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Toţi studenţii UPT care efectuează mobilităţi de studii sau de practică în străinătate trebuie să urmeze paşii descrişi aici pentru ca mobilitatea să poată să fie recunoscută şi echivalată.


Numele programului (link)
Termen limită
Traineeship in Delegations of the European Union Stagii de practică plătite pentru absolvenți cu mai puțin de un an experiență profesională State din afara Uniunii Europene

Traineeship in EU Delegations have the following main objectives:

  • To provide trainees with a unique experience about the daily work of an EU Delegation while learning about the representation of the EU interests and values outside of the EU;
  • To offer trainees the possibility of discovering directly the multicultural, multilingual and multi-ethnic working environment of a Delegation;
  • To offer trainees the possibility of applying the knowledge acquired during their studies or their early professional life;
  • To create a group of young people with direct experience in the work of the EU outside of its borders and who could become future collaborators of the EEAS or other EU Institutions.

Informații detaliate aici.

Termene limită variabile în funcție de delegație
Burse pentru stagii doctorale
The EDUFI Fellowships programme is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields, who will be doing their Doctorate (or Double Doctorate) at a Finnish university. Visiting Doctoral-level students and researchers who are doing their Doctorate degree at some foreign university can also be considered eligible, provided that the motivation letter of the hosting Finnish university department presents exceptionally good grounds for such an application.The scholarship period may vary from 3 to 12 months. The monthly allowance is 1500 euros. More details here.
Cu minim 5 luni înainte de data preconizată de începere a stagiului
Summer / Winter schools at Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University «LETI» Școli de vară (cu taxă) Online / Rusia Summer Schools in English: first 2 weeks of July
Winter Schools in English: end of January, beginning of February (2 weeks)

The tuition fee is 25000 RUR (about 350 EUR / 385 USD), including training, excursion program, study materials, migration & registration support.
University offers accommodation in the dormitory or in hostels for the Winter and Summer School participants (accommodation is paid additionally).

You can participate in 12 English-taught schools in winter and summer:

A unique combination of obtaining professional knowledge and immersion in Russian life, culture, and history through excursions around St. Petersburg and the suburbs, visits to museums, and cultural sites. All levels included: you can be a beginner - or even proficient in the Russian Language, you can still enroll with other people of your level.

You can choose the following intensive courses of Russian as a foreign language in winter:
The tuition fee includes training, excursion program, study materials, migration registration support. University offers accommodation in the dormitory or hostels for the participants (accommodation is paid additionally).

Summer Schools of Russian Language

You can choose the following intensive courses of Russian as a foreign language in the summer:
Russian Language and Cultural Heritage of Russia - 1 week - first week of July - 15000 RUR (about 200 EUR / 210 USD)
Gems of Russian Culture in the Russian Language -    2 weeks - first two weeks of July - 25000 RUR (about 350 EUR / 285 USD)
4 weeks programs - August - 40000 RUR (about 550 EUR / 615 USD):

Intensive Course of Russian for Beginners (level A1)
Intensive Course of Russian Upper-intermediate level (А2-B1 level)
Intensive Course of Russian for Master and Postgraduate Students (B2-С1 level)
The tuition fee includes training, excursion program, study materials, migration registration support. University offers accommodation in the dormitory or hostels for the participants (accommodation is paid additionally).
Cu cel puțin 4-6 săptămâni înainte de începerea cursului
Baden-Württemberg Scholarship 2021-2022 Bursă de studii Germania

The Baden-Württemberg Stipendium is a scholarship funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, a non-profit organisation which strives to promote a lively and sustainable state of Baden-Württemberg. This foundation aims to strengthen international cooperation between the state of Baden-Württemberg and the rest of the world .

We would like to award scholarships to students who plan to study at the Duale Hochschule Villingen-Schwenningen for one or more semesters during the 2021-2022 academic year. Each selected scholarship recipient will be awarded €700 per month for one semester abroad (4 months).

1.Good or excellent grade-point averages.
2.Foreign language competency in German or English.
3.A particular interest in extra-curricular involvement at their university and in the community.
4. Scholarship recipients may not receive any other scholarships (e.g. ERASMUS) during their time abroad.

Students have to apply online for the Baden-Württemberg scholarship with the following link. Program line: BWS University Students
Please select: Guest University in Baden-Württemberg: "DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen".
Students will then receive a password via e-mail and can log in to the data-base to complete the application and upload the following documents:
-motivation letter (max. 1-2 pages)
-letter of recommendation (please use recommendation form attached)
-proof of language proficiency (English or German)
-transcript of records

The deadlines for applications are:
- 30 May 2021 for the Fall Semester 2021 (Please note: lectures of the fall semester 2021 will take place online. Virtual mobility cannot be sponsored. Students who study from their home country are not eligible for a scholarship.)
- 30 October 2021 for the Spring Semester 2022.

30.10.2021 (pentru semestrul 2 2021-2022)



Numele programului (link)
Termen limită
Osnabrück Global Classroom Cursuri online / mobilitate virtuală Germania (online) You are a business student and are interested in international topics?
Spending a semester abroad is not possible for you at the moment, but you are interested in studying online in an international and intercultural setting with lecturers and students from all over the world?
In that case the Osnabrück Global Classroom might be an option for you. Learn more here.
European Commission Traineeship Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 01.03.2021 - 31.07.2021 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia / Luxembourg / alte state membre UE
Bursă: 1220,78 EUR/lună + decontare transport dus-întors și costuri viză (dacă este cazul)
Număr de locuri: aprox. 1900 stagiari pe an
Tipuri de stagii:
o   Traducere
o   Administrativ
Ambele tipuri de stagii sunt deschise absolvenților de studii de licență din orice domeniu de studii. O persoană poate candida pentru un singur tip de stagiu într-o rundă de selecție.
Criterii de eligibilitate:
o   Absolvent de program de studii universitare cu durata de minimum 3 ani (180 ECTS);
o   Pentru stagiile de tip administrativ: cunoștințe foarte bune (C1/C2) de limba engleză, franceză sau germană, plus o altă limbă oficială din UE (de ex. limba română);
o   Pentru stagiile de traducere: cunoștințe foarte bune (C1/C2) de limba engleză, franceză sau germană, plus alte două limbi oficiale ale UE;
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații care au lucrat sau au efectuat stagii la instituții europene cu durata mai mare de 6 săptămâni;
o   Stagiile se adresează în principal cetățenilor din statele membre UE și statele candidate UE, dar pot să fie acceptați și cetățeni ai statelor terțe.

Informații detaliate: aici.

Junior Fellowship Programme at CERN Stagii plătite de cercetare cu durata de 6-36 luni pentru absolvenți de programe de licență sau masterat Elveția This Programme is aimed at graduates from universities or higher technical institutes in a wide range of applied sciences, computing and engineering with limited or no work experience, looking to work in a research group.

Please note that you are applying for a programme and not a specific job. In order to help us offer you an interesting work project, we recommend that you let us know how your research interests and skills relate to CERN’s diverse activities. You can include this during the online application process form or in a separate motivation letter.

More details here.
Evangelisches Studienwerk: Scholarship for Students

Burse pentru studii complete de licență în Germania pentru absolvenți de bacalaureat de religie protestantă

Burse pentru continuarea studiilor în Germania pentru studenți de religie protestantă din cel mult semestrul 3 licență


The ESV scholarships are open to protestant students from all disciplines and concentrations wishing to study at universities of applied sciences or other institutions of higher education in Germany. Applicants of other denominations are required to include a special request into their application. The programme includes close and individual mentoring, a vast range of seminars and the opportunity for student participation at all levels. It is worth up to EUR 744 every month plus EUR 300 to cover study costs and offers further financial support, i.e. when scholars study abroad or do an internship.

Target Group
students of protestant faith from all disciplines and concentrations, who wish to start a degree course or are already studying at a higher-education institution in Germany, the European Union or Switzerland

typically throughout the entire course of study

Scholarship Value

  • base amount of up to EUR 744 per month
  • supplementary study cost allowance of EUR 300
  • additional financial support, i.e. when studying abroad or during internships

More details here.

European Innovation Fest Eveniment online pentru doctoranzi Online

Informații eveniment aici.

Program eveniment: aici.

Doctoral Fellowship Programme of the Austrian Academy of Sciences Granturi de cercetare doctorală cu durata de 24 - 36 luni Austria

Eligibility Requirements:

  • no age limit
  • maximum 2 years after completion of the Diplom or Master degree (for exceptions see programme information)
  • enrolment as a doctoral/PhD candidate at an Austrian university
  • recommendation letter by the supervisor of the doctoral thesis

60-70 fellowships per year

Grant benefit paid:

  • DOC fellowships amount to 38,000 euros annually before tax.
  • In addition, a maximum of 500 euros annually may be requested for travel expenses (project-specific travel and accommodation, etc.).
  • A maximum of 1,900 euros annually may be paid for child care.

More details here.

Webinar în limba spaniolă
Trataremos la cuestión: ¿cómo afectan los bots a tu organización? Este tipo de ataques son unos de los más frecuentes en todas las compañías. Conocer cómo se pueden detectar y cómo gestionarlos, es una de las cuestiones a la que trataremos de dar respuesta durante la sesión. Además, podrás conocer algunos casos de uso reales.
URL para INSCRIPCIONES en https://equipo.altran.es/bots-espias-negocio-como-protegerte/
Son totalmente gratuitos, no hay límite de participantes y se realiza en Youtube Live enviando el link a las personas inscritas unas 24h antes del webinar.
Esperamos que sea de interés y lo más importante, ¡mucha salud para todos!
Burse SEE de studii în universități din Islanda sau Norvegia Burse de studii în semestrul II al anului universitar 2020-2021 Islanda sau Norvegia

Bursa constă în:

  • Grant lunar de 1200 EUR;
  • Grant transport - între 275 și 530 EUR, în funcție de destinație.

Locuri disponibile:

  • Reykjavik University, 1 student (masterand sau doctorand), mobilitate de 5-6 luni, domeniile: ingineria mediului, energii regenerabile;
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 1 student (masterand sau doctorand), mobilitate de 5 luni, domeniul: inginerie civilă;
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2 studenți (masteranzi sau doctoranzi), mobilități de 5 luni fiecare, domeniul: automatică și calculatoare;
  • Norwegian University College of Agriculture and Rural Development, 3 studenți (licență sau master), mobilități de 4 luni fiecare, domeniul: ingineria mediului, dezvoltare rurală;

Informații detaliate aici

Burse SEE de practică în universități sau companii din Islanda sau Norvegia

Burse de practică pentru elaborarea lucrării de diplomă (licență, dizertație, doctorat)

Burse de practică pentru studenți în semestrul II sau vacanța de vară

Burse de practică pentru absolvenții din 2020

Islanda sau Norvegia

Bursa constă în:

  • Grant lunar de 1200 EUR;
  • Grant transport - între 275 și 530 EUR, în funcție de destinație.

Destinații posibile:

  • Orice companie din Norvegia sau Islanda. Stagiul trebuie să fie în domeniul studiat la UPT. Durata stagiului: 2 - 5 luni. Sunt eligibili studenți de la ciclurile de licență, masterat sau doctorat și absolvenții din 2020.
  • Universitățile/companii partenere ale UPT(cu excepția absolvenților, care pot candida doar pentru stagii de practică în companii):
    • Norwegian University College of Agriculture and Rural Development (Bryne), 5 studenți (licență sau masteranzi), mobilități de 2 luni fiecare, domeniile ingineria mediului sau dezvoltare rurală;
    • Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics (Molde), 1 student masterand, mobilitate de 5 luni, Facultatea de Management în Producție și Transporturi;
    • Moderno AS (Oslo), 2 studenți (licență sau master), mobilități de 4 luni fiecare, domeniul arhitectură;
    • Reykjavik University (Reykjavik), 3 studenți (masteranzi sau doctoranzi), mobilități de 3 luni fiecare, domeniile: ingineria mediului, energii regenerabile;
    • UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Tromso), 2 studenți (licență sau masteranzi), mobilități de 3 luni, domenii: inginerie electrică, autovehicule, construcții, materiale, inginerie electrică.
    • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim), 1 student (licență sau masterand sau doctorand), mobilitate de 5 luni, domeniul: inginerie mecanică;

Informații detaliate aici

Traineeships at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 01.02.2021 - 30.06.2021 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat  Belgia

The General Secretariat of the Council (GSC) offers around 100 paid traineeships a year to EU nationals who, by the deadline for submitting applications, have completed at least the first part of their university studies and have a degree certificate or equivalent.

Learn more here.

Standard Traineeships at the European Committee of the Regions Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 16.02.2021 - 15.07.2021 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia In a nutshell:
  • 5 months
  • Full time / 40 hours a week
  • Workplace in Brussels, Belgium
  • Paid by grant (approx. 1200 euros/month)
  • Preferred choice between 3 of the CoR's departments
  • Travel and mobility allowance
  • Health insurance cover optional
  • Accident insurance included

More details here.

Long-term traineeships at the European Economic and Social Committee Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 16.02.2021 - 15.07.2021 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia

Twice a year the European Economic and Social Committee offers traineeships for a period of five months to university graduates.

These periods of in-service training offer an opportunity to learn about the EESC's roles and activities and to acquire professional experience in a multicultural environment. They begin on 16 February and 16 September of each year and take place in the Committee's offices in Brussels. For a brief description of the EESC's organisation chart and tasks typically carried out by trainees, please consult this document.

