern learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment
·         several company visits and networking with company representatives to hear about possible job opportunities
·         a safe city with very welcoming and open-minded people
·         cultural activities
·         5 ECTS and a certificate of attendance

The program is taught in English. Applications can be submitted until May 1, 2022. Please find more information on our website:

Please also have a look on our video of the Summer University Lingen 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW-uSlXyQ2E

Summer school Europe in the Global Arena – 2022 at the University of Pecs Școală de vară (cu bursă) Ungaria

25 scholarships are available from the CEEPUS program for students to attend the Summer School Europe in the Global Arena, which is taking place in Pécs between June 21 - 30, 2022.

The intensive but enjoyable 10-day long summer school will concentrate on discussing the different views of the place and role of the European Union both from internal and external perspectives. Stemming from its past and 60+-year-long history, lectures and debates will focus on analyzing the forthcoming period of the financial framework 2021-27 with a particular emphasis on the global pandemic and the post-COVID-19 era, together with how the EU can recover itself from political and economic points of view. The Central and Eastern European approaches to all these questions will obviously be highlighted in detail.

More details here and here.

Engineering Master Summer School at TH Rosenheim Școală de vară Germania

Master Summer School on Future Challenges in Engineering
This programme focuses on competencies in industrial engineering, product design and circular economy. Participants gain key management skills and explore the impact of their actions. Company visits and working hands-on in our labs will give graduate students further insight into production and research in Germany. Students join the programme for one or two weeks and pick the classes for their desired learning outcomes in
•    Industrial Engineering – Challenges in the next decade,
•    Lightweight Design and Additive Manufacturing Technology, and
•    Sustainability and Circular Economy.
From: 20 June - 25 June or 2 July 2022
Rewards: 3 to 5 ECTS Credits
For application and pricing, please see
Feewaivers: We have exclusive feewaivers for the first week of the Master summer school available for students of our partner universities. This means we do not charge a participation fee for the first week. In total, three feewaiver places are offered on a first-come-first-served basis, and each partner university can only send one student as a feewaiver. Direct application is possible for Master’s students in an engineering degree programme until 1 March 2022 with the application form for feewaivers.

01.03.2022-pentru reducerea taxei

01.05.2022-candidatură normală

Burse DAAD pentru stagii de cercetare de scurtă durată
Burse de cercetare Germania Burse pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 1-6 luni, în cadrul unei universități sau institut de cercetare din Germania
Pot candida: doctoranzi, tineri cercetători, post-doctoranzi
Termene limită: 15.11.2021, 02.05.2022
Detalii: aici
Creative Media Summer School at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria) Școală de vară Online sau Austria From 27 June to 1 July 2022, the Creative Media Summer School will take place at the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences (Austria).

Artistic practice, creative processes, technical execution, and theoretical reflection on various topics relating to media & digital technologies are at the heart of the Summer School. Students of partner universities are cordially invited to participate.

Event Format and Participation
In order to allow interested students to participate in the Summer School beyond national borders, we have decided to hold our Summer School 2022 in hybrid form. International students have the opportunity to choose between joining our workshop either on site at the St. Pölten UAS or virtually from their country of residence.

Participation in the offered workshops is free of charge for students apart from a mandatory contribution to the ÖH-Austrian Students Union (at the moment € 20.70) and material costs, if there are any. Upon successful completion of a workshop (daily attendance and active involvement on all workshop days), the students receive an official certificate to prove their acquisition of 5 ECTS credits.
Programme and Registration
Please visit our website to learn more about the programme and to sign up for participation.
Summer Schools at the University of Angers Școli de vară Franța

International Summer Schools at University of Angers offer the opportunity to develop academic skills in a great environment. Each program includes lectures, workshops, applied visits and an attractive social program.
The benefits of our Summer Schools  

  • Focus on research and practice
  • Lectures by international researchers
  • A certificate of attendance of 3, 5 or 6 ECTS will be delivered at the end of the courses
  • A chance to meet students from all over the world
  • A unique opportunity to discover France and Angers, a human-scale city in the Loire Valley