Long-term trainees are given a monthly grant in accordance with the provisions regarding traineeships at the EESC. For long-term traineeships taking place within the time period 16/02/2020 – 15/02/2021 the amount of the grant is a lump sum of 1.220,78 EUR per month.

More details here.

Traineeships at the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity Stagii de practică cu durata de 3-12 luni pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Grecia

Applications for traineeships at ENISA are accepted in the following areas:

1. Network Information Security (NIS): in the following areas: - Security technologies - Security & resilience of communications networks - Critical Information Infrastructure - NIS standardisation & regulation - Electronic Identity & authentication technologies - Information Security Statistics - Economics of NIS;

2. Administration and Support: in the following areas - General Administration - Financial Administration, Human Resources - Internal Audit - Legal - Information Technology (IT).

Only applications specifying the chosen area (if Administration and Support, the exact area needs to be specified) will be considered. Applications received without this information will be dismissed.

More details here and here.

Burse DAAD pentru masterat / programe postuniversitare în domeniul arhitecturii Burse pentru studii postuniversitare cu durata de 10-24 luni Germania Eligibility:Foreign applicants who have gained a first university degree in the areas of Architecture, Interior Design, Monument Conservation, Urban Planning/Urban Development, Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning at the latest by the time they commence their scholarship-supported study programme.

DAAD scholarships offer graduates the opportunity to continue their education in Germany with a postgraduate or continuing course of study. In this study programme, you can complete:
  • a Master’s degree/postgraduate degree leading to a final qualification, or
  • a complementary course that does not lead to a final qualification (not an undergraduate course)
at a state or state-recognised German university of your choice.

The scholarships are awarded for the duration of the standard period of study for the chosen study programme (up to a maximum of 24 months).

The scholarship covers:
  • Monthly payment of 850 EUR
  • Travel allowance
  • One-off study allowance
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover

More details here.

Webinar de Altran: Networking Management: seguridad en redes Webinar Online

Webinar: Networking Management: seguridad en redes  
El objetivo de este webinar es el de identificar y eliminar las lagunas en las redes computacionales, una de las funciones principales de los administradores en un departamento de IT en cualquier empresa.
Para llevar a cabo bien esta tarea, cada administrador se enfrenta al reto de desarrollar un plan de seguridad central. Parte de este plan implica garantizar que los distintos niveles de seguridad en los enrutadores, firewalls y conmutadores estén configurados correctamente.

PONENTE: Carlos Roberto Niño Buitrago - Ingeniero de sistemas con más de 15 de años de experiencia – Alumni de la Universidad del país vasco UPV/EHU
CUANDO: 1 Octubre 16h
URL para INSCRIPCIONES en https://equipo.altran.es/technitive-networking-management-seguridad-en-redes/   

Lexus Design Award 2021 Concurs internațional de design -

Submissions span across the categories of Industrial Design, Architecture, Technology/Engineering, Interior Design, and Fashion Design.

Applicants will need to develop innovative designs and bring fresh imaginative solutions that highlight the creative interplay between design and technology. At the same time, their ideas and designs should be captivating and engaging to the audience and the esteemed judging panel.

Informații detaliate aici.

Stagii de cercetare (2-6 luni)
The OIST Graduate School offers education and research opportunities through a system of undergraduate and graduate placements as Research Interns. These 2-6 month placements give the opportunity to gain experience in a particular laboratory or to learn a specific technique. Interns work under the direction of a Professor at OIST and contribute to the research activities of OIST. Specific assignment of duties is at the discretion of the PI, and is subject to change.

OIST will pay for one direct roundtrip travel for Research Interns between the home university or institution and the research unit or other facility where the internship will take place (primarily in Okinawa). The travel dates must be as close as possible to the term of the placement.  Travel for successful applicants is arranged by the OIST Graduate School.

OIST provides living allowance, commuting support where necessary, and accommodation either on campus or nearby. Successful applicants will receive a Living Allowance of 2,400 JPY per day (weekends excluded) while at OIST. 
More details here.
International Winter Schools at the University of Trento Școli de iarnă pentru studenți din anii 3-4 licență sau masteranzi Italia

Two International Winter Schools organised by the University of Trento specifically designed for your Senior Undergraduate and Graduate students:

The academic component includes not only lectures, workshops, seminars and debates, but also field visits related to the specific topic of the School. In addition, there are various social and cultural activities, such as a guided tour of the town, a one-day excursion to the surrounding mountains and museum visits. The reduced participation cost reserved for nominated students coming from partner universities is 450 euros (instead of 1,000 euros) and includes accommodation, meals (except for breakfast), bus pass and social activities.

The Winter Schools are taught completely in English. Therefore, a minimum English level of B2 is required.
In order to participate, partner universities must nominate students by October 30th 2020*. 
At the end of each School, participants will receive an Attendance Certificate and an official UniTrento Transcript of Records certifying the number of ECTS credits awarded by each School (more details can be found on each webpage).
Please note that we are currently organizing both Winter Schools to be held face-to-face with students physically present in Trento. However, based on the evolution of the global COVID-19 situation later in the year, it is possible that the SuSaM Winter School will be offered in a blended format or completely on-line, but this will not be determined until early December 2020. With regard to the GETPoS Winter School, we can already confirm that it will only be held if students are able to physically attend classes in Trento and an on-line version will not be offered. Payment from the students will not be required until December 10th so as to give them time to be sure about the possibility to travel to Italy.

*Studenții UPT interesați să participe la aceste școli de iarnă vor contacta DRI (persoană de contact: Adriana Iacob, adriana.iacob@upt.ro) pentru a fi selectați și nominalizați.

15.10.2020 (ptr. selecția internă din UPT)

Technical Studentships in General or Civil Engineering at CERN
Stagii de practică plătite cu durata de 4-12 luni pentru studenți de la ciclurile de licență (anii 3-4) sau masterat din domeniul construcții Elveția

Pe toată durata stagiului studentul trebuie să rămână înmatriculat la universitatea de origine într-un program de studii din domeniul construcțiilor.

Informații detaliate aici.

Technical Studentships in Electrical or Electronics Engineering at CERN Stagii de practică plătite cu durata de 4-12 luni pentru studenți de la ciclurile de licență (anii 3-4) sau masterat din domeniile inginerie electrică sau electronică Elveția

Pe toată durata stagiului studentul trebuie să rămână înmatriculat la universitatea de origine într-un program de studii din domeniile inginerie electrică sau electronică.

Informații detaliate aici.

Technical Studentships in IT, Mathematics and Robotics at CERN Stagii de practică plătite cu durata de 4-12 luni pentru studenți de la ciclurile de licență (anii 3-4) sau masterat din domeniile IT, robotică sau matematică Elveția

Pe toată durata stagiului studentul trebuie să rămână înmatriculat la universitatea de origine într-un program de studii din domeniile IT, robotică sau matematică.

Informații detaliate aici.

Technical Studentships in Mechanical Engineering at CERN Stagii de practică plătite cu durata de 4-12 luni pentru studenți de la ciclurile de licență (anii 3-4) sau masterat din domeniul inginerie mecanică  Elveția  

Pe toată durata stagiului studentul trebuie să rămână înmatriculat la universitatea de origine într-un program de studii din domeniul inginerie mecanică (inclusiv mecatronică sau metrologie).

Informații detaliate aici.

Technical Studentships in Material and Surface Science at CERN Stagii de practică plătite cu durata de 4-12 luni pentru studenți de la ciclurile de licență (anii 3-4) sau masterat din domeniile știința materialelor sau inginerie chimică. Elveția

Pe toată durata stagiului studentul trebuie să rămână înmatriculat la universitatea de origine într-un program de studii din domeniile știința materialelor sau inginerie chimică.

Informații detaliate aici.

Doctoral Student Programme at CERN Bursă pentru stagii de cercetare cu durata de 6 luni (cu posibilitate de prelungire până la durata maximă de 3 ani) Elveția

This is a chance to work on your thesis while spending up to 36 months at the forefront of science. Whether you’ve already chosen a subject or are still making your decision, if your specialism is Applied Physics, Engineering or Computing, this is an invitation to further your knowledge in a truly unique organisation. In fact, it’s an invitation to get involved in world-famous experiments of unprecedented scale and scope. An invitation to join an environment like nowhere else on Earth.
You will have the opportunity to work in a diversity of fields at the cutting edge of technology: applied physics, IT, mathematics, electricity, electronics, mechanical or civil engineering, instrumentation for accelerators and particle physics experiments, materials science, radiation protection, safety and environmental protection, science communication, surveying, ultra-high vacuum are but a few of the examples of the many domains in which successful applicants will learn and contribute their knowledge.

More details here.

WEBINAR: Programa BK2 de Altran Prezentare online program de stagii de practică la compania ALTRAN (în limba spaniolă) Spania Webinar: Programa BK2
De la mano de nuestros expertos en desarrollo de I+D en aeronáutica y automoción conocerás los proyectos más espectaculares en los que puedes participar con una beca en Altran a través del PROGRAMA BK2. Te explicaremos también cómo funciona el programa y qué ventajas te ofrece.

EDGAR ANEAS Ingeniero Industrial por la UPC y Executive Master in Business Innovation por EUNCET, miembro de la primera generación de UPCecoRacing. Desde hace más de 6 años pertenece al departamento de I+D de de Automoción de Altran como responsable técnico en el área mecánica.
HUGO CALDERÓN: Nacido en Madrid, Ingeniero aeronáutico por la UPM. Apasionado por la Aeronáutica, el Espacio y la Innovación a través de la Tecnología. Actualmente es R&D Technical Manager en Altran.
GEMMA VÁZQUEZ: Licenciada por la Universidad Complutense de MAdrid. Desde hace más de 12 años pertenece al departamento de Recursos Humanos de Altran coordinando en gran medida el programa BK2.  

CUANDO: 21 Octubre 16.30h
URL para INSCRIPCIONES en https://equipo.altran.es/webinar-bk2/

Son totalmente gratuitos, no hay límite de participantes y se realiza en Youtube Live enviando el link a las personas inscritas unas 24h antes del webinar.
Burse de cercetare şi formare postuniversitară şi postdoctorală “Vasile Pârvan” la Accademia di Romania din Roma şi “Nicolae Iorga” la Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica din Veneţia Burse pentru masteranzi, doctoranzi, doctori, cadre didactice sau cercetători Italia Bursele “Vasile Pârvan” şi “Nicolae Iorga” se acordă pentru următoarele domenii: istorie şi ştiinţe sociale, arheologie, arhivistică, biblioteconomie, filologie clasică şi modernă, istoria artei şi arhitectură, literatură şi studii literare, arte, ştiinţe economice şi ştiinţe exacte. Bursa se acordă pentru o perioadă de minimum două luni consecutive şi maximum doi ani universitari consecutivi. Informații detaliate aici. 23.10.2020
Short Term Internship at CERN Stagii de practică cu durata de 1-6 luni pentru studenți Elveția In order to qualify for a place on the programme you will need to meet the following requirements:
  • You are a full-time student at undergraduate (post-secondary) level and are at least 18 years of age.
  • Your main field of study is in one of the following areas: applied physics, computing, mathematics, electricity, electronics, mechanical or civil engineering, instrumentation, materials science, radiation protection, safety and environmental protection, surveying, ultra-high vacuum, scientific communication.  A very limited number of places may be available in administrative fields such as: translation, advanced secretarial work, accounting, legal services, human resources, librarianship, logistics.
  • Your work at CERN must be an obligatory or recommended part of your studies.
  • You will be returning to your educational establishment after completion of your stay at CERN.
  • You have a good knowledge of English and/or French.
More details here.
octombrie 2020
IBM University Awards / IBM Ph.D. Fellowship Awards Program Granturi pentru doctoranzi (din anul 1 sau 2) cu durata de 24 luni -

Strong collaboration with faculty, students and universities is vital to IBM. The IBM PhD Fellowship Program advances this collaboration by recognizing and supporting exceptional PhD students who want to make their mark in promising and disruptive technologies. Focus areas include the following topics of particular interest:

AI / Cognitive Computing
Cloud / Open Source
Data Science
Internet of things
Quantum Computing
Security / Cyber Security

IBM PhD Fellowships are awarded worldwide. A fellowship includes a stipend for two academic years (2021-2022 and 2022-2023). Fellowship recipients while in school will receive a competitive stipend for living expenses, travel, and to attend conferences for the two academic years. Fellowship stipends vary by country.

All IBM PhD Fellowship awardees will be mentored by an IBMer in order to collaborate on a research or technology project for the duration of the award period and are strongly encouraged to do an internship during the first or second year of their award.

More details here.

octombrie 2020
Burse pentru doctorat în inginerie chimică
Marea Britanie
Chemical Engineering. It is a 3½-year research degree that can be undertaken in one of nine themes including: biomedical engineering, energy and environmental engineering, materials, multiphase transport process, multi-scale computational chemical engineering, multi-scale thermodynamics, and molecular systems, reaction engineering and applied catalysis, separations and soft matter engineering. In addition, there are also interdisciplinary collaborative research opportunities. Funding is provided through scholarships, studentships, and research assistantships.
More information here.
Programul Naţional de Burse al Republicii Slovace Burse pentru studenţi de la ciclurile de licență (anii 3-4), masteranzi, doctoranzi Slovacia

Sunt eligibili:

- studenţi înmatriculaţi la o universitate din afara Slovaciei, înmatriculaţi la masterat sau care au finalizat cel puţin 5 semestre din cadrul unui program de licenţă, acceptaţi de o universitate publică, privată sau de stat din Slovacia pentru o mobilitate academică;
- doctoranzi acceptaţi pentru o mobilitate de studiu/cercetare de către o universitate din Slovacia;

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1 sau 2 semestre (4-5, respectiv 9-10 luni) pentru studenţi, respectiv 1-10 luni pentru doctoranzi.

Mai multe informaţii aici.

31.10.2020 - pentru semestrul al II-lea al anului univ. 2020-2021

Webinar “Mobilitatea şi planificarea urbană. Locul mobilităţii în oraşele de mâine” Webinar Online Webinarul “Mobilitatea şi planificarea urbană. Locul mobilităţii în oraşele de mâine” este organizat de Institutul Francez. Detalii aici. 13.11.2020
DAAD Study Scholarships - Master Studies for All Academic Disciplines
Burse DAAD pentru masterat Germania This scholarship programme offers you the opportunity to continue your academic education in Germany with a postgraduate course of study.

What can be funded?
  • Participation in a postgraduate programme after a first undergraduate course of study for the purpose of technical or scientific specialisation
  •     Specifically, the following is supported:
    • a postgraduate or Master's degree programme completed at a state or state-recognised university in German, or
    • the first or second year of study at a state or state-recognised German university as part of a postgraduate or Master's degree programme completed in the home country or in another foreign country; recognition of the academic achievements rendered in Germany must be guaranteed. The standard period of study of the postgraduate or Master's degree programme should not be exceeded as a result of the study year in Germany.

More details here.

DAAD Research Grants – Short-Term Grants Burse cu durata de 1-6 luni pentru absolvenți de programe de licență/masterat, doctoranzi, postdoc Germania

The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes.

Who can apply?
Excellently-qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a Master's degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research, or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).

What can be funded?
A research project or course of continuing scientific education at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Germany, which is being carried out in coordination with an academic adviser in Germany.

Duration of the funding
One month to a maximum of six months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.


Depending on academic level, monthly payments of

  • euros 861.- for graduates,
  • euros 1,200.- for doctoral candidates and postdocs
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
  • Travel allowance

More details here.

DAAD Research Grants – One-Year Grants for Doctoral Candidates Burse cu durata de 7-12 luni pentru absolvenți de programe de licență/masterat, doctoranzi Germania

The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes.

Who can apply?
Excellently-qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a Master's degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research.

What can be funded?
A research project or course of continuing scientific education at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education in Germany or a non-university research institute, which is being carried out in coordination with an academic adviser in Germany.

Duration of the funding
7 months to usually 12 months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.


Depending on academic level, monthly payments of

  • euros 861.- for graduates,
  • euros 1,200.- for doctoral candidates
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
  • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding
  • One-off research allowance

Under certain circumstances, grant holders may receive the following additional benefits:

  • monthly rent subsidy
  • monthly allowance for accompanying members of family

Learn more here

DAAD Research Grants - Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle • DAAD Burse pentru doctorate în cotutelă Germania The aim of this programme is the funding of bi-national doctoral projects at the home university and at a university in Germany.
The programme offers two options:
  • Doctorate with bi-national supervision: The doctoral project is supervised both by a university teacher at the home university and an academic adviser at the host institute in Germany (so-called "sandwich model"). The project must be coordinated with both supervisors. Based on this flexible, multi-phase funding system, doctoral candidates start their doctoral degree in their home country but subsequently spend research periods in Germany. The doctorate is completed in the home country with participation of the German academic adviser; the doctoral degree is awarded by the home university.
  • Doctorate following the “Cotutelle” procedure: Funding of bi-national doctoral degrees at the home university and at a university in Germany according to the so-called "Cotutelle" procedure. The prerequisite is an individual cooperation contract between the participating universities about the doctoral project which is to be supervised. After successful completion of the doctorate, the German university and the foreign partner university award a doctoral degree together.
Duration of the funding: total maximum 2 years

For both options the following applies:
The grant may also be used within the framework of several shorter stays. The length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule
Applicants should outline how they plan to divide their time between Germany and the home university and possibly specify plans to visit a third country (e.g. for the purpose of collecting material) in a work and time schedule in their application.
During stays at their home university, the grant is interrupted.
Option Bi-national supervision following the “sandwich model”: Grants are initially awarded for up to 12 months. Extensions depend on whether the selection committee considers the previous award period to have been successfully completed.
Option Doctorate following the “Cotutelle” procedure: Grants are initially awarded for up to 18 months; there is the possibility for a one-off study completion grant for up to 6 months.

More details here

Virtual Winter University Program at Hochschule Darmstadt Școală de iarnă online Germania Hochschule Darmstadt will be offering a Virtual Winter University Program which will take place from January 03-23, 2021. Students can choose between two modules:

For the successful completion of the academic module, 4 ECTS (credits) can be earned. In addition to that students will attend a German language course (beginners - A1 or A2, intermediate - B1) for 3 ECTS.

While we cannot welcome students physically to our campus, we do have a virtual leisure time program planned, such as a treasure hunt, online buddies, city and campus tours and other things.

All other information on the program and how to apply can be found online: https://wup.h-da.de/

Studenții UPT interesați să participe la această școală de iarnă vor transmite până în 16.11.2020 ora 11:00 o scrisoare de motivație redactată în limba engleză pe adresa de e-mail adriana.iacob@upt.ro. Nu uitați să menționați în scrisoarea de motivație pentru care dintre cele două module candidați! Studenții selectați vor fi nominalizați și scutiți de taxa de participare la școala de vară. 

(termen limită pentru transmiterea candidaturii la DRI)

Webinar "Why should you consider studying in France" Webinar Online

Webinar oragnizat de IMT Mines Albi.

Link înregistrare aici.

Concurs AUF «Merci, mon prof d’université !» Concurs Online

Concurs pentru studenți înmatriculați la programe de licență sau masterat care presupune realizarea unui videoclip de cel mult 3 minute în care să își descrie profesorul de franceză, subliniind calitățile umane și profesionale ale acestuia.

Detalii aici.

International Soft Skills Academy Traininguri pentru studenți Online

In these hectic times, HIT, FutureHIT - Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and the Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU), Greece, are thrilled to invite students to attend the International Soft Skills Academy!
Lectures will take place between November 16th and December 17th 2020. Trainings on the following topics:

  • Public Speaking and Storytelling - 16.11, 17.11, 18.11
  • Effective Time Management - 23.11, 30.11
  • The Art of Negociation - 24.11, 01.12
  • English for Business - 25.11, 02.12
  • Hacking Foreign Cultures - 26.11, 03.12, 09.12
  • Create a Winning Presentation - 07.12
  • Personal Branding on LinkedIn - 08.12
  • Building Stress Management Skills - 10.12
  • Building Your Leadership Skills - 14.12
  • Building Problem Solving Skills - 15.12
  • Building Your Emotional Skills - 16.12
  • Building Team Collaboration Skills - 17.12

Since participation is limited, students will be able to register on a "first come, first served" basis.
Link to registration: https://rb.gy/qyw64z

16.11 - 17.12.2020
MOOC Enseigner le Français Langue Étrangère aujourd’hui Curs online gratuit Online Detalii aici. 25.11.2020
European Parliament Traineeships Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 01.03.2021 - 31.07.2021 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia, Franța, Luxembourg Bursă: Valoarea bursei depinde de țara în care se desfășoară stagiul (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/at-your-service/files/work-with-us/traineeships/home-page/monthly-grants-and-allowances-2020-en.pdf) + 250 EUR ptr. transport
Număr de locuri: ~900 stagiari pe an
Tipuri de stagii:
o   Stagii la Secretariatul Parlamentului European (Robert Schuman Traineeships)
o   Stagii în cabinetele parlamentarilor europeni
Criterii de eligibilitate pentru stagii la Secretariatul Parlamentului European:
o   Absolvent de program de studii universitare cu durata de minim 3 ani (180 ECTS);
o   Cunoștințe foarte bune de limba engleză, franceză sau germană, plus o altă limbă oficială din UE (de ex. limba română);
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații care au lucrat sau au efectuat stagii la instituții europene cu durata mai mare de 2 luni;
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații care au efectuat o vizită de studiu la Secretariatul Parlamentului European în cele 6 luni anterioare începerii stagiului;
Criterii de eligibilitate pentru stagii în cabinetele parlamentarilor europeni:
o   Cetățenie a unui stat membru UE sau a unui stat candidat. Cetățenii statelor terțe pot să efectueze stagiul dacă condițiile pentru obținerea vizei sunt respectate;
o   Nivel de studii: cel puțin diplomă de bacalaureat;
o   Cunoștințe bune a unei limbi oficiale în UE;
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații are au efectuat anterior un stagiu la cabinetul unui parlamentar european, sau cei care ar avea un contract de muncă în paralel cu stagiul de practică;
Mai multe detalii aici.
Appui aux initiatives étudiantes – appel à projets 2020 Proiecte ale asociațiilor studențești - L'AUF Europe centrale et orientale lance un appel à projets qui vise à soutenir les initiatives des associations estudiantines. L'AUF encourage les étudiants à promouvoir l’esprit associatif et la valeur du volontariat et de l’implication communautaire, tout en promouvant la langue française, par des actions innovantes et rayonnantes sur les thématiques prioritaires proposées dans le cadre de cet appel: développement durable, prévention et promotion de la santé, initiatives citoyennes et solidaires, initiatives entrepreneuriales, etc.

Associations d’étudiants ressortissantes des établissements membres de l’AUF Europe centrale et orientale
Note : Toutes les activités proposées dans le cadre des projets doivent être réalisées avant le 1er juillet 2021.
Thématiques prioritaires
  • Développement durable
  • Prévention et promotion de la santé ; COVID-19
  • Initiatives citoyennes et solidaires
  • Initiatives entrepreneuriales.
Critères de sélection
  • encadrement dans les thématiques prioritaires
  • dimension francophone du projet
  • caractère innovant du projet
  • originalité du projet
  • visibilité du projet
  • capacité à associer plusieurs partenaires qui cofinancent le projet
  • cohérence dans la rédaction du projet
Dépôt des projets
Les fiches de projets dûment remplies – modèle disponible ICI – doivent obligatoirement être envoyées en format .doc et .pdf à l’adresse jeunesse-eco@auf.org avant le 30 novembre 2020.
La commission de sélection examinera les fiches de projets et une réponse écrite vous sera acheminée dans un délai raisonnable confirmant la décision de l’AUF.
Soutien de l’AUF
Les subventions octroyées pour un projet peuvent varier de 1 000 euros à 1 500 euros.
Burse oferite de landul Bavaria  Burse pentru masterat sau doctorat Germania

The Free State of Bavaria invites applications for its one-year scholarship program for students from Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe for the academic year 2021/22 via BAYHOST. Graduates from Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are eligible to apply.

The scholarships are meant to finance postgraduate studies (i.e. master’s programs) and PhDs at Bavarian higher education institutions. Annual scholarships can be extended twice for up to 3 years; the scholarship amounts 853,-€ per month. One-year study sojourns in Bavaria as part of a PhD in the home country can also be funded.

Please see the flyer and for further information the BAYHOST website.

The application deadline for first time applications is the 1st December 2020 (date of receipt!).

As the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing please note: In case of difficulties in collecting / sending the scholarship application to BAYHOST, applicants may contact me as soon as possible and we will try to find a feasible solution.


(dată până la care dosarul trebuie să ajungă la destinație!)

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships - PhD Scholarships 2021-2022 Burse pentru studii doctorale Elveția

Bursele sunt fie pentru studii doctorale complete (durată maximă 36 luni), fie pentru doctorate în cotutelă (durată maximă 12 luni). Candidații (născuți după 31.12.1985) trebuie să obțină diploma de masterat până în 31 iulie 2021.

Informații detaliate aici.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships - Research Fellowship 2021-2022 Burse de cercetare pentru absolvenți de masterat cu durata minimă de 6 luni și maximă de 12 luni Elveția

Candidații (născuți după 31.12.1985) trebuie să obțină diploma de masterat până în 31 iulie 2021.

Informații detaliate aici.

DAAD University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates Burse pentru școli de vară de limbă și cultură germană, pentru studenți de la licență (anii 2-4) sau masterat Germania Who can apply?
Applications are open to students in Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in any subject area.
Bachelor students must have completed at least two academic years at the start of the scholarship period.

What can be funded?
  • The programme funds attendance of language and area studies courses as well as special language / terminology courses that are offered by state or state-recognised German universities and by affiliated language schools.
  • You can find out about course providers and programmes on the DAAD website under: www.daad.de/hsk-kursliste.
  • The courses are taught exclusively in German.
Duration of the funding
  • The courses run for at least 18 teaching days (max. 5 days/week, excluding days of arrival and departure) with a minimum of 25 hours of teaching a week.
  • The courses usually take place in the period from June to November.
  • One-off scholarship payment of 1,061 euros; scholarship holders from "Least Developed Countries" receive a scholarship of 1,236 euros.
  • Payment of a country-specific travel allowance (exception: Western Europe), see: travel allowance.The overview valid for 2021 will be published soon.
  • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover.
  • Please note: Course fees and accommodation expenses are usually deducted directly from scholarship payments by the language course provider so that the grant holder is possibly paid only the difference to the full amount of the scholarship by the course provider.
  • The above mentioned payments (including travel allowance) will not be transferred abroad.