Detalii: aici

Euro banknotes and coins – stories, anecdotes and surprising facts Webinar Online Virtual lecture from the European Central Bank in English and German. Wednesday, 11 May 2022, 11:00 EN, 16:00 DE. This lecture focuses on euro banknotes and coins, which are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year. More details here. 11.05.2021
ENSSAT Summer School “Connecting your IoT devices” Școală de vară Franța We are pleased to inform you about the second edition of our summer school "Connecting your Iot Devices"  with a 3-week blended programme starting on June  14th to July 5th . One week is online from June 14th to 17th  and two weeks in Lannion from June 22nd to July 5th.
The programme “Connecting your IoT devices” is designed for advanced Bachelor and Master’s students. Students will experience outstanding hands-on courses together with exciting cultural activities in Lannion , Brittany.
The online application is open now until May 13th 2022. Places are limited as we value a personalized supervision “. Early birds who register before April 8th,  will benefit from a discount.
Students can apply and find more information here .
Ruhr Master School International Summer School - Smart Mobility Școală de vară (cu bursă DAAD) Germania

Westphalian University of Applied Sciences is hosting the RMS Summer School this year – an international event of two weeks for master students as well as bachelor students in higher semesters. The Summer School will take place from 15 to 26 August 2022 in Gelsenkirchen, Germany. The professional programme includes keynote speeches, discussions, project work and networking – all related to this year`s topic of “Smart Mobility”. There is also an accompanying programme for international students as a 'warm up'.

What is the RMS International Summer School?
RMS Summer School is a yearly event of two weeks open to interested master students as well as bachelor students in higher semesters from all subjects and from all around the world. RMS Summer School consists of the professional programme (19/08/2022 to 26/08/2022) and the accompanying programme for international students as a 'warm up' (15/08/2022 to 18/08/2022). Sustainability is the overall topic of the Summer School, this year it centers around “Smart Mobility”.

The landing page for the event with all important information is available at: www.summerschool.nrw. The application form will be activated on the website shortly.

European Central Bank Scholarship for Women Bursă pentru masterande în domeniile economie, statistică, calculatoare, inginerie Germania The ECB Scholarship for Women is an initiative supporting female scholars from low income background in pursuing a Master’s degree in the field of economics, statistics, computing and engineering.
This year, the scholarship will be offered to 15 outstanding candidates who will:
•    Receive a grant of €10,000
•    Attend a study visit at the European Central Bank with dedicated activities, such as meeting with the ECB Women in Leadership Network
•    Gain insight into the ECB’s central banking and banking supervision functions
•    Meet fellow scholars and join the alumni community
•    Receive advice and mentoring from an ECB economist or expert in the field of banking supervision, statistics, engineering or information technology

To be considered eligible for the programme, the candidate should meet the following eligibility criteria:
•    A woman and a citizen of an EU Member State;
•    Currently enrolled, or are about to enroll, in a master’s course in economics, statistics, engineering or computing at a European university or business school;
•    Facing a funding gap that may prevent them from pursuing their studies;
•    Completed an undergraduate degree at an EU academic institution with excellent grades (i.e. for bachelor’s degree)

More information on eligibility can be found on the ECB website.
International Summer School on photovoltaic Systems and Emerging technologies Școală de vară Grecia The Chemistry Department of International Hellenic University (IHU) organizes an innovative International Summer School in cooperation with the Research Centre of INES (France) and the Catholique University of Lille (France).
The title is “International Summer School on photovoltaic Systems and Emerging technologies” (From mainstream silicon to disruptive organics/perovskites technologies).
The course will be in English from the 4th to the 13st of July 2022 in Kavala-Greece.
For additional information please refer to the website:  http://summerschool.chem.ihu.gr/
International KSU Summer Schools 2022 Școală de vară Lituania International KSU Summer Schools 2022 open its doors for all the international students who want to join us in July – August 2022 for courses in English.
Summer courses are for open-minded students or professionals from any industry looking for knowledge in:
  • Digital Marketing,  July 11 – July 20, 2022
  • Aviation Management, July 25 – August 3, 2022
Why KSU?
  • The only university in Lithuania offering Aviation Management programme!
  • One of a few universities offering Digital Marketing study programme in Lithuania!
  • University Certificates with 5 ECTS!
  • Booster on your CV and knowledge, field trips!
  • Safe and friendly country counting 1000 years!
  • Active student life and fun activities!
  • Fabulous place to spend unforgettable Summer!
More information and registration - Summer Schools | KSU.
Burse ACBS în Polonia Mobilități de studii Polonia
  • Schimburi de studenți și doctoranzi, pentru studii ori alte forme de perfecționare, în limita anuală de 20 de luni de bursă.
  • Detalii aici
French-German Colloquium of Student Services "Campus of the Future: Sustainable, Social, and Digital" Eveniment pentru studenți și cadre didactice Germania