Learn more here.

Grant de mobilitate pentru tineri cercetători (doctoranzi, asistenţi, lectori cu vârsta sub 40 de ani)
Informaţii detaliate aici.
Cu cel puţin 6 săptămâni înainte de manifestarea ştiinţifică
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees Burse pentru programe complete de  masterat  Programe de studii predate în universități din cel puțin 2 țări membre UE An Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD), is a prestigious, integrated, international study programme, jointly delivered by an international consortium of higher education institutions.
EMJMDs award EU-funded scholarships to the best student candidates applying under annual selection rounds.
Study must take place in at least two of the Programme countries. Part of the studies can also take place in a Partner countries if there is a partner-country institution involved.
Students at Master's level worldwide can apply.
You must have obtained a first higher education degree or demonstrate a recognised equivalent level of learning, according to national legislation and practices, in the degree awarding countries.
The successful completion of the study programme will lead to the award of either a joint degree (i.e. one single degree certificate issued on behalf of at least two higher education institutions of the EMJMD consortium) or multiple degrees (i.e. at least two degree certificates issued by two higher education institutions of the consortium).
Learn more here.
List of study programmes here.
variabil în funcție de programul vizat (interval: septembrie - decembrie 2020)
Urban Greenhouse Challenge: Reforest Concurs online pentru echipe de studenți Rusia

Tomsk Polytechnic University organizează un concurs internațional pentru echipe de studenți cu tema „Urban Greenhouse Challenge: Reforest”. Conform regulamentului din echipe pot face parte 3-10 studenți, iar premiile sunt în valoare de 10000 USD.

Informații detaliate privind cerințele concursului găsiți aici.

Lille Winter School Școală de iarnă Franța (online)

Sign up for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development course and earn 6 ECTS credits from 11 January through 29 January 2021. This course aims to highlight the current global trends, opportunities, and challenges facing businesses today. Bonus material: Interactive sessions on 'Understanding the French' and 'Intercultural Communication'.

Draft schedule

More details here.

Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD): Eastern Europe Programme Granturi pentru studenți, doctoranzi, cadre didactice de religie catolică sau recomandați de o organizație catolică Germania

The KAAD is the scholarship institution of the catholic Church in Germany. Applicants for this programme are from Central, Eastern and South-east Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and of catholic faith. In exceptional cases candidates may have differing denominations, if they are recommended by catholic partner organisations. Candidates must demonstrate good proficiency in German.

Eligibility criteria include

a) international junior researchers and post-graduates

  • who have completed their studies in their home countries and wish to spend a research stay or broaden their scientific knowledge in Germany or
  •  who wish to carry out post-graduate studies in Germany (including training for qualified physicians). Entire Master programmes will be sponsored only if they cannot be carried out in the candidates’ home countries

b) higher-education teaching staff invited to do short-term research stays of up to six months in Germany.
c) students carrying out a Master’s course in their home countries who are planning a regular research stay at a German higher-education institution of one semester. The stay in Germany should mainly aim at material gathering and interchange with German teaching staff within the context of the Magister/Master or Diploma thesis to be completed in the candidates’ home countries. Academic recognition of periods of study spent at the German higher-education institution in the country of origin should be ensured. Sponsorships are awarded to students from any subject area (with the exception of theology).

More details here.

German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU): Doctoral Scholarship Programme Granturi de cercetare pentru doctorat în domeniul protecției mediului Germania

Early-career scientists from all countries of origin and any subject carrying out further research work into the field of environmental protection at a higher-education institution in Germany are invited to apply for one of the 60 doctoral scholarships awarded each year. The programme's aim is to support young academics and build an interdisciplinary network of experts on the environment. To this end, the scholarships help finance doctoral theses which clearly address topical environmental issues and contribute to developing viable and sustainable solutions in this field. The concept of building support networks promotes active cooperation between the DBU and its alumni.

The scholarship amount is of EUR 1,500 per month which are granted over a maximum period of three years. Additional benefits include a monthly lump sum for material and travel costs. Further contributions to material expenses are paid in exceptional cases, and scholars with children are granted child support.

More details here.

European Commission Traineeship Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 01.10.2021 - 28.02.2022 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia / Luxembourg / alte state membre UE
Număr de locuri: aprox. 1900 stagiari pe an
Tipuri de stagii:
o   Traducere
o   Administrativ
Ambele tipuri de stagii sunt deschise absolvenților de studii de licență din orice domeniu de studii. O persoană poate candida pentru un singur tip de stagiu într-o rundă de selecție.
Criterii de eligibilitate:
o   Absolvent de program de studii universitare cu durata de minimum 3 ani (180 ECTS);
o   Pentru stagiile de tip administrativ: cunoștințe foarte bune (C1/C2) de limba engleză, franceză sau germană, plus o altă limbă oficială din UE (de ex. limba română);
o   Pentru stagiile de traducere: cunoștințe foarte bune (C1/C2) de limba engleză, franceză sau germană, plus alte două limbi oficiale ale UE;
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații care au lucrat sau au efectuat stagii la instituții europene cu durata mai mare de 6 săptămâni;
o   Stagiile se adresează în principal cetățenilor din statele membre UE și statele candidate UE, dar pot să fie acceptați și cetățeni ai statelor terțe.

Informații detaliate: aici.

Central European University Scholarship Programme Burse pentru studii de masterat sau doctorat Austria

Would you like to study at an American university in the heart of Europe? Looking for ways to fund your studies? Apply to Central European University’s world-class master’s and doctoral programs by February 1, 2021 and study in Vienna with a scholarship!

Choose your area
Cognitive Science
Economics and Business
Environmental Sciences and Policy  
Network and Data Science

In pursuit of our mission, we strive to attract world-class graduate talent from all over the world. This is why we offer generous scholarships available to master's and PhD students from any country. Learn more at www.ceu.edu/financialaid.

Apply by
• February 1, 2021 for master's and PhD studies with financial aid
• March 15, 2021 for self-financing master's candidates who will require a study visa
• August 16, 2021 for self-financing master's candidates who will not require a study visa

Burse de studii în Bulgaria oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru studii complete de licență, masterat sau doctorat

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

Burse pentru cursuri de limbă, literatură, cultură și civilizație bulgară


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de colaborare în domeniile învățământului, științei, culturii, mass-media, tineretului și sportului între Guvernul României și Guvernul Republicii Bulgaria și a Adresei Ministerului Afacerilor Externe nr. E 1-1/2023, înregistrată la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 991/01.09.2020:
- câte 5 burse pentru studii universitare de licență ( ciclul 1), de masterat ( ciclul 2) sau de doctorat ( ciclul 3).
- 20 luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare postuniversitară sau universitară, fracționabile pe durate de la 2 la 9 luni.
- până la 10 locuri la cursurile de limbă, literatură și civilizație, pentru studenții și specialiștii filologi de la specializările de limbă și literatură bulgară din România.

Informații detaliate aici.

Burse de studii în Ungaria oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru mobiliități de studii de licență, masterat, doctorat

Burse pentru studii complete de licență,masterat, doctorat

Burse pentru stagii de cercetare


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza informațiilor transmise de Direcția Generală Relații Internaționale și Afaceri Europene - Ministerul Educației și Cercetării și înregistrate la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 1331/11.12.2020:
Se acordă burse pentru:
- studii semestriale / parțiale de licență (3-10 luni), masterat (3-10 luni) sau doctorat (1 - 10 luni);
- studii complete de licență, masterat sau doctorat (36/24/36 luni);
- stagii de cercetare (3 zile - 10 luni).
Candidații trebuie să realizeze, până la data de 25 februarie 2021, aplicația on -line pentru partea ungară, disponibilă pe site-ul https://scholarship.hu.
Informații suplimentare privind stagiile de studii sau cercetare se găsesc pe site-ul Tempus Public Foundation.

Informații detaliate aici.

Women in Tech, Future of Big Data, Morgan Stanley scholarships/internships  Burse de studii/practică  Ungaria

For September 2021 we will have 20+ awards:
- Women in Technology with BlackRock: up to 100% scholarship, mentoring, possible internship leading to full-time job.
- Future of Big Data with a London boutique fund: 100% scholarship, mentoring, possible internship in London
- Morgan Stanley: Paid internship possibly leading to full-time job, up to 60% scholarship.
The application deadline is February 1.
Applicants without GMAT/GRE scores can take CEU’s online test after applying. They must have a quant background, e.g. economics, statistics, science, computer science, engineering. The programs are based in Budapest with study trips to Vienna. Students can enter an internship or job at any time – in 2020, 93% of graduating students were employed three months out.

More details are available here

Concurs proiecte “Challenge Campus 2030: Imaginez l’université durable de demain” Concurs Online

Concurs pentru echipe formate din 2-5 studenți / profesori / cercetători care propun proiecte pe una dintre temele: viață studențească (Cum pot evolua condițiile de viață ale elevilor în conformitate cu obiectivele de dezvoltare durabilă?), campusul din oraș (Cum vor răspunde infrastructurile campusului de mâine la obiectivele de dezvoltare durabilă?), noi provocări de formare (Cum va evolua educația pentru atingerea obiectivelor de dezvoltare durabilă?).

Detalii aici.

Programul Vulcanus în Japonia 2021-2022 Bursă pentru curs limba japoneză (4 luni) + stagiu de practică în domeniul tehnic (8 luni) Japonia

Bursele Vulcanus în Japonia oferă posibilitatea de a urma un curs intensiv de limba japoneză cu durata 4 luni, urmat de un stagiu de practică cu durata de 8 luni într-o companie din Japonia. Pot candida studenţi cu cetăţenie UE din anul IV licenţă, anul I sau II masterat, anul I sau II doctorat. Bursa acoperă transportul internaţional, cursul de limba japoneză, subzistenţa, cazarea.

Informaţii detaliate:

- Descrierea programului
- Formular de candidatură
- Detalii privind documentele obligatorii
- Întrebări frecvente

Persoană de contact: Adriana Iacob, Departamentul Relații Internaționale.

Online Info Session for TH Rosenheim Summer School Școală de vară (cu taxă) Online Online Summer School on International Business Ethics at TH Rosenheim
Joined by local German and international students, guest lecturer Prof. Nils Rauhut from Coastal Carolina University, USA, will discuss the ethical dimensions of doing business in a competitive global world. This English-taught online class is open to a diverse group of advanced undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines.
Students will first be provided with major ethical theories and move on to the study of specific corporate cases and topics such as rights to privacy, insider trading, whistleblowing, sustainability and more. A virtual company visit with live expert input from practice and online social activities complete the Summer School programme. The single-week workshop is rewarded with 3 ECTS credits (1,5 US credits) and graded.
Online Joint Summer School on Doing Business across Europe
In addition to the single-week version, we are hosting an Online Joint Summer School Programme with our European partners Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands) and La Salle Campus Barcelona, Ramon Llull University (Spain), from June 21 to July 10, 2021. This joint programme aims at giving students a first-hand insight on the future of doing business responsibly and covers current trends and issues in the fields of
  • International Business Ethics
  • Circular Economy and
  • Business Model Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
This three-weeks programme is rewarded with up to 10 ECTS credits.
Online Info Session
Want to learn more about the programmes? Join our Info Session hosted by Windesheim UAS to get first-hand input by the professors and meet the organisers:
Date: Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Time: 15:00-16:00 pm CET
Online via Microsoft Teams: Sign-up to get more information
Online application for all programmes is open until June 1, 2021. Students from partner universities benefit from a reduced fee. Early Birds who apply until April 1, 2021 will receive an additional 10 percent discount.
Internship program "Leaders for Future" Burse pentru stagii de practică Germania

Copernicus Berlin invites you to participate in a two-month internship in Berlin (June 28 – August 22). The internship program combines summer fun with professional development.
Learn more about the Internship program on the page:
Application deadline: February 21, 2021

Program de angajare la Banca Centrală Europeană a absolvenților de masterat sau doctorat Angajare absolvenți, promoțiile 2019 sau 2020 Germania
Persoanele selectate vor fi angajate pe o perioadă de 2 ani, cu posibilitate de prelungire
Termen limită: 24.02.2021
Detalii: aici.
TECHNITIVE DAY --> 5g: Un impulso para la industria del futuro (Altran) Webinar în limba spaniolă Online TECHNITIVE DAY  5g: Un impulso para la industria del futuro
¿Quieres conocer el potencial real del 5G? En este TECHNITIVE DAY de Altran nuestros expertos expondrán los diferentes casos de uso del 5G en diferentes ámbitos y sectores. ¡La agenda de la jornada es interesantísima!
Stages de traduction français – roumain à distance en partenariat avec la RFI Roumanie Stagii de practică online Online

L’AUF et la RFI Roumanie s'associent pour mettre en place de 2 stages professionnels à distance destinés aux étudiants francophones et roumanophones inscrits dans un établissement membre de l'AUF en Roumanie.

Les stages auront une durée de 4 mois et se dérouleront au courant de l’année 2021, du 1er mars au 30 juin 2021. Tous les stages s’effectueront à distance.

Mai multe detalii aici.

Evangelisches Studienwerk: Scholarship for Students

Burse pentru studii complete de licență în Germania pentru absolvenți de bacalaureat de religie protestantă

Burse pentru continuarea studiilor în Germania pentru studenți de religie protestantă din cel mult semestrul 3 licență


The ESV scholarships are open to protestant students from all disciplines and concentrations wishing to study at universities of applied sciences or other institutions of higher education in Germany. Applicants of other denominations are required to include a special request into their application. The programme includes close and individual mentoring, a vast range of seminars and the opportunity for student participation at all levels. It is worth up to EUR 744 every month plus EUR 300 to cover study costs and offers further financial support, i.e. when scholars study abroad or do an internship.

Target Group
students of protestant faith from all disciplines and concentrations, who wish to start a degree course or are already studying at a higher-education institution in Germany, the European Union or Switzerland

typically throughout the entire course of study

Scholarship Value

  • base amount of up to EUR 744 per month
  • supplementary study cost allowance of EUR 300
  • additional financial support, i.e. when studying abroad or during internships

More details here.

Burse de studii și de cercetare oferite de Guvernul Franței Burse pentru master sau doctorat Franța

Puteți consulta informații referitoare la condițiile de eligibilitate și avantajele de a fi bursier al Guvernului francez aici: https://bit.ly/BGF2021
Așteptăm candidatura dumneavoastră la:

Radboud Summer School (5 - 16 July and 2 - 13 August, 2021) Școală de vară (cu taxă) Olanda

For 2021 we have over 50 online and on-campus courses on offer: check out our course overview. The 2021 programme will be safe, flexible, and conform the Covid-19 regulations. Our academic courses will inspire students and researchers, enable them to explore new scientific areas, develop their skills and expand their international network. More details are available here.

01.03.2021 (ptr. reducere 25%)
Concours « Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes » en Roumanie – édition 2021 Concurs pentru doctoranzi -

Porté en Roumanie pour la quatrième année par l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) et l’Institut Français de Roumanie, le concours « Ma thèse en 180 secondes » permet à des doctorants en cours de thèse ou docteur de maximum deux années universitaires précédentes, de présenter leur sujet de recherche en termes simples, à un auditoire profane et diversifié. Chaque participant doit faire, en 3 (trois) minutes, un exposé clair, concis et néanmoins convaincant sur son sujet de recherche. L’appel à candidatures pour participer au concours « Ma Thèse en 180 Secondes » édition 2020 en Roumanie est ouvert du 2 février jusqu'au 1er mars 2021 !

Mai multe detalii aici.

Apel la candidaturi pentru “Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative” Burse pentru tineri antreprenori Statele Unite ale Americii Programul are durata de un an, se adresează tinerilor antreprenori din Europa, include module de formare online și față-în-față, conferințe, un stagiu de practică în SUA, etc.
Detalii: aici.
Burse de studii în Republica Cehă oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru mobilități de studii

Burse pentru cursuri de vară de studii slave


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Înţelegerii între Ministerul Educaţiei, Cercetării şi Tineretului din România şi Ministerul Învăţământului, Tineretului şi Sportului al Republicii Cehe privind colaborarea în domeniul învăţământului pe anii 2007-2010:
- 27 luni de bursă pentru studenții, masteranzii și doctoranzii instituțiilor de învățământ superior de stat. Numărul total al lunilor de bursă poate fi împărțit în perioade cu durata de minimum 2 luni și maximum 9 luni.
- 4 locuri la cursurile de vară de studii slave din Republica Cehă.

Mai multe detalii aici.

Burse de studii în Nigeria oferite prin ACBS Burse pentru studii complete Nigeria

Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Protocolului de aplicare a Acordului de cooperare și schimburi în domeniile culturii şi învățământului dintre Guvernul României și Guvernul Republicii Federale Nigeria și a Adresei Ministerului Afacerilor Externe nr. E 1-1/2023, înregistrată la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 991/01.09.2020:
- 5 burse pentru studii universitare complete la instituții de învățământ superior și în instituții cu profil tehnic, dacă condițiile de admitere cerute de instituțiile respective sunt îndeplinite.

Informații detaliate aici.

Burse de studii în Polonia oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru mobilități de studii de scurtă durată


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de aplicare a acordului între Guvernul României şi Guvernul Republicii Polone privind colaborarea în domeniile știinţei, învăţământului şi culturii, semnat la Varșovia în 20.12.2017 și a Adresei Ministerului Afacerilor Externe nr. E 1-1/2023, înregistrată la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 991/01.09.2020:
- schimburi de studenţi și doctoranzi pentru studii ori alte forme de perfecționare, în limita anuală de 20 de luni de bursă.

Informații detaliate aici.

Burse de studii în Slovacia oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru mobilități de studii de licență

Burse pentru stagii de specializare și studii pentru doctoranzi

Burse pentru cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație

Burse pentru persoanele de naționalitate slovacă din România



Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de cooperare in domeniul Educaţiei între Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale din România şi Ministerul Educaţiei, Ştiinţei, Cercetării şi Sportului din Republica Slovacă pentru perioada 2018-2022:
- până la 25 de luni de bursă pentru studii universitare parţiale, împărţite în perioade de 5 până la 10 luni. Primirea la studii este condiţionată de cunoaşterea limbii Părţii primitoare sau a limbii engleze.
- până la 20 de luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare şi studii, adresate doctoranzilor şi cadrelor didactice universitare (cercetători şi pedagogi). Acestea pot fi împărţite în perioade de 3 până la 10 luni. Primirea la studii este condiţionată de cunoaşterea limbii Părţii primitoare sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională acceptată de instituția gazdă.
- 5 burse pentru studenţi şi cadre didactice la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură şi civilizaţie.
– burse acordate persoanelor de naționalitate slovacă din România:
a. burse guvernamentale de studii pentru învăţământul superior pentru cetăţenii români de naţionalitate slovacă, potrivit Metodologiei aprobate de Guvernul Republicii Slovace;
b. cursuri de specialitate şi metodică adresate unui număr de până la 25 de cadre didactice din învățământul preuniversitar din România - preșcolar, primar, gimnazial, liceal- din instituții de învățământ cu limba de predare slovacă;
d. până la 25 de elevi din ciclul primar şi 2 cadre didactice însoţitoare de naţionalitate slovacă şi până la 20 de elevi din ciclul gimnazial şi 2 cadre didactice însoţitoare de naţionalitate slovacă la “Şcoala în natură”; maximum 10 elevi de liceu şi un pedagog însoţitor de naţionalitate slovacă la cursul de limba slovacă și despre realitatea slovacă.

Informații detaliate aici.

Burse pentru școala de vară "The cultural heritage of Hungary" Școală de vară (cu bursă) Ungaria

The Cultural Heritage of Hungary (July 4-18, 2021) face-to-face summer program will help you gain insight into Hungary’s gastronomy, wine culture, history, religion and folk traditions, and political, economic and social challenges. Team building intercultural sessions will also be part of this program as well as other exciting and entertaining social programs.
The scholarship, offered by the Hungarian Tempus Public Foundation, covers full tuition, meals, accommodation and various social activities for the duration of the program.
The program is open to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students.
Applications may be submitted in two ways:
1. As a nominee of the sending country’s national scholarship organization from: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
2. As a citizen of the following countries: Albania, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korean Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA.
Earned credits: 6 ECTS
Language of instruction: English
The application deadline for the scholarship is 11 March 2021.
More info in the Call for application: here
Application Guide: here
Please visit https://summerschool.pte.hu/ for more information.

Prezentări nou program de licență "Smart Automation" oferit de Campus02 University of Applied Sciences Program complet de licență în limba engleză Online

Automation and digitalization are the success factors in the economy, which is why there is an urgent need in the economy for academic technical specialists.
Therefore, we are offering the new 6-semester full-time bachelor's degree program "Smart Automation" from the winter semester 2021/2022. The focus of the new degree program is on digitalization and internationalization, which is why the technical focus is on computer science and electronics in the context of automation and the degree program is taught entirely in English. Electives allow specialization in three different directions: Product, Process, or Production.

Information sessions: 
13.03.2021, 10:30-11:00 or 13:30-14:00 - House of Automation - Labore für die Zukunft (Labs for the future) - in German

13.03.2021, 12:00-12:30 or 15:00 - 15:30 - Get started with the new bachelor degree programme in „Smart Automation"

22.04.2021, from 16:00 - Get started with the new bachelor degree programme in „Smart Automation"

29.05.2021, from 10:00 - Get started with the new bachelor degree programme in „Smart Automation"




Burse de excelență pentru masterat la Facultatea de Științe a Universității din Geneva Burse pentru masterat Elveția

The Faculty of Science, with the support of external partners, has established an Excellence Fellowship program open to outstanding and highly motivated students who wish to pursue a Master of Science degree in one of the disciplines covered by the Faculty1. Candidate selection is based on excellence.

The Excellence Fellowship consists of a grant amounting to CHF 10'000 to CHF 15’000/year (no teaching duties); it is awarded for one year and extended for the regular duration of the chosen Master's program (three or four semesters) provided the applicant is academically successful at the end of his/her first semester of studies.

Detalii aici.

Concours de création du logo du 60ème anniversaire de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie Concurs -

A l’occasion de son 60ème anniversaire qu’elle célèbre en 2021, l’AUF souhaite associer les étudiantes et étudiants issu.e.s de ses 1007 établissements membres dans la création d’un logo pour son 60ème anniversaire via l'organisation d'un concours. Vous étudiez la communication ou les arts visuels ? ou vous êtes tout simplement passionné.e par le dessin et les arts graphiques ? Vous rêvez de remporter le prix lauréat de 1 500 € et voir votre logo diffusé dans plus de 119 pays dans le monde ? Participez à notre grand concours international. Date limite le 15 mars 2021.

Informații detaliate aici.

Traineeships at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 01.09.2021 - 31.01.2022 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat  Belgia The General Secretariat of the Council (GSC) offers around 100 paid traineeships a year to EU nationals who, by the deadline for submitting applications, have completed at least the first part of their university studies and have a degree certificate or equivalent.

Learn more here.

martie 2021
Burse de studii în Armenia oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru studii complete de licență, masterat doctorat

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

Burse pentru cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură, cultură și civilizație armeană


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului între Ministerul Educației Naționale din România și Ministerul Educației și Științei din Republica Armenia de cooperare în domeniul educației, pentru perioada 2018-2023:
a) burse pentru studii superioare complete, repartizate astfel: 3 burse pentru licență, 4 burse pentru masterat și o bursă pentru doctorat. Studiile vor fi urmate în limba armeană. Beneficiarii burselor care nu cunosc limba de studiu, vor fi înscriși în anul pregătitor de limbă, anterior studiilor academice propriu-zise;
b) 30 de luni-bursă pentru stagii de specializare care pot fi fragmentate în perioade de 3-10 luni/persoană. Lunile de bursă pentru stagiile de specializare pot fi acordate și pentru programe de studii cu predare într-o limbă străină;
c) 3 locuri pentru participarea la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură, cultură și civilizație, în funcție de posibilitățile financiare ale părților.

Informații suplimentare aici.

Școala de vară online “In transition to a pure green energy economy” Școală de vară Online

La școala de vară pot participa studenți înmatriculați în anii 3-4 licență sau masteranzi din domeniile: administrarea afacerilor, managementul energiei, inginerie industrială, inginerie electrică, inginerie de mediu, inginerie civilă, ingineria energiilor regenerabile sau discipline conexe. UPT poate nominaliza 2 studenți, care vor fi scutiți de plata taxei de participare. Studenții din cadrul UPT interesați să participe la program vor transmite o scrisoare de motivație redactată în limba engleză pe adresa de e-mail adriana.iacob@upt.ro până în data de 01.04.2021.

Sesiune de informare online: 17.03.2021, de la ora 08:00 sau 16:00, link: https://h-da-de.zoom.us/j/92921901895

Burse AUF pentru stagii de practică de scurtă durată Burse pentru stagii de practică Orice țară, cu condiția ca stagiul să fie în limba franceză L'appel régional à candidatures 2021 – Mobilités de stage professionnel s'adresse aux étudiant(e)s francophones des établissements membres de l'AUF Europe centrale et orientale qui doivent effectuer des mobilités de stage professionnel afin de mettre au profit leurs compétences et les connaissances du milieu de travail, dans une optique d’une insertion professionnelle renforcée.

Les mobilités de stage professionnel sont accordées pour une durée de 1 à 3 mois, à effectuer entre le 15 avril et le 17 décembre 2021.Le stage doit obligatoirement faire partie du cursus universitaire du candidat. Les candidat(e)s doivent identifier une structure d’accueil en dehors de son pays d’origine ayant la langue de travail le français et y obtenir son admission.La mobilité couvre au maximum le transport, une allocation mensuelle et une assurance-santé.
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree DYCLAM+ (Dynamics of Cultural LAndscape, Heritage, Memory and conflictualities) Burse Erasmus Mundus Franța

DYCLAM+ est un programme européen de formation universitaire original et unique labélisé ERASMUS + proposant aux étudiants un  parcours pédagogique à l’Université Jean Monnet (France, semestre 1), à l’Institut Polytechnique de Tomar (Portugal, semestre 2), à l’Université Babes Bolyai (Roumanie, semestre 3), à l’Université Federico II de Naples (Italie, semestre 4 et cours délocalisés) et de nombreux partenaires associés.