The colloquium will take place from 22 to 26 August 2022 at the invitation of the host STW in Freiburg and will be held under the theme: "Campus of the future: sustainable, social and digital".  The programme will not only focus on the experiences of the pandemic for student life and current developments in higher education. Discuss the future challenges and opportunities with colleagues from France, Germany and Europe in the following panels, among others:

  • Campus of the future: sustainability as an overarching theme for the future in STW
  • A sustainable campus: Innovations in residence halls and university restaurants
  • A social campus: innovations in social relations, local cooperation and transport, as well as in communication and information for students
  • Sustainability on the digital campus

More details here.

Summer school "Sustainable development of yachting and cruise industry" la Universitatea din Muntenegru Școală de vară Muntenegru

the Summer school (Lifelong Learning program) on "Sustainable development of yachting and cruise industry" will be held as a part of the Erasmus+ CBHE project “Fostering Internationalization at Montenegrin HEIs through Efficient Strategic Planning (IESP)”, project No. 609675-EPP-1-2019-1-ME-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP.
The IESP summer school 2022 on “Sustainable Development of Yachting and Cruise Industry” is NOW open to students and professionals. It is a 6-day accredited summer school providing 2 ECTS for students. It will be held from July 18th to July 23rd, 2022, at the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor.
The summer school will enable additional education and training of future (students) and current (professionals employed in companies) experts in the field of blue economy by strengthening individual competence and creating a management structure that will better meet the challenges of the future maritime industry development. It is an interdisciplinary program that includes the wider field of maritime affairs, maritime operations, and their management, nautical and cruising tourism, their impact on the environment, and management of the protection of the marine environment, coast, and others.
In the attachment, you can find the summer school FLYER with AGENDA, information, and the procedure of registration.

Burse ACBS în Maroc Burse de studii (licență, masterat, doctorat) Maroc
  • 2 (două) burse de studii pentru anul academic 2022-2023 (licență, masterat, doctorat).
  • Detalii: aici
Burse ACBS în Iordania Burse pentru studii complete Iordania
  • 3 burse pentru studii de licență;
  • 2 burse pentru studii de masterat;
  • 2 burse pentru studii de doctorat.
  • Se acordă an pregătitor, pentru învățarea limbii părții primitoare, dacă este cazul.
  • Toate bursele vor fi acordate în domenii care exclud domeniul sănătate.
  • Detalii aici
Technische Universität München Global Week Eveniment de informare Online

Please refer to the program on the TUM Global Week website for the times of the individual events and opportunities to register: here.

We would like to draw your particular attention to the following events:
•    Coming to TUM as an exchange student. (June 30, 2022. 01.00 p.m. – 03.30 p.m. [CEST]). This event is aimed at partner universities and also directly at students who are interested to come to TUM for an exchange. We will introduce requirements and opportunities for a stay abroad at TUM. On top of that, we will also introduce you to Munich with a virtual city tour, as an exchange is about immersing yourself into a new culture and therefore goes beyond the academic aspect.

•    Fit for studying in Germany – An intercultural workshop. (July 01, 2022. 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. [CEST]). Does studying at a German university in Munich differ from studying back home? How do some of the differences in communication styles between professors, students, and advisors reflect general German cultural standards and values? In this taster workshop, you deepen your knowledge about Germany and the Germans and also do some self-reflection on how cultures have shaped and influenced your life so far.

27.06.2022 - 01.07.2022
Stagii de practică Erasmus+ Oferte stagii de practică -

www.erasmusintern.org - platformă ce facilitează contacte între studenți și organizații
https://www.trainingexperience.org/ - oferte locuri de practică (în special în Spania)

Digital Marketing Role (HADM1905)
, Lurgan, Irlanda de Nord
Sales and Marketing Internship (RRSM2305)
, Belfast, Irlanda

PYTHON DEVELOPER ASSISTANT INTERNSHIP. Location: Brindisi, Italy. Area: Computer Studies, Engineering. Duration: 6 months.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DEVELOPER ASSISTANT INTERNSHIP. Location: Valencia, Spain. Area: Business, Media & Marketing, Engineering, Maths & Natural Science. Duration: 6 months.
FOOD QUALITY CONTROL ASSISTANT. Location: Teruel, Spain. Area: Engineering, Health. Duration: 6 months.