Au terme de ces deux années d’étude et de mobilité, les étudiants auront les connaissances et compétences indispensables pour travailler dans des ONG (Europa Nostra, Bouclier bleu, Traditions pour demain…), des institutions internationales de valorisation, expertise et sauvegarde du patrimoine et du paysage culturel (UNESCO, UICN, ICOMOS…), dans des collectivités territoriales, des sites patrimoniaux ou des entreprises privées (ICONEM).

Informații detaliate aici.

International Summer University at Osnabrück Campus (15 July – 6 July 2021) Școlă de vară (cu taxă) Germania sau online

Courses on bachelor level: Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability, Cultural Management, Economics of Globalization, Global Marketing Management, Clinical Perspectives in Physiotherapy, Special Food Technologies and Applied Artificial Intelligence for Non-Programmers
Course on postgraduate level: Global Healthcare Management
Students choose one course, which is then combined with classes on German language, Intercultural Competence, Facts about Germany and Osnabrück as well as city trips, company visits and cultural activities.
Students meet participants from a variety of countries and study in an intercultural environment. The subjects are taught by academics from Osnabrück and its international partner universities with plenty of professional experience.
Upon successful participation students receive a certificate of attendance and 5 ECTS credit points. The program is taught in English.
If the COVID-19 situation does not allow an on-site ISU, we will move to a virtual format. The final decision day will be announced early June 2021. During the registration process students will be asked (without obligation) whether  they would also participate in an online version of the program.

The virtual ISU is condensed to 10 days including one weekend (July 26 to August 4, 2021). It comprises 3 contact hours (45 minutes each) per day for 8 business days and 11 hours (45 minutes each) for group project work. Each course will be offered over 10 days; besides we will offer 4 units (4 x 45 minutes) intercultural training. Students can earn 2,5 ECTS.
At least 1 company visit, excursion or guest lecture per course, delivered online.
Detailed information an application
Short film about our last year’s ISU
Application form

Standard Traineeships at the European Committee of the Regions Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 16.09.2021 - 15.02.2022 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia In a nutshell:
  • 5 months
  • Full time / 40 hours a week
  • Workplace in Brussels, Belgium
  • Paid by grant (approx. 1200 euros/month)
  • Preferred choice between 3 of the CoR's departments
  • Travel and mobility allowance
  • Health insurance cover optional
  • Accident insurance included

More details here.

Long-term traineeships at the European Economic and Social Committee Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 16.09.2021 - 15.02.2022 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia

Twice a year the European Economic and Social Committee offers traineeships for a period of five months to university graduates.

These periods of in-service training offer an opportunity to learn about the EESC's roles and activities and to acquire professional experience in a multicultural environment. They begin on 16 February and 16 September of each year and take place in the Committee's offices in Brussels. For a brief description of the EESC's organisation chart and tasks typically carried out by trainees, please consult this document.

Long-term trainees are given a monthly grant in accordance with the provisions regarding traineeships at the EESC. For long-term traineeships taking place within the time period 16/02/2020 – 15/02/2021 the amount of the grant is a lump sum of 1.220,78 EUR per month.

More details here.

Online Russian Language Course at Dostoevsky Omsk State University Curs online de limba rusă (cu taxă) Online You will be able to learn a balance of language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing, grammar) at an appropriate level from beginner to advanced and communicate effectively in real life settings the way locals do in everyday life.
•    Group classes: 4-5 students
•    Certified Russian teachers
•    Classes every day or 3 times a week
•    Useful topics every day
Tuition fee
1 month - 200 EUR
1 term (4 month) - 500 EUR

After completion of the online course you will receive an end-of-course certificate issued by Dostoevsky Omsk State University, from level A1 to C2 that will allow you to prove your language skills to universities or employers around the world.

We are starting on April 1st, 2021

Apply now at omp.omsu@mail.ru!
LILLE European Summer Program Școală de vară (cu taxă) Franța - online Detalii aici. 01.04.2021
Burse de studii în Azerbaidjan oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru studii complete de licență, masterat, doctorat

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

Burse pentru cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură, cultură și civilizație azeră


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Înţelegerii privind colaborarea în domeniul învăţământului între Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării din România şi Ministerul Învăţământului din Republica Azerbaidjan, semnată la Bucureşti, la 11 octombrie 2004:
- 3 burse pentru studii complete universitare sau postuniversitare; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor fi înscrise la cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, fără plată;
- 2 burse pentru studii de doctorat; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor fi înscrise la cursuri pregătitoare de limbă, fără plată;
- 30 de luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare științifică, care pot fi fragmentate pe o durată de 3-9 luni/persoană; înscrierea la studii este condiționată de necesitatea cunoașterii limbii statului primitor sau a unei limbi de circulație internațională: engleză, franceză, germană, rusă.
- 3 burse pentru participarea la cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizaţie organizate de instituțiile de învățământ superior din statul primitor.

Mai multe detalii aici.

Burse de studii sau cercetare în Mongolia oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru studii complete de licență, masterat sau doctorat

Burse pentru mobilități de studii postuniversitare sau de cercetare


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de cooperare în domeniile educației, științei și culturii între Guvernul României și Guvernul Mongoliei, semnat la București, la 11 octombrie 2016 și a Adresei Ministerului Afacerilor Externe nr. E 1-1/2023, înregistrată la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 991/01.09.2020:
- 2 burse pentru studii universitare de licență;
- 2 burse pentru studii universitare de masterat sau doctorat în domenii de interes pentru Partea trimițătoare.
Bursele acoperă durata studiilor, în conformitate cu programele universitare, precum și 1 an pregătitor, pentru învățarea limbii statului Părții primitoare.
- 2 burse de 9 luni pentru studii postuniversitare și de cercetare.

Informații suplimentare aici.

Burse de studii în Turkmenistan oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru studii complete de licență, masterat sau doctorat

Burse pentru stagii de specializare

Burse pentru cursuri de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de colaborare între Ministerul Educației Naționale din România și Ministerul Învățământului din Turkmenistan în domeniul educației pentru perioada 2017-2022:
a) 30 burse pentru studii universitare de licență și de masterat; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor beneficia de an pregătitor de limbă, organizat și finanțat de Statul Primitor, conform legislației naționale în vigoare;
b) 2 burse pentru studii universitare de doctorat; persoanele care nu cunosc limba statului primitor vor beneficia de an pregătitor de limbă, organizat și finanțat de Statul Primitor, conform legislației naționale în vigoare;
c) 3 burse pentru stagii de specializare pentru studenți cu durata de până la 3 luni fiecare; persoanele care doresc să urmeze un stagiu de specializare trebuie să cunoască limba Statului Primitor sau o limba de circulație internațională;
d) 2 locuri pentru participarea la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație.

Informații suplimentare aici.

Summer schools at the University of Trento Școală de vară (cu taxă) Italia

This year UniTrento is planning to organize two face-to-face International Summer Schools designed for your upper-level Undergraduate and Graduate students.
However, this will depend on the future evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout Italy in the Spring. Proposed safety measures are currently being considered by the competent national and local authorities and we will be able to confirm both Summer Schools by the first week of May. Please note that if cancelled an on-line version will not be offered.
All details about the format, content and admission requirements can be found through the links below:
1)    Psychological Humanities and Cognitive Science – PsyHuman Summer School from 5 to 16 July 2021
2)    Sustainable Design and Management of Environmental Resources - TRES Summer School from 12 to 23 July 2021
The reduced participation cost reserved for nominated students coming from partner universities is 450 euros and includes accommodation, meals, bus pass and social activities.
The Summer Schools are taught completely in English. Therefore, a minimum English level of B2 is required.
Each Summer School will be activated with a minimum of 10 participants.
At the end of each School, participants will receive an Attendance Certificate and an official UniTrento Transcript of Records certifying the number of ECTS credits awarded (more details can be found on each School’s webpage).

Studenții interesați din UPT vor transmite o scrisoare de motivație la adriana.iacob@upt.ro până în 09.04.2021.

Holon Institute of Technology International Design Week Workshopuri Online HIT's Faculty of Design will be hosting its International Workshop Week "Design for normative extreme".

Dates: April 18th to April 22nd 2021.

Hours: the workshops will all take place in parallel, between 09:00 and 17:00.

1- applicants must be at least 3rd year design students
2- all applicants must submit a portfolio
3- students can select up to 3 workshops

Deadline for registration: April 10th  2021

Registration contact:
Ms. Hemda Cohen - hemdac@hit.ac.il  

•    All workshops will be led by two lecturers, one from HIT and one from a foreign partner institution
•    Participation to the workshop is free
•    Home institutions are of course entitled to give their students credits for their participation
•    Workshops are all hands-on and academic
•    Full attendance and final project delivery are mandatory
•    Certificate will be delivered to the students who will have successfully passed the course

Workshop #10 "Design for Happiness" is already full.
Burse de studii în Slovacia oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru cursuri de vară de limba slovacă

Online / Slovacia

Curs de vară de limba slovacă:
Candidații eligibili: cetățeni români, studenți la învățământ de zi, doctoranzi, cadre didactice titulare, cercetători. Detalii aici.

Virtual Exchange Project Windesheim Business School Curs online Olanda The second edition of the Virtual Exchange Project offered by Windesheim Business School is coming up soon (April 8th - May 31st ) and registrations are open!  
Students can sign up for participation in a 7-week (3 ECTS) module that combines knowledge and experience in how to transition towards circular business models by means of the Blue Connection simulation, and while doing so, explicitly develop intercultural and networking skills. Students from all over the world are joining in, so this offers an excellent opportunity for global learning!
The VEP is mainly aimed at students in the fields of Business, Management and Logistics, but also for any student in particular that want to learn more about Doing Business in the Circular Economy.
Students pay no tuition fees and will only invest in the accompanying literature and license to the game (expected to be about 80 euros in total). To view all the details and get started on registering, please click the link!
Need more information? Contact Roelijn Kok, international coordinator business school Windesheim UAS at rh.kok@windesheim.nl
Burse de studii în Bulgaria oferite prin ACBS Burse pentru studii de licență, masterat  Bulgaria  Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de colaborare în domeniile învățământului, științei, culturii, mass-media, tineretului și sportului între Guvernul României și Guvernul Republicii Bulgaria
- câte 5 burse pentru studii universitare de licență ( ciclul 1), de masterat (
ciclul 2) sau de doctorat ( ciclul 3).
- 20 luni de bursă pentru stagii de specializare postuniversitară sau
universitară, fracționabile pe durate de la 2 la 9 luni.
Informații detaliate aici.
Burse de studii în Polonia oferite prin ACBS

Burse pentru mobilități de studii

Burse pentru cursuri de vară de limba poloneză


Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de aplicare a acordului între Guvernul României şi Guvernul Republicii Polone privind colaborarea în domeniile știinţei, învăţământului şi culturii
- schimburi de studenţi și doctoranzi pentru studii ori alte forme de perfecționare, în limita anuală de 20 de luni de bursă.
- schimbul de cadre didactice universitare, pentru stagii de cercetare, pe perioade de cel puțin o lună, în limita anuală de 10 (zece) luni de bursă.
- 10 persoane la cursurile de vară de limbă, literatură și civilizație polonă pentru studenții la filologie poloneză, precum și pentru cadrele didactice universitare, specialiști în domeniul limbii și literaturii polone.

Informații detaliate aici.

Webinar Zoom "Meet Unipd" Prezentare Universitatea din Padova Online

Prezentare pentru studenții care doresc să efectueze o mobilitate Erasmus de studii la Universitatea din Padova. UPT cooperează cu această universitate în domeniile arhitectură, construcții și mecanică.

Link înscriere: https://forms.gle/nBeiUVCMGs6S7BfSA

29.04.2021, 15:00
DAAD Research Grants – Short-Term Grants Burse cu durata de 1-6 luni pentru doctoranzi Germania

The primary aim of this programme is to promote research projects within the context of doctoral programmes.

Who can apply?
Excellently-qualified doctoral candidates and young academics and scientists who have completed a Master's degree or Diplom, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree at the latest by the time they begin their grant-supported research, or those who have already completed a PhD (postdocs).
Doctoral candidates who are already doing their doctorate at a German university cannot apply.

What can be funded?
A research project or course of continuing scientific education at a state or state-recognised institution of higher education or a non-university research institute in Germany, which is being carried out in coordination with an academic adviser in Germany.

Duration of the funding
One month to a maximum of six months; the length of the grant is decided by a selection committee and depends on the project in question and the applicant's work schedule.

    Depending on academic level, monthly payments of
    euros 861.- for graduates,
    euros 1,200.- for doctoral candidates and postdocs
    Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover
    Travel allowance

More details here.

Programul Naţional de Burse al Republicii Slovace Burse pentru studenţi de ciclurile de licență (anii 3-4), masteranzi, doctoranzi Slovacia

Sunt eligibili:

- studenţi înmatriculaţi la o universitate din afara Slovaciei, înmatriculaţi la masterat sau care au finalizat cel puţin 5 semestre din cadrul unui program de licenţă, acceptaţi de o universitate publică, privată sau de stat din Slovacia pentru o mobilitate academică;
- doctoranzi acceptaţi pentru o mobilitate de studiu/cercetare de către o universitate din Slovacia;

Perioada pentru care se oferă bursele este de 1 sau 2 semestre (4-5, respectiv 9-10 luni) pentru studenţi, respectiv 1-10 luni pentru doctoranzi.

Mai multe informaţii aici.

30.04.2021 - pentru mobilități în 2021-2022

PosiTivE “Encouraging moments in a strange time?’ Photography Game Concurs de fotografie cu premii Ungaria Last year had a lot in store for all of us. We could learn much about ourselves, our surroundings, and how we can cope with turbulent times. Thinking about this period characterized by the epidemic, we may conclude that everything was bad about it. Yet, if we look deep inside our hearts, we can find plentiful positive memories.
At the University of Pécs, we intend to highlight those moments and events that put a positive spin on the dire situation, be those tiny, forward-looking memories or a long-lasting, deep-rooted impacts.
Our goal with this photography game is to showcase positive, heart-warming moments and experiences that may help amidst the hardships.

The participants are required to give a free licence of their photo(s) to UP (including making the photos public on UP’s sites) by filling in and signing the Application Form (licence agreement and data sheet).
The Data Sheet is available at: https://pte.hu/positivephoto
A maximum of 3 photos per person can be submitted. Image size: min. 5 MP.
Please write PosiTivE – UP Photogrpahy Game in the subject of your e-mail, and give a title and a short description to each of your photos. Please note that we can only accept your submission if you send us the filled-in datasheet and the signed license agreement.
A professional jury will choose the 50 best photos, which we will publish on UP’s official social media sites.
The top 3 participants will receive valuable prizes in both categories.
The jury will make its decision by 10 May 2021.
After the submission period, we will publish a collection of pre-selected photos for an audience poll. The photo receiving the most votes will receive a special award.
Later on, we will exhibit the photos (with the participants’ permission) at the UP’s and other partner universities’ campuses.
We will notify the participants about the results via e-mail.
More info: photo2021@pte.hu or https://pte.hu/positivephoto
Burse AUF pentru stagii doctorale Stagii doctorale cu durata de 3 luni în universități membre AUF Diverse țări

L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie Europe centrale et orientale lance un appel à candidatures pour des séjours scientifiques doctoraux de 3 mois consécutifs, au sein d’une université membre de l’AUF. L’appel s’adresse aux jeunes chercheurs inscrits en thèse dans une des universités membre de l’AUF en Europe centrale et orientale et il est ouvert jusqu'au 30 avril 2021 (23h00, heure de Bucarest).

Chaque bourse comprend la prise en charge du billet d’avion aller-retour, une couverture sociale et une allocation de séjour, s’encadrant dans une enveloppe de maximum 3000 €.

Mai multe informații aici.

Brno University of Technology International Summer School Școli de vară (cu taxă) Cehia The summer schools we are offering are: For more information, please check the following links below.
Summer University Lingen
(August 22 until September 4 2021)
Școală de vară (cu taxă) Germania Subject on bachelor and postgraduate level: Global Players and Hidden Champions: Business and Technology made in Germany.
The Summer University Lingen (SUL) takes a look at the backbone of Germany’s economy: family-owned medium-sized companies, the so-called German Mittelstand. The goal of the Summer University is to analyze the key success factors of the Mittelstand companies and to gain insight into their operations and management qualities. A unique feature of the SUL is the practical aspect: we will visit several medium-sized and family-owned companies. Students will attend lectures on topics such as International Management, International Marketing and Features of small and medium-sized enterprises.
We offer participants
•    a small classroom and a great learning environment (max. 15 students)
•    dedicated professors and staff and a great support team
•    modern learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment
•    several company visits and networking with company representatives to hear about possible job opportunities
•    a safe city with very welcoming and open-minded people
•    cultural activities
•    5 ECTS and a certificate of attendance
The program is taught in English.
If the COVID-19 situation does not allow an on-site SUL, we will offer a virtual program. The final decision will be announced early July 2021. During the application process, students will be asked (without obligation) whether they would also participate in an online version of the program.
Please find more information on our website
Please also have a look on our video of the Summer University Lingen 2018
LILLE European Summer Program Școală de vară (cu taxă) Franța - online Detalii aici. 01.05.2021
International Summer Schools at University of Angers Școală de vară (cu taxă) Franța

International Summer Schools at University of Angers offer the opportunity to develop academic skills in a great environment. Each program includes lectures, workshops, applied visits and an attractive social program.

5 programmes:

  • LumoMat: Functional p-electron systems: design, synthesis, and characterization
  • Vascular
  • Plant health and quality
  • Research
  • Simulation in healthcare

More details are available here.

15.03.2021 ("early bird")


The 2022-2023 Fulbright Student Award Bursă de studii Statele Unite ale Americii

The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission is pleased to announce the 2022-2023 Fulbright Student Award competition for master’s study or research in the United States. Applicants can be Romanian graduates – BA, MA or PhD students – from accredited public and private universities. BA students are also invited to apply if they are in their final year of undergraduate study.

Eligible fields: any academic field except the clinical ones (i.e. that include patient contact).

Grant duration: one academic year (9 months, starting August 2022)

The Fulbright Student Award provides: international travel, tuition and university fees within established budget limits, books and supplies allowance, accident/sickness insurance and a living stipend for one academic year.

Second-year costs for the Romanian Fulbright master’s students may be covered depending on funds availability as well as on proof of good academic standing during the first year of study.

More details here.

Persoană de contact în UPT:
Conf. Alexandru AMARICĂI

2nd International Soft Skills Academy for students Cursuri online de scurtă durată pentru studenți Online

Holon Institute of Technology (Israel) and the Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece), are thrilled to invite UPT students to attend the 2nd International Soft Skills Academy for students!

Lecture topics:

  • Soft skills assesment in a job interview
  • Personal branding on Linkedin
  • Business success in English
  • Developing intercultural intelligence
  • Building your problem solving skills
  • Effective time management
  • The art of bodytelling
  • Create a winning presentation
  • Public speaking & storytelling
*Lectures will take place between May 4th- 27th, 2021.
*Free of charge, but mandatory registration
*All workshops will be conducted in English via Zoom
*Link to registration here
Locurile la fiecare curs în parte se ocupă în ordinea înscrierii
"EUtopia 2021-27? Visions and Missions of Europe" Summer School Școală de vară online Online

This intensive but enjoyable online summer program (June 25 – July 2, 2021) examines the place and role of the European Union in the forthcoming 2021-27 period. Hot topics, such as the global pandemic, the post-COVID-19 era, how the EU can recover itself from political and economic points of view, will also be discussed.
Earned credits: 6 ECTS credits
Language of instruction: English
Platform: Microsoft Teams

The CEEPUS scholarship covers: full tuition, participation in various social activities for the duration of the program

Deadline of application: May 16, 2021
How to apply for the scholarship: APPLICATION FORM
If you have questions, please contact us at summerschoolpecs@pte.hu
For more information, visit https://summerschool.pte.hu/

BESCO Vitruvian science and education conference Conferință pentru studenți Online

BESCO Vitruvian, a science and education conference, is organized by IZTECH Bioengineering Student Community. It aims to bring together researchers in Biomaterials Science and Tissue Engineering fields around the globe to exchange ideas and to inform curious students about the cutting-edge research conducted in these fields.

The conference will be held on 22 May 2021.

Register here.

TECHNITIVE Altran/Capgemini Engineering --> REALIDAD AUMENTADA, EDGE COMPUTING, 5G.... Webinar Online La realidad virtual y aumentada está experimentando un auge sin precedentes, lo que unido a la velocidad que nos proveen las redes 5G y al aumento de las capacidades gráficas que nos brinda el Edge Computing, harán que en un futuro cercano puedan existir entornos en los que convivan espacios físicos y virtuales, a través de gemelos digitales, o que se puedan generar interacciones complejas con otras personas de forma remota. Además, los dispositivos hápticos complementan la experiencia sensorial y nos permitirán percibir sensaciones como si fueran reales.
Durante esta charla exploraremos todas estas tecnologías, así como la combinación de las mismas, a través de ejemplos reales de su aplicación. ¡Te esperamos!

URL para INSCRIPCIONES en https://rebrand.ly/technitive
Vrei să fii ambasaDOR de învățare? Recrutare voluntari -

Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale recrutează ambasadori de învățare: elevi, profesori, lucrători de tineret, studenți, voluntari, care au trăit direct experiența unui proiect european, care simt că așa au învățat și au crescut, și care sunt
dornici să dea mai departe povestea lor, împreună cu informații despre programele Erasmus+ și Corpul European de Solidaritate.

Detalii aici.

Concurs francofon “Prix des jeunes écritures RFI-AUF” Concurs literar -

L'AUF, Radio France Internationale (RFI) et Short Edition organisent pour la troisième année consécutive le Prix des jeunes écritures RFI-AUF. L’objectif de ce jeu de création littéraire est de promouvoir l’écriture et la lecture du français à travers la littérature courte. Il est aussi de découvrir de nouveaux talents et de donner une chance aux passionnés d’écriture et de littérature de se révéler à eux-mêmes et à leur public.

Ce concours est ouvert aux jeunes francophones du monde entier, âgés de 18 à 29 ans et inscrits dans l’un des 1007 établissements membres de l’AUF à travers le monde ou à l’Etablissement spécialisé de la Francophonie pour l’Administration et le Management (ESFAM).

Detalii aici.

Women in Economics Scholarship Burse pentru masterande din domeniul economic  Germania The European Central Bank is offering grants, worth €10,000 each, to five female economics students.

Are you a woman currently enrolled, or about to enroll, in a Master’s course in economics at a university or business school in Europe? If so, our Women in Economics Scholarship could be for you!

The funding is intended to help finance your studies. Successful candidates will also have the opportunity to visit the European Central Bank to gain an insight into our cutting-edge research and learn about the career opportunities we offer.

More information here.

Burse pentru școală de vară în Serbia oferite prin ACBS Burse pentru curs de limba sârbă Serbia (online)

Cursul se va derula online pe platforma ZOOM în perioada 5 – 23 iulie 2021.

Detalii aici.

Science & You : AppelAUF  à candidatures pour les  doctorant.e.s : Marathon de la médiation Curs pentru doctoranzi - Cet appel s'adresse à tou.te.s les doctorants francophones, quels que soient leur domaine de recherche, leur nationalité ou leur expérience en médiation des sciences. A l’issue de l’appel à participation, 56 jeunes chercheurs seront retenus pour participer à une formation délivrée sous la forme d’un marathon de la médiation, offrant 15 heures d’ateliers encadrés par des créatifs et des médiateurs, avec un même objectif : vulgariser la recherche. Les critères de sélections sont ceux de la diversité et de la motivation à participer. Une sélection de doctorant.e.s dont l’université est membre de l’AUF Europe de l’Ouest, sera faite par l’AUF, parmi celles et ceux sélectionnés pour participer aux formations de Science&You.

Detalii aici.
Prezentări nou program de licență "Smart Automation" oferit de Campus02 University of Applied Sciences Program complet de licență în limba engleză Online

Automation and digitalization are the success factors in the economy, which is why there is an urgent need in the economy for academic technical specialists.
Therefore, we are offering the new 6-semester full-time bachelor's degree program "Smart Automation" from the winter semester 2021/2022. The focus of the new degree program is on digitalization and internationalization, which is why the technical focus is on computer science and electronics in the context of automation and the degree program is taught entirely in English. Electives allow specialization in three different directions: Product, Process, or Production.

Information sessions: 
13.03.2021, 10:30-11:00 or 13:30-14:00 - House of Automation - Labore für die Zukunft (Labs for the future) - in German

13.03.2021, 12:00-12:30 or 15:00 - 15:30 - Get started with the new bachelor degree programme in „Smart Automation"

22.04.2021, from 16:00 - Get started with the new bachelor degree programme in „Smart Automation"

29.05.2021, from 10:00 - Get started with the new bachelor degree programme in „Smart Automation"



Baden-Württemberg Scholarship 2021-2022 Bursă de studii Germania

The Baden-Württemberg Stipendium is a scholarship funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, a non-profit organisation which strives to promote a lively and sustainable state of Baden-Württemberg. This foundation aims to strengthen international cooperation between the state of Baden-Württemberg and the rest of the world .

We would like to award scholarships to students who plan to study at the Duale Hochschule Villingen-Schwenningen for one or more semesters during the 2021-2022 academic year. Each selected scholarship recipient will be awarded €700 per month for one semester abroad (4 months).

1.Good or excellent grade-point averages.
2.Foreign language competency in German or English.
3.A particular interest in extra-curricular involvement at their university and in the community.
4. Scholarship recipients may not receive any other scholarships (e.g. ERASMUS) during their time abroad.

Students have to apply online for the Baden-Württemberg scholarship with the following link. Program line: BWS University Students
Please select: Guest University in Baden-Württemberg: "DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen".
Students will then receive a password via e-mail and can log in to the data-base to complete the application and upload the following documents:
-motivation letter (max. 1-2 pages)
-letter of recommendation (please use recommendation form attached)
-proof of language proficiency (English or German)
-transcript of records

The deadlines for applications are:
- 30 May 2021 for the Fall Semester 2021 (Please note: lectures of the fall semester 2021 will take place online. Virtual mobility cannot be sponsored. Students who study from their home country are not eligible for a scholarship.)
- 30 October 2021 for the Spring Semester 2022.

30.05.2021 (pentru semestrul 1 2021-2022)

Summer School programme on "Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy" Școală de vară (cu taxă) Italia

Objectives and training program - The Summer School, organized by the Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, continues the conversation on “displaced lives and vulnerability” in the Euro-Mediterranean area, through various practical and theoretical contexts. The aim of this year edition is focused on a number of ethnographical insights of the refugees/forced migrants at the EU borders and the challenges of human trafficking and modern slavery forms. The life narratives of the refugees and displaced population, experiences of various NGOs and international organizations, will be an essential part of the five intensive-studying days of the program. By access to the situation “on the ground”, the participants will have a unique opportunity to grasp the lives of refugees and displaced population as multisided prospectus of different personal and institutional levels, and understand how they are linked to each other, and above all to the daily lives of the displaced population in the borders.