Stagii de practică Erasmus+ la Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, Germania
Our laboratories and research groups in various academic disciplines offer international students the chance to gain valuable hands-on research experience over 3 to 6 months as part of a team. Of course, students are welcome to complete an internship or to draw up their thesis in one of our 47 modern laboratories at our 15 institutes:
Automation Technology | Automotive Engineering | Computer Science and Computer Engineering | Computer Science and Media Applications | Electric Power Engineering | Electrical Engineering Basics | Electronics / Communication Technology | General Computer Engineering | Material Design and Structural Integrity | Material Science and Computer Modelling | Polymer Engineering | Process Engineering | Product Development and CAE | Production Engineering | Thermal Energy Technology and Turbomachinery

Industrial Design & UX/UI Assistant Internship. Location: Noain, Navarra, Spain. Area: Computer Studies, Media & Marketing, Engineering Duration: 6 Months.
International Business Developer Assistant Internship. Location: Valencia, Spain. Area: Business, Media & Marketing, Engineering, Maths & Natural Science. Duration: 6 Months.
Food Quality Control Assistant. Location: Teruel, Spain. Area: Engineering, Health. Duration: 6 Months.

Manufacturing Process Engineering Internship (ASSMa3003), Belfast, Irlanda de Nord
Electrical Engineering Internship (GLOEE3103), regiunea Manchester, Anglia

Communication and Relationship Management Internship (ESPACRM2503), Bath, Anglia
Video Production – Content creation Internship (PRTMM3003), remote

Business Operations internship (AXIBO2303), Belfast, Irlanda de Nord 

Recruitment and HR Assistant (ESPHR1603), Bath, Anglia
Sales & Account Management Internship (TBSSA1703), Reading, Anglia

Software Engineering (XMOSE0903), Bristol, Anglia
Software Development Internship (SSHSD1603), Belfast, Irlanda de Nord
Data Engineering Internship (SSHDE1603), Belfast, Irlanda de Nord
Business Administration Internship (SCABA1103), Londra, Anglia

EASE Student Award 2022 Concurs pentru studenți Belgia

The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is proud to launch its seventh annual Student Award recognising outstanding graduate student research in the field of energy storage.

The winning student will be awarded a ticket for the EASE Energy Storage Biannual Global Conference taking place in Brussels on 11-13 October 2022. The 3-day ticket has the value of 1,099 Euros! He or she will be recognised during the conference and will be invited to present their research to the participants. In addition, EASE will cover transportation to and from Brussels as well as accommodation for the winning student for 3 nights in Brussels. This is a invaluable opportunity to network with industry leaders in the energy storage sector and to learn more about energy storage technologies, applications, business cases, and policy developments, which in turn, can give you access to working opportunities.

More details here.

Project competition DTM EVOLUZIONE Concurs individual sau pentru echipe -

The designers / students are asked to redesign the car from an aesthetic point of view, rethinking the vehicle in an electric key with an innovative design (no retro design, no over design) but at the same time classic and elegant in compliance with the assigned package and the DNA Alfa Romeo.

Engineers / students are required to redesign the car from the mechanical point of view, starting with the replacement of the internal combustion engine with an electric one, respecting the assigned package.

The Competition has two categories: Design and Engineering. Participation in the Competition is free and open to engineers, designers, and students. Individual participation is allowed, so is group participation, as long as the group is composed of a maximum of 5 members.

More details here.







   Termene limita: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2021. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2019. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2018. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2017. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2016. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita cuprinse intre 01.09.2014 - 30.08.2015. Burse de studii, stagii de practica si cercetare. Scoli de vara. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi. Pentru a pr...
   Burse pentru studii, stagii de practica, cercetare, specializare, conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi promovate in anul universitar 2013-2014.
   Arhiva oportunitati de studii, practica si angajare in strainatate
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