Activities - Lectures, workshops, guided visits and round-table discussion will be held from Monday to Fri-day, with compulsory attendance (90%) in streaming or in presence. In addition, you will visit some places of interest and have open space for participants to share their experiences and field research. At the end of the course, attendees will be given a certificate of participation and successful completion of the program (6 ECTS). The official language will be English but some activities might be in Italian with a direct English translation.

Fee: The registration fee (€ 400) provides inclusive tuition, didactic material, conference kit, coffee breaks, lunches; travel and accommodation costs are not included.
How to apply: Download the application form (www.migrationsummerschool.com) and send it by May 31 to summermigrantiunipa@gmail.com. In the subject of your email, please write “Migrants, Human Rights, Democracy Summer School 2021 - University of Palermo”. Selected participants will be notified by June 7. You will be expected to confirm your attendance and pay at your arrival.

Learn more here.

Summer Program 2021 (Online) of the HU GLA at the Language Center of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Curs online de limba germană online The Online registration for the Summer Program 2021 (Online) of the HU German Language Academy (HU GLA) is now open!
We offer German as a foreign language courses (DaF), which are especially suited for international participants who are not enrolled at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Our winter and summer courses cover German language levels A2 to C2 and take place between semesters.
At the HU GLA students will experience how language learning and cultural experience become one!
You can find more information about our Summer Program 2021 (Online) on our website:
Școli de vară oferite de  Universitatea din Ljubljana Școală de vară cu/fără taxă de participare Slovenia / online Faculties and Academies of the University of Ljubljana offer more than 20 summer school courses in 2021 from a wide variety of disciplines: from economic and business sciences, law to social work and technical sciences. The most traditional ones are the summer school programs organized by the Faculty of Arts: the 57th Seminar of Slovenian Language, Literature and Culture, and the 40th Summer School of Slovenian Language attracting more Slovenian language enthusiasts from all over the world each year. You can find more detailed information on the summer school courses at our website www.uni-lj.si/study/summerschools. Diverse termene limită
Școli de vară oferite de Universidad de Alcalá Școli de vară Spania Detalii: aici. Diverse termene limită
The Global Entangoment of Central Europe Summer School Școală de vară (fără taxă de participare) Ungaria

Școala de vară se va desfășura în perioada 28.06.2021 – 02.07.2021 la Koszeg (Ungaria). Programul se adresează masteranzilor, doctoranzilor și cercetătorilor. Fără taxă de participare.

Detalii aici.

German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU): Doctoral Scholarship Programme Granturi de cercetare pentru doctorat în domeniul protecției mediului Germania

Early-career scientists from all countries of origin and any subject carrying out further research work into the field of environmental protection at a higher-education institution in Germany are invited to apply for one of the 60 doctoral scholarships awarded each year. The programme's aim is to support young academics and build an interdisciplinary network of experts on the environment. To this end, the scholarships help finance doctoral theses which clearly address topical environmental issues and contribute to developing viable and sustainable solutions in this field. The concept of building support networks promotes active cooperation between the DBU and its alumni.

The scholarship amount is of EUR 1,500 per month which are granted over a maximum period of three years. Additional benefits include a monthly lump sum for material and travel costs. Further contributions to material expenses are paid in exceptional cases, and scholars with children are granted child support.

More details here.

International Virtual Tech Camp - Discover Innovation and Engineering in France Școală de vară Online EPF Ecole d'ingenieur-e-s is organizing the International Virtual Tech Camp on Engineering.
The Tech Camp, fully taught in English, is a wonderful opportunity for students to discover France and different fields of French Engineering.

The second edition of Tech Camp brings together various engineering fields and explains how to acquire the hard and soft skills to become an exquisite and innovative engineering professional.

We invite worldwide bachelor and master degree students and  also students at the end of their secondary level studies who want to continue their studies in the field of engineering in France or those who are just curious, to join us for five days of science, innovation, and fun.

Learn more:
TECHNITIVE Altran/Capgemini Engineering --> El futuro de la movilidad urbana Webinar Online Desde drones y aerotaxis hasta coches conectados o autónomos y el ya famoso 5G….: ¿hacia dónde evolucionará la movilidad? El campo de la movilidad en las ciudades está desarrollándose fuertemente desde diferentes áreas como la automoción, la aeronáutica y las telecomunicaciones. En este webinar del ciclo Technitive contaremos con cuatro profesionales del sector, descubriremos todas las opciones que se están desarrollando para impulsar esta digitalización del transporte y presentaremos algunos de los proyectos actuales que desarrolla el área de I+D de Capgemini Engineering.

URL para INSCRIPCIONES en  https://www.eventbrite.es/e/entradas-technitive-el-futuro-de-la-movilidad-urbana-155916948791
Cursuri online la Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Villingen-Schwenningen Mobilitate virtuală Online

We would like to inform you about the possibility to participate in extracurricular online courses taking place at DHBW during the Fall Semester 2021 (September 02 – December 23, 2021). Since not all students who would have liked to go abroad during the coming semester have the opportunity to do so, we would like to offer them a chance to connect with other students from various countries and participate in courses from another university.
Students should fill out the form, choose the course(s) and send it to claudiu.albulescu@upt.ro, Head of the Department for International Relations, in order to sign the application form as well and send it to the organisers by June 25th, 2021.

Please note the following information:

  • There are limited places available in each course. Places will be distributed on a first come first serve basis, i.e. depending on when we receive the application and selection of courses.
  • Courses will take place Monday – Friday between 9 am – 7 pm German time, possibly on Saturdays (depending on the course(s)).
  • Students are allowed to apply for up to three online courses.  
  • Participation in the DHBW VS online course(s) cannot be considered as an official semester abroad. Participation in the online course(s) does not replace classes/courses at the home university.
  • Students will not be enrolled at DHBW VS while completing the online course(s).
  • Students will not receive an official Transcript of Records from DHBW VS. If they participated regularly in the course(s) and completed it (them) successfully, they will receive a Certificate of Participation including the workload and topics for each course.

List of courses
The application form should be requested by e-mail to adriana.iacob@upt.ro.

Concours international d’entrepreneuriat étudiant : 60 secondes pour convaincre Concurs  - Detalii aici. 26.06.2021
European Parliament Traineeships Stagiu de practică remunerat în perioada 01.10.2021 - 28.02.2022 pentru absolvenți de programe de licență, masterat sau doctorat Belgia, Franța, Luxembourg Bursă: Valoarea bursei depinde de țara în care se desfășoară stagiul (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/at-your-service/files/work-with-us/traineeships/home-page/monthly-grants-and-allowances-2020-en.pdf) + 250 EUR ptr. transport
Număr de locuri: ~900 stagiari pe an
Tipuri de stagii:
o   Stagii la Secretariatul Parlamentului European (Robert Schuman Traineeships)
o   Stagii în cabinetele parlamentarilor europeni
Criterii de eligibilitate pentru stagii la Secretariatul Parlamentului European:
o   Absolvent de program de studii universitare cu durata de minim 3 ani (180 ECTS);
o   Cunoștințe foarte bune de limba engleză, franceză sau germană, plus o altă limbă oficială din UE (de ex. limba română);
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații care au lucrat sau au efectuat stagii la instituții europene cu durata mai mare de 2 luni;
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații care au efectuat o vizită de studiu la Secretariatul Parlamentului European în cele 6 luni anterioare începerii stagiului;
Criterii de eligibilitate pentru stagii în cabinetele parlamentarilor europeni:
o   Cetățenie a unui stat membru UE sau a unui stat candidat. Cetățenii statelor terțe pot să efectueze stagiul dacă condițiile pentru obținerea vizei sunt respectate;
o   Nivel de studii: cel puțin diplomă de bacalaureat;
o   Cunoștințe bune a unei limbi oficiale în UE;
o   Nu sunt eligibili candidații are au efectuat anterior un stagiu la cabinetul unui parlamentar european, sau cei care ar avea un contract de muncă în paralel cu stagiul de practică;
Mai multe detalii aici.
Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD): Eastern Europe Programme Granturi pentru studenți, doctoranzi, cadre didactice de religie catolică sau recomandați de o organizație catolică Germania

The KAAD is the scholarship institution of the catholic Church in Germany. Applicants for this programme are from Central, Eastern and South-east Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and of catholic faith. In exceptional cases candidates may have differing denominations, if they are recommended by catholic partner organisations. Candidates must demonstrate good proficiency in German.

Eligibility criteria include

a) international junior researchers and post-graduates

  • who have completed their studies in their home countries and wish to spend a research stay or broaden their scientific knowledge in Germany or
  •  who wish to carry out post-graduate studies in Germany (including training for qualified physicians). Entire Master programmes will be sponsored only if they cannot be carried out in the candidates’ home countries

b) higher-education teaching staff invited to do short-term research stays of up to six months in Germany.
c) students carrying out a Master’s course in their home countries who are planning a regular research stay at a German higher-education institution of one semester. The stay in Germany should mainly aim at material gathering and interchange with German teaching staff within the context of the Magister/Master or Diploma thesis to be completed in the candidates’ home countries. Academic recognition of periods of study spent at the German higher-education institution in the country of origin should be ensured. Sponsorships are awarded to students from any subject area (with the exception of theology).

More details here.

Burse de studii în Iordania oferite prin ACBS Burse pentru studii complete de licență, masterat sau doctorat Iordania

Agenția de Credite și Burse de Studii (A.C.B.S.) vă aduce la cunoștință oferta de burse pentru anul universitar 2021/2022, acordate în baza Programului de cooperare în domeniile educației, culturii, turismului și mass-media între Guvernul României și Guvernul Regatului Hașemit al Iordaniei și a Adresei Ministerului Afacerilor Externe nr. E 1-1/2023, înregistrată la A.C.B.S. cu nr. 991/01.09.2020:
- 3 burse pentru studii de licență;
- 2 burse pentru studii de masterat;
- 2 burse pentru studii de doctorat.
Se acordă an pregătitor, pentru învățarea limbii părții primitoare, dacă este cazul.
Toate bursele vor fi acordate în domenii care exclud domeniul sănătate.

Informații suplimentare aici.

Summer Academy in Budapest Școală de vară (cu taxă) Ungaria

Come to learn about Value-Creating Development in a motivating international environment!
We would like to invite you to participate in MCC Summer Academy, a 10-day long international conference with a group of motivated students and young professionals, with future-oriented thinking. The event is held between 12-22 August in Budapest, Hungary. Organized by the students of Mathias Corvinus Collegium, the conference offers thought-provoking lectures by renowned professors and gives you a holistic view on the highly relevant topic of Value-Creating Development. Additionally, with our leisure programs, MCC Summer Academy will provide you with unforgettable experiences. To register, visit our website and our Facebook event!

Link to website: https://summeracademy.mcc.hu/
Link to Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/467589431210007
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers at the following e-mail address: summeracademy@mcc.hu

Candidaturile sunt acceptate pe măsură ce se primesc
Technical University of Munich Global Week Webinare Online

•    Coming to TUM – An introduction to exchange opportunities. (July 08, 2021. 12.30 pm – 02.30 pm [CEST]). This event is aimed at partner universities and also directly at students who are interested to come to TUM for an exchange. We will introduce requirements and opportunities for a stay abroad at TUM. On top of that, we will also introduce you to Munich, as an exchange is about immersing yourself into a new culture and therefore goes beyond the academic aspect.
•    Fit for studying in Germany – An intercultural workshop. (July 09, 2021. 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. [CEST]). Does studying at a German university in Munich differ from studying back home? How do some of the differences in communication styles between professors, students, and advisors reflect general German cultural standards and values? In this taster workshop, you deepen your knowledge about Germany and the Germans and also do some self-reflection on how cultures have shaped and influenced your life so far.
Learn more about the TUM Global Week: here

1st Mobility in Transition Summer School Școală de vară pentru masteranzi sau doctoranzi (fără taxă de participare) Online The Technical University of Dresden and the Boysen Research Training Group warmly invite Master students, PhD students and young professionals to take part in the 1st Mobility in Transition Summer School.
The event will take place from 20th to 21st of July 2021 and will be held online. It will be an academic space to discuss possible development paths for future mobility in an interdisciplinary setup.
We kindly request to share this information with your outreach group. Applications are open until 16th of July 2021.
Further information can be found on our website www.tu-dresden.de/mw/boysen-summerschool.


   Termene limita: 01.09.2022 - 31.08.2023. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2022. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2020. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2019. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2017 - 31.08.2018. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2016 - 31.08.2017. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita: 01.09.2015 - 31.08.2016. Burse de studii, granturi pentru stagii de practica si cercetare, scoli de vara, cursuri intensive. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si ab...
   Termene limita cuprinse intre 01.09.2014 - 30.08.2015. Burse de studii, stagii de practica si cercetare. Scoli de vara. Conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi. Pentru a pr...
   Burse pentru studii, stagii de practica, cercetare, specializare, conferinte si concursuri pentru studenti si absolventi promovate in anul universitar 2013-2014.
   Arhiva oportunitati de studii, practica si angajare in strainatate
